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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

It's the easiest thing in the world to just blame ZW.  Even though I'm one of the few who still thinks he might be good, I'll play along with your premise that, essentially, "it's all ZW's fault".   

Well, how is it not also JD's fault for not having (or bringing in) a better backup QB?   Joe Flacco was available and we saw what he did for Cleveland, right?  (I know we had him on our team previously and he stunk for us, btw.  Which, to me, yet again points to the problem being the Jets, but I digress)

How is it not Robert Saleh's fault for not benching ZW and putting in a better replacement sooner?  Or if he wasn't allowed to bench him (e.g. due to Woody and/or JD), how about doing a better job (both he and Hackett) coaching him up or scheming around him?  For example, how about some designed runs?  How about more rollouts?  How about at least mixing in Brownlee for some of ZW's starts (it felt like he was inactive every time ZW started) to see if there was any chemistry?  Saleh/Hackett's whole approach felt incredibly defeatist.  We saw in both the KC and Texans' games that there was absolutely something there to work with.

It's not like the entire team should've been paralyzed.  Mike Tomlin and Kevin Stefanski both did outstanding jobs with their backup QBs in there.  I've said it before but if Tomlin ever is available, Woody needs to offer him whatever it takes to get him here.

I clearly stated that JD failed to bring in a backup QB. But on the flip side of that. Go look at ARs injury history. Did JD not have right to think that Rodgers very likely wont get injured? So while in hindsight it seems he messed up. It is hinds9ght at the end of the day. Rodgers doesn't get injured like he has from like 95% if his career. No one bats an eye at backup QB.


Saleh did mess this up. IMO he should be fired. But clearly that isn't happening. JDs job is to build a roster and fact is is our healthy roster this last year was good. Got killed by injuries which cant be predicted. Saleh though never adjusted to these injuries and fixed things. Hackett played rather predictable football. And IMO a HC should be challenge any coach if what they're doing isn't working. And it seemed he never did that.


The part that irritates me is how bc Rodgers got injured some of these guys jobs are safe. When the coached crappy without him there. Hackett just had the worse offense in the league. He should have been the 1st guy fired. Yet bc he's Rodgers buddy that didn't happen. Obviously I think a healthy Rodgers likely makes Hackett look good next year. When we likely know it's Rodgers pretty much as OC. We didn't fire our OL coach. Yes we had injuries there but he isn't good and should've been gone.


So Yes we were awful and 3 coaches IMO should've easily been gone in Saleh, Hackett and the OL coach. But none will happen.

Zach Wilson IMO is on anther level of bad. He not only sucks. But he sucks for a team that he really doesnt have to do much to win. It's one thing to suck bc you have to score 4 TDs a game to win. But when you only have to score 1-2 to win games and you cant do that. That falls A TON on the guy who touches the ball every play. Hackett did him no favors. But at what point is it Wilson for you. LaFleur was the probelm now its Hackett. How about it's the actual player.

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7 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I see Saleh as one of our biggest problems.  The guy has a complete loser mentality and is looking for any excuse he can latch onto.  Mike Tomlin and Kevin Stefanski didn't whine about their QBs.  They went out there and won games in spite of their situations.

I couldn't agree more and would even venture to suggest that Saleh is the biggest problem we have.

Everyone points to the owner....do you think the Bengals owner knows what he's doing? He got lucky with the right QB and HC.

Do I really think Kraft knows what he's doing? No, he got lucky with Brady because Belichick was sucking before Brady saved the organization and sucked after Brady left.

You need the right HC and/or QB and everything else converts off of that.

We have the right QB....for a couple of years only though. We do not have the right HC.

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3 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:


Zach Wilson IMO is on anther level of bad. He not only sucks. But he sucks for a team that he really doesnt have to do much to win. It's one thing to suck bc you have to score 4 TDs a game to win. But when you only have to score 1-2 to win games and you cant do that. That falls A TON on the guy who touches the ball every play. Hackett did him no favors. But at what point is it Wilson for you. LaFleur was the probelm now its Hackett. How about it's the actual player.

I would love to see Wilson's Wonderlic scores and answers. Babe in the woods is the best way to describe him. 

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38 minutes ago, Trotter said:

im sure she is - but if i remember correctly (i am lucky if i remember to leave the house with matching shoes lately) a few of her scoops were refuted last year and evidenced to be false. That has to be taken into account 

I’m not as impressed with this article as some here apparently are. While I’m not totally dismissive of it I do realize both writers have reason to do a hit piece. 

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2 minutes ago, zuckpsu said:

Assuming Rodgers doesn’t get hurt or decide to retire mid season to receive ayahuasca and coffee enemas, this team is at best a 6-7 playoff seed that is not winning 3 playoff games against KC, Bills, SD, Baltimore, Miami, Bengals, Houston, etc. 

Saleh and Hackett will be gone next year, so will Douglas if he doesn’t nail this draft. Rip off the bandaid now. You have a chance to get Vrabel, but they’re gonna run it back with his clown show.

Pandering to a 40yo QB is nothing more than a path to another rebuild. This franchise is going nowhere until they draft a true FQB. 

The Jets went from trying to build a team through the old-fashioned, brick by brick foundation of core players through the draft, and then did a very hard pivot to a quick fix wing and a prayer hope. That plan crashed. See what it brings next year, but outlook not good.

It has the look of a meddlesome owner all over it.


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On 1/31/2024 at 8:14 AM, Rob Moore said:

My only question here is what have the Jets done to Russini to make her so angry?  She’s been doubling and tripling down on this stuff since the Zach reluctant to play report.  Really, she’s been the only one continuously doubling down on this.

I think it's more so that the jets are just an easy target. Have been for a long time. Rather than her having some personal vendetta against anyone or the team specifically

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I never said ZW didn't have his faults.  It just became increasingly evident to me that ZW improved this year (fwiw, he badly needed to after his horrible 1st 2 seasons here) but the Jets were letting him down.  To be clear, I'm not saying I'm certain he'll be good (though my hunch is that he will be), just that it was near impossible for him to succeed under the conditions he was given.  If he gets put in a better situation next year (and it's hard to believe there would be very many situations that could be worse), at least we'll be able to properly evaluate him (please hold the sarcastic jokes).  I feel like this story by The Athletic supports my theory. 

Every take you have is jaded by this misguided notion. Zach Wilson will never be a starter in this league unless he's forced in due to injury (most likely multiple injuries.)
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1 hour ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Weren't the Jets on the hook for most of ZW's salary this year whether they kept him or cut him?  Probably it only made sense to keep him on the roster and probably there's only so much teams want to spend at 1 position.  And I wouldn't be surprised if JD didn't want to "throw ZW away" without seeing if he was salvageable.  He did take him #2 overall, after all.  

Very similar situation unfolded in Arizona with Josh Rosen and to a lesser extent, Niners/Lance. Pretty much Cards realized Rosen was a disaster, and cut bait. Admittedly Tyler Murray has had mixed results, but they didn't bring back Rosen to remind everyone what an awful pick he was when Murray went down.

Failure to get insurance on 39/40 year old QB; Robert Wood Johnson Roman Numerals , again, shown to be a moron. His family's  $ people told him an NFL team was a bulletproof way to launder out the family fortune on him and the rest of his lucky sperm club imbecile family members. He has no business sense. And turning cheap on getting a real backup cost this team a playoff berth. Again, no pretense they were on their way to Vegas next week. But when you haven't been in the playoffs forever, we'll take it. 

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Why is everybody so in love with Vrabel?  He had one winning season after Smith left and two sh*tty ones.  His staff included Downing and Carter who most of you outright hate.  Firing these guys and snatching Vrabel seems a bit too much like the Bills hiring Rex or the Browns Mangini.  I don't even think he was successful as a DC and **** the Patriots.

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4 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

Every take you have is jaded by this misguided notion. Zach Wilson will never be a starter in this league unless he's forced in due to injury (most likely multiple injuries.)


You might be right but I still want to see it.  If I were a fan of another team, I'd want my GM to try to acquire ZW on the cheap and attempt to resurrect his career.  We'll see how things turn out.

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6 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
1 hour ago, Matt39 said:
Why wouldn’t he have been acquired? This was all run through and approved by Zach’s team prior to anyways. 

Show me on the doll where he touched you. It's ok. This is a safe space.

im not sure what happened first - me peeing my pants or coffee all over the keyboard.


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10 minutes ago, JetsFanatic said:

I’m not as impressed with this article as some here apparently are. While I’m not totally dismissive of it I do realize both writers have reason to do a hit piece. 

And some people were suggesting Scot McLoughan as GM.  When he was in Washington his wife replied to one of Russini's tweets "How many BJ's did you give for that story?" 

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20 minutes ago, zuckpsu said:

Assuming Rodgers doesn’t get hurt or decide to retire mid season to receive ayahuasca and coffee enemas, this team is at best a 6-7 playoff seed that is not winning 3 playoff games against KC, Bills, SD, Baltimore, Miami, Bengals, Houston, etc. 

Saleh and Hackett will be gone next year, so will Douglas if he doesn’t nail this draft. Rip off the bandaid now. You have a chance to get Vrabel, but they’re gonna run it back with his clown show.

Pandering to a 40yo QB is nothing more than a path to another rebuild. This franchise is going nowhere until they draft a true FQB. 

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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4 minutes ago, Bugg said:

Very similar situation unfolded in Arizona with Josh Rosen and to a lesser extent, Niners/Lance. Pretty much Cards realized Rosen was a disaster, and cut bait. Admittedly Tyler Murray has had mixed results, but they didn't bring back Rosen to remind everyone what an awful pick he was when Murray went down.

Failure to get insurance on 39/40 year old QB; Robert Wood Johnson Roman Numerals , again, shown to be a moron. His family's  $ people told him an NFL team was a bulletproof way to launder out the family fortune on him and the rest of his lucky sperm club imbecile family members. He has no business sense. And turning cheap on getting a real backup cost this team a playoff berth. Again, no pretense they were on their way to Vegas next week. But when you haven't been in the playoffs forever, we'll take it. 

I think Arizona probably realized very early on that Josh Rosen was an obvious disaster.  He was a terrible QB with an entitled attitude, and he didn't really even have "traits" to fall back on.  There was no fooling anyone.  ZW absolutely has "traits" (strong arm, excellent escapability, can throw on the run, can throw at odd angles) and he seems like he's a good kid.  


Failure to get insurance on 39/40 year old QB; Robert Wood Johnson Roman Numerals , again, shown to be a moron. His family's  $ people told him an NFL team was a bulletproof way to launder out the family fortune on him and the rest of his lucky sperm club imbecile family members. He has no business sense. And turning cheap on getting a real backup cost this team a playoff berth. Again, no pretense they were on their way to Vegas next week. But when you haven't been in the playoffs forever, we'll take it. 

Agreed.  Someone on JN (I forget which person) once made a great point about how NFL owner was the perfect job for Woody because it's almost impossible to fail at it.  

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You might be right but I still want to see it.  If I were a fan of another team, I'd want my GM to try to acquire ZW on the cheap and attempt to resurrect his career.  We'll see how things turn out.
I don't think you could find many fans of other teams that would want Zach as a reclamation project. Maybe Lance but not Wilson.
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4 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

And some people were suggesting Scot McLoughan as GM.  When he was in Washington his wife replied to one of Russini's tweets "How many BJ's did you give for that story?" 

That was me - lol!   I had no idea about that story.  And I know he's a drunk, btw.  I just think he's a good judge of talent.  And guys like that (who are talented but have issues) are probably perfect for this franchise because we're not getting any of the legit top candidates (well, unless maybe a guy like Trevor Lawrence fell into our laps 3 years ago).  Jon Gruden is another example, btw.

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2 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
12 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:
You might be right but I still want to see it.  If I were a fan of another team, I'd want my GM to try to acquire ZW on the cheap and attempt to resurrect his career.  We'll see how things turn out.

I don't think you could find many fans of other teams that would want Zach as a reclamation project. Maybe Lance but not Wilson.

You might be right about fans.  I think there will be GMs who will still want him though.  

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On 1/31/2024 at 8:25 AM, dbatesman said:

If you guys really want to feel bad about yourselves, check this out:


Seems like Woody has a say in playing time, which means that whatever happens with Douglas, Saleh, or Rodgers, this team is screwed forever

I think they asked Johnson for approval just because season was toast already so they wanted to put the young guys in… and if they were trash and games looked ugly it’s okay because the owner allowed it. It was to guard against getting fired 

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6 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

That was me - lol!   I had no idea about that story.  And I know he's a drunk, btw.  I just think he's a good judge of talent.  And guys like that (who are talented but have issues) are probably perfect for this franchise because we're not getting any of the legit top candidates (well, unless maybe a guy like Trevor Lawrence fell into our laps 3 years ago).  Jon Gruden is another example, btw.

Good judge of talent?  Well, his wife described Russini as his "side piece."

PS: Gruden is a ******* horror show.

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You might be right about fans.  I think there will be GMs who will still want him though.  
Want him what capacity? No one is going to sign up for him to be the backup QB. He's got practice quad written all over him just like Tim Boyle.

The Jets biggest mistake with Zach Wilson was not the way they handled him. It was selecting him with the #2 overall pick.

I've heard the "you just wait until he turns out to be good for another team" argument before. Has it ever been true? You want to use Geno as an example? Maybe Jeff Blake? Please. Wilson is a bust. Can't wait for them to ship him off to another team.
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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Yesssssss finally

Love how you are reading and replying to all of this 15 hours after the fact. It's like I'm reading the whole exchange again, which is hysterical.

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1 hour ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I see Saleh as one of our biggest problems.  The guy has a complete loser mentality and is looking for any excuse he can latch onto.  Mike Tomlin and Kevin Stefanski didn't whine about their QBs.  They went out there and won games in spite of their situations.

They didn't whine because their GM and Owner aren't telling them no you can do this or that. Play with this crappy QB and deal with it. Oh you wanna play the younger guy? Please submit your approval slip before doing so. 

The whole thing is trash.


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Just now, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

They didn't whine because their GM and Owner aren't telling them no you can do this or that. Play with this crappy QB and deal with it. Oh you wanna play the younger guy? Please submit your approval slip before doing so. 

The whole thing is trash.

ZW was benched 2x last year and I think 2x again this year.

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