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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


I'm not sold on Chad yet we have to give Clemens a shot to play just because of his arm and feet. I'm with you on D'Brick needs 25 more pounds and a little anger, but with AF beside him that could change things.

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I'm not sold on Chad yet we have to give Clemens a shot to play just because of his arm and feet. I'm with you on D'Brick needs 25 more pounds and a little anger, but with AF beside him that could change things.

Not sold on chad yet? You think another 7 years might help you make a decision on him? Chad won't even be in a Jet uniform next year.

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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


I agee completely. I've said over and over look at the success Chad has had with us. 3 playoff leading seasons, 5 playoff games, 2 playoff wins, 1 10-6 season, and 1 AFC east divison winning season. All of that happened in years where we had a good OL. This year he didn't do good at all, but look at the line we put him behind. Kellen didn't do much better behind that line, so it's not like it was all Chad's fault. I'm telling you with the line we have, plus we should add an RT(either Woody, or Williams) Chad will get us in the playoffs, and help us become a SB contender in a couple of years.

BET ON IT!!!!!!!!!

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I'm sorry but were any of you paying attention the games last year? He was just awful. I was a very pro-Chad person but after the way he played there is just no way he can be the starter.

Even if Clemens doesn't improve much, you might as well play him to see how well he does because playing Chad will just mean more of the same impotent offense.

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Not sold on chad yet? You think another 7 years might help you make a decision on him? Chad won't even be in a Jet uniform next year.

Should of stated this year, not based on his past years with us. I am a big Chad fan but you must remember Clemens will be in his 3rd year and might have a solid grasp on the the offense and give us a better chance to win, if not pull the plug go with Chad.

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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


I knew it was just a matter of time before this can of worms got opened.


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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


did you watch last year. Chad is horrible and lost his job. This is not an endorsement for Clemens though either. He sucks monkey testi's also. Maybe this year with an improved o line he will be better.

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I am all 4 Chad starting, last year was a result of poor o&d line play, not entirely on Chad. Kellen could not hack it either. But it sure seems like the front office is setting up the team for a serious push this year perhaps with an expieranced QB. They are spending alot of money on all the right positions. Because I for 1 think they will get hammered by the press and the fans if this upcoming season tanks due to unproven skills from Kellen.

If they are not going to start Chad then they might be looking at someone else from somewhere else (most likely not the case). I just feel it to my core they are dead serious this year, and Chad has proven he can be effective behind a good line. I also feel with 1 more addition, to the right side, this may be one of our best lines in recent history.

Semper fi

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For the sake of starting fresh Clemens and another veteran should be the tandem for this team going into next season. Chad's presence will have certain people looking to step back instead of moving forward.

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F Chad

Please reunite this hick with Hermie

If Chad starts the season

it means more unwatchable football

F Chad and the horse he rode in on. If that puss arm starts another game for us we're just showing how far we are away from a SB.

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WOW ,,the Jets are filling holes very quickly. at this point I would just make Chad the starter..its his job to lose..we have an easier schedule plus all the better players we are adding..we have an offensive line now,,.looking like 10-6 year coming up. I am sorry about D,Brick.. he looks like a bust, I am giving him 1 more year.


Ummm, no....he already LOST the job. Deservedly.

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I knew it was just a matter of time before this can of worms got opened.


All the more reason Chad needs to be moved. Regardless of your opinion on him and Clemens, this is not Chad's team anymore. All he is at this point is an expensive back up and a distraction.

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Pennington did have a few really good seasons. Those seasons we were with a talented OL, a RB who could run behind those good OL's, and a defense that could protect leads. Last year we didn't have one of those 3 things. So far it loooks like we will have all 3 of those this season.

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All the more reason Chad needs to be moved. Regardless of your opinion on him and Clemens, this is not Chad's team anymore. All he is at this point is an expensive back up and a distraction.

How is he a distraction. He supports this team no matter what. When he got benched he didn't cuse any problems he helped Kellen. Chad is a leader, and a competitor, and he prides himself on not being a distraction. He NEVER complains.

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I'm sorry but were any of you paying attention the games last year? He was just awful. I was a very pro-Chad person but after the way he played there is just no way he can be the starter.

Even if Clemens doesn't improve much, you might as well play him to see how well he does because playing Chad will just mean more of the same impotent offense.

Chad made some really inexcusable decisions with the ball last year even when he had time in the pocket. The new line won't convert him into a downfield guy, he'll still be Dr. Dump-off. Clemens didn't inspire either - we need another option

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Pennington did have a few really good seasons. Those seasons we were with a talented OL, a RB who could run behind those good OL's, and a defense that could protect leads. Last year we didn't have one of those 3 things. So far it loooks like we will have all 3 of those this season.

I think you're forgetting something, he had a shoulder that worked.

Pennington is shot, we know what we have with him at this point.

Clemens is our best option, he could suck completely even with a good O-line but we won't know till we get him in there.

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I think you're forgetting something, he had a shoulder that worked.

Pennington is shot, we know what we have with him at this point.

Clemens is our best option, he could suck completely even with a good O-line but we won't know till we get him in there.

What about in 06 when he came off both surgeries led us to a 10-6 playoff season, and winning comeback player of the year?

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What about in 06 when he came off both surgeries led us to a 10-6 playoff season, and winning comeback player of the year?

What happened in 07 when every team in the league realized they only had to defend the same dink and dunk crap every single play?

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What happened in 07 when every team in the league realized they only had to defend the same dink and dunk crap every single play?

07 wasn't the premier of "Penny's throwing - stuff the box"

That show has played so long theres 30 troups doing off Broadway.

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The most telling sign is that with basically the talent around Chad he was able to muster up just one win, against the awful Dolphins.

With even less talent around him (Coles and Cotch werent 100% for most of the 2nd half) Kellen managed 3 wins, including against a Top 5 Defense in the Steelers.

I'm not saying Kellen is the answer or not, but of the two he is already better, and has more upside than Chad, who was damaged goods, and will always be damaged goods.

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I love the Chad, but he lost his job as the starter last year and there is nothing Kellen did to change the position. Sure, they can "battle" it out in training camp, but reality is, Kellen is the future, not Chad.

Go with the Kid.


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I'm sorry but were any of you paying attention the games last year? He was just awful. I was a very pro-Chad person but after the way he played there is just no way he can be the starter.

Even if Clemens doesn't improve much, you might as well play him to see how well he does because playing Chad will just mean more of the same impotent offense.

I saw and paid attention to all the games played last season and when Chad was in there with the hoola hoop Oline, he managed to move the chains. Trying to make something happen, he threw a few bad interceptions. Clemens came off the bench when he was not ready to take over the starting position and stepped into the same position Chad was taken out of. Clemens has an arm, but the pace of the pro game proved to be too fast for him and the hoola hoop line did not help him at all. They will both be in training camp this year competing for the starting job. Whichever one emerges will be our QB and the other will either be the backup or gone. Personally, it makes no difference to me which one it is, because I don't think either one is our QB of the future. :character0293:

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