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Where would Geno go in this year's draft?

Gastineau Lives

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This years draft a LOT stronger than last years'. With all the WR's and QB's this year, I think Geno would fall to the 3rd round. But that's OK, I think he was good value at where we selected him last year.

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Well last year there was a dearth of teams that had a pressing need for QB, or at least didn't think they had one. Cleveland, Minnesota, Jacksonville etc. were still working on the Weeden, Ponder, Gabbert projects. One could say he would go higher actually.


Would he be drafted ahead of guys like Carr, Bortles, etc.?

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It is tough to speculate.  If you look at Geno's college numbers, they are equal to or better than Teddy Bridgewater's.  The one area where Bridgewater is superior is in his running numbers, but we have seen that Geno can run as well.  I would probably rank him third behind Bridgewater and McCarron and in front of the others.  I know there is a lot of Blake Bortles love right now, but I don't see it.

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Well last year there was a dearth of teams that had a pressing need for QB, or at least didn't think they had one. Cleveland, Minnesota, Jacksonville etc. were still working on the Weeden, Ponder, Gabbert projects. One could say he would go higher actually.


Would he be drafted ahead of guys like Carr, Bortles, etc.?

Good Point.... didn't think about the # of teams who have now given up on their "Project" QB's. Maybe he would have gone higher

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It is tough to speculate.  If you look at Geno's college numbers, they are equal to or better than Teddy Bridgewater's.  The one area where Bridgewater is superior is in his running numbers, but we have seen that Geno can run as well.  I would probably rank him third behind Bridgewater and McCarron and in front of the others.  I know there is a lot of Blake Bortles love right now, but I don't see it.

Ahead of johnny football? Granted im no scout but kid looks like real deal to these untrained eyes.

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Someone is going to fall in love with him, but I think when he throws for scouts, there is going to be a lot of doubts about his arm strength.


I don't see him making it out of the top 5. cleveland will draft him or trade with someone who wants him imho

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I don't know the answer, but this is a GREAT question.

 The answer is simple. He dropped to the 2nd round in the WORST QB draft in the past 20 years. This years class is loaded and he probably would be about the 10th QB at best off the board. Anything before the 3rd or 4th round for Geno this year would be a pipedream.
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 The answer is simple. He dropped to the 2nd round in the WORST QB draft in the past 20 years. This years class is loaded and he probably would be about the 10th QB at best off the board. Anything before the 3rd or 4th round for Geno this year would be a pipedream.


If you look at last year's draft, it was also a bad year to BE a draft-eligible quarterback. The number of teams that were quarterback desperate were few and far between. There were more teams that "could use" a quarterback as opposed to "must have" one. Kind of the position we are in this year, which is why we're not taking one this year.


Are we going to be revisionists and claim that Blake Bortles or Carr are considered better prospects than Geno was?

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The answer is simple.  Wherever Tahj Boyd gets drafted; they're pretty much the same guy. 

Smith had his passing stats inflated by Tavon Austin and whats-his-name (Bailey?), and Boyd got his numbers from Watkins and that other dude. 

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The answer is simple.  Wherever Tahj Boyd gets drafted; they're pretty much the same guy. 

Smith had his passing stats inflated by Tavon Austin and whats-his-name (Bailey?), and Boyd got his numbers from Watkins and that other dude. 


Geno would go in front of Tahj Boyd.  He is a better downfield thrower than Boyd and is at least 3 inches taller than Boyd.

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If you look at last year's draft, it was also a bad year to BE a draft-eligible quarterback. The number of teams that were quarterback desperate were few and far between. There were more teams that "could use" a quarterback as opposed to "must have" one. Kind of the position we are in this year, which is why we're not taking one this year.


Are we going to be revisionists and claim that Blake Bortles or Carr are considered better prospects than Geno was?

 I dont buy the "more teams need a QB" theory and here's why. If you are a legitimate prospect, teams that may be iffy will probably take you, as its very tough (obviously) to find a real Franchise guy, but if you are a so-so project like Geno obviously was and is, teams will find it easy to pass on you.

I dont care what year a prospect like Bridgewater, or Luck, or RGIII etc go in, they will get drafted high because they are such a talent, and a guy like Geno, no matter how desperate teams may be, they may still pass on him, based on the fact, that he's just not very good.

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 I dont buy the "more teams need a QB" theory and here's why. If you are a legitimate prospect, teams that may be iffy will probably take you, as its very tough (obviously) to find a real Franchise guy, but if you are a so-so project like Geno obviously was and is, teams will find it easy to pass on you.

I dont care what year a prospect like Bridgewater, or Luck, or RGIII etc go in, they will get drafted high because they are such a talent, and a guy like Geno, no matter how desperate teams may be, they may still pass on him, based on the fact, that he's just not very good.


How do you explain the 2011 draft?     Ponder, Locker, Gabbert went in 5 picks from 9-13.   


Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith, Cade McNown, Rex Grossman, Heath Shuler.....the list goes on and on.   

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 I dont buy the "more teams need a QB" theory and here's why. If you are a legitimate prospect, teams that may be iffy will probably take you, as its very tough (obviously) to find a real Franchise guy, but if you are a so-so project like Geno obviously was and is, teams will find it easy to pass on you.

I dont care what year a prospect like Bridgewater, or Luck, or RGIII etc go in, they will get drafted high because they are such a talent, and a guy like Geno, no matter how desperate teams may be, they may still pass on him, based on the fact, that he's just not very good.



Okay, then I guess the onus is on you to furnish proof of your theory. Go to the list of teams drafting that year in the first round and tell me who they pass on instead of taking Blake Bortles or Carr. Tell me the teams that give up on second year first round QBs to take another QB instead of drafting a Luke Joeckel or someone else of that calibre.

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The answer is simple.  Wherever Tahj Boyd gets drafted; they're pretty much the same guy. 

Smith had his passing stats inflated by Tavon Austin and whats-his-name (Bailey?), and Boyd got his numbers from Watkins and that other dude. 


The answers is anything but simple. 


You have to consider the league-wide need for QBs this year, vs. last year.


You have to consider the league-wide need for every other position this year, vs. last year... relative to the depth of talent in this draft, vs. last year's draft at EVERY position.


You have to consider the overall depth at QB in this year's draft, vs. last year.


You have to consider the offensive trends in the NFL this year, vs. last year and how Geno fits into them, vs. the guys in this year's draft.


Ultimately it's a damn-near impossible thing to calculate... that said, I'm pretty much a genius, so I'm going to go with late 3rd round.

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 I dont buy the "more teams need a QB" theory and here's why. If you are a legitimate prospect, teams that may be iffy will probably take you, as its very tough (obviously) to find a real Franchise guy, but if you are a so-so project like Geno obviously was and is, teams will find it easy to pass on you.

I dont care what year a prospect like Bridgewater, or Luck, or RGIII etc go in, they will get drafted high because they are such a talent, and a guy like Geno, no matter how desperate teams may be, they may still pass on him, based on the fact, that he's just not very good.



How do you explain the 2011 draft?     Ponder, Locker, Gabbert went in 5 picks from 9-13.   


Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith, Cade McNown, Rex Grossman, Heath Shuler.....the list goes on and on.   




Okay, then I guess the onus is on you to furnish proof of your theory. Go to the list of teams drafting that year in the first round and tell me who they pass on instead of taking Blake Bortles or Carr. Tell me the teams that give up on second year first round QBs to take another QB instead of drafting a Luke Joeckel or someone else of that calibre.




Geno was never considered a project.




At this point in the off-season, it's almost worth starting new threads just to watch the same people put on an exhibition of knowing nothing in different areas of discussion.

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How do you explain the 2011 draft?     Ponder, Locker, Gabbert went in 5 picks from 9-13.   


Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith, Cade McNown, Rex Grossman, Heath Shuler.....the list goes on and on.

 There's needy and then theirs blind faith DESPERATE. This is a classic example of that.
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Okay, then I guess the onus is on you to furnish proof of your theory. Go to the list of teams drafting that year in the first round and tell me who they pass on instead of taking Blake Bortles or Carr. Tell me the teams that give up on second year first round QBs to take another QB instead of drafting a Luke Joeckel or someone else of that calibre.

 Isnt Geno a second year SECOND ROUND QB, not a 1st rounder? Big difference.
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