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The struggle for every Jet fan right now

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7 hours ago, Jet Redemption said:

Hello fellow Jets fans!

This is my first post on this site but I have been following this discussion board for a long time. I just want to say first off that I really appreciate the passion and the dedication by all of you for posting your thoughts on this board! The updates during preseason and practices and your overall insight on the players and the state of the organization have helped me keep up with the team that I have loved since I was young. So thank you! 
With that being said I do understand the negativity from some of you because I am experiencing the same thing. The struggle is real right now. What was once looking like the most exciting season: A HOF Quarterback, the Jets finally playing in Prime Time games, the chance of winning the Super Bowl all seemed to vanish after just 4 plays. I still can’t believe it. What once looked like a season of retribution, where we were going to exercise some of the demons of the past and shut up all of the haters is now gone. Instead we are in survival mode, trying to figure things out with a QB that has little success. The fate of the season whether we like it or not is in Zack Wilson’s hands. We know the defense will be there. Obviously not against the Cowboys but I think a lot of the mistakes were due to emotional toll of the Bills game. That game was like two games in one. Seeing Rodgers carted off must have been so demoralizing to the entire team and for them to gut out that win in the fashion that they did probably caused a lot of emotional and mental fatigue and then finding out after that he’s done for the year. These guys are human after all. The sharps were right in putting the spread at 9.5. It was a tough spot so I’m not going to overreact to the egg they laid in Dallas.
So with that being said and with the new reality that Rodgers is not likely to come back till next season what are some positives about this team going forward? Is there any hope of playoffs? I always want to look at the positive no matter what even though I am a realist. We are not the same team obviously without Rodgers but do we have enough talent on this roster to compete with the likes of the Chiefs, Bengals, Dolphins and Bills? I believe we do. We’ve already beat the Bills with Zack at QB so that is already a positive. But here is another. A silver lining for me in watching the Cowboy game was the play of Wilson. There was a confidence that he showed in that game that he had not shown before. He did not looked rattled after Parsons almost took his head off in the first quarter, he battled back. The old Zack would have gotten happy feet. His footwork looks much improved from last season. He delivered some nice throws in particular a dime to Wilson which caught him in stride for a 60 yd TD. Beautiful throw. He used his legs when he needed to keep drives alive. And I believe he would have had a second TD TO Wilson if his protection would have held up for just one more second. I believe him when he said after the game that he was seeing the field pretty good until the third. The first drive in the third wasn’t his fault and then Cook  coughed it up on the next drive and the game was essentially over at that point. Considering that his OL played horribly: bad protection, penalties and no run game-I think he held up pretty well in a very difficult spot. The three INTs were bad but the game was over at that point, he probably should have been taken out anyway. I’m not going to base his performance on throws he made when they were down by 20 with 6 minutes left. What did he do when the game was on the line? Anyway what I saw was an improved Zack Wilson who was more confident in his body language and in the pocket. And Lord willing maybe with more practice with the ones and a better understanding of the playbook there may be hope for Zack and the Jets in 2023.

First time poster,


One of the biggest misconception in this post is ""we know the defense will be there".

Um, no we dont.  They were nowhere to be found this past Sunday.

That is actually the biggest issue with this team right now.  The D are frauds.  When we needed them in the biggest way on Sunday, they did not even get off the plane.

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Daniel Jones was down by 21 but yet he somehow managed to keep himself and his team focused, made play after play, and eventually won the game for them in dramatic fashion. This notion that because the Jets were down big it somehow excuses Wilson from abhorrent play is ABSURD.  How many more 1 TD, 3 INT games do some of y'all need to see before moving on from Zack Wilson?  He will NEVER be a legit NFL QB.  

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4 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

Daniel Jones was down by 21 but yet he somehow managed to keep himself and his team focused, made play after play, and eventually won the game for them in dramatic fashion. This notion that because the Jets were down big it somehow excuses Wilson from abhorrent play is ABSURD.  How many more 1 TD, 3 INT games do some of y'all need to see before moving on from Zack Wilson?  He will NEVER be a legit NFL QB.  

How dare you.  Anytime you are down you are allowed to sh!t the bed and its not held against you.  No qb should be capable of leading a comeback.  Havent you been listening to jet fans.

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23 minutes ago, Reasonable Jets Fan said:

How many points did DJ score against the Cowboys? 

How many drives did he lead to come back when they were playing prevent defense...? 

How many INTs did DJ have? 

Some fans are so biased against ZW they can't see reality when it's slapping them in the face... Your DJ did WORSE then ZW against the same defense and he won against the Bills but gets no credit for that.. Got it

Biased against Zack Wilson?  Are you high???  What games have YOU been watching over the last two years??  Give me a friggin break!! Zack Wilson is not a capable NFL QB no matter how many excuses you and all the other Wilson fanboys conjure up for him.

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2 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

Biased against Zack Wilson?  Are you high???  What games have YOU been watching over the last two years??  Give me a friggin break!! Zack Wilson is not a capable NFL QB no matter how many excuses you and all the other Wilson fanboys conjure up for him.

He played better against the same defense as your DJ... Yet you don't see that... That is the definition of bias

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48 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

Daniel Jones was down by 21 but yet he somehow managed to keep himself and his team focused, made play after play, and eventually won the game for them in dramatic fashion. This notion that because the Jets were down big it somehow excuses Wilson from abhorrent play is ABSURD.  How many more 1 TD, 3 INT games do some of y'all need to see before moving on from Zack Wilson?  He will NEVER be a legit NFL QB.  

That was against the worst team in the NFL. I’m not taking anything away from Danny Dimes comeback, he showed grit and perseverance. But to compare AZ defense to the Cowboys defense is like apples to oranges. I’m not saying he played a great game, all I’m saying is that I saw improvement and I hope that is something he can build on for the next game.

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1 minute ago, Jet Redemption said:

That was against the worst team in the NFL. I’m not taking anything away from Danny Dimes comeback, he showed grit and perseverance. But to compare AZ defense to the Cowboys defense is like apples to oranges. I’m not saying he played a great game, all I’m saying is that I saw improvement and I hope that is something he can build on for the next game.

Plus DJ played against the same defense the same year and played worse... But somehow that is missed... 

QBs are not allowed to improve... After a bad sophomore year... 

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1 minute ago, Reasonable Jets Fan said:

He played better against the same defense as your DJ... Yet you don't see that... That is the definition of bias

You can't be serious! He threw 3 INT's!!!  That's your definition of "better????"  And why does that matter at all in the grand scheme of things????  He's played miserably for TWO ******* YEARS! Please explain why you are defending a QB who has put down TWO years of GARBAGE film and has shown ZERO improvement over that time! Thrill me with your acumen.  

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2 hours ago, Trotter said:


you touched on a lot of points but I would be curious of your view of the coaching staff.


maybe a little too loose and I will get killed for this too young and inexperienced?

I’m not concerned yet. We have to understand that losing your starting QB in the first game with a brand new system is a massive hurdle. It’s going to take time to bring Wilson up to speed not only with the playbook but also with his timing with the starting receivers and backs. This will primarily depend upon Hackett to try to coach him up and shape the game plan on Wilson’s strengths. No easy task. It’s only been one game so I’m not writing any of the coaches off just yet but it was obvious that I’m the Cowboy game they were out schemed Offensively and Defensively. The defense did not come ready to play and that’s on Salah. I expect a much better effort against the Patriots this Sunday.

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Just now, ChuckkieB said:

You can't be serious! He threw 3 INT's!!!  That's your definition of "better????"  And why does that matter at all in the grand scheme of things????  He's played miserably for TWO ******* YEARS! Please explain why you are defending a QB who has put down TWO years of GARBAGE film and has shown ZERO improvement over that time! Thrill me with your acumen.  

He threw 3 INTs when the game was out of reach... 

DJ threw 2 ints in the game against Dallas... Scored no points got less yards and ran for less... Yes DJ played worse than DJ against Dallas Defense... 

Meanwhile DJ leads a comeback against a bottom 5 team which they should not have even been losing to and ZW leads game scoring drives to beat the Bills... 

So yes you are sounding more and more bias on each post... And not making any points to respond to my clear stats that refute everything you say... 

But because ZW was so bad last year that disregards reality... Got it

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6 minutes ago, Jet Redemption said:

That was against the worst team in the NFL. I’m not taking anything away from Danny Dimes comeback, he showed grit and perseverance. But to compare AZ defense to the Cowboys defense is like apples to oranges. I’m not saying he played a great game, all I’m saying is that I saw improvement and I hope that is something he can build on for the next game.

With all due respect, I am utterly baffled as to how anyone who watched the Dallas game can say with a straight face that they saw "improvement!' Wilson did what he has done for two years.  He was inconsistent, made bad decisions, couldn't move the ball, and then when the Jets invariably fall behind as a result of his bad play, he has to take more risks to try to get back into / stay in the game and that's when the wheels come completely off.  How many more games / seasons do you have to see before you can admit that Zack Wilson is a BUST?

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2 minutes ago, Jet Redemption said:

I’m not concerned yet. We have to understand that losing your starting QB in the first game with a brand new system is a massive hurdle. It’s going to take time to bring Wilson up to speed not only with the playbook but also with his timing with the starting receivers and backs. This will primarily depend upon Hackett to try to coach him up and shape the game plan on Wilson’s strengths. No easy task. It’s only been one game so I’m not writing any of the coaches off just yet but it was obvious that I’m the Cowboy game they were out schemed Offensively and Defensively. The defense did not come ready to play and that’s on Salah. I expect a much better effort against the Patriots this Sunday.

I like you man... You are actually reasonable 

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1 minute ago, Reasonable Jets Fan said:

He threw 3 INTs when the game was out of reach... 

DJ threw 2 ints in the game against Dallas... Scored no points got less yards and ran for less... Yes DJ played worse than DJ against Dallas Defense... 

Meanwhile DJ leads a comeback against a bottom 5 team which they should not have even been losing to and ZW leads game scoring drives to beat the Bills... 

So yes you are sounding more and more bias on each post... And not making any points to respond to my clear stats that refute everything you say... 

But because ZW was so bad last year that disregards reality... Got it

Yet as crappy as Jones has been through 2 games he has a higher passer rating than Zach Wilson.  I was shocked when I looked it up.  

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3 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

With all due respect, I am utterly baffled as to how anyone who watched the Dallas game can say with a straight face that they saw "improvement!' Wilson did what he has done for two years.  He was inconsistent, made bad decisions, couldn't move the ball, and then when the Jets invariably fall behind as a result of his bad play, he has to take more risks to try to get back into / stay in the game and that's when the wheels come completely off.  How many more games / seasons do you have to see before you can admit that Zack Wilson is a BUST?

Your lack of ability to see improvement shows that you have little to no skill in reviewing actual game tape.. You are just angry old man that needs to take your anger on something 

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Just now, Reasonable Jets Fan said:

Because he had a cupcake matchup to pad his stats against a bottom 5 team... Come on seriously 

What are Zach's stats against cupcakes?  I looked up the Texans game last year 58.5 QBR.  Falcons last year 63.5.  There is no evidence the opponent makes the slightest difference in Zach's play. 

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8 hours ago, Jet Redemption said:

Hello fellow Jets fans!

This is my first post on this site but I have been following this discussion board for a long time. I just want to say first off that I really appreciate the passion and the dedication by all of you for posting your thoughts on this board! The updates during preseason and practices and your overall insight on the players and the state of the organization have helped me keep up with the team that I have loved since I was young. So thank you! 
With that being said I do understand the negativity from some of you because I am experiencing the same thing. The struggle is real right now. What was once looking like the most exciting season: A HOF Quarterback, the Jets finally playing in Prime Time games, the chance of winning the Super Bowl all seemed to vanish after just 4 plays. I still can’t believe it. What once looked like a season of retribution, where we were going to exercise some of the demons of the past and shut up all of the haters is now gone. Instead we are in survival mode, trying to figure things out with a QB that has little success. The fate of the season whether we like it or not is in Zack Wilson’s hands. We know the defense will be there. Obviously not against the Cowboys but I think a lot of the mistakes were due to emotional toll of the Bills game. That game was like two games in one. Seeing Rodgers carted off must have been so demoralizing to the entire team and for them to gut out that win in the fashion that they did probably caused a lot of emotional and mental fatigue and then finding out after that he’s done for the year. These guys are human after all. The sharps were right in putting the spread at 9.5. It was a tough spot so I’m not going to overreact to the egg they laid in Dallas.
So with that being said and with the new reality that Rodgers is not likely to come back till next season what are some positives about this team going forward? Is there any hope of playoffs? I always want to look at the positive no matter what even though I am a realist. We are not the same team obviously without Rodgers but do we have enough talent on this roster to compete with the likes of the Chiefs, Bengals, Dolphins and Bills? I believe we do. We’ve already beat the Bills with Zack at QB so that is already a positive. But here is another. A silver lining for me in watching the Cowboy game was the play of Wilson. There was a confidence that he showed in that game that he had not shown before. He did not looked rattled after Parsons almost took his head off in the first quarter, he battled back. The old Zack would have gotten happy feet. His footwork looks much improved from last season. He delivered some nice throws in particular a dime to Wilson which caught him in stride for a 60 yd TD. Beautiful throw. He used his legs when he needed to keep drives alive. And I believe he would have had a second TD TO Wilson if his protection would have held up for just one more second. I believe him when he said after the game that he was seeing the field pretty good until the third. The first drive in the third wasn’t his fault and then Cook  coughed it up on the next drive and the game was essentially over at that point. Considering that his OL played horribly: bad protection, penalties and no run game-I think he held up pretty well in a very difficult spot. The three INTs were bad but the game was over at that point, he probably should have been taken out anyway. I’m not going to base his performance on throws he made when they were down by 20 with 6 minutes left. What did he do when the game was on the line? Anyway what I saw was an improved Zack Wilson who was more confident in his body language and in the pocket. And Lord willing maybe with more practice with the ones and a better understanding of the playbook there may be hope for Zack and the Jets in 2023.

First time poster,


Welcome to the site. Just wondering, do you own protective body gear?

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Just now, Biggs said:

What are Zach's stats against cupcakes?  I looked up the Texans game last year 58.5 QBR.  Falcons last year 63.5.  There is no evidence the opponent makes the slightest difference in Zach's play. 

Can't take advantage of garbage time.  Can't take advantage of weak opposition.  The mark of an ascending QB!

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