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Bowles Sees no Need to Play Young QB’s


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2 minutes ago, UnitedWhofans said:

The weird thing is that Jets fans want to see the young QBs play, yet are worried about the Giants drafting a franchise QB because it would take away the Jets doing that. 

That seems a bit at odds. If you don't believe in the young QBs why would you play them?

If you do believe in the young QBs, why would you care about draft position for a QB?

Most jet fans want accountability for the state of that position.

If the team has 100% decided that neither Petty or Hack are any good and not even worthy pf taking a regular season snap then both of those young guys should have been cut after camp or at least one of them and there is no  way in hell either should set foot in camp come next year.

Also, if both of those guys are so bad they cannot get any snaps ahead of a 38 year old 1 year contract jag then McCanan should be fired at the end of the year.

The reality of the situation in my mind is this.  The GM still thinks these young guys can possibly play but does not know for sure and the only way you really find out is getting them in reg season game time.  The coach thinks both stink and wants nothing to do with them.

In my opinion I agree with the coach in hackenburg, he has stunk since day one and will always stink and will never play in this league.  I disagree with him about Petty.  Petty has shown enough to warrant one more look and he played terrific in his last ex game.

Worst case scenario for next year is as follows, we come into camp with one or both of those young guys, and old vet and a new draft pick.  The only way to justify the young guys not getting a look is if they are both cut at the end of the year. 



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15 minutes ago, SMC said:

This is really the worst possible season for the Jets.  Relying on a journeyman QB to be slightly worse than mediocre which prevents them from (1) getting a high pick for a needed QB and (2) develop the young QBs on the roster.

Anyone can throw 5 yard passes in this league. For all of the praise McCown has been getting its yards per play that matter. We have to be at the bottom of the league. The Bucs D coordinator saw something on film that tips our plays off. This entire McCown experiment was to have a professional QB at the helm but the proof is in the pudding that the Jets absolutely SUCK on the road so Josh does nothing to help. We should have & would have lost that game in Cleveland if not for some horrific turnovers by a true rookie QB. So is the point to win a few games at home to appease STHs? 3 years is an eternity in the NFL & we still aren't any closer to a QB. A play it safe GM will eventually fail. The Bears, KC, Texans, all made bold moves to move up & grab a QB. The Eagles did it with Wentz. Not all of the moves will be successful, but ever since we missed by moving up for Sanchez this franchise has a tail between its legs mentality & operates way too conservatively.

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2 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Most jet fans want accountability for the state of that position.

If the team has 100% decided that neither Petty or Hack are any good and not even worthy pf taking a regular season snap then both of those young guys should have been cut after camp or at least one of them and there is no  way in hell either should set foot in camp come next year.

Also, if both of those guys are so bad they cannot get any snaps ahead of a 38 year old 1 year contract jag then McCanan should be fired at the end of the year.

The reality of the situation in my mind is this.  The GM still thinks these young guys can possibly play but does not know for sure and the only way you really find out is getting them in reg season game time.  The coach thinks both stink and wants nothing to do with them.

In my opinion I agree with the coach in hackenburg, he has stunk since day one and will always stink and will never play in this league.  I disagree with him about Petty.  Petty has shown enough to warrant one more look and he played terrific in his last ex game.

Worst case scenario for next year is as follows, we come into camp with one or both of those young guys, and old vet and a new draft pick.  The only way to justify the young guys not getting a look is if they are both cut at the end of the year. 



Hackenburg should not have made the 53 man roster in my opinion.

Maccagnnon made a bad QB pick in the 2nd round.

He didn't pan out, cut your losses and move on - rather than waste a roster spot on him.

Successful GM's acknowledge their mistakes and move on from them, they don't keep parading them around the locker room like a show-pony.

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18 hours ago, Pcola said:

This is on both Mac and Bowles.  HC refuses to play young QBs, then WTF are they on the roster for?  Cut them both and bring in more.  Basically Bowles is saying that’s petry and Hack can’t even compete with a JAG whose ceiling is going 4-6 with a team that is no where near as good as their record.  

And when we don’t make the playoffs and aren’t picking in the top 10, we can all ask the question, how much better off are we from having played McCown over Petty?  The answer is we are no better.

Good times.   


That's what Petty and Hackenberg showed in pre season. Hackenberg is a total bust and Petty looks like a career journeyman backup type. At least that is what Bowles thinks, and he IS the HC at least for now. The young guys we should be worrying about are ArDarius Stewart and Chad Hansen. Stewart, I think, is a bust, but Hansen could be a good slot guy. Leggett is another of the young guys we need to see more of if he could ever get out of the trainers room. Brandon Shell is another that has to begin showing signs of development quickly. Jets totally need to move away from Wes Johnson and draft a center AND a guard to replace Winters who sucks.

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2 minutes ago, ARodJetsFan said:

Hackenburg should not have made the 53 man roster in my opinion.

Maccagnnon made a bad QB pick in the 2nd round.

He didn't pan out, cut your losses and move on - rather than waste a roster spot on him.

Cutting Hackenberg would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull when it comes to defending the pick to the boss. He is NOT going to cut Hackenberg until the offseason when the Jets draft a first round QB. If THAT guys busts, then Mac can pack his suitcase cause he'll be out the door right away.

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Just now, Ex-Rex said:

Cutting Hackenberg would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull when it comes to defending the pick to the boss. He is NOT going to cut Hackenberg until the offseason when the Jets draft a first round QB. If THAT guys busts, then Mac can pack his suitcase cause he'll be out the door right away.

That is correct. 

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1 minute ago, UnitedWhofans said:

The crux of the problem goes all the way back to the simple structure of the Jets organization. Macc can't force Bowles to play players.

I don't think Mac SHOULD have the power to force Bowles to play players period. That is the province of the HC and his job is to WIN GAMES. He feels McCown is head and shoulders better that either of the two other QB's on the roster and I think so too. Which is a sad indictment of the quarterback position on the Jets.

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3 minutes ago, Ex-Rex said:

Cutting Hackenberg would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull when it comes to defending the pick to the boss.

That's just it - there is no defending the pick, it's bad pick - period.

Acknowledge your screw up and hold yourself accountable - but have the common sense to minimize the time and resources you sink into a guy that you know isn't going to pan out.

That's what saavy, successful GM's do.

All GM's make a bad pick here or there - but the smart ones minimize the damage and resources invested in them, by cutting their losses sooner rather than later.

Mac hasn't figured that out yet - and he may never.

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19 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Arians sticking with Carson Palmer the last two years has basically sunk any chance that team had to contend.

He's proving to not be the sharpest tool in the shed either. How the Cards could just stick with that statue Palmer is beyond me & proves Todd is just another lame protégé coach set in his ways that fit more in the 1990s NFL than 2017. Biggest mistake Rex/Tanny made was putting Sanchez behind the wheel of that 2009/2010 teams. Any decent veteran QB would have been creaming himself with those running games & play action opportunities. I remember every time Rex let out some rope, Sanchez would hang himself because he had no idea what is progressions were & always locked on to his 1st one. What the Jets are trying to do is the opposite, putting an old never has been fart to play with a bunch of younger players sans Forte. I don't get it, bite the bullet & see if Petty can light a spark. What the hell do you have to lose, most likely winning 4/5 games anyway?

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9 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Most jet fans want accountability for the state of that position.

If the team has 100% decided that neither Petty or Hack are any good and not even worthy pf taking a regular season snap then both of those young guys should have been cut after camp or at least one of them and there is no  way in hell either should set foot in camp come next year.

Also, if both of those guys are so bad they cannot get any snaps ahead of a 38 year old 1 year contract jag then McCanan should be fired at the end of the year.

The reality of the situation in my mind is this.  The GM still thinks these young guys can possibly play but does not know for sure and the only way you really find out is getting them in reg season game time.  The coach thinks both stink and wants nothing to do with them.

In my opinion I agree with the coach in hackenburg, he has stunk since day one and will always stink and will never play in this league.  I disagree with him about Petty.  Petty has shown enough to warrant one more look and he played terrific in his last ex game.

Worst case scenario for next year is as follows, we come into camp with one or both of those young guys, and old vet and a new draft pick.  The only way to justify the young guys not getting a look is if they are both cut at the end of the year. 



I agree with this. What I would say though is the Bowles was playing McClown from before OTAs even started and nothing the young QBs could do would have changed that.He wants a veteran game manager no matter what.

Best way to describe it is ice cream. Lets say QBs were Ice Cream and veteran JAGs are Rocky Road. Well Bowles likes Rocky Road. Exclusively. He does not like any other flavor, he does not want to even try any other flavor. Let's say franchise guys are Mayan Chocolate, Top 15 are plain chocolate, JAGs are Vanilla  and crappy QBs are strawberry. Well Bowles has 2 unknown ice creams on the bench. Well he wont even take a sample spoon. He does not care that one of them might be chocolate or even the very rare Mayan Chocolate. They could be Strawberry. And he cant risk tasting Strawberry. He only wants his Rocky Road. Rocky Road is safe. No one better touch his Rocky Road or even suggest he try another ice cream. In fact, if this years's supply of Rocky Road goes away, he will just find a new supply of Rocky Road. He just never even wants to TRY an unknown Ice Cream.

P. S. For those thinking in their head "Mayan Chocolate?? WTF is that?? It is the best ice cream flavor. Chocolate with just a hint of hot pepper. Sometimes cinammon, but I wont eat that version. Allergic to cinammon.  Unlike Bowles though I am all for at least trying mystery flavors to see if they become my new favorite.


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1 hour ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

I agree. Now when the Jets get their 9th loss, is there a reason not to play Hackenburg or Petty? I understand(though I don't agree) with them starting McCown after the bye.

Hey brother, I'm with you. I want to see these young guys play as much as anyone. As a matter of fact I believe Petty would have done just as well if not better than McCown thus far. IMO. Hack, I still have hope for. I think he could be good, maybe great, he just needs some playing time. And we can't really make a legitimate accessment with a few games. Goffe didn't look that good last year, look at him this year. Wentz also struggled last year although he looked better than Goff. Some guys take off in the NFL, (Prescott) some guys need time. Some guys look great initially and digress. (RGIII, Kap) No 2 QBs are the same. We as Jet fans are desparate for a franchise QB and dont have much patience for failure. So Petty or Hack go in for a couple games with our leaking sieve front line and many jump on the "they suck" bandwagon.

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The issue is in pro sports, the team is based on wins and losses. Its black and white. You have other players on the team, assistant coaches, people in the front office, etc whose careers are all based on the W's. You need to produce and play the best player available. Its simple.

HOWEVER! Preseason...W Johnson & C Johnson + Mac said "Bowles and this season will not be judged purely on W's/L's, but rather on development. They mandated that OUT. If Bowles smelled b.s. on that...fair enough. He started McCown, got everybody ready.

But now, after a performance like Tampa, when you are all but mathmatically eliminates from the playoffs, and a bye week coming up. Whats the reason to still trot McCown out there? Obviously he's going to wait until we are officially eliminatesd from the playoffs.

But make no mistake, Petty or Hack aren't the answer. At this point we just need to see who's worth being a back up next year, if either are even worth that. 

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3 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

The issue is in pro sports, the team is based on wins and losses. Its black and white. You have other players on the team, assistant coaches, people in the front office, etc whose careers are all based on the W's. You need to produce and play the best player available. Its simple.

HOWEVER! Preseason...W Johnson & C Johnson + Mac said "Bowles and this season will not be judged purely on W's/L's, but rather on development. They mandated that OUT. If Bowles smelled b.s. on that...fair enough. He started McCown, got everybody ready.

But now, after a performance like Tampa, when you are all but mathmatically eliminates from the playoffs, and a bye week coming up. Whats the reason to still trot McCown out there? Obviously he's going to wait until we are officially eliminatesd from the playoffs.

But make no mistake, Petty or Hack aren't the answer. At this point we just need to see who's worth being a back up next year, if either are even worth that. 

If neither one can take a snap once the playoffs are out of the question ahead of McCown then there is no way either should be back next year.

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Just now, Beerfish said:

If neither one can take a snap once the playoffs are out of the question ahead of McCown then there is no way either should be back next year.

that's true.  it's the perfect scenario for mccags to start this bogus process over again, draft a qb in the 4th round, and keep mccown there.

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34 minutes ago, ARodJetsFan said:

That's just it - there is no defending the pick, it's bad pick - period.

Acknowledge your screw up and hold yourself accountable - but have the common sense to minimize the time and resources you sink into a guy that you know isn't going to pan out.

That's what saavy, successful GM's do.

All GM's make a bad pick here or there - but the smart ones minimize the damage and resources invested in them, by cutting their losses sooner rather than later.

Mac hasn't figured that out yet - and he may never.

Respectfully, while I am no fan of what I've seen from Hack, nor am I a fan of the Hack pick, there is no reason to "cut our losses" on him as yet.

He is 22.  He has the physical tools.  He lacks the mental side, and that can (generally) be taught.

We are, today, utterly deficient at QB.  We cannot and will not fill all three spots next year with new, legit, talent/prospects.

Hack has, I believe, two years left on his contract.  At very low cost.

The best move for the GM is retain Hack and hope like hell he gets it as the #2/#3 in 2018 and 2019.  He makes a "good enough" #3 till then at low cost.

While that happens, the GM should be drafting a QB #1 this year (the future #1), and signing a younger veteran FA (or, less likely, retain Petty) as the #2/Veteran. 

Entering 2018, our QB roster should look like (not in depth chart order):

1. Petty/Glennon/Some Younger Vet. FA QB

2. Baker Mayfield (Pick #10 Round 1)

3. Hackenberg

Early camp competition, best player plays.  But I'm fine going into 2018 with Mayfield/Petty/Hack tbqh.  Far better than signing another McCown.

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2 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

that's true.  it's the perfect scenario for mccags to start this bogus process over again, draft a qb in the 4th round, and keep mccown there.

Exactly what will happen 


btw you don’t see the giants tolerating losing

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Just now, Warfish said:

Respectfully, while I am no fan of what I've seen from Hack, nor am I a fan of the Hack pick, there is no reason to "cut our losses" on him as yet.

He is 22.  He has the physical tools.  He lacks the mental side, and that can (generally) be taught.

We are, today, utterly deficient at QB.  We cannot and will not fill all three spots next year with new, legit, talent/prospects.

Hack has, I believe, two years left on his contract.  At very low cost.

The best move for the GM is retain Hack and hope like hell he gets it as the #2/#3 in 2018 and 2019.  He makes a "good enough" #3 till then at low cost.

While that happens, the GM should be drafting a QB #1 this year (the future #1), and signing a younger veteran FA (or, less likely, retain Petty) as the #2/Veteran. 

Entering 2018, our QB roster should look like (not in depth chart order):

1. Petty/Glennon/Some Younger Vet. FA QB

2. Baker Mayfield (Pick #10 Round 1)

3. Hackenberg

Early camp competition, best player plays.  But I'm fine going into 2018 with Mayfield/Petty/Hack tbqh.  Far better than signing another McCown.

Hack blows.  

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4 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

If neither one can take a snap once the playoffs are out of the question ahead of McCown then there is no way either should be back next year.

If neither one is allowed to take a snap once the playoffs are out of the question ahead of McCown then there is no way Bowles should be back next year.


Fixed.  This isn't about whether Petty can 'take a snap'.  This is about whether Bowles will back down from his arrogance and accept the reality of the Jets at this point.

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

He's a better QB than you are a poster.

Yeah i love reading your ground breaking insight about Hack having physical tools he just needs 3 full regular seasons a starter before NFL coaching staffs with decades of experience can evaluate him

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2 minutes ago, nycdan said:

If neither one is allowed to take a snap once the playoffs are out of the question ahead of McCown then there is no way Bowles should be back next year.


Fixed.  This isn't about whether Petty can 'take a snap'.  This is about whether Bowles will back down from his arrogance and accept the reality of the Jets at this point.

Mac and Bowles both deserve to be fired anyway


i have never seen so much gained for a regime from a 6-10 season

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2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

He's a better QB than you are a poster.

No Hackenbrug was an awful awful awful pick the day it was made.  The guy was shot coming into the league and down trending.  The Jets made the cardinal sin of saying, oh this guy would be a steal if we take a chance on him!  And then massively overdrafting him so they could get their 'steal'

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This QB situation is a perfect example of how this organization is directionless. Are they rebuilding or are they delusional enough to believe that they are serious playoff contenders.

This constant zig zagging makes no sense at all. First they cut a bunch of veterans like Marshall, Decker, and Revis which I believe was the right move. This says they are rebuilding. So what do they do next; they sign McCown to play QB and bring in vets like Claiborne and Kerley. They pretty much change directions with every move.

I am sorry but no rebuilding team plays a 38 yr old journeyman at QB. Maccagnan and Bowles are both incompetent and trying to do just enough to keep their jobs. Its three years in and we still have no QB and major question marks at just about every position on the field other than possibly safety which is not a high value position.

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3 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

No Hackenbrug was an awful awful awful pick the day it was made.  The guy was shot coming into the league and down trending.  The Jets made the cardinal sin of saying, oh this guy would be a steal if we take a chance on him!  And then massively overdrafting him so they could get their 'steal'

Hack looked like nothing but the terrible during any preseason game he’s played in and we only know the tip of the iceberg of him sh-tting the bed in TC 


But he has physical intangibles!

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