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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

I mean, that’s not really what he said a month ago. 

Ok, I don't remember that.

The post I remember was from shortly after the season, where he said he thought Zach was very likely gone. 

FWIW, I don't think anyone on this board knows what the Jets are going to do, but everything I've read and heard makes me think Zach is gone. 

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2 minutes ago, slimjasi said:


FYI, the Jets weren't even locked into the #2 overall pick on December 20. They didn't clinch the #2 pick until December 27 when they beat Cleveland:




Before that game, they were still in the running for Trevor Lawrence. They had no idea what they were doing in December, friend. 

yeah I was being hyperbolic 

DJ's first official mock draft came out Jan 22

but the first tweet linking Zach to the NYJ came out between Jan 1 and Jan 11

note I'm not saying Saleh is any good just that you get what you pay for in this world. You mention Belly he was a disaster his first coaching job in CLE you mention Andy Reid his first year he went 5-11 these guys all depend on a QB to bail them out - even Parcells and Bill Walsh 

Not to say Saleh is some amazing coach, he isn't, but put Baker Mayfield on this team instead of Aaron we might be looking at a 7th seed too like Tampa Bay. Saleh does what he does he's a defensive scheme dude and hype man for the team, he doesn't know offense and never will 

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13 minutes ago, football guy said:

@Matt39 seems to make up his own version of reality and facts, like many on here. 

What I said this: Zach is most likely gone, and my guess is that he'll be traded to the Rams. Minnesota, Denver, and Philadelphia bare watching as well. What I said was that the only chance of Zach coming back was if Zach wanted to be back (he doesn't). There was/is a chance where cooler heads could prevail with Douglas and Rodgers attempting to convince Wilson to come back, but they won't try forcing a player to play for them who doesn't want to be here. Fans will read that and give all kinds of takes on it, but the bottom line is there is no reason to "force" a backup QB to return if the player doesn't want to be here, especially when there will be a trade market. 

Zach wants to go somewhere he can learn and have coaching that will maximize his ability to be a QB in the NFL, Saleh wants the opportunity to see a veteran QB (and veteran backup for that matter) lead this team and defense without the need to coddle/develop the backup. 

So Zach Wilson is not going to be with the Jets because Zach Wilson doesn't want to be here?  That's why? 

8 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

Is this a bit? 

I guess it has to be.

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40 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

I mean, Rosenblatt gets a co-byline because he's technically the Jets beat for the Athletic. He has no sources and has never broken anything.

Russini clearly has sources (all around the league, but definitely with the Jets) from her time at ESPN and that has been demonstrated. Also, for what it's worth she was bullish on the Jets and picked us to win the AFC East in 2023, if memory serves. She's not out for Jets blood. 

Every word of the report seems credible and believable to me.

Again, I'm not saying Russini doesn't. I made that much clear. But she has a history of spinning and twisting stories. Both at ESPN and now at the Athletic. Look, her job is to get clicks and traction. I get it. But when you cross that line over to sensationism, fabrication, and twisting info I take issue with it. They wrote this article for one purpose: paint Rodgers, Saleh, and Hackett in a negative light. Hackett is not a great coordinator and Saleh isn't a great coach, but the things they insinuate and accuse them both of being in this article are either fabricated or false. Make no mistake: she's out to get blood. A lot of time has passed since the pre-season, and a lot of relationships have been severed (specifically after the Wilson article)

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3 hours ago, football guy said:






5 minutes ago, football guy said:

If I have to get a direct text from Zach Wilson himself, god damnit I will. 

So not an insider.....but gets direct texts on demand from Zach Wilson himself.


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Just now, #27TheDominator said:

So Zach Wilson is not going to be with the Jets because Zach Wilson doesn't want to be here?  That's why? 

I guess it has to be.

Yes that's why. Opine on that info as you may. Accuse the Jets of babying or whatever I don't care- but if Zach wanted to stay, cooler heads would prevail and they would attempt to re-do the original plan. He doesn't want to stay and Saleh wants a seasoned vet behind Rodgers, so there is no reason to force it. 

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5 minutes ago, bitonti said:

note I'm not saying Saleh is any good just that you get what you pay for in this world. You mention Belly he was a disaster his first coaching job in CLE you mention Andy Reid his first year he went 5-11 these guys all depend on a QB to bail them out - even Parcells and Bill Walsh 

Not to say Saleh is some amazing coach, he isn't, but put Baker Mayfield on this team instead of Aaron we might be looking at a 7th seed too like Tampa Bay. Saleh does what he does he's a defensive scheme dude and hype man for the team, he doesn't know offense and never will 

I agree that it's all about the QB - I have no doubt that a good QB could drag Saleh to the playoffs (and I agree with you that someone of Baker Mayfield's caliber would have probably had us in the playoffs). But that doesn't mean Saleh was a good long term hire. The guy has a lot of red flags (bad record with extra rest, bad record in the division, a lot of blowout losses, a lot of sloppy football, etc.,) and I think we should replace him sooner than later

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Just now, Warfish said:


So not an insider.....but gets direct texts on demand from Zach Wilson himself.


Your head is so ******* thick. I'm not an insider or a reporter. I've never portrayed myself to be. I'm a Jets fan who happens to have friends and family that work for the organization and for Zach Wilson. I ask things and I hear things. It's not that complicated. Go be fat and obnoxious somewhere else 

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3 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

But that doesn't mean Saleh was a good long term hire.  I think we should replace him sooner than later

both GM and HC are on the last year of their contracts

well run franchises usually don't let these high profile jobs operate as lame ducks

if they get extensions that means raises

it's gonna have to be a hell of a 2024 season for that to happen 

most likely both are gone after the year. Saleh might not even make the year. But overall i think the job Douglas has done as GM is worse than the job Saleh has done as coach. I realize we're comparing a sh*t to a fart here or whatever. The Zach Wilson pick was a "fire everyone" draft pick when it didn't work out and the Aaron Rodgers trade seals the deal 


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Just now, football guy said:

Your head is so ******* thick. I'm not an insider or a reporter. I've never portrayed myself to be. I'm a Jets fan who happens to have friends and family that work for the organization and for Zach Wilson. I ask things and I hear things. It's not that complicated. Go be fat and obnoxious somewhere else 

Hate to break it to you mate, but someone who claims to have "friends and family" inside the organization who leak things to him on demand, and can get direct texts from Zach Wilson on demand, and who state things like "He doesn't want to stay" definitively, not stated as opinion, but stated as incontrovertible fact......is an insider.  

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9 minutes ago, football guy said:

Yes that's why. Opine on that info as you may. Accuse the Jets of babying or whatever I don't care- but if Zach wanted to stay, cooler heads would prevail and they would attempt to re-do the original plan. He doesn't want to stay and Saleh wants a seasoned vet behind Rodgers, so there is no reason to force it. 

there's no doubt Zach doesn't want to be here what I doubt is that anyone would give up anything of value for this player under his current contract 

what's that trade even look like? Zach and a 7th for a 6th? What team has a developmental QB 3 at Zach's salary? So the Jets eat most of his remaining salary for a 5.5 mil dead spot on the cap? how does any of this happen? 

If Zach really wanted to leave I guess he could try to take a haircut on the deal somehow but that doesn't change the cap hit on his 24 million dollar signing bonus 


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18 minutes ago, Warfish said:

27-56 record (a .325 winning %)

Worst QB production in the NFL over that time.

31st, 32nd, 28th, 29th & 29th ranked scoring Offenses over that time.

Most penalties in the NFL (I believe, source tbd) over that period.

Has any front office regime survived such a period of failure and ineffectiveness?  Well, somehow this one did....

Once again, in the lame-ducks-all-around year of 2024, everything rests on Rodgers and Rodgers alone.

A 41 year old QB in normal "time and injuries wins all fights" decline.

If he fails, or falls, we're done yet again.  More wasted years of our collective lives.

We've all seen the sh*tshow first hand. 

But we doubt this report why......because it's too colorful it how it lays it all out?  Because we think the messenger doesn't like us?

I've been saying it for year, the media is not our friend and all their unnamed sources should be taken with a grain of salt.......but it's hard to deny the result on the field at this point.  This report looks like what I expect, a lot of finger pointing and "blame that other guy, not me" inside sources as the rats abandon the ship in advance of it all falling apart in 2024 and everyone getting the axe.  

This regime hasn't earned another year in 2024, but it's getting one anyway.  What will come with that is exactly this kind of insider sniping as folks plan their next opportunities.


After watching change after change the last 15 years I prefer a little patience.

One more year with this FO isn't going to hurt as much as changing and restarting everything again.  Give Rodgers one year to win it all.

If he doesn't, then they can make the move.  Blowing it up now gives us no chance for the next 3-5 years again.  





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1 minute ago, bitonti said:

both GM and HC are on the last year of their contracts

well run franchises usually don't let these high profile jobs operate as lame ducks

if they get extensions that means raises

it's gonna have to be a hell of a 2024 season for that to happen 

most likely both are gone after the year. Saleh might not even make the year. But overall i think the job Douglas has done as GM is worse than the job Saleh has done as coach. I realize we're comparing a sh*t to a fart here or whatever. The Zach Wilson pick was a "fire everyone" draft pick when it didn't work out and the Aaron Rodgers trade seals the deal 


Dude Saleh, JD, this entire regime are nothing but a bunch of LARPers stealing from a nepotism baby 

Hell the nep baby is also a king LARPer if I’m being fair 

God we are truly doomed 😩😩😩

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21 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

Ok, I don't remember that.

The post I remember was from shortly after the season, where he said he thought Zach was very likely gone. 

FWIW, I don't think anyone on this board knows what the Jets are going to do, but everything I've read and heard makes me think Zach is gone. 

I think Zach wants to be gone. I think when the chips fall and the destinations that surface are cities in which he doesn’t want to live, there’s a strong chance he’s back because of the owner and it’s better to be with the enemy you know. Zach hasn’t exactly been asked to do all that much for the Jets. He’s been treated pretty well for a player who hasn’t performed. If it comes down to back in New York for another 6 months or start over in say Detroit or Jacksonville, the answer is pretty obvious. 

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6 hours ago, Pac said:

It didn't happen with Saleh either so there's that.. 

There wouldn’t even be a debate with the other guys. It would never have been dream up if it didn’t happen… regardless, it seems legit enough if you’re dusputing it.

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17 hours ago, football guy said:

Yes that's why. Opine on that info as you may. Accuse the Jets of babying or whatever I don't care- but if Zach wanted to stay, cooler heads would prevail and they would attempt to re-do the original plan. He doesn't want to stay and Saleh wants a seasoned vet behind Rodgers, so there is no reason to force it. 

Cooler heads?  Is that another way of saying stupid?  I am pretty sure that the original plan was for him not to suck balls in the first place.  The whole theory is ridiculous.  The kid sucks.  He is in the last year of his deal and nobody wants him here, but we are letting him decide if he stays or not?  And he wants to go to the Rams where he whined their OC out of a job?  You can't make this sh*t up.  But I guess you can since you just did.   

I get keeping him for 2023.  It was expensive to cut him and nobody was going to offer anything.  Might as well try to reset and go from there.  Now?  After he said he didn't want to play?  No ******* way.

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39 minutes ago, Jimmy 2 Times said:

Guys, Woody isn’t making the decisions or draft picks.  

Every video shows the FO talking to him telling who they want and him basically agreeing to it.  They had to tell him they were benching the guys he spent dozens of millions on a few months earlier so they didn’t look completely incompetent. 

I do believe he wanted Rodgers, probably because JD and Saleh had to run it by him first and put the idea in his head.  

They’re running the team, but ultimately have to tell him what they’re doing before the checks get signed.  I bet he rarely tells JD no.  No front office has free rein to do what they want except GB.  I’m sure every GM has to run huge financial signings by the owner first. 

He article said woody approved the benching of uzomah and Lazard. To me it’s beyond just keeping him informed.  It’s more like they asked permission.  If this is the case then woody is the main issue and he needs to butt out of football related decisions.

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7 minutes ago, Jimmy 2 Times said:

After watching change after change the last 15 years I prefer a little patience.

One more year with this FO isn't going to hurt as much as changing and restarting everything again.  Give Rodgers one year to win it all.

If he doesn't, then they can make the move.  Blowing it up now gives us no chance for the next 3-5 years again.  





I think the more important thing is that you can't saddle a new regime with Rodgers.  If he does well it will be because of this staff and if things go south your new guys are starting off with two strikes.  It will be enough for the poor new bastards to deal with the contract fallout in 2025 than to deal with the actual mandate of him being on field. 

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12 minutes ago, Jimmy 2 Times said:

After watching change after change the last 15 years I prefer a little patience.

One more year with this FO isn't going to hurt as much as changing and restarting everything again.  Give Rodgers one year to win it all.

If he doesn't, then they can make the move.  Blowing it up now gives us no chance for the next 3-5 years again.  

Honest question to you Jimmy, do you see the JD-built teams we saw the last few years, but with Rodgers at QB, as a team that would blast through KC, Baltimore or the other top teams in the playoffs to win it all? 

Is Rodgers at 41 and post-injury going to have a golden resurgence, and be the Rodgers of 2020, not the Rodgers of 2022-2023?

Feels like a long shot all around.  And doubling and trippling down on that longshot (via keeping the front-office/staff, drafting and FA'ing short term win-now over long-term team-building competitiveness) feels like a recipe for crippling the next regime in advance.

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32 minutes ago, football guy said:

@Matt39 seems to make up his own version of reality and facts, like many on here. 

What I said this: Zach is most likely gone, and my guess is that he'll be traded to the Rams. Minnesota, Denver, and Philadelphia bare watching as well. What I said was that the only chance of Zach coming back was if Zach wanted to be back (he doesn't). There was/is a chance where cooler heads could prevail with Douglas and Rodgers attempting to convince Wilson to come back, but they won't try forcing a player to play for them who doesn't want to be here. Fans will read that and give all kinds of takes on it, but the bottom line is there is no reason to "force" a backup QB to return if the player doesn't want to be here, especially when there will be a trade market. 

Zach wants to go somewhere he can learn and have coaching that will maximize his ability to be a QB in the NFL, Saleh wants the opportunity to see a veteran QB (and veteran backup for that matter) lead this team and defense without the need to coddle/develop the backup. 

I thought Lafleur hated Zach, so why would the Rams go for him? On that note, if the Jets are seriously planning on getting rid of Zach then they better draft a qb. I get that Saleh is trying to save his ass right now and wants to cover himself incase Rodgers gets injured again, but he has to realize Rodgers is 40 years old and they need a succession plan at qb they can develop behind Rodgers. Trade Huff for a 2nd round pick and draft one of Nix/McCarthy if they are still there in the 2nd.

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18 minutes ago, football guy said:

Again, I'm not saying Russini doesn't. I made that much clear. But she has a history of spinning and twisting stories. Both at ESPN and now at the Athletic. Look, her job is to get clicks and traction. I get it. But when you cross that line over to sensationism, fabrication, and twisting info I take issue with it. They wrote this article for one purpose: paint Rodgers, Saleh, and Hackett in a negative light. Hackett is not a great coordinator and Saleh isn't a great coach, but the things they insinuate and accuse them both of being in this article are either fabricated or false. Make no mistake: she's out to get blood. A lot of time has passed since the pre-season, and a lot of relationships have been severed (specifically after the Wilson article)

Whether or not the article is framing Saleh, Hackett, and Rodgers (and for that matter Woody and Wilson) in a negative light isn't up for debate. They all come out of this looking awful.

The only subject for debate is whether it's credible. I see no reason to believe it isn't, and frankly, the Rex Hogan departure (and overall lack of criticism of the front office in the article) makes a very strong impression on me.

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5 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

I think Zach wants to be gone. I think when the chips fall and the destinations that surface are cities in which he doesn’t want to live, there’s a strong chance he’s back because of the owner and it’s better to be with the enemy you know. Zach hasn’t exactly been asked to do all that much for the Jets. He’s been treated pretty well for a player who hasn’t performed. If it comes down to back in New York for another 6 months or start over in say Detroit or Jacksonville, the answer is pretty obvious. 

Can't wait to find out. Tired of talking about this guy

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2 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Cooler heads?  Is that another way of saying stupid?  I am pretty sure that the original plan was for him no to suck balls in the first place.  The whole theory is ridiculous.  The kid sucks.  He is in the last year of his deal and nobody wants him here, but we are letting him decide if he stays or not?  And he wants to go to the Rams where he whined their OC out of a job?  You can't make this sh*t up.  But I guess you can since you just did.   

I get keeping him for 2023.  It was expensive to cut him and nobody was going to offer anything.  Might as well try to reset and go from there.  Now?  After he said he didn't want to play?  No ******* way.

This is what happens when you hire dudes who specialize in live action role play and not building a winning org. 

And tbh

Calling this thing a circus or clown show is so disrespectful to the great Ringling brothers and the universal soul circus.  

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Hate to break it to you mate, but someone who claims to have "friends and family" inside the organization who leak things to him on demand, and can get direct texts from Zach Wilson on demand, and who state things like "He doesn't want to stay" definitively, not stated as opinion, but stated as incontrovertible fact......is an insider.  

Alright sh*t for brains so am I an insider or not? It's ******* nauseating with you. One day your accusing me of not being an insider, the next your telling me I'm an insider. PICK ONE! 

I've done everything I can do to make it clear. I went out of my way to share my "sources" with Mods because some of you legacy posters on here were so emotionally traumatized by the fact that some random dude joined in on your parade and had more access to information than you did. As I have told you before: I'm not here to be apart of your community, I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to gain internet "cred" or notoriety; I share what I think, what I hear, and what I know in effort to have a fruitful discussion about the Jets and football. If you don't like it then kick rocks. 

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4 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

Dude Saleh, JD, this entire regime are nothing but a bunch of LARPers stealing from a nepotism baby 

Hell the nep baby is also a king LARPer if I’m being fair 

God we are truly doomed 😩😩😩

@T0mShane had a brutal take down of Woody the other day how everything he's ever done has been a miserable failure until he bought the Jets (with the help of his mother) 

it was truly a thing of beauty 


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13 minutes ago, bitonti said:

there's no doubt Zach doesn't want to be here what I doubt is that anyone would give up anything of value for this player under his current contract 

what's that trade even look like? Zach and a 7th for a 6th? What team has a developmental QB 3 at Zach's salary? So the Jets eat most of his remaining salary for a 5.5 mil dead spot on the cap? how does any of this happen? 

If Zach really wanted to leave I guess he could try to take a haircut on the deal somehow but that doesn't change the cap hit on his 24 million dollar signing bonus 


They'll probably get 4th-5th round value for him 

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4 minutes ago, rangerous said:

He article said woody approved the benching of uzomah and Lazard. To me it’s beyond just keeping him informed.  It’s more like they asked permission.  If this is the case then woody is the main issue and he needs to butt out of football related decisions.

Dude it’s literally like this in every sport, you can’t just bench a dude the owner is paying boatloads of money without explanation. Especially if you are the 300 IQ GM who overpaid that player 

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2 minutes ago, bitonti said:

@T0mShane had a brutal take down of Woody the other day how everything he's ever done has been a miserable failure until he bought the Jets (with the help of his mother) 

it was truly a thing of beauty 


Lmao bro I remember this, I legitimately LOL’ed and read it to my wife last night over drinks 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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8 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

Cooler heads?  Is that another way of saying stupid?  I am pretty sure that the original plan was for him no to suck balls in the first place.  The whole theory is ridiculous.  The kid sucks.  He is in the last year of his deal and nobody wants him here, but we are letting him decide if he stays or not?  And he wants to go to the Rams where he whined their OC out of a job?  You can't make this sh*t up.  But I guess you can since you just did.   

I get keeping him for 2023.  It was expensive to cut him and nobody was going to offer anything.  Might as well try to reset and go from there.  Now?  After he said he didn't want to play?  No ******* way.

Another one of you, ******* shot. Get on google and look up "cooler heads". Idiot 

This place really is mind blowing sometimes. I'm out. The NFL Draft section is a lot less ridiculous 

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