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When do the Jets fire Bowles?


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2 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

If the Jets offer a marquee coach like Harbaugh, McCarthy, or whoever else a very attractive contract, they would fall all over themselves to come here, no matter what the optics of the previous coaches firing is. Same goes for the next hot NFL coordinator or college coach. Money is king ( in most cases ).

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Depends on the individual and the circumstances. (I suspect at least one of those guys has no interest in coming here, regardless) This organization has a serious reputation/credibility problem. How an organization conducts a firing matters. I promise. 


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21 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

You’re missing the point. It has nothing to do with his feelings and everything to with public relations, image, and commonly accepted etiquette.

Interestingly, if the Jets actually had Todd’s best interests at heart, they would have fired him after the Buffalo game. (I.e. when he deserved to be fired) This isn’t about Todd’s feelings or best interests.

Agree with this, the Jets are run by idiots, but they are highly concerned with pr and image control. Aways have been. All the midseason leaks weren’t exactly from rats on a ship, they were purposefully leaked from Jets sources (Hence why our lazy ass beat writers had a source for it) for damage control purposes. They basically decided to fire him and subsequently decided they didn’t want an interim and even leaked the reason why. Also coincidentally the leaks about Mac being safe happened around the same time. 


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14 minutes ago, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

 You can't have it both ways.  Which one is it?  I "surmise" that we're probably on the same side of this issue.  I just don't care about the political correctness of the NFL.  I understand it,  I just don't have to like it.

That's fine. 

I'm not in love with political correctness, either. I'm just highlighting how unavoidable it is in this day and age. And I stand by my statement that a lot of people on this board either underestimate that stuff or flat out ignore it. 

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If the Jets organization has a reputation or credibility problem regarding the handling of firing matters is concerned,  I'm pretty sure the perception/reality is that the organization has been far to slow to react when discharging inept leadership, and has, bent over backwards to be kind and considerate of the feelings of those inadequate fired subjects.  This has been done to the detriment of the team and I doubt that any future "prospective discharged" employee would regard that as a detriment to prospective employ by the New York Jets.  On the other hand Competent, Professional prospective employees might regard this weak feckless approach as a negative.

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Depends on the individual and the circumstances. (I suspect at least one of those guys has no interest in coming here, regardless) This organization has a serious reputation/credibility problem. How an organization conducts a firing matters. I promise. 

I wholeheartedly agree that the organization has a credibility problem, but I just don’t think that it matters to any potential employees if Bowles is fired one millisecond after the season ends, on Black Monday, or some day after that.

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3 hours ago, Beerfish said:

Sorry there is a HUGE advantage to firing a bad coach in season.  You do not need a lousy coach spending any more time than necessary with your young players.    The season is lost, the coach is bumbling to the very end and introducing more bad habits.

Yeah, if he was fired 5 weeks ago and if there was a valid replacement. We are talking about after the last game or Monday. Even if we were talking about now, it is Tuesday, who is going to step in for Sunday and do any better? Not talking about last year, or the year before. Not talking about after week 4 or 8, we are talking about now, vs. Sunday night, vs.  Monday.

Please remember it is a HC of a 4-11 football team, not a life altering sickness - a little perspective please. 

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Black Monday is the 31st. It’s a football tradition to fire the coach the following Day after the last game of the season. Not even the Jets could screw this up. Amiright?

Have you followed this organization lately? They can screw up a cup of coffee. I think they should take a page out of George Costanzas book and do the opposite of everything they were going to do.

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4 hours ago, redlichtie said:

It’s incredible the way people lose all sense of humanity over a mere football team. I can only hope some of the people on here never get treated by an employer the way they advocate the Jets treat their players, coaches and staff.

Bowles has been nothing but class his entire tenure and deserves to be treated as such

How many jobs can we get fired from that will still pay us a decent salary for 2 more years. Sorry I have no sympathy for professional athletes or coaches losing their jobs , when they've made way more money than I'd need to work a lifetime for. 

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5 hours ago, redlichtie said:

It’s incredible the way people lose all sense of humanity over a mere football team. I can only hope some of the people on here never get treated by an employer the way they advocate the Jets treat their players, coaches and staff.

Bowles has been nothing but class his entire tenure and deserves to be treated as such

Agreed.  He needs to go.  But they aren’t going to treat him bad.  He’s a good dude just a bad head coach. 

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3 hours ago, ChuckkieB said:

I wholeheartedly agree that the organization has a credibility problem, but I just don’t think that it matters to any potential employees if Bowles is fired one millisecond after the season ends, on Black Monday, or some day after that.

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Yeah, I don't think the timing is as important as the method/tone. 


All I'm really arguing is that it is in the Jets interest to make it a standard/ho hum firing. No need to be dramatic

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6 hours ago, 56mehl56 said:

How many jobs can we get fired from that will still pay us a decent salary for 2 more years. Sorry I have no sympathy for professional athletes or coaches losing their jobs , when they've made way more money than I'd need to work a lifetime for. 


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