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The NBA Finals Thread


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Well the Magic would have won the game yesterday anyway. I think people underestimate Marcin Gortat, and he will be a hot commodity in the offseason after he, and the rest of the Magic lead us to closing out game 6 against those clowns.

Yes but he should have been tossed... and he still would have been suspended for game 6 too... so the Magic made out well... and the Celts stole game 5 because of a missed call.

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People keep bitching about the flagrant foul on Rondo, but no one has said anything about Gordon's 3 when his foot was clearly out of bounds?

No it wasnt... and even if ti was there is no way in hell you can say it clearly was when they did not even have an angle to look at it...

Also FWIW there is tons of fouling thats not called and 3 second violations... traveling, double dribbles... on both sides in an NBA game...

The reason why Rondo's foul was a big deal was because he ripped the dudes lip open coming at him with a tomahawk arm swing... lol

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What did Rondo do? Just tuned into the game.

He grabbed hinrich by the arm and threw him into the scorers table... literally...

complete BS he was not tossed... he should miss game 7 IMO... what he did was much more blatant and worse than what Howard did...

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BTW great play not getting a shot off with 7 seconds left :rolleyes:. Under no conditions should Brad Miller have gotten the ball unless he was standing 2 feet from the hoop.

Nothing they could do... had to get it in or it would have been a 5 sec violation...

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GREAT play by Noah..and I never liked him as a player either.

Probably just won the game.

Showed how much younger the BUlls legs are running ahead of Pierce like that...

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I was just thinking how Rose did nothing offensively in any of the OT's. He just won the game for them, that's as good a block you'll ever see in basketball. In fact, that fadeaway jumper is nearly impossible to block. But D-Rose contested it perfectly. Great win by the Bulls.

They will win Game 7 ;)

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Game 7 baby!


Can you please stop bitching about the refs? Celtics will win by at least 15 points on Saturday. Take that to the bank.

Congrats to the Magic fans on an excellent win tonight. The Celtics will see you on Monday night at the Garden.

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Can you please stop bitching about the refs? Celtics will win by at least 15 points on Saturday. Take that to the bank.

Congrats to the Magic fans on an excellent win tonight. The Celtics will see you on Monday night at the Garden.

How about they just Toss Rondo like they should? TWICE!

He ****ing THREW hinrich tonight... complete BS and you know.

Your telling me if Hinrich THREW Rondo you wouldnt feel the same way??? :roll:

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If Kevin Garnett were healthy and playing, this series would have been over in four. Man, this series is incredible! I haven't seen anything like this before. Every one of these games, save for the Boston blow-out, are instant classics. I was at the game Tuesday night and it was sick. I can imagine how intense it will be for game 7. Wow.

By the way, Joaquin Noah is the most loathesome human being in the NBA. I used to think it was Jason Kidd....now it's that ugly douche.

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If Kevin Garnett were healthy and playing, this series would have been over in four. Man, this series is incredible! I haven't seen anything like this before. Every one of these games, save for the Boston blow-out, are instant classics. I was at the game Tuesday night and it was sick. I can imagine how intense it will be for game 7. Wow.

By the way, Joaquin Noah is the most loathesome human being in the NBA. I used to think it was Jason Kidd....now it's that ugly douche.

You have no right to call any Bulls player a douche with Rondo on your team.

Also Tyrus Thomas and Noah match up better against KG's style than they do Big Baby and Perkins... so while I dont know if it would have been this close... it would not have suddenly become a sweep... also Rondo woulod have never gotten on a roll having to pass inside to KG...

Way too many variables to claim KG makes it a sweep... you know the Celts almost lost to the Hawks last year with KG..

I could also say if Deng was healthy the Bulls would have already won the series.

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Joaquin Noah is the most loathesome human being in the NBA.

He is a douchebag. Bitching and moaning about anything and everything.

I love ecurb bitching about a 170 pound guy (Rondo) being a dirty thug. That is high comedy.

Celtics by 15-20 points on Saturday night. There is no way Brad (*****) Miller hits 3 pointers at the Garden.

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