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Embarrased to be a Jets fan ( Chad's Injury Merged)


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Yes, dinking and dunking is a great job. Give it a ****ing rest. 14 ****ing points. Pathetic. Throw it down the field Pussington. He's lucky I gave him a B. This was far from a "great" performance.

I bet you cheered your ass off was cheerin when Chad was hurt. Not surprising. This Pennington Anti-bias is starting to get sick.

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Despite the debate of why the fans were cheering, the fact is that a lot of fans were booing when Chad came back into the game. That should answer the question of whether they were cheering for him, Clemens or the injury. Pretty pathetic really and it makes me embarassed to be a Jets fan.

It's pretty clear what happened, and it was just covered on the halftime show of the Giants game. There is no denying that there are some pretty sh1tty jets fans out there who were exposed today.

They know who they are.

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It's pretty clear what happened, and it was just covered on the halftime show of the Giants game. There is no denying that there are some pretty sh1tty jets fans out there who were exposed today.

They know who they are.

Totally agree.

I was at the game today sitting in my usual seats that I do for every home game. Today I was with my 13 year old son and 2 of his friends.

I have to say I'm ashamed to be a Jet fan today and not because we lost the game, but because of what else I saw in the stands.

I saw Jet fans boo their own QB when he got hurt.

I saw a young girl, who couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 years old, who appeared to be there with her family (all of whom were actually Jet fans, except for her ... obvious because of her #12 red, white and blue jersey), doing nothing but minding her own business and watching the game, yet having an entire section of drunken jerks dressed in green and white cursing her out and telling her to go back to f'ing Boston. There were also some other expletives used, "bitch" and some "c" words also used.

I mean, c'mon guys, at a 12 year old girl?

I saw a number of instances of food and bottles being tossed at people wearing red, white and blue. Trouble was, most of the people being struck were people wearing green who happened to be sitting next to the intended targets.

As a result of all this, I left the game early in the 3rd quarter, as I was tired of subjecting the young kids I had with me to this behavior.

I've been going to Jet games now since for over 35 years. My first was in 1971, so I'm no novice.

I understand the passion.

I understand the frustration.

I understand when you put 80,000 people in one place, some with opposite rooting interests, and introduce alcohol, there may be some trouble on occasion.

I'm not a prude. I enjoy a few beers as much as anybody.

But today was absolutely ridiculous to the point where I will have to seriously consider whether I want to continue attending games, especially with my 13 year old son at my side.

Tonight I got a phone call from the father of one of my son's friends who attened the game. He wanted a "first hand" account of the conversation his son had with him at dinner this evening and wanted to know if it was true or if he son was exagerating.

I told him that everything his son had told him was true, which is why we left the stadium with 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

I'm embarassed to call myself a Jet fan today.


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I was screaming at the JERK behind me, I could understand this comming from a patsy fan but fellow JET fans ,the only thing that kept me from punching this idiot in the face ,was the thought of losing my 4 season tickets that finally got upgraded last year after writing in for the request of an upgrade after 22 years.....

Dude, I was gonna kick your frickin a## but my wife told me to back off. You're lucky, next time I'll whoop you man!!

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Totally agree.

I was at the game today sitting in my usual seats that I do for every home game. Today I was with my 13 year old son and 2 of his friends.

I have to say I'm ashamed to be a Jet fan today and not because we lost the game, but because of what else I saw in the stands.

I saw Jet fans boo their own QB when he got hurt.

I saw a young girl, who couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 years old, who appeared to be there with her family (all of whom were actually Jet fans, except for her ... obvious because of her #12 red, white and blue jersey), doing nothing but minding her own business and watching the game, yet having an entire section of drunken jerks dressed in green and white cursing her out and telling her to go back to f'ing Boston. There were also some other expletives used, "bitch" and some "c" words also used.

I mean, c'mon guys, at a 12 year old girl?

I saw a number of instances of food and bottles being tossed at people wearing red, white and blue. Trouble was, most of the people being struck were people wearing green who happened to be sitting next to the intended targets.

As a result of all this, I left the game early in the 3rd quarter, as I was tired of subjecting the young kids I had with me to this behavior.

I've been going to Jet games now since for over 35 years. My first was in 1971, so I'm no novice.

I understand the passion.

I understand the frustration.

I understand when you put 80,000 people in one place, some with opposite rooting interests, and introduce alcohol, there may be some trouble on occasion.

I'm not a prude. I enjoy a few beers as much as anybody.

But today was absolutely ridiculous to the point where I will have to seriously consider whether I want to continue attending games, especially with my 13 year old son at my side.

Tonight I got a phone call from the father of one of my son's friends who attened the game. He wanted a "first hand" account of the conversation his son had with him at dinner this evening and wanted to know if it was true or if he son was exagerating.

I told him that everything his son had told him was true, which is why we left the stadium with 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

I'm embarassed to call myself a Jet fan today.


Great Post.

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Totally agree.

I was at the game today sitting in my usual seats that I do for every home game. Today I was with my 13 year old son and 2 of his friends.

I have to say I'm ashamed to be a Jet fan today and not because we lost the game, but because of what else I saw in the stands.

I saw Jet fans boo their own QB when he got hurt.

I saw a young girl, who couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 years old, who appeared to be there with her family (all of whom were actually Jet fans, except for her ... obvious because of her #12 red, white and blue jersey), doing nothing but minding her own business and watching the game, yet having an entire section of drunken jerks dressed in green and white cursing her out and telling her to go back to f'ing Boston. There were also some other expletives used, "bitch" and some "c" words also used.

I mean, c'mon guys, at a 12 year old girl?

I saw a number of instances of food and bottles being tossed at people wearing red, white and blue. Trouble was, most of the people being struck were people wearing green who happened to be sitting next to the intended targets.

As a result of all this, I left the game early in the 3rd quarter, as I was tired of subjecting the young kids I had with me to this behavior.

I've been going to Jet games now since for over 35 years. My first was in 1971, so I'm no novice.

I understand the passion.

I understand the frustration.

I understand when you put 80,000 people in one place, some with opposite rooting interests, and introduce alcohol, there may be some trouble on occasion.

I'm not a prude. I enjoy a few beers as much as anybody.

But today was absolutely ridiculous to the point where I will have to seriously consider whether I want to continue attending games, especially with my 13 year old son at my side.

Tonight I got a phone call from the father of one of my son's friends who attened the game. He wanted a "first hand" account of the conversation his son had with him at dinner this evening and wanted to know if it was true or if he son was exagerating.

I told him that everything his son had told him was true, which is why we left the stadium with 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

I'm embarassed to call myself a Jet fan today.


I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience today. Unfortunately, it's not such an unusual occurrence anymore.

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Totally agree.

I was at the game today sitting in my usual seats that I do for every home game. Today I was with my 13 year old son and 2 of his friends.

I have to say I'm ashamed to be a Jet fan today and not because we lost the game, but because of what else I saw in the stands.

I saw Jet fans boo their own QB when he got hurt.

I saw a young girl, who couldn't have been more than 12 or 13 years old, who appeared to be there with her family (all of whom were actually Jet fans, except for her ... obvious because of her #12 red, white and blue jersey), doing nothing but minding her own business and watching the game, yet having an entire section of drunken jerks dressed in green and white cursing her out and telling her to go back to f'ing Boston. There were also some other expletives used, "bitch" and some "c" words also used.

I mean, c'mon guys, at a 12 year old girl?

I saw a number of instances of food and bottles being tossed at people wearing red, white and blue. Trouble was, most of the people being struck were people wearing green who happened to be sitting next to the intended targets.

As a result of all this, I left the game early in the 3rd quarter, as I was tired of subjecting the young kids I had with me to this behavior.

I've been going to Jet games now since for over 35 years. My first was in 1971, so I'm no novice.

I understand the passion.

I understand the frustration.

I understand when you put 80,000 people in one place, some with opposite rooting interests, and introduce alcohol, there may be some trouble on occasion.

I'm not a prude. I enjoy a few beers as much as anybody.

But today was absolutely ridiculous to the point where I will have to seriously consider whether I want to continue attending games, especially with my 13 year old son at my side.

Tonight I got a phone call from the father of one of my son's friends who attened the game. He wanted a "first hand" account of the conversation his son had with him at dinner this evening and wanted to know if it was true or if he son was exagerating.

I told him that everything his son had told him was true, which is why we left the stadium with 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

I'm embarassed to call myself a Jet fan today.


Damn that's horrible. It's one thing to heckle and torture an away team fan that's instigating. But a 12 year old girl? That's f*cking horrible. All those other Jets fans embarassed us real true knowlegable fans today. Their not real fans. Their drunken idiots that go there to get drunk rather than watch football.

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The team has been a laughingstock for the better part of 40 years, and people are only now embarassed to be Jets fans because of one game against the Patriots?

Did you people know what you were getting into when you started rooting for this team? For the vast majority of you, (and I'd only exclude a few who were lucky enough to be alive the last time the Jets won a SB) you started rooting for this team while they were crap.

I can name about 20 worse things that have happened in Jet history than this game. Aside from a few drunken dumbasses in the stands ruining it for others (which what JoeWillie dealt with is completely understandable to be upset about, but the fact that that game is in Jersey, that behavior from some people doesn't surprise me) we got beat by a team that addressed it's needs in the offseason and fixed them with great talent, something we didn't do. We got beat by a better team. Plain and simple.

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The team has been a laughingstock for the better part of 40 years, and people are only now embarassed to be Jets fans because of one game against the Patriots?

Did you people know what you were getting into when you started rooting for this team? For the vast majority of you, (and I'd only exclude a few who were lucky enough to be alive the last time the Jets won a SB) you started rooting for this team while they were crap.

I can name about 20 worse things that have happened in Jet history than this game. Aside from a few drunken dumbasses in the stands ruining it for others (which is understandable to be upset about, but your watching a game in Jersey, not Iowa) we got beat by a team that addressed it's needs in the offseason and fixed them with great talent, something we didn't do. We got beat by a better team. Plain and simple.

Nobody is talking about the game, they are talking about how fans cheered when Pennington got inured.

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anyone who was at the playoff game in NE last year, and who heard pats fans cheer when Chad went down must understand that when i heard tghe cheers on tv today, i felt like throwing up. that was a pitiful disgraceful showing for jet fans, and i hope none of you cheered when he was lights out when he came back and told all of you to shut the f*** up

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Man, sometimes you can be so hurtful. :) But it is true. Eagles fans have more class then Jets fans. That is so sad. At least for one day anyway.

Not true. No way. No how. I've found Jet fans to be the classiest of fellow NFL fans I've ever met. I didn't see this incident, but I feel if Roger Clemens did walk out onto the field, there would have to be some kind of reaction following it. Especially in New York/New Jersey.

That's just how this Cincinnati fan views this situation.

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I would never condone the bad behavior described in this thread but don't paint the whole crowd with a broad brush. I was in section 330 and saw many Pats jerseys and didn't see any disturbances or rude behavior. I also didn't think the cheering was for Chad getting hurt but rather for him being able to get up and limp off under his own power. From what I saw in my section, despite a frustrating defeat, I was proud to be and be among my fellow Jet fans.

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Now that I'm finally recoving from my heavy depression drinking after the game.....If Jets fans really cheered after the loss (I was at a bar with 12 TV's, no sound) I am completely disgusted. Yes, I mentioned to my friend that some jet fans would be happy, but to cheer when someone is injured? WTF? Makes my stomach turn to think about being a Jets fan right now.....****.

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It was sickening, BUT some people were cheering because he got up and was able to make it off the field.

Just as a perspective thing.


That's what I was cheering for. I posted that pretty much right away. How can you not respect a guy that is fighting for his team just to protect a timeout? I can't possibly have been the only one that felt that way, thats why I think maybe people are jumping to the wrong conclusion.

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That's what I was cheering for. I posted that pretty much right away. How can you not respect a guy that is fighting for his team just to protect a timeout? I can't possibly have been the only one that felt that way, thats why I think maybe people are jumping to the wrong conclusion.

The media likes a story and the 10 ****heads who cheered when he got hurt (3 of them were behind me the whole game throwing paper airplanes the entire time) are the story.

We cheered that he was ok and we cheered when he came back on the field. The media can spin that anyway they want.


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It was sickening, BUT some people were cheering because he got up and was able to make it off the field.

Just as a perspective thing.


Most of the people in my area, which is very close to yours were hugging one and another saying "It's about time they get rid of that f-n waste of a QB" and "Thank God, we finally get a QB in Clements."

It's appauling to say the least & I hope everyone who praised this injury have their livers rot out from the alcohol they were drinking. Especially since that's the only reason they go to the games these days anyway!


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The media likes a story and the 10 ****heads who cheered when he got hurt (3 of them were behind me the whole game throwing paper airplanes the entire time) are the story.

We cheered that he was ok and we cheered when he came back on the field. The media can spin that anyway they want.


No way these fans were total A$$HOLES YESTERDAY . Today was the first day in 15 years I walked into work without a JET hat on ,.everyone I work with asked me why most thought it was cause of the loss , but I told them all I was embaressed to be a JET fan today ,after the fans cheering when CHAD got off the field ,here`s a guy inspite of how hurt he was after half our OL & half of their DL fell on him and jumped up and hopped off the field so we didn`t have to waste a TO....aND THEN FOR HIM NOT TO TRASH THE FANS LIKE HE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO and say they were just cheering for KC like they did for him when he was a backup ,no doubt he is the classiest QB in the NFL hands down ..Feel better CHAD i`m with you...

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Did I miss something?

I thought the cheers were cheers of encouragement for Clemens rather than cheers for Chad's injury...

I said this once before but I can't remember a single time when a crowd has cheered to "encourage" a backup coming on the field. Maybe some scattered applause but from my TV that crowd erupted like Jesus Christ himself just walked on the field. I think we can all agree that that wasn't the case.

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I hope Clemens starts next week against the Ravens and gets OWNED just so the fans who travel to Baltimore to see the game learn from booing chad :Nuts:

Any POS fan that would cheer when their own player was hurt isn't going to go through the trouble of travelling to watch their team. Just sayin'...

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I feel like crap today ,Our team got Owned ,Chad Got hurt Again ,even though I'm not a

chad guy that was pretty crappy of the fans at the stadium to cheer when he went down.I

have to say that I was cheering when KC came into the Game ,But I was not cheering

when chad went down, I just thought to myself "this Poor guy can't catch a Break".But If I

had to Point the Finger ,I would piont it at our Sorry A$$ O-line,They played like Sh!t and

almost got Chad killed .

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It was sickening, BUT some people were cheering because he got up and was able to make it off the field.

Just as a perspective thing.


I don't buy it. maybe 1% of that stadium actually felt some pain for Chad but it was pretty clear from the 80,000 roaring cheers as he kept falling down and the deafening thunder of ovation the Kellen got when he came in. Jets fan arent getting off the hook so easily. if you were there and you didnt cheer you are just as guilty simply by association.I wasnt even in the same state and i am sick with myself that i didnt get a ticket to see the game and fly to NY so that there was one less ******* out there. :bag:

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I just don't get it, cheering when our QB goes down is just plain stupid, c'mon.

I stopped being a Penny lover when he had those 4 turnovers against the raiders in the playoffs and then sucked against the Steelers, but I would never ever cheer for MY QB to go down like that.

Clemons is in no position to lead this team, if Penny can't go our season will be a friggin nightmare.

If you want Clemons in there, then you will have to be prepared for a 4-12, 3-13 season.

If you realy want to blame someone, blame the Jets Front office for getting rid of Kendall, blame the front office for not going after a legit QB (i.e. Quinn), blame the front office for lackluster drafts. And by the way where was the defense (these guys were sleeping AGAIN).You can bo Penny all you want if he throws a pick, but to bo the guy when he gets injured, I don't know what type of Fan you are, certainly not a Jets fan.

Just admit it, loosing to the Pats sucks, just don't bo an injured player...Thats Not just not right.

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Any POS fan that would cheer when their own player was hurt isn't going to go through the trouble of travelling to watch their team. Just sayin'...

Alk's right - They have too much time drinking on the weekends & beating their loved ones to travel.

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