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Rodgers Kicked Off McAfee

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1 minute ago, Creepy Lurker said:

Politics has infiltrated everything.

Yeah cmon everyone we can be Jets fans without mentioning the daily activities of the highest paid player in franchise history.

Or the owner. 

Anyone else? Probably shouldn't mention the head coach too. He's got beliefs I'm sure 

Ya know what let's just not discuss the Jets at all

That should make things nice and clean around here 

It's not like they deserve our attention anyway 

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31 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

Well, that's the thing.  People do give a sh*t.  It drives up ratings, and it's all about the money.

people wanna hear him talk about football. not about what he thinks about crap like jeffrey epstein. well, i guess there are some people that are interested, but i doubt it's many

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Just now, Matt39 said:

Overly neurotic and overly emotional. I mean this is a celebrity pissing match lol. 

It is and they are all a joke. Don’t get me wrong, politics is WAY more important than Jets football so I get the passion etc. It just ruins everything. Based on my stances, I am against many people here and when you talk about politics, you look at people differently. There’s no way around it. 

In the next thread when for instance we talk about something like how large Becton’s ass is, you go back to looking at that poster normally again. A fellow Jet fan. That’s all. I get it but I totally get 100% why the no politics thing is strict. I’m against rules and for freedom of speech etc. but it’s just a way to keep posters focus on the topic at hand…the sh*tty jets. Related to NFL/Jets or not, it’s a terrible idea I talk about at all It just ruins the mood. Just my 2 sense and opinion. 

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1 minute ago, bitonti said:

Lawsuit aside, Kimmel is more valuable to Disney than Mcafee and even Rodgers at this point 

Right. Just like Ackman was more valuable to Harvard than the president. 

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13 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Kimmel is employed by ABC and Mcafee by ESPN someone from Disney corporate was like hey dudes wtf 

Because If Kimmel worked for CBS there really might have been a lawsuit and like the recent fox dominion lawsuit Jimmy could have won 

Yeah, turning this into a culture war thing is really begging the question here. He went on TV and said a bunch of wild sh*t about a coworker and got spanked for it. This is a corporate HR thing.

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3 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

People have been ruining this board since before I got here in 2006.  It's what makes it so great!

Haha. I lurked back in 2007(not very frequently) but politics was never this divisive or infiltrating literally every form of entertainment. It’s different now. We can’t have politics ruining the best era of Jets football ever!(I guess talking politics isn’t so bad now that I think about the state of this team…….)

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5 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Yeah cmon everyone we can be Jets fans without mentioning the daily activities of the highest paid player in franchise history.

Or the owner. 

Anyone else? Probably shouldn't mention the head coach too. He's got beliefs I'm sure 

Ya know what let's just not discuss the Jets at all

That should make things nice and clean around here 

It's not like they deserve our attention anyway 

I hear ya but you see what happens. Isn’t it best to keep it to football only? 

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Just brushing off Rodgers insane rants as politics isn't giving it the proper due.

The man is a full blown nutcase and its clear why nobody in his family speaks to him.

I miss when people like this were rightfully just made fun of and looked at as morons. The dumb drunk uncle you avoided at family gatherings. Now they're all given a platform to spew vile BS.

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3 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

Yeah, turning this into a culture war thing is really begging the question here. He went on TV and said a bunch of wild sh*t about a coworker and got spanked for it. This is a corporate HR thing.

Hard to take this as an HR thing when Kimmel was on the record insinuating unvaccinated people shouldn’t be treated if they were dying. That’s pretty wild too-no?

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Just now, Prodigal Syndicate said:

Just brushing off Rodgers insane rants as politics isn't giving it the proper due.

The man is a full blown nutcase and its clear why nobody in his family speaks to him.

I miss when people like this were rightfully just made fun of and looked at as morons. The dumb drunk uncle you avoided at family gatherings. Now they're all given a platform to spew vile BS.

The first amendment is pretty durable!

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4 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

Yeah, turning this into a culture war thing is really begging the question here. He went on TV and said a bunch of wild sh*t about a coworker and got spanked for it. This is a corporate HR thing.

They also called HR on McAfee for clogging the toilet. HR has their hands full with this one. 

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

Hard to take this as an HR thing when Kimmel was on the record insinuating unvaccinated people shouldn’t be treated if they were dying. That’s pretty wild too-no?

Of course that's wild, and of course it's also an HR thing. Not enough people complained, so they didn't care, just like ESPN didn't care when Rodgers has said all manner of goofy sh*t before. All of this is about the bottom line.

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Just now, dbatesman said:

Of course that's wild, and of course it's also an HR thing. Not enough people complained, so they didn't care, just like ESPN didn't care when Rodgers has said all manner of goofy sh*t before. All of this is about the bottom line.

I think the bottom line stuff has gotten to the point of absurdity. It’s a never ending cancel game placating to people who are emotionally unstable on both sides. Kimmel says wild sh*t. Rodgers says wild sh*t. They both sh*t money who cares move on. 

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56 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

Maybe this will also compel the jets brain trust to draft a qb in the event that rodgers says more stuff and becomes too toxic to play

Aug, don't bother with expectations when it comes to this team, they only lead to one place

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

I think the bottom line stuff has gotten to the point of absurdity. It’s a never ending cancel game placating to people who are emotionally unstable on both sides. Kimmel says wild sh*t. Rodgers says wild sh*t. They both sh*t money who cares move on. 

I mean yeah, that's the issue of leaving speech to be regulated by the market. Still a lot better than the alternative!

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19 minutes ago, Creepy Lurker said:

Politics has infiltrated everything. That is why people are more outspoken than ever and brainwashed to have zero tolerance for the other side. It’s beyond repair and the last thing this place needs is for people to see posters as their enemies when all we have to do is talk about the one thing that we all have in common (painful Jets fandom).

I get it with Covid and all the corporate crap and woke debate making sports political but there’s zero reason for it to be here. It’s pathetic that people can’t control themselves. I’m looking at all of you. Get a freakin grip and stop being so gullible to the point of getting worked up about it and ruining this board. Enough is enough. 

It’s a symptom of the hyper-politicized and polarized state of American politics. When I was a kid, my parents would talk about politics at the dinner table every once in a while. Nowadays, it feels like you can’t go a day without talking politics with someone. 

We are obsessed with our political differences as a country. And you are right - it infiltrates everything - school, work, music, movies, TV, sports . . . 

Football is supposed to be a sanctuary where we can escape the intense political hatred that consumes so many of us. But it’s not. It’s just another vessel for red vs blue. It’s sad. 

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12 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Lawsuit aside, Kimmel is more valuable to Disney than Mcafee and even Rodgers at this point 

How big of a man does one have to be to say "hey, I screwed up, I was joking around, I know the guy is a family man. SORRY JIMMY!" But no, this idiot with his big ego and big mouth  has to double down with his political crap.

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Just now, slimjasi said:

If’s a symptom of the hyper-politicized and polarized state of American politics. When I was a kid, my parents would talk about politics at the dinner table every once in a while. Nowadays, it feels like you can’t go a day without talking politics with someone. 

We are obsessed with our political differences as a country. And you are right - it infiltrates everything - school, work, music, movies, TV, sports . . . 

Football is supposed to be a sanctuary where we can escape the intense political hatred that consumes so many of us. But it’s not. It’s just another vessel for red vs blue. It’s sad. 

There’s no safe haven. It takes effort and control to avoid it as much as possible, which is not easy. This beautiful board can be that oasis. A paradise of jet fan misery. 

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1 minute ago, slimjasi said:

It’s a symptom of the hyper-politicized and polarized state of American politics. When I was a kid, my parents would talk about politics at the dinner table every once in a while. Nowadays, it feels like you can’t go a day without talking politics with someone. 

We are obsessed with our political differences as a country. And you are right - it infiltrates everything - school, work, music, movies, TV, sports . . . 

Football is supposed to be a sanctuary where we can escape the intense political hatred that consumes so many of us. But it’s not. It’s just another vessel for red vs blue. It’s sad. 

I actually don’t think we are save the hyper political cities where there’s seemingly nonsense going on every day. Everyone still has to go to work and worry about their families and sh*t more than politics. 

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46 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

I just realized that this is only for the season.

If I am understanding this right, we’ll probably have to endure more of this embarrassing nonsense  during the season next year, while Rodgers is actually playing games for us. 


i mean do we really have to endure it though? i haven't ever seen even one episode of it, so i've never endured any of it, lol

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1 hour ago, dbatesman said:

I actually know that professor. This other time he was lecturing and said there was no such thing as God and this Marine who was taking the course disagreed with him. I don’t have time to get into the whole story now, but suffice to say it did NOT go well for Dr. Knowitall

Dr. Pfffffttthhhhb. 

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16 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Played out where? On the upper west side?

Was it a major topic at Thanksgiving dinner tables this year? Are most people who aren’t banned from Target still going around popping off about Fauci? My only real periscope into that side of the world comes from my brother’s Facebook and one of my boss’s heartwarming coffee chats, and they’ve both moved on to the Chinese dropping an EMP on the east coast this summer in an attempt to sway the election or something.  

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1 hour ago, RutgersJetFan said:

My favorite part about his appearance on that was the completely fabricated story of the hoity toity professor that told him he'd never gonna play in the NFL and then Aaron Rodgers was like WATCH ME and then HE DID IT. Man did he show that professor show who the man was.

Um....to be fair, that is literally HUNDREDS of successful people.  That is Michael Jordan's story, just insert high school basketball coach for hoity, toity, professor.

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Just now, T0mShane said:

Was it a major topic at Thanksgiving dinner tables this year? Are most people who aren’t banned from Target still going around popping off about Fauci? My only real periscope into that side of the world comes from my brother’s Facebook and one of my boss’s heartwarming coffee chats, and they’ve both moved on to the Chinese dropping an EMP on the east coast this summer in an attempt to sway the election or something.  

No I just think people are done with the vaccine talk in general and people roll their eyes at any new variant or next booster shot. Or the guy driving his car in a mask. It’s just funny at this point t. The CDCs rep is in the toilet and rightfully so imo. Rodgers was a snooze talking about it too, so all in all good for the Jets. 

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4 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

Um....to be fair, that is literally HUNDREDS of successful people.  That is Michael Jordan's story, just insert high school basketball coach for hoity, toity, professor.

The difference is Jordan’s story actually happened. 

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6 minutes ago, jeremy2020 said:

I'm asking you...

Nothing about your employer moving on. That’s well established. I do find it somewhat funny that Lucas or insert trendy name is cheering on the apples and Nikes of the world censoring Aaron Rodgers (or whoever the sponsors are). But that’s the world we’re  in and it’s all good.

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13 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

Um....to be fair, that is literally HUNDREDS of successful people.  That is Michael Jordan's story, just insert high school basketball coach for hoity, toity, professor.


8 minutes ago, RutgersJetFan said:

The difference is Jordan’s story actually happened. 

But it’s not what happened.  Jordan’s side of the story is one of bitterness for no good reason.  That HS coach cared about Jordan and did more for him than any man other than Michael’s Dad, and Jordan sh*t on him for decades over it.  The HS coach didn’t bench him for perceived lack of ability or talent, he benched MJ as a lesson in character and it helped make Jordan great.  

Jordan, the ridiculous narcissist he was, only saw the negative in it and while he indeed used it to motivate himself, he did so for the wrong reasons. 


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