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Bud Selig needs to shut the F up


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Kind of funny coming from a guy who basically buried his head in the sand for 10 years when all this was going on. Raking in Billions of Dollars in the meantime.


TAMPA, Fla. -- Bud Selig says Alex Rodriguez has "shamed the game," though the baseball commissioner indicated no plans to punish the three-time AL MVP.

"I am saddened by the revelations," Selig said in a statement issued Thursday, four days after Rodriguez admitted he used unspecified drugs from 2001 to 2003 while playing for the Texas Rangers. "What Alex did was wrong, and he will have to live with the damage he has done to his name and reputation."

Players and owners didn't agree to a joint drug program until August 2002, and testing with punishment didn't start until 2004.

"It is important to remember that these recent revelations relate to pre-program activity," Selig said.

"Under our current drug program, if you are caught using steroids and/or amphetamines, you will be punished. Since 2005, every player who has tested positive for steroids has been suspended for as much as 50 games."

Much of the statement was a recitation of Selig's efforts to get a drug agreement with the union and then toughen it. With baseball officials under pressure from Congress, negotiators from management and the union strengthened the program in January 2005, November 2005 and April 2008, toughening the penalties and tightening the rules.

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Please explain how Selig would go around the Players Union and legislate agaiinst steroids.

Might want to go over my original post.

For all of the good things Selig has done, he will be known only as the commissioner who presided over an era when baseball's greatest players have disgraced themselves, and the front office executives and field staff were all culpable and did nothing without being forced, all this happened on his watch.

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Might want to go over my original post.

For all of the good things Selig has done, he will be known only as the commissioner who presided over an era when baseball's greatest players have disgraced themselves, and the front office executives and field staff were all culpable and did nothing without being forced, all this happened on his watch.

There is NOTHING the Commissioner's office could do.

The Players Union HAS to agree. And in order for them to even submit, again submit to find a test sample, was pulling teeth.

You know what teh Player's Union agreed to as a penalty for first time steroid violation? A FIVE GAME SUSPENSION.

FIVE GAMES. Some deterrent.

The player's union said there was "no problem"

It took a literal act of Congress to force the Union to work with baseball to adopt more stringent penalties and testing, or they would lose anti-trust exemption.

Only after they saw a vision of teh golden goose being slain, did the Players Union give in.

The Commissioners office is a toothless position that is a puppet of teh owners.

That does not make Selig a good guy, but he is powerless.

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Agreed. Stop acting like the owners & players' union don't have a share in the blame game. The players union fought tooth and nail against stringent penalties until the 535 idiots in Congress had to do their work for them. Meanwhile, up in the luxury suite, the owners sat back and could care less if their players were taking horse tranquilizers as long as the gate receipts, TV cash and advertising dollars kept rolling into their pockets.

This PED/Steroid Debacle was a collective effort at sucking and to put it all on Selig's shoulders is pathetic. You should all know by now, Selig is too freaking stupid to be able to put together a plan like that.

While The Office of the Commissioner officially died the day he took office, MLB as we knew it died when the players & owners turned a blind eye to the game, and worried solely about the cash coming in.

F Them All.

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This steroid stuff is really going to be the black eye on his tenure as commissioner, but Bud has done some good. Wild Card and MLB Network being a few. You can also say baseball has as much parity as the NFL has.

1) The Wild Card BLOWS

2) Selig had little to nothing to do with the MLB Network. This was a no-brainer that comes years after the Yankees started YES and the NFL established its network. For God's sakes, even the NHL got a channel first. The fact thet you like the productions of this new network are no reflection on Selig at all.

The guy has been an epic failure. Clearly the worst commissioner in sports.

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1) The Wild Card BLOWS

2) Selig had little to nothing to do with the MLB Network. This was a no-brainer that comes years after the Yankees started YES and the NFL established its network. For God's sakes, even the NHL got a channel first. The fact thet you like the productions of this new network are no reflection on Selig at all.

The guy has been an epic failure. Clearly the worst commissioner in sports.

For The Record:

1) The NHL Network absolutely rocks if you're a fan of hockey. I know many aren't, but for those who enjoy watching any game. the game coverage and highlights are great.

2) Selig is bad, but the reigning buffoon of the sports commissioner world is none other than the NHL's Gary Bettman. Not even close.

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1) The Wild Card BLOWS

2) Selig had little to nothing to do with the MLB Network. This was a no-brainer that comes years after the Yankees started YES and the NFL established its network. For God's sakes, even the NHL got a channel first. The fact thet you like the productions of this new network are no reflection on Selig at all.

The guy has been an epic failure. Clearly the worst commissioner in sports.

I'm a fan of the Wild Card, gives more teams a chance, and makes for more meaningful games at the end of the season.

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Selig and the owners turned a blind eye to what the players were doing. If they were so inclined they could have instituted a drug testing policy years ago through negotiations with the players union. I believe MLB banned steroid use in 1991. No test was established until 2004. They did nothing, except reap the profits.

I would have more respect for Bud if he went in front of reporters today and demanded the public release of the 103 other names on the list. ARod wasn't the only name on the list.

By the way, Roy Oswalt needs to shut up as well. How many games did he win because of guys on his team using steroids? This guy was also a teammate of Clemens and Pettite when they were using.

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I would have more respect for Bud if he went in front of reporters today and demanded the public release of the 103 other names on the list. ARod wasn't the only name on the list.

I would have a lot less respect for him. That's all confidential information that was agreed to not be released. Forcing the release of all the other names because of government inadequacy does not right the problem--it just makes 103 other potential lawsuits...

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For The Record:

1) The NHL Network absolutely rocks if you're a fan of hockey. I know many aren't, but for those who enjoy watching any game. the game coverage and highlights are great.

2) Selig is bad, but the reigning buffoon of the sports commissioner world is none other than the NHL's Gary Bettman. Not even close.

Agree 100%. Imagine that the Wings are as hopeful of getting the New Year's Day Classic in Detroit as the Rangers are to get it at Yankee Stadium, and idiot Bettman wants to put it in Vegas. Add in his campaign to make Cindy the face of the NHL, he's a joke.I'm not an Isles fan, but that he hasn't lifted a finger to help them while he allows thieves and criminal to keep a franchise in Nashville.It's beyond embarrassing.

One thing you can fault Selig for is hypocirsy. When McGwire and Sosa were kicking ass in 1998, he looked the other way because it was good for business.znow, he's upset..because the money may stop rolling in like 1998? This current stupidity is devaluing his product.

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For The Record:

1) The NHL Network absolutely rocks if you're a fan of hockey. I know many aren't, but for those who enjoy watching any game. the game coverage and highlights are great.

2) Selig is bad, but the reigning buffoon of the sports commissioner world is none other than the NHL's Gary Bettman. Not even close.

Couldn't have said it any better. For 18 million a year, Selig ought to be a lot better at his job.

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I would have a lot less respect for him. That's all confidential information that was agreed to not be released. Forcing the release of all the other names because of government inadequacy does not right the problem--it just makes 103 other potential lawsuits...

For Selig to come out today and castigate ARod as if he was the only player to ever sully the reputation of the game was a crime in itself. If Bud, the owners, and the players union instituted a drug testing program in the early 90's then they would not be having these problems today. MLB turned a blind eye to the players using steriods and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

All of these names are going to come out eventually. MLB and the players union should just allow the releasing of the names in one fell swoop, instead of having names leaked periodically.

For Bud to single out ARod was a joke when it appears that a significant majority of players were using steroids in the 90's and 00's.

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For Selig to come out today and castigate ARod as if he was the only player to ever sully the reputation of the game was a crime in itself. If Bud, the owners, and the players union instituted a drug testing program in the early 90's then they would not be having these problems today. MLB turned a blind eye to the players using steriods and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

All of these names are going to come out eventually. MLB and the players union should just allow the releasing of the names in one fell swoop, instead of having names leaked periodically.

For Bud to single out ARod was a joke when it appears that a significant majority of players were using steroids in the 90's and 00's.

Yeah, this should've never happened. I just don't think releasing all the names because of what happened to one person is the right thing to do...

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Do you know what is going to make me stop watching Baseball? Not all the players taking roids Chuck Knoblach took roids and still sucked. All this hot air from *******s like Selig is going to make me stop watching. All this false outrage from people who make their livings on the backs of the roidheads who are all of a sudden now calling foul are going to make me stop watching. The assbags like Brian Mcnamee who supplied the roids for the players turning on the players and everyone acting like the morons who hit a ball for a living were smart enough to do all this on their own is what is going to make me stop.

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Do you know what is going to make me stop watching Baseball? Not all the players taking roids Chuck Knoblach took roids and still sucked. All this hot air from *******s like Selig is going to make me stop watching. All this false outrage from people who make their livings on the backs of the roidheads who are all of a sudden now calling foul are going to make me stop watching. The assbags like Brian Mcnamee who supplied the roids for the players turning on the players and everyone acting like the morons who hit a ball for a living were smart enough to do all this on their own is what is going to make me stop.

There's a lot of players in the Mitchell Report who sucked, Chuck Knoblauch isn't one of them. 4x All-Star, 2x Silver Slugger. His career batting average was .289 with a .378 on base %. Pretty good if you ask me. Can't ask more from your lead of hitter. He was one of the better 2B in baseball until he forgot how to throw to 1B.

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There's a lot of players in the Mitchell Report who sucked, Chuck Knoblauch isn't one of them. 4x All-Star, 2x Silver Slugger. His career batting average was .289 with a .378 on base %. Pretty good if you ask me. Can't ask more from your lead of hitter. He was one of the better 2B in baseball until he forgot how to throw to 1B.

I think it was the roids that made the difference. He stopped being able to throw to 1st when he got off the roids.

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To you dullards in the media-

We get it. A-rod is the epitome of everything wrong with the world. Him, Kim Jong Il and OSama Bin Laden. Is that the idea?

Rodriguez did something wrong that broke the rules. WE GET IT. He wil pay a price, and he deserves that loss of respect and honor. While I'm a Yankee fan and I hope he and the team do well in 2009 and beyond, it's not a shock to me that Rodriguez is spoilede, self-absorbed and not someone you would want your daughter or sister to date.

But spare us your selective outrage. Rodriguez isn't the only one. And at this point, I couldn't care less who did or did not use, even David Ortiz or Carlos Delgado. Good for you, guys. You got away with one. And MLB and the media have decided that Alex Rodriguez needs to be crucified for all your sins.

We do not need Congressional hearings. Congress has enough to do bankrupting our country for generations to come. May be you media people can ask Congress and our new President as many questions about this fiasco as you do athletes in "60 Minutes"-type ambush interviews in Miami gyms. But I understand; to you silly people talking to grown men about childrens' games is more important than governmental incompetence. And plus that finance stuff is so hard. None of you media guys took any business or math classes in college-bo-ring!

Also, we need to see all the columns and video and books you guys made in 1998 in praise of Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. We also need to see what you had to say about Shawn Merriman, the Kersees, Marian Borwn, the 1970s Steelers, et al and all the other athletes we now know were also using PEDs. And if you wrote or said wonderful things about those athletes, we need some mea clupas first before this A-rod pinata bashing goes and further. Or stop it.

Better yet, just stop it. We're going to keep watching the games. It's a bad thing athletes cheat. But it's been going on in one way opr another forever. This story about PEDs has been beat to death.

And to Pee Wee Vermin, aka Mike Lupica-are you going to re-write the same false outrage column knocking Alex Rodriguez every other day? Do you get bored? If not it would be easier to simply resubmit the last column and be done with it. Go back to taking guest spots on cooking shows.

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To you dullards in the media-

We get it. A-rod is the epitome of everything wrong with the world. Him, Kim Jong Il and OSama Bin Laden. Is that the idea?

Rodriguez did something wrong that broke the rules. WE GET IT. He wil pay a price, and he deserves that loss of respect and honor. While I'm a Yankee fan and I hope he and the team do well in 2009 and beyond, it's not a shock to me that Rodriguez is spoilede, self-absorbed and not someone you would want your daughter or sister to date.

But spare us your selective outrage. Rodriguez isn't the only one. And at this point, I couldn't care less who did or did not use, even David Ortiz or Carlos Delgado. Good for you, guys. You got away with one. And MLB and the media have decided that Alex Rodriguez needs to be crucified for all your sins.

We do not need Congressional hearings. Congress has enough to do bankrupting our country for generations to come. May be you media people can ask Congress and our new President as many questions about this fiasco as you do athletes in "60 Minutes"-type ambush interviews in Miami gyms. But I understand; to you silly people talking to grown men about childrens' games is more important than governmental incompetence. And plus that finance stuff is so hard. None of you media guys took any business or math classes in college-bo-ring!

Also, we need to see all the columns and video and books you guys made in 1998 in praise of Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. We also need to see what you had to say about Shawn Merriman, the Kersees, Marian Borwn, the 1970s Steelers, et al and all the other athletes we now know were also using PEDs. And if you wrote or said wonderful things about those athletes, we need some mea clupas first before this A-rod pinata bashing goes and further. Or stop it.

Better yet, just stop it. We're going to keep watching the games. It's a bad thing athletes cheat. But it's been going on in one way opr another forever. This story about PEDs has been beat to death.

And to Pee Wee Vermin, aka Mike Lupica-are you going to re-write the same false outrage column knocking Alex Rodriguez every other day? Do you get bored? If not it would be easier to simply resubmit the last column and be done with it. Go back to taking guest spots on cooking shows.

Actually, we DID need Congress to step in and force a penal policy that befit the crime.

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Blehh. It makes the playoffs more of a crap shoot, and teh best team in baseball has less of a chance of winning.

Cheapens the game.

I understand it's value to the game, but it has cheapened it.

+1 million

Mediocre teams can now win it all. The way you build a team is dramatically different now. You can have 2 stud starters (a la 2001 D'Backs), sneak in at just over .500, then get hot in the playoffs and win it all.

Meanwhile, strong, solidly built teams built from 1-25 on the roster, who have proven themselves worthy of the playoffs over the course of a long 162 game schedule, tested their depth, move and are can be knocked off by these weak teams in a short 5 game series.

Large playoff tournaments are not a good fit for a sport such as baseball.

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Selig talking about suspending A-Rod is a bit much, and it was never going to happen. Lets face it, the reason that there is so much of A-Rod is because he is the face of baseball and he is the guy that could own all of the major power stats in baseball and baseball is a statistic driven sport more so then any other. A-Rod brought this on himself, he cheated and he got caught for cheating. He deserves to be ridiculed. He deserves to be under the media microscope. If he didn't want this, maybe he shouldn't have cheated in the first place. If he had been more upfront with the joke of an interview with Gammons, maybe questions from the media would be less intense.

There's no doubt, there are other cheaters out there that haven't been caught, and if and when they are they too deserve the same public ridicule, like the Bonds and Roidger Clemens of the world. If guys like Piazza or Ortiz cheated and they get caught later on, the deserve the same treatment.

Again, A-Rod gets this type of pub because he is the face of baseball and in the prime of his career, unlike other big names that have been outed.

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+1 million

Mediocre teams can now win it all. The way you build a team is dramatically different now. You can have 2 stud starters (a la 2001 D'Backs), sneak in at just over .500, then get hot in the playoffs and win it all.

Meanwhile, strong, solidly built teams built from 1-25 on the roster, who have proven themselves worthy of the playoffs over the course of a long 162 game schedule, tested their depth, move and are can be knocked off by these weak teams in a short 5 game series.

Large playoff tournaments are not a good fit for a sport such as baseball.

Like the title winning 1996 and 2000 Yankees that would have been a second place teams under the old alignment?

I disagree with both you and Scott.

The game has to have a liberal playoff system due to money discrepancies. I follow European soccer and if you look at the leagues they are all dominated by a handful of teams. Of course big money teams would like this, but that would marginalize more teams.

Like it or hate it, the wildcard and extra division keeps things interesting for more teams longer. This allows the smaller teams to generate more revenue.

In the end MLB still has the best playoff system with only 8 of 30 teams making the playoffs. The champion has to win 11 games. Maybe the Padres, Mets and Tigers should have played better to keep a 83-79 team from winning the title.

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