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Can Evans or Enunwa step up next year


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Don't know that we saw anything in camp from these guys this year.   Even as rookies not being able to beat out the crew that made the roster is not a good sign.  Not enough to prevent the Jets from filling their roster spots in next year's draft.


They will still be on the roster next year, at least for camp, but they haven't showed anythig to make the team think that they don't have to pursue WR's in the next draft.


The only WR's guaranteed to be on the roster next year are Decker, and Kerley

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Both Enunwa and Evans seemed very raw to me. Their injuries and whatever is going on with Enunwa is concerning. They'll definitely have a chance to prove themselves next camp. It would be ideal for one of them to be somewhat good lol

One of them could always turn out to be a player, but the 2015 draft appears to have a few good WR's again.  Are we going to pass on them in hopes that this year's mistakes are going to have an Epiphany.


Lord I hope not 

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Don't know that we saw anything in camp from these guys this year.   Even as rookies not being able to beat out the crew that made the roster is not a good sign.  Not enough to prevent the Jets from filling their roster spots in next year's draft.


They will still be on the roster next year, at least for camp, but they haven't showed anythig to make the team think that they don't have to pursue WR's in the next draft.


The only WR's guaranteed to be on the roster next year are Decker, and Kerley


Seriously, if you've stepped foot on a Jets practice field as a WR and couldnt beat out David Nelson, Greg Salad, TJ Graham and whatever other piece of sh*t of sh*t they've rolled out there, then you're never going to play in this league.


I'll give Evans the benefit of the doubt with the injury and all, but the likely hood of either of these guys making the 53 man roster is extremely low.  

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Don't know that we saw anything in camp from these guys this year.   Even as rookies not being able to beat out the crew that made the roster is not a good sign.  Not enough to prevent the Jets from filling their roster spots in next year's draft.


They will still be on the roster next year, at least for camp, but they haven't showed anythig to make the team think that they don't have to pursue WR's in the next draft.


The only WR's guaranteed to be on the roster next year are Decker, and Kerley



Evans was hurt very early in camp

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I actually have some hope for Quincy, he showed some promise in training camp.  I would not at all be surprised to see one or both of Shaq and Q make the 53 next year and contribute. Shaq had an uphill battle with how UCLA's system made him miss all of rookie camp and then got stung with the injury. 

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Evans was hurt very early in camp


but he was already dropping balls.  We were all happy he got hurt to "redshirt" him.  As Broadway Joe mentions below, he missed the voluntary camp because of school,which may have contributed to him being behind, but early on he was behind the other two.  Not a likely candidate, but who knows?


I actually have some hope for Quincy, he showed some promise in training camp.  I would not at all be surprised to see one or both of Shaq and Q make the 53 next year and contribute. Shaq had an uphill battle with how UCLA's system made him miss all of rookie camp and then got stung with the injury. 


Enunwa showed the most according to the reports I read and he was the most raw, so I have some hope for him.  If he is only being kept off the active roster by the domestic violence thing, maybe...   Otherwise, he is also probably hopeless.

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but he was already dropping balls.  We were all happy he got hurt to "redshirt" him.  As Broadway Joe mentions below, he missed the voluntary camp because of school,which may have contributed to him being behind, but early on he was behind the other two.  Not a likely candidate, but who knows?



Enunwa showed the most according to the reports I read and he was the most raw, so I have some hope for him.  If he is only being kept off the active roster by the domestic violence thing, maybe...   Otherwise, he is also probably hopeless.


I think Evans' head was swimming after not being at rookie camp; missing that much football and trying to play catch-up will make anyone lose focus and have the drops.  I assumed he was going to contribute immediately, because he was one of the better punt-returners in the PAC that year as well, which is something I think gets overlooked.  I  also remember watching UCLA in order to see Hundley play and Evans was all over field, I still have expectations of him contributing next year.

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I think Evans' head was swimming after not being at rookie camp; missing that much football and trying to play catch-up will make anyone lose focus and have the drops.  I assumed he was going to contribute immediately, because he was one of the better punt-returners in the PAC that year as well, which is something I think gets overlooked.  I  also remember watching UCLA in order to see Hundley play and Evans was all over field, I still have expectations of him contributing next year.


I know an alum that works with that program a lot and asked him about Evans.  He said that if he came in and worked hard he would be great.  He was worried about how Evans would adapt to NY and he is a NY kid. He said if Evans came in thinking he was a god he'd be gone quick.  

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I know an alum that works with that program a lot and asked him about Evans.  He said that if he came in and worked hard he would be great.  He was worried about how Evans would adapt to NY and he is a NY kid. He said if Evans came in thinking he was a god he'd be gone quick.  


The alum is from NY? Because Evans I'm pretty sure is a Cali kid, which is I thought what caused him to transfer from ND back to the west coast.  Either way, I still think if he can grasp the playbook, we'll see more of him and Q than the street guys we've seen the last two years.

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 But some pretty good reeivers had the drops early on in their careers.  Just saying......


There are WR's who have corrected their case of the dropsies. But i am willing to bet that the probability of such turn around is a small number.


I would be glad he if he corrects it. Plus in his case specially some of the drops he made in college it appeared to be case of lack of focus which can be corrected.


But given the JETS futility at developing WR's and the issues he had with drops in training camp with amazing regularity its safe to say he wont have contributed this season and now since he is out for an entire season he most probably takes atleast the entire next season to develop. So lets wait and see. Good thing we have him for 4 years like Stephen Hill.

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There are WR's who have corrected their case of the dropsies. But i am willing to bet that the probability of such turn around is a small number.


I would be glad he if he corrects it. Plus in his case specially some of the drops he made in college it appeared to be case of lack of focus which can be corrected.


But given the JETS futility at developing WR's and the issues he had with drops in training camp with amazing regularity its safe to say he wont have contributed this season and now since he is out for an entire season he most probably takes atleast the entire next season to develop. So lets wait and see. Good thing we have him for 4 years like Stephen Hill.



Well I would unload this Lal guy forthwith.  Jet wideouts do not battle.

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The alum is from NY? Because Evans I'm pretty sure is a Cali kid, which is I thought what caused him to transfer from ND back to the west coast.  Either way, I still think if he can grasp the playbook, we'll see more of him and Q than the street guys we've seen the last two years.


Yeah.  The alum is NY guy that played at UCLA and is always bringing members of the program around to Italy. I asked him about Evans and he touted Paul Richardson (went to Colorado after being kicked out of UCLA) cause he played with his Dad, Paul Sr who was with a bunch of teams, including apparently the Jets.  I don't think Paul Sr ever got much run. 

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With the addition of Harvin I am wondering if any of our remaining 2014 draft WRs are talented enough to contribute next year.  Be nice to be able to move on from WR and focus on CBs and O line.  Did we see enough in camp this year?


Probably not. WRs taken that late in the draft usually fall into that 3rd year WR breakout timeline, which IMO is perfect. We have right-now guys, and we have developmental guys. 

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Probably not. WRs taken that late in the draft usually fall into that 3rd year WR breakout timeline, which IMO is perfect. We have right-now guys, and we have developmental guys. 


Trouble with that development is that only one guy is even really on roster (Evans).  I don't really count the PS since anybody can sign him at the end of the year. 

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I'm not sure to be honest.  I think they have the physical tool set to be good, I"m not sure about their execution.  Evans actually just from his physical measurable compared very similar to Justin Blackmon I believe according to some site (I forgot the name) based on their combine numbers.   And I think the same site had Enunwa as somewhat similar from just a pure numbers point from the combines to Braylon when he came out.  Obviously these guys were much more polished than the ones we got, but the physical potential is there.  I'm just not sure we'll be able to develop them into anything, because we seem to have a horrible time developing WRs.  

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Anyone see how Evans catches the ball? Makes me nervous. 


What scares you?  I heard he was bad for the short time he was in camp, but he was supposed to be a solid possession guy.  I only saw highlights, but he seemed to catch pretty smoothly to me.  Some clips where he seemed to tend to jump, but otherwise he seemed capable of doing what you want.  Obviously those are only highlights, but he *can* do what you want. 


I'm not sure to be honest.  I think they have the physical tool set to be good, I"m not sure about their execution.  Evans actually just from his physical measurable compared very similar to Justin Blackmon I believe according to some site (I forgot the name) based on their combine numbers.   And I think the same site had Enunwa as somewhat similar from just a pure numbers point from the combines to Braylon when he came out.  Obviously these guys were much more polished than the ones we got, but the physical potential is there.  I'm just not sure we'll be able to develop them into anything, because we seem to have a horrible time developing WRs.  


Combine-wise, Enunwa was better than Evans.  He's bigger, stronger and more than a half tenth faster.  I think Evans is more polished. 

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