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New York Jets vs. Baltimore Ravens


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I think we'll heat up in the second half. The defense is going to do a bunch of stupid sh*t. Big Risk/ Big Reward. That's just what we have going on. The later we get into the season, the more the defense will gel. Nice showing with the big plays, poor showing with the stupid penalties.

Our offense needs to wake up. Sanchez is actually looking good. He seems pretty poised in there, against the Ravens no less. Our rushing attack is not attacking very well at all. Watch for some play action in the second half. Let's not forget the penalties on offense. I think we just need to make a stop to start the second half, and slow the game down. Run, Run, Run it up the gut. Let Ray Ray get all worked up, then play action, and go for the jugular. This offense has not looked undisciplined, they just look like they're playing the freakin Raven's defense.

If we play smarter in the second half, we'll win.

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