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Dylan's First Day of School


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Well...it's official. I am old. After 2 yrs old Pre-School my 5 yr old son Dylan starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I will take pictures and post them when he gets on the bus tomorrow!

Although this means I am old....I am also very proud of him. I'm nervous,he isn't. Funny.

Anyone else's kids start school for the first time tomorrow?

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Well...it's official. I am old. After 2 yrs old Pre-School my 5 yr old son Dylan starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I will take pictures and post them when he gets on the bus tomorrow!

Although this means I am old....I am also very proud of him. I'm nervous,he isn't. Funny.

Anyone else's kids start school for the first time tomorrow?

You are most fortunate Smizzy. Those pictures and memories you will cherish forever. Glad you are able to be there for it. I was lucky that I worked the midnite shift so I too was there for that 1st day of school event. Enjoy.

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Well...it's official. I am old. After 2 yrs old Pre-School my 5 yr old son Dylan starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I will take pictures and post them when he gets on the bus tomorrow!

Although this means I am old....I am also very proud of him. I'm nervous,he isn't. Funny.

Anyone else's kids start school for the first time tomorrow?

If having a kid in kindergarten makes you old, what does a sophmore in high school make me??? Dead?

Enjoy this time Smizzy, it's not so exciting after a few years.

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Dropped my oldest off for his first day of school this year. 7th grade, I was like damn he has this year and next and then it is off to high school. They say it goes fast but it really doesn't. I feel like I am 60 and I still have another 2 years in my 30's to go.


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Dropped my oldest off for his first day of school this year. 7th grade, I was like damn he has this year and next and then it is off to high school. They say it goes fast but it really doesn't. I feel like I am 60 and I still have another 2 years in my 30's to go.



I finally found you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come to papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well...it's official. I am old. After 2 yrs old Pre-School my 5 yr old son Dylan starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I will take pictures and post them when he gets on the bus tomorrow!

Although this means I am old....I am also very proud of him. I'm nervous,he isn't. Funny.

Anyone else's kids start school for the first time tomorrow?

Wow, you guys are just starting school up there? Grant has been in class for two and a half weeks now. I guess that explains why Kansans are so much smarter than NYers. :P

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It's a day you'll always look back on buddy - I remember Kelly's like it was yesterday. Every time I drive by that school I think of her walking up that sidewalk with her back pack on telling me not to walk her to the door - that she was old enough to do that herself.

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thank god that freakin mohawk is gone,,

:) That's usually just his summer cut and I think he's kinda lost interest in it anyway. He does want to start growing his hair out a little longer now. Not hippie longer but just a little shaggy.

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:) That's usually just his summer cut and I think he's kinda lost interest in it anyway. He does want to start growing his hair out a little longer now. Not hippie longer but just a little shaggy.

thats cool,, but my experience is a 'highly unusual' cut for someone under 12 will usually result in typoecasting by teachers/parents,, not saying its fair,, but it could put him behing eight ball for no reason of his own,,

we have to play by societys rules somewhat :P

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Well...it's official. I am old. After 2 yrs old Pre-School my 5 yr old son Dylan starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I will take pictures and post them when he gets on the bus tomorrow!

Although this means I am old....I am also very proud of him. I'm nervous,he isn't. Funny.

Anyone else's kids start school for the first time tomorrow?

Where's the pics? :cheergal:

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adorable kids! smiz .. that boy is a heartbreaker!

haggis.. your wee little girl... is just adorable! what a smile on her! love that red hair!! :D

and alk.. that grant is still a cutie!

my girlie will be a sophomore in high school when she starts next week.. 15 years old! OY! and yes she is so cute.. and no.. i am not posting pictures! :lol:

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and alk.. that grant is still a cutie!

Thanks. Last night he came over to me and started whispering in my ear. He said they were at recess and a girl came up to him and told him that her friend has a crush on him. :) It's already starting.

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