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Rapoport: Jets Expected to Trade Zach Wilson This Offseason

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41 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Are trades even allowed at current?  I think you might be reaching here a bit.

Not that I think your point (that no one wants him) is far off per se.  Just that claiming that now is a bit early.

Actually you're correct March 13 is the earliest he can possibly be traded. And these discussion often happens face to face at combine late Feb 

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12 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

I love the delusions of people thinking we can get a second for Zach or that he might start on another team next season.  The last gasps of the Zach Wilson Justice Warriors 

I predict we will get more for Zach than Bryce Huff unless we are counting comp picks.  Counting comp picks we still might be close.

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Who has said this?  Universal?  I strongly disagree.  Strongly.  I firmly believe I am part of the universe.
I think it was universally accepted as well ..

Zach did not develop whether it was all on him or a result of an abysmal coaching doesn't matter. He did not reach the level expected being drafted number 2.

The differences of opinion are really based on educated guesses by the observers.

Zach did show considerable improvements in many important aspects of his game such as stepping up in the pocket etc.

It was absolutely universally accepted the issues on this team extended far beyond the QB position and that given the OL crap fest fielded only a HOF QB would be able to succeed. Semen and Boyd were both pathetic in their appearances... People siting the sack rates of Semen are blind. Anyone could snap the ball and immediately chuck it away and lose the game as he did. He is what he is. There is absolutely no question that Zach was the most talented QB on the active roster this year... He was also not good enough.

At the end of the day .. at least we won't need to read idiotic Zach bashing threads anymore and look forward to the unveiling of the new Jets Nation whipping boy... Will McD put on your big boy pants this season the board is at the gate.

As far as where Zach lands .. will be a fun side story to follow.

This is a sh*t show of epic and historical proportions .. all we can do hope and cheer on whatever is fielded.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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16 hours ago, Warfish said:

Pointing out his poor QB play isn't an "ad hominem" attack.

Again, only his true believers obsess over the few folks who mocked his looks or religion, and ignored the legitimate criticism over his extremely poor personal play and output.

That is absolutely not a "universal" belief.  Quite the contrary.

True believers are never convinced.  If/when he sucks elsewhere, they'll just be new excuses made.

Oh cmon. Maybe you were objective but others not so much.  You think it’s not an attack when people try to link him with milfs or even make fun of him going to Utah during the breaks?  Or when they say disparaging things about his mother or make reference to his rich uncle?  It’s like he was drafted because he some kind of rich privileged kid.  There are quite a few legacy players in the nfl who have come from wealth and are pretty good.  It has never been about merit when people say he shouldn’t have been drafted.  These are all ad hominem attacks.  I know we all do it to players on other teams but Zach took a lot of shots.

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The silver lining about this season is that we got a definitive answer on Zach. He had his moments (week 1 vs Bills, vs Chiefs, 4th quarter/OT vs Giants, vs Texans) but for the most part he continued to look like the same QB. It’s time to move on. I wish him well but unfortunately it didn’t work out. 

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2 hours ago, rangerous said:

You think it’s not an attack when people try to link him with milfs

No, I don't think jokes about him having sex with hot older women is an "attack" in any form.

This is a fanbase that made constant, endless gay jokes about Tom Brady,  A few "wow, he has sex with hot older women" is hardly something to get hot and bothered over.

Also, why do YOU care?  Why are you offended-by-proxy over these jokes?  And why do you think these jokes are in any way tied to criticism over his on-field play?  Or that they wouldn't have been made if he were better on-field?

2 hours ago, rangerous said:

or even make fun of him going to Utah during the breaks?

His time spent away from the team is an absolutely valid question to raise.  We hear it all the time, from almost every source in the league and media, that a true franchise QB must "eat, sleep and breathe football and film".  It's literally the top criticism of QB's who fail, that they lacked that desire, that compulsion to be the first in, the last out, the guy who exists only to play QB and lead his teammates.

The question of if Zach had that key personality aspect (which is what the "is he in Utah" question is at it's core) is an entirely valid question to ask when a QB is clearly failing to produce on the field over several seasons. 

2 hours ago, rangerous said:

Or when they say disparaging things about his mother or make reference to his rich uncle?

His mother made herself the story, made herself a target, by her actions and decisions on social media.  She put herself out there in a way no other NFL QB's mom has done, in ways no other QB has ever had their mom be.  She did Zach no favors, and criticism of her whining on socials (and her frankly insulting attacks on the Jets fanbase) are also entirely valid, albeit in a broader "social media is cancer" kinda way.

I do not, nor have I ever, bought into the Bitonti/Matt Jet Blue Conspiracy Theory and have countered it at length several times.  Frankly, I think it's about 5 or 6 posters here who truly believe this story, not representative of the fanbase as a whole whatsoever.  

2 hours ago, rangerous said:

It has never been about merit when people say he shouldn’t have been drafted.  These are all ad hominem attacks.

I'm sorry, but no.  Criticism of him prior to his drafting was entirely fact-based and absolutely valid, and those criticism have now played out over three full NFL seasons and shown themselves to have been valid.  Zach Wilson was very clearly not ready to be an NFL QB, lacked several key physical and mental attributes to excel as an NFL QB, and has on his own play (play he is personally and directly responsible for) shown himself to be one of the worst top-picked QB's in NFL history.  Showing this is not an ad hominem, but denial of it or deflection from it IS in fact "true believerism". 

When you reach the point where you have blamed 1. The Coach, 2. Both O-Co's, 3. The O-line, 4. The WR's, 5. The Defense and 6. The Fans for all of Zach's failings, and you still can't see how "cult of personality" that is, I don't know what else to say to you to help you see the light.

I'd predict even if Zach fails at his next team, you (or people like you) will just extend the anti-Jets narrative that "we ruined him so bad he couldn't recover".  Again, no accountability or responsibility for Zach, just blame us.

2 hours ago, rangerous said:

 I know we all do it to players on other teams but Zach took a lot of shots.

We do it, and very fanbase does it, to highly touted prospects who bust.  Zach is in no way, shape or form unique, nor was he uniquely treated by this fanbase.  It is only by his position, QB, the key position on an NFL team, for which the criticism for Zach has been louder than that for previous busts like Gholston (as an example).  A busted QB is fatal.  A busted D-End isn't.

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4 hours ago, Dunnie said:

I think it was universally accepted as well ..

Zach did not develop whether it was all on him or a result of an abysmal coaching doesn't matter. He did not reach the level expected being drafted number 2.

The differences of opinion are really based on educated guesses by the observers.

Zach did show considerable improvements in many important aspects of his game such as stepping up in the pocket etc.

It was absolutely universally accepted the issues on this team extended far beyond the QB position and that given the OL crap fest fielded only a HOF QB would be able to succeed. Semen and Boyd were both pathetic in their appearances... People siting the sack rates of Semen are blind. Anyone could snap the ball and immediately chuck it away and lose the game as he did. He is what he is. There is absolutely no question that Zach was the most talented QB on the active roster this year... He was also not good enough.

At the end of the day .. at least we won't need to read idiotic Zach bashing threads anymore and look forward to the unveiling of the new Jets Nation whipping boy... Will McD put on your big boy pants this season the board is at the gate.

As far as where Zach lands .. will be a fun side story to follow.

This is a sh*t show of epic and historical proportions .. all we can do hope and cheer on whatever is fielded.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

What the **** are you going on about?  Zach hasn't developed.  I don't think that has anything to do with my comment.  Boyle and Siemian were not great?  Oh my!  Would the results have been different with a different QB?  Absolutely.  The front office, team, and most fans do not believe we would have seen this sh*t show if Rodgers had not gotten hurt.  If they'd trotted out a Baker Mayfiled, Gardner Minshew or Tyrod Taylor, they would likely be playing playoff games IMO.  Hell, they'd have been competitive with Sam Darnold.  The teams has problems beyond QB?  Sure, but moderately competent QB play would have masked plenty of them and no team is perfect - see the Bills (we beat), the Eagles (we beat), the Texans (we beat), the Chiefs (we wuz robbed!), the Cowboys.  Which team is the juggernaut with no issues? 

This "sh*tshow of epic and historic proportions" just finished 7-10.  They are not exactly the expansion Bucs.  With absolutely trash play at QB.  They beat three playoff teams.  Flapping terms like historic and epic doesn't make it so.  They were not great, but there were much worse teams.  Not just of all time.  This year.

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1 hour ago, Warfish said:

No, I don't think jokes about him having sex with hot older women is an "attack" in any form.

This is a fanbase that made constant, endless gay jokes about Tom Brady,  A few "wow, he has sex with hot older women" is hardly something to get hot and bothered over.

Also, why do YOU care?  Why are you offended-by-proxy over these jokes?  And why do you think these jokes are in any way tied to criticism over his on-field play?  Or that they wouldn't have been made if he were better on-field?

His time spent away from the team is an absolutely valid question to raise.  We hear it all the time, from almost every source in the league and media, that a true franchise QB must "eat, sleep and breathe football and film".  It's literally the top criticism of QB's who fail, that they lacked that desire, that compulsion to be the first in, the last out, the guy who exists only to play QB and lead his teammates.

The question of if Zach had that key personality aspect (which is what the "is he in Utah" question is at it's core) is an entirely valid question to ask when a QB is clearly failing to produce on the field over several seasons. 

His mother made herself the story, made herself a target, by her actions and decisions on social media.  She put herself out there in a way no other NFL QB's mom has done, in ways no other QB has ever had their mom be.  She did Zach no favors, and criticism of her whining on socials (and her frankly insulting attacks on the Jets fanbase) are also entirely valid, albeit in a broader "social media is cancer" kinda way.

I do not, nor have I ever, bought into the Bitonti/Matt Jet Blue Conspiracy Theory and have countered it at length several times.  Frankly, I think it's about 5 or 6 posters here who truly believe this story, not representative of the fanbase as a whole whatsoever.  

I'm sorry, but no.  Criticism of him prior to his drafting was entirely fact-based and absolutely valid, and those criticism have now played out over three full NFL seasons and shown themselves to have been valid.  Zach Wilson was very clearly not ready to be an NFL QB, lacked several key physical and mental attributes to excel as an NFL QB, and has on his own play (play he is personally and directly responsible for) shown himself to be one of the worst top-picked QB's in NFL history.  Showing this is not an ad hominem, but denial of it or deflection from it IS in fact "true believerism". 

When you reach the point where you have blamed 1. The Coach, 2. Both O-Co's, 3. The O-line, 4. The WR's, 5. The Defense and 6. The Fans for all of Zach's failings, and you still can't see how "cult of personality" that is, I don't know what else to say to you to help you see the light.

I'd predict even if Zach fails at his next team, you (or people like you) will just extend the anti-Jets narrative that "we ruined him so bad he couldn't recover".  Again, no accountability or responsibility for Zach, just blame us.

We do it, and very fanbase does it, to highly touted prospects who bust.  Zach is in no way, shape or form unique, nor was he uniquely treated by this fanbase.  It is only by his position, QB, the key position on an NFL team, for which the criticism for Zach has been louder than that for previous busts like Gholston (as an example).  A busted QB is fatal.  A busted D-End isn't.

Sorry but when people are that critical about the company they keep then it’s a problem.  Who cares?  I certainly don’t.  Heck the lord savior joe willie cavorted with known mobsters.  So did Len Dawson.  As long as it doesn’t impact their play on the field it’s not my business.

zach has had plenty of accountability.  Oh I guess it goes back to his quote when they asked him if the loss was his fault last season and he basically said no.   And getting back to Zach’s performance people seem to forget he won two games this past season where the team had to come back.  Want to take that away from him? Bust? Hardly.  You can say he was over drafted, as many players are, but he’s far from a bust. 
 The blame? Yes it does fall on the coach and milfy. the fact that he improved drastically this season bears this out.  Saleh has done little to put this offense in a position to win.  And please don’t tout the defense too much.  The defense has played well but they are nowhere near shutdown like the bears, Steelers or doltfins in their day.


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1 minute ago, rangerous said:

Sorry but when people are that critical about the company they keep then it’s a problem.  Who cares?  I certainly don’t.  Heck the lord savior joe willie cavorted with known mobsters.  So did Len Dawson.  As long as it doesn’t impact their play on the field it’s not my business.

For something that's "not your business", you sure seem deeply, and personally, involved in stridently defending/white knighting any criticism or comment about it.

Be assured, if Joe Namath was a Jet today, his extracurricular activities would absolutely be a constant topic of discussion here.  Regardless of if he played well or badly.  The era where pro athletes off-field activities were ignored by the media and fans are long since gone.

1 minute ago, rangerous said:

zach has had plenty of accountability.  Oh I guess it goes back to his quote when they asked him if the loss was his fault last season and he basically said no.

Any comment I make now on Zach is about the full picture, the full three years of his time as a Jet.  Not any one comment or moment.

1 minute ago, rangerous said:

  And getting back to Zach’s performance people seem to forget he won two games this past season where the team had to come back.  Want to take that away from him? Bust? Hardly.  You can say he was over drafted, as many players are, but he’s far from a bust. 

He is unquestionably a bust, when one looks at the full picture of his personal performance, production and compare that with expectations of a #2 pick and general NFL QB history. 

The fact that you refuse to see it or accept it, that is entirely on you. 

This form of willingly blind hero worship cognitive dissonance is, sadly, all too common in sports fandom.

1 minute ago, rangerous said:

The blame? Yes it does fall on the coach and milfy. the fact that he improved drastically this season bears this out.

He did not "improve drastically" this season.   

His overall play and production was generally in-line with his first two low-output seasons, and he was once again benched due to that low performance/production.  He may have looked better here and there, but his personal output remains close to worst-in-league level.




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2 hours ago, Warfish said:

For something that's "not your business", you sure seem deeply, and personally, involved in stridently defending/white knighting any criticism or comment about it.

Be assured, if Joe Namath was a Jet today, his extracurricular activities would absolutely be a constant topic of discussion here.  Regardless of if he played well or badly.  The era where pro athletes off-field activities were ignored by the media and fans are long since gone.

Any comment I make now on Zach is about the full picture, the full three years of his time as a Jet.  Not any one comment or moment.

He is unquestionably a bust, when one looks at the full picture of his personal performance, production and compare that with expectations of a #2 pick and general NFL QB history. 

The fact that you refuse to see it or accept it, that is entirely on you. 

This form of willingly blind hero worship cognitive dissonance is, sadly, all too common in sports fandom.

He did not "improve drastically" this season.   

His overall play and production was generally in-line with his first two low-output seasons, and he was once again benched due to that low performance/production.  He may have looked better here and there, but his personal output remains close to worst-in-league level.




i give up.  it just pay to argue against the never zachers.

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21 hours ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

I love the delusions of people thinking we can get a second for Zach or that he might start on another team next season.  The last gasps of the Zach Wilson Justice Warriors 

A second? Douglas is getting several offers with multiple firsts for this generational talent. He's been playing 4D chess and it's about to pay off.

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3 hours ago, #27TheDominator said:

What the **** are you going on about?  Zach hasn't developed.  I don't think that has anything to do with my comment.  Boyle and Siemian were not great?  Oh my!  Would the results have been different with a different QB?  Absolutely.  The front office, team, and most fans do not believe we would have seen this sh*t show if Rodgers had not gotten hurt.  If they'd trotted out a Baker Mayfiled, Gardner Minshew or Tyrod Taylor, they would likely be playing playoff games IMO.  Hell, they'd have been competitive with Sam Darnold.  The teams has problems beyond QB?  Sure, but moderately competent QB play would have masked plenty of them and no team is perfect - see the Bills (we beat), the Eagles (we beat), the Texans (we beat), the Chiefs (we wuz robbed!), the Cowboys.  Which team is the juggernaut with no issues? 

This "sh*tshow of epic and historic proportions" just finished 7-10.  They are not exactly the expansion Bucs.  With absolutely trash play at QB.  They beat three playoff teams.  Flapping terms like historic and epic doesn't make it so.  They were not great, but there were much worse teams.  Not just of all time.  This year.

And it’s appropriate to ask- why was Zach Wilson allowed to sabotage the season? Because Douglas was stubborn? Not buying it.

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Having AR8 practice during a season where he can’t play in games was partially designed to show how the offense was all his and someone like Zach was not stepping into it.  

so there is hope for Zach if you trade for him!

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On 1/17/2024 at 8:28 PM, rex-n-effect said:

A second? Douglas is getting several offers with multiple firsts for this generational talent. He's been playing 4D chess and it's about to pay off.

Maybe we can use 2 of the 6 first round picks we get for Zach to trade for the next Lamar Jackson Justin Fields?

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I'm guessing at best we're looking at like a 2025 4th.  More likely we'll get a 5th next year?  Maybe by some miracle it'll be a 4th this year but I highly doubt it.  It'll have to be from a team that truly believes they can turn him into a competent #1.  I'm just not sure who would fit that category.  

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16 minutes ago, bonkertons said:

I'm guessing at best we're looking at like a 2025 4th.  More likely we'll get a 5th next year?  Maybe by some miracle it'll be a 4th this year but I highly doubt it.  It'll have to be from a team that truly believes they can turn him into a competent #1.  I'm just not sure who would fit that category.  

It’s basically useless.

When was the last time Joe Douglas mined anything of significance out of a 4th or 5th round pick?

Cap Morgan?  Maxx Mitchell?  LOL

Sherwood was invisible as a rookie and overrated this year.

Round 1 is easy insofar as the blue chips are easily identifiable and everyone has basically the same board with maybe a few anomalies here or there.

It’s on day 2 and really day 3 that GMs prove their worth, and Joe Douglas hasn’t shown much of anything.

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10 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

It’s basically useless.

When was the last time Joe Douglas mined anything of significance out of a 4th or 5th round pick?

Cap Morgan?  Maxx Mitchell?  LOL

Sherwood was invisible as a rookie and overrated this year.

Round 1 is easy insofar as the blue chips are easily identifiable and everyone has basically the same board with maybe a few anomalies here or there.

It’s on day 2 and really day 3 that GMs prove their worth, and Joe Douglas hasn’t shown much of anything.

Yeah round 1 is such a cakewalk.  Look at all those studs we had from 2008 onward, prior to JD's tenure.  Also, as far as day 2 picks:  Breece?  Tippmann?  Ashtyn looks like a pretty good 3rd rounder right now as well.  Same for Ruckert, who has developed nicely so far.  Not bad for day 2 picks.  Even Moore was a decent one, regardless of how he's viewed here now.  At worst he's a solid #3, and you can do a lot worse than that in the 2nd round.  


....and no, I don't believe "day 3 picks prove a GMs worth".  Day 3 picks are where you find depth.  Important, sure, but definitely not more important than your success in the 1st and 2nd.  As far as day 3 goes, maybe you somehow find a Puka Nacua on a rare ass occasion, but that's an extreme case.  More often than not, you're picking depth in those rounds. 


Also I just don't agree with your take on JD's day 3 success, or lack thereof.  Bryce Hall is probably going to get a job as a #2 somewhere next year - he was a 5th rounder.  Funny how you trashed Sherwood(weird take...I mean he's not a star, but he has solid grades across the board and is - again - a 5th rounder starting on a top NFL defense) while omitting Carter, who is one of the better nickel backs in the league(another 5th).  You can criticize JD for letting Pinnock go(although that was probably more on the coaching staff than him), but surely he gets some credit for finding him in the 5th.  Echols, a 6th, has proven to be solid CB depth.  Time will tell on this most recent class, but Izzy certainly has the potential to be a solid comp back in this league.  He's missed on some guys later in the draft, of course, but so has every other GM in the league, and it a lot of cases much more often than JD has.


Again, unless your complaint is that we haven't found a Nacua, which again just doesn't happen, and is completely unreasonable to expect.

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8 hours ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Maybe we can use 2 of the 6 first round picks we get for Zach to trade for the next Lamar Jackson Justin Fields?

The problem is that there's no way you could convince a team to accept even Lamar Jackson and Justin Fields to get back the great Zach Wilson. Cannot let the opportunity to have this top tier winner remain on the roster.

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1 hour ago, bonkertons said:

Yeah round 1 is such a cakewalk.  Look at all those studs we had from 2008 onward, prior to JD's tenure.  Also, as far as day 2 picks:  Breece?  Tippmann?  Ashtyn looks like a pretty good 3rd rounder right now as well.  Same for Ruckert, who has developed nicely so far.  Not bad for day 2 picks.  Even Moore was a decent one, regardless of how he's viewed here now.  At worst he's a solid #3, and you can do a lot worse than that in the 2nd round.  


....and no, I don't believe "day 3 picks prove a GMs worth".  Day 3 picks are where you find depth.  Important, sure, but definitely not more important than your success in the 1st and 2nd.  As far as day 3 goes, maybe you somehow find a Puka Nacua on a rare ass occasion, but that's an extreme case.  More often than not, you're picking depth in those rounds. 


Also I just don't agree with your take on JD's day 3 success, or lack thereof.  Bryce Hall is probably going to get a job as a #2 somewhere next year - he was a 5th rounder.  Funny how you trashed Sherwood(weird take...I mean he's not a star, but he has solid grades across the board and is - again - a 5th rounder starting on a top NFL defense) while omitting Carter, who is one of the better nickel backs in the league(another 5th).  You can criticize JD for letting Pinnock go(although that was probably more on the coaching staff than him), but surely he gets some credit for finding him in the 5th.  Echols, a 6th, has proven to be solid CB depth.  Time will tell on this most recent class, but Izzy certainly has the potential to be a solid comp back in this league.  He's missed on some guys later in the draft, of course, but so has every other GM in the league, and it a lot of cases much more often than JD has.


Again, unless your complaint is that we haven't found a Nacua, which again just doesn't happen, and is completely unreasonable to expect.

Ruckert has 17 catches in 2 seasons. It looks like the Jets are moving him to fullback because he’s not a receiver. Otton and Jake Ferguson were both on the board and selected directly after Ruckert. These are the picks that catch up to you. In terms of selections from round 3 on, the only true hit has been Michael Carter 2. It’s just not good enough.

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15 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Ruckert has 17 catches in 2 seasons. It looks like the Jets are moving him to fullback because he’s not a receiver. Otton and Jake Ferguson were both on the board and selected directly after Ruckert. These are the picks that catch up to you. In terms of selections from round 3 on, the only true hit has been Michael Carter 2. It’s just not good enough.

Where are you getting this from?  They may play him at FB at times if they decide not to carry a true FB next year, but I'll be surprised if they move him there full time.  Also listing the numbers is a bit disingenuous considering the guy was a scratch for most of year one, and only started to see a bump in his play time at like the mid-season mark this year when Uzomah was finally buried.  I'd expect his numbers to take another leap next year with a healthy Rodgers.  Again, not a star, but a solid 2-way TE which is about what you'd expect from a 3rd round pick.  If we're going to judge every pick on who went after, then every pick we've ever made outside of maybe Sauce and Garrett was a bad pick. 


Also, do people still look at Davis like a wasted pick?  I'm genuinely curious.  Dude balled out this year and proved his worth.  It's almost a lock that they'll let Whitehead walk and hand Davis the keys full time next year.   


And again, if "hitting" on 5th rounders means finding a high-end nickel, then every GM is failing on day 3.  That's just not how this works.  The last time I could remember us hitting on anyone to the level of Carter II in the 5th or beyond was like Richie Anderson back in '93.  The closest we've come since was like Jonathan Goodwin back in '02, or Drew Coleman in '06.  So yeah, it's pretty uncommon, and not exactly surprising that in 4 drafts(one of which that just finished their rookie season) JD has had just one high-end player in that range.    

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39 minutes ago, bonkertons said:

Where are you getting this from?  They may play him at FB at times if they decide not to carry a true FB next year, but I'll be surprised if they move him there full time.  Also listing the numbers is a bit disingenuous considering the guy was a scratch for most of year one, and only started to see a bump in his play time at like the mid-season mark this year when Uzomah was finally buried.  I'd expect his numbers to take another leap next year with a healthy Rodgers.  Again, not a star, but a solid 2-way TE which is about what you'd expect from a 3rd round pick.  If we're going to judge every pick on who went after, then every pick we've ever made outside of maybe Sauce and Garrett was a bad pick. 


Also, do people still look at Davis like a wasted pick?  I'm genuinely curious.  Dude balled out this year and proved his worth.  It's almost a lock that they'll let Whitehead walk and hand Davis the keys full time next year.   


And again, if "hitting" on 5th rounders means finding a high-end nickel, then every GM is failing on day 3.  That's just not how this works.  The last time I could remember us hitting on anyone to the level of Carter II in the 5th or beyond was like Richie Anderson back in '93.  The closest we've come since was like Jonathan Goodwin back in '02, or Drew Coleman in '06.  So yeah, it's pretty uncommon, and not exactly surprising that in 4 drafts(one of which that just finished their rookie season) JD has had just one high-end player in that range.    

Carter was a really nice pick. No ones disputing that. Douglas just has some colossal misses in round 3 on, which leads me to question what exactly they’re doing. How do you draft Zuniga over his teammate who played the same exact position? 

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4 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Thoughts on how the fans caused this @FidelioJet?


CC:  @JustInFudge @Barry McCockinner

It's possible the terrible towels carry infectious disease passed on from the fanbase...so maybe it's the towel's that capture the toxicity and therefore it never gets passed down to the team.

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11 minutes ago, JustInFudge said:

It's possible the terrible towels carry infectious disease passed on from the fanbase...so maybe it's the towel's that capture the toxicity and therefore it never gets passed down to the team.

Toxic fansculinity is a real problem in society. There's a PSA billboard about it in Gillette Stadium.

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