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The Rocky Equivelant


The Rocky Equivelant  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Rocky Film will this Coming Season Most Resemble ?

    • Rocky - Will McD Dominates with 11 plus sacks.
    • Rocky II - Q seems to have gotten soft in his success early enjoying the high life ..... but comes on strong in the latter half of the season reminding us of his greatness.
    • Rocky III - Ignored as an also ran .. the Pats surprise as a dominant AFC East team - But after losing 53-7 in the first matchup the Jets trounce them at the end of the year 100-3
    • Rock IV - Rogers eats his own NY fame playing a bit soft in opener where he is reminded how tough NFL football is, then dominates the rest of the season winning the Super Bowl and MVP.
    • Rocky V - Rogers' Protoge J Love taunts the Aging Rogers as Green Bay starts 4-0 and the NYJ 1-3 ... Rogers cuts love down to size in the Super Bowl as the NYJ win 35-10.

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