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When do the Jets fire Bowles?


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2 hours ago, JetsYanks13 said:


Will it be


1. Immediately following the Pats game.


2. When the team gets back to Florham Park after the Pats game


3. The day after the Pats game (New Years Eve)


4. The Jets don’t want to hurt his feelings and wait till after the holidays to can him


5. Worst case scenario- Bowles is given a vote of confidence and retained another season. I truly believe this scenario is impossible, but look at the imbosiles running the organization.



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Roughly 4:35 pm EST next Sunday is fine by me.

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The Jets have already bent over backwards for this clown.  He should have been fired after the Buffalo debacle but he was spared the embarrassment.  No such luck this time - he should be fired the second he walks into the locker room at the end of next week's game.  

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Just now, ChuckkieB said:

The Jets have already bent over backwards for this clown.  He should have been fired after the Buffalo debacle but he was spared the embarrassment.  No such luck this time - he should be fired the second he walks into the locker room at the end of next week's game.  

There is zero advantage to the Jets in firing a guy on Sunday over Monday. There is little advantage in firing a guy 3 weeks before the end of the season over Monday unless there is someone you want to try out as HC. So, why kick a basically good guy in balls if it isn't going to get you an advantage?

If there was a big (or any) advantage in doing it 20 hours earlier, than fine. But, just to crap on him to stick it to him?

Fire him on Monday is classy and fine - just as long as they fire him.

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1 minute ago, bostonmajet said:

There is zero advantage to the Jets in firing a guy on Sunday over Monday. There is little advantage in firing a guy 3 weeks before the end of the season over Monday unless there is someone you want to try out as HC. So, why kick a basically good guy in balls if it isn't going to get you an advantage?

If there was a big (or any) advantage in doing it 20 hours earlier, than fine. But, just to crap on him to stick it to him?

Fire him on Monday is classy and fine - just as long as they fire him.

Because he has kicked every Jets fan in the balls for the last 4 year with his horrific coaching and now we get to kick back.  Sorry, not sorry.  

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I think it’s fair to all if he’s fired immediately after the game.

1. He gets to address for the last time and they can wish him well in return.

2. It cuts down on all the speculation through Monday about his job.

3. The Jets fans will be satisfied knowing he’s out.

4. The owners (It really makes no difference, but they can start showcasing the job and get the show on the road to hiring the right guy)

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3 hours ago, ChuckkieB said:

Because he has kicked every Jets fan in the balls for the last 4 year with his horrific coaching and now we get to kick back.  Sorry, not sorry.  

A lot of you seem to not understand how the NFL works. The league is basically a giant fraternity, with coaches being a particularly close-knit group. 

Bowles is a classy, well-liked, highly respected guy around the league who has a few very influential ex-coaches in his corner (Arians/Parcells).

You don’t embarrass or mistreat someone like that. (Not if you want to be looked at as a desirable location in the near future). You fire him on black Monday like everyone else and release a statement commending him for his service and complimenting him on his positive qualities on the way out.



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6 hours ago, JetsYanks13 said:

I remember that video. Idzik saying we’re keeping the coach. What a bunch of fools!

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I wonder how many GMs got canned before having the chance to hire their own head coach. No way Idzik wanted to keep Ryan. Woody forced Ryan on Idzik because Woody thought Rex was the bee's knees.

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6 hours ago, bostonmajet said:

LOL - next time spell check? I do it all of the time, but to mistype/misspell "imbeciles" when calling someone else stupid is pretty funny...


And I agree, if Bowles is not gone, these guys are pretty stupid and risk loosing not only the fan base, but promise of having an improving QB.

So let's see if we got this right:  The imbosiles are going to risk loosing the fan base by retaining Bowels. Perfect.

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39 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

A lot of you seem to not understand how the NFL works. The league is basically a giant fraternity, with coaches being a particularly close-knit group. 

Bowles is a classy, well-liked, highly respected guy around the league who has a few very influential ex-coaches in his corner (Arians/Parcells).

You don’t embarrass or mistreat someone like that. (Not if you want to be looked at as a desirable location in the near future). You fire him on black Monday like everyone else and release a statement commending him for his service and complimenting him on his positive qualities on the way out.



as long as he is shown the door and escorted out of Florham Park, I don't care how or exactly when they deliver the message.  Bowles is a sh*t HC and always will be.  He had no business being hired in the first place and his track record proves it.  As for showing him respect, sure, why not, if it helps the image of the team.  As long as he's gone... fine with me.  I hope they handcuff the firing to Maccagnan as well.  They can hold hands after they clean out their desks and skip their way to the exit.  

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43 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

A lot of you seem to not understand how the NFL works. The league is basically a giant fraternity, with coaches being a particularly close-knit group. 

Bowles is a classy, well-liked, highly respected guy around the league who has a few very influential ex-coaches in his corner (Arians/Parcells).

You don’t embarrass or mistreat someone like that. (Not if you want to be looked at as a desirable location in the near future). You fire him on black Monday like everyone else and release a statement commending him for his service and complimenting him on his positive qualities on the way out.



It’s incredible the way people lose all sense of humanity over a mere football team. I can only hope some of the people on here never get treated by an employer the way they advocate the Jets treat their players, coaches and staff.

Bowles has been nothing but class his entire tenure and deserves to be treated as such

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47 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

A lot of you seem to not understand how the NFL works. The league is basically a giant fraternity, with coaches being a particularly close-knit group. 

Bowles is a classy, well-liked, highly respected guy around the league who has a few very influential ex-coaches in his corner (Arians/Parcells).

You don’t embarrass or mistreat someone like that. (Not if you want to be looked at as a desirable location in the near future). You fire him on black Monday like everyone else and release a statement commending him for his service and complimenting him on his positive qualities on the way out.



Your points are well founded.  Classy and well-liked, I get that too. It's the part about the organization complimenting him on his "positive qualities" that has me flummoxed,  That is unless Passive/Aggressive is considered a positive quality.  BTW the posters lamenting the suggestions that Senor Bowles be ridden out of town on a rail are missing the point. First of all, It is being done in good humor.  No one is suggesting he be killed, unlike the way he has "killed", the hopes and dreams of Jet Fans for the better part of the last four plus years.  If people feel so badly for him, help him get his next job, write him a letter of recommendation, open a go-fund-me page for him, I don't care. Just get him out of here.


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15 minutes ago, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

Your points are well founded.  Classy and well-liked, I get that too. It's the part about the organization complimenting him on his "positive qualities" that has me flummoxed,  That is unless Passive/Aggressive is considered a positive quality.  BTW the posters lamenting the suggestions that Senor Bowles be ridden out of town on a rail are missing the point. First of all, It is being done in good humor.  No one is suggesting he be killed, unlike the way he has "killed", the hopes and dreams of Jet Fans for the better part of the last four plus years.  If people feel so badly for him, help him get his next job, write him a letter of recommendation, open a go-fund-me page for him, I don't care. Just get him out of here.


You may be “flummoxed,” but it is what is rountinely done.

Also, I would surmise that very few of us actually feel badly for him. 

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4 hours ago, bostonmajet said:

There is zero advantage to the Jets in firing a guy on Sunday over Monday. There is little advantage in firing a guy 3 weeks before the end of the season over Monday unless there is someone you want to try out as HC. So, why kick a basically good guy in balls if it isn't going to get you an advantage?

If there was a big (or any) advantage in doing it 20 hours earlier, than fine. But, just to crap on him to stick it to him?

Fire him on Monday is classy and fine - just as long as they fire him.

Sorry there is a HUGE advantage to firing a bad coach in season.  You do not need a lousy coach spending any more time than necessary with your young players.    The season is lost, the coach is bumbling to the very end and introducing more bad habits.

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9 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Sorry there is a HUGE advantage to firing a bad coach in season.  You do not need a lousy coach spending any more time than necessary with your young players.    The season is lost, the coach is bumbling to the very end and introducing more bad habits.

Like saying if you have Cancer why rush to have the tumor removed?  "all in good time"  I just don't understand that thinking.  Weak!  Has there been any advantage to keeping this fool on for the past six weeks, other than "perception"?  I think not.  Good Riddance.  I don't give a rats ass about what is routinely done.  Maybe the "routine" needs changing.

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A lot of you seem to not understand how the NFL works. The league is basically a giant fraternity, with coaches being a particularly close-knit group. 

Bowles is a classy, well-liked, highly respected guy around the league who has a few very influential ex-coaches in his corner (Arians/Parcells).

You don’t embarrass or mistreat someone like that. (Not if you want to be looked at as a desirable location in the near future). You fire him on black Monday like everyone else and release a statement commending him for his service and complimenting him on his positive qualities on the way out.



I understand how the NFL works just fine, thanks. Bowles has been an abomination of a HC for 4 years and the Jets already took the high road by not firing him in-season when he clearly deserved it. Once the season ends, he’s gone and the sooner the Jets make the move the better it is for all parties involved. Bowles is a big boy and I’m sure his multi million dollar salary will buffer any butt hurt he might feel by being fired right after the last game.


Why don’t we give him a participation trophy too while we’re at it to make sure we don’t hurt his feelings and to ensure all of his sympathizers are happy.



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Just now, ChuckkieB said:

I understand how the NFL works just fine, thanks. Bowles has been an abomination of a HC for 4 years and the Jets already took the high road by not firing him in-season when he clearly deserved it. Once the season ends, he’s gone and the sooner the Jets make the move the better it is for all sprite involved. Bowles is a big boy and I’m sure his multi million dollar salary will buffer any butt hurt he might feel by being fired right after the last game.

Why don’t we give him a participation trophy too while we’re at it to make sure we don’t hurt his feelings and to ensure all of his sympathizers are happy.

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You’re missing the point. It has nothing to do with his feelings and everything to with public relations, image, and commonly accepted etiquette.

Interestingly, if the Jets actually had Todd’s best interests at heart, they would have fired him after the Buffalo game. (I.e. when he deserved to be fired) This isn’t about Todd’s feelings or best interests.

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Just now, slimjasi said:

You’re missing the point. It has nothing to do with his feelings and everything to with public relations, image, and commonly accepted etiquette.

Interestingly, if the Jets actually had Todd’s best interests at heart, they would have fired him after the Buffalo game. (I.e. when he deserved to be fired) This isn’t about Todd’s feelings or best interests.

If he didn’t get the boot after buffalo right play now is wait for season end 

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Just now, jgb said:

If he didn’t get the boot after buffalo right play now is wait for season end 

Agree. He should have been fired after the buffalo game, but since he wasn’t, it’s going to be a standard black Monday firing. 

Nothing else would really make any sense. 

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11 minutes ago, slimjasi said:


First you wax poetic about "that's how the NFL works"  We all know that.  Then you go into a dissertation about how the Organization should send him on his way with accolades and hugs and kisses on his way  out the door.  THEN, you post seemingly agreeing to not give a sh*t about how he is treated on his termination.  You can't have it both ways.  Which one is it?  I "surmise" that we're probably on the same side of this issue.  I just don't care about the political correctness of the NFL.  I understand it,  I just don't have to like it.

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You’re missing the point. It has nothing to do with his feelings and everything to with public relations, image, and commonly accepted etiquette.
Interestingly, if the Jets actually had Todd’s best interests at heart, they would have fired him after the Buffalo game. (I.e. when he deserved to be fired) This isn’t about Todd’s feelings or best interests.

Again I respectfully disagree. This is not about public relations. If the Jets offer a marquee coach like Harbaugh, McCarthy, or whoever else a very attractive contract, they would fall all over themselves to come here, no matter what the optics of the previous coaches firing is. Same goes for the next hot NFL coordinator or college coach. Money is king ( in most cases ).

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Just now, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

First you wax poetic about "that's how the NFL works"  We all know that. 

No, apparently, a bunch of you folks don’t know that, hence the “dissertation.” (Lol)

Also, what I was agreeing with was the statement that Bowles is a sh*t head coach and always will be. This should have been obvious from context. 

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