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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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3 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

You know he does this sh*t all the time but not to this extent. You would think if he checked in we would have at least got a "i'll be back soon to straighten out all you Idiots, already got this game figured out" 

Honestly I'm voting him more to get his attention and see what has to contribute. He's probably bored Vanilla town than anything else and if he is WTF is he offering us anyhow . Just a number at this point

You know him so well.

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3 hours ago, Greenseed4 said:

I like my vote, and I’ll point out that jgb is likely being coached to vote for his coach to “throw us off the scent.”

So I can easily move my vote to 80.

The question for me now is who else is in the scum pile? We’ve got the first 2. 

JGB tried to get the vote off of Pac early.  

It’s all paper flimsy but worth noting.  

Everyone is a cointoss now so if we don’t lynch D1 I’m ok with that.

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5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

JGB tried to get the vote off of Pac early.  

It’s all paper flimsy but worth noting.  

Everyone is a cointoss now so if we don’t lunch I’m ok with that D1. 

It just seemed utterly random, which it has now basically admitted to be. I was an advocate for at least basing a vote on a hunch, still am.

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1 hour ago, jvill 51 said:

I do think this is a bit ridiculous, even for Pac. IIRC he'll at least chime in calling everyone else an idiot at this point. No problem pressuring there, and I've said my thoughts about his train building up then falling apart, but even leaving aside my suspicions about it in hindsight I think we'd have been better off seeing if that made him contribute even just a little bit.

My suspicion (and current vote) on Arsis is because he's not just mostly MIA and firing off bad jokes and making weird moves; it's because he's actually been around but spent the bulk of his time talking about the "vetting the trap" stuff while avoiding doing any actual hunting. In my experience that's a pretty common scum tactic to avoid taking positions on the players in the game.

And yeah, like I said agreed about Verbal. Like he took the loss of his vote as an invitation to take the day off for some reason. As an experienced player he should know that giving his thoughts gives town more to work with going forward even if he doesn't have a vote.

This was one of my last notes in the other thread and why I kept my vote on Arsis.


Vote Arsis

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22 minutes ago, Arsis said:

How does one scum hunt on day 1 besides cause chaos and see how people react?

Ask questions, make observations, place votes, analyze why others might have placed votes. Fishing for reactions can certainly be a way too, but you haven't really done that either. 44 pages of game activity and all you've really commented on is Nolder's trap.

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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

@Verbal I had asked for this in the older thread and I'll ask it again:  Got a top 3 that isn't me in all 3 slots?  Not being able to vote = / = not being able to contribute.  

Meh, I admit to slacking today because I couldn't vote and it was the weekend on top of it.


At this point, if I had a vote it would still be on you for the lulz due to D1, but I'd be willing to switch to Pac simply because my "day off" is still more than him, which is really bad.


That said, I recall both peen and smash poking at me earlier in the other thread, but I don't think they followed up on it much.  Seems weird.


Oh, and JiF has some skillz that I'll tell you about later, after my cigarette.  (I don't actually smoke)

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