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This Season Was A Failure

The Gun Of Bavaria

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The goal was a Super Bowl.

We didn't get there......again.

So sick of being happy with Wild Cards and title game appearances.

There is zero to be happy about. Nothing.

No Super Bowl Appearance! No AFC Championship. No AFC East Championship. Nada!

Enough of this "We've been inept so long I'm just happy to be there" and enough of the ra-ra crap already.

This season was an utter and complete failure an for any fan to be happy about this season is ludicrous.

Say it again brother.

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I hate how the SOJ fans keep losing faith. Yeah, I'm pissed off too, cause we had that game, but we're still going to contend for years to come. We have great players, great coaches, and a great young quarterback who shines in big moments. We made it further than 29 other teams. I'm mad right now as well, but this season was NOT a failure.

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Nobody said you should be happy with that.

You said This season was an utter and complete failure an for any fan to be happy about this season is ludicrous. . That statement , I don't agree with.

Nobody is happy they lost. People are trying to pick positives out and that is a healthy exercise. Regardless, every Jets fan wanted a win tonight. So if some people feel good about this season, I say good for them.

Exactly. What people SHOULD be talking about is how Sanchez just outplayed three HoF QBs (I think Big Ben will eventually make it).

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Say it again brother.

First of all, Pats fans need to shut the **** up. Your window is closed forever. The Jets now own your worthless asses.

Secondly, this season was only a failure if you expected to win it all which many of us didn't. I was under no illusions about a team with a second-year QB and coach winning the Super Bowl. I just expected playoffs and improvement from our QB.

Third, moving forward, the Super Bowl is and should be the goal, but never the expectation. Too much has to go right. You not only need to be good, you need luck on your side as well to win it all.

Fourth, I am no longer worried about Sanchez, especially after the last three weeks. We have a legitimate franchise QB now. All the people who are still doubters will be scooping their jaws off the floor week after week next year as this kid carries us to a minimum of 12 wins.

Fifth and last, we need to win the division and get a bye next year. It's too much to ask a team to win three road games, especially against three Super Bowl winning QBs, in the playoffs. I don't think the Jets had an emotional letdown yesterday, I just think they ran out of gas. A bye fixes that.

Keep your chins up and quite whining. We'll be back.

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If you gambled a lot of money on the Jets going to the SB, then yes, this season was an utter failure. If you are a football fan, and have been a fan of this franchise, and realize the reality that only one of 32 teams will win the SB, then you enjoyed the fact that this team gave us a lot of excitement and reasons to be proud of them. Disappointed? Hell yeah. Angry? Yes. But it is a game. Not life and death. Even in the sting of the morning after, I love this team.

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If you gambled a lot of money on the Jets going to the SB, then yes, this season was an utter failure. If you are a football fan, and have been a fan of this franchise, and realize the reality that only one of 32 teams will win the SB, then you enjoyed the fact that this team gave us a lot of excitement and reasons to be proud of them. Disappointed? Hell yeah. Angry? Yes. But it is a game. Not life and death. Even in the sting of the morning after, I love this team.

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Guest Jpf4671

Last year, I knew we lost to the better team. This year I am really disappointed. I do like the Coach and Quarterback and think the nucleus is good. However, I am worried at the roleplayers that we will lose, the schedule is harder and I do not think we will be in this position in next year.

It's impossible to say the schedule is harder or easier at this point, someone we think is going to be 3 and 13 could be 13 and 3 and vice versa , plus injuries etc etc

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Holy crap, this is the absolute worst feeling I have ever had as a sports fan.

Let me start off by admitting that I am still really, really pissed.

On paper, I don't think we have had a more talented team, ever. So, I have to wonder why we fell so short. I blame this year, and every other year on the same thing, mismanagement. How Brian Schottenheimer remains employed is beyond me. He is just horrible. He has taken an offense that is loaded with playmakers and rendered them inept. I cannot root for this team so long as he remains here as a coach. He is so bad at his job, it is ridiculous.

Anyway, that game does not rest solely on the shoulders of that buffoon. It rests on the shoulders of a very select few. Rex is part to blame. He got this team so psyched for the New England game, that it was only inevitable that there was to be a let down. He also has his hands all over the defense. The defense was atrocious in the first half.

The officials were awful. They were adding yards to spots for Pittsburgh. They let Pittsburgh hold the entire game. They called bull sh*t calls against the Jets D (Cromartie flagged for barely touching a WR's facemask). They called a very one sided game, and ultimately helped determine the outcome.

I also feel that the players did not get up for this game. There were some plays left on that field. Cotchery had that 1 drop, Keller was God awful, nobody was able to finish a tackle in the first half.

You also have to question the integrity of the NFL, as a whole. I cannot trust an organization that shields its employees (referees) from accountability. These ref's are so bad, they have to be the worst officials in all of sports. Sometimes I get the feeling I am watching the WWE more so than a legitimate team sport. It just seems so fake sometimes.

I think these parties are to blame in this order:

Brian Schottenheimer

Ed Hochuli's horrendous crew

Rex Ryan

Mike Pettine

The Players


I gotta admit. I'm losing hope, and losing it fast. I can't even say that we'll get em next year. This loss easily was the worst thing that could happen. It's not even that they lost that bothers me as much. It's that year after year, the Jets find a way to rip your heart out of your chest. Man, the Jets franchise is such a joke, it's pathetic really.

I don't know how/if I'll ever be able to get over this one.


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First of all, Pats fans need to shut the **** up. Your window is closed forever. The Jets now own your worthless asses.

Secondly, this season was only a failure if you expected to win it all which many of us didn't. I was under no illusions about a team with a second-year QB and coach winning the Super Bowl. I just expected playoffs and improvement from our QB.

Third, moving forward, the Super Bowl is and should be the goal, but never the expectation. Too much has to go right. You not only need to be good, you need luck on your side as well to win it all.

Fourth, I am no longer worried about Sanchez, especially after the last three weeks. We have a legitimate franchise QB now. All the people who are still doubters will be scooping their jaws off the floor week after week next year as this kid carries us to a minimum of 12 wins.

Fifth and last, we need to win the division and get a bye next year. It's too much to ask a team to win three road games, especially against three Super Bowl winning QBs, in the playoffs. I don't think the Jets had an emotional letdown yesterday, I just think they ran out of gas. A bye fixes that.

Keep your chins up and quite whining. We'll be back.

Really? Six weeks removed from a beat down and you own us? The youngest D in the NFL that could not stop a nose bleed held your Sanchize to 3 points. You 'own' us...whateva. :rolleyes:

You missed GOB's point. You should not be putting a positive spin on the season. Especially, the Jets, the "soon to be champs".

You should be pissed, because the fan base should expect more. You are not the "same old Jets" anymore. Kudos to Rex for putting this mantra out there and sticking with it.

Yesterday should leave you pissed. It is a lost opportunity because in 12 months, this team could be injury ravaged. You never know.

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Holy crap, this is the absolute worst feeling I have ever had as a sports fan.

Let me start off by admitting that I am still really, really pissed.

On paper, I don't think we have had a more talented team, ever. So, I have to wonder why we fell so short. I blame this year, and every other year on the same thing, mismanagement. How Brian Schottenheimer remains employed is beyond me. He is just horrible. He has taken an offense that is loaded with playmakers and rendered them inept. I cannot root for this team so long as he remains here as a coach. He is so bad at his job, it is ridiculous.

Anyway, that game does not rest solely on the shoulders of that buffoon. It rests on the shoulders of a very select few. Rex is part to blame. He got this team so psyched for the New England game, that it was only inevitable that there was to be a let down. He also has his hands all over the defense. The defense was atrocious in the first half.

The officials were awful. They were adding yards to spots for Pittsburgh. They let Pittsburgh hold the entire game. They called bull sh*t calls against the Jets D (Cromartie flagged for barely touching a WR's facemask). They called a very one sided game, and ultimately helped determine the outcome.

I also feel that the players did not get up for this game. There were some plays left on that field. Cotchery had that 1 drop, Keller was God awful, nobody was able to finish a tackle in the first half.

You also have to question the integrity of the NFL, as a whole. I cannot trust an organization that shields its employees (referees) from accountability. These ref's are so bad, they have to be the worst officials in all of sports. Sometimes I get the feeling I am watching the WWE more so than a legitimate team sport. It just seems so fake sometimes.

I think these parties are to blame in this order:

Brian Schottenheimer

Ed Hochuli's horrendous crew

Rex Ryan

Mike Pettine

The Players


I gotta admit. I'm losing hope, and losing it fast. I can't even say that we'll get em next year. This loss easily was the worst thing that could happen. It's not even that they lost that bothers me as much. It's that year after year, the Jets find a way to rip your heart out of your chest. Man, the Jets franchise is such a joke, it's pathetic really.

I don't know how/if I'll ever be able to get over this one.


Oh grow a pair already.

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Really? Six weeks removed from a beat down and you own us? The youngest D in the NFL that could not stop a nose bleed held your Sanchize to 3 points. You 'own' us...whateva. :rolleyes:

You missed GOB's point. You should not be putting a positive spin on the season. Especially, the Jets, the "soon to be champs".

You should be pissed, because the fan base should expect more. You are not the "same old Jets" anymore. Kudos to Rex for putting this mantra out there and sticking with it.

Yesterday should leave you pissed. It is a lost opportunity because in 12 months, this team could be injury ravaged. You never know.

Don't ever presume that you can tell me how I should feel. GFY!!!

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If you gambled a lot of money on the Jets going to the SB, then yes, this season was an utter failure. If you are a football fan, and have been a fan of this franchise, and realize the reality that only one of 32 teams will win the SB, then you enjoyed the fact that this team gave us a lot of excitement and reasons to be proud of them. Disappointed? Hell yeah. Angry? Yes. But it is a game. Not life and death. Even in the sting of the morning after, I love this team.

as I said in my glass half full thread:

I watch football for two reasons. One: I love the game and I love my Jets. Two: for the enjoyment it brings me. This year the Jets won 13 games and lost 6-I had more than twice as many good weeks of football than bad. I'm way ahead.

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Secondly, this season was only a failure if you expected to win it all which many of us didn't. I was under no illusions about a team with a second-year QB and coach winning the Super Bowl. I just expected playoffs and improvement from our QB.

Third, moving forward, the Super Bowl is and should be the goal, but never the expectation. Too much has to go right. You not only need to be good, you need luck on your side as well to win it all.

Fourth, I am no longer worried about Sanchez, especially after the last three weeks. We have a legitimate franchise QB now. All the people who are still doubters will be scooping their jaws off the floor week after week next year as this kid carries us to a minimum of 12 wins.

Good post, man.

It hurts because the Jets have raised expectations. No one expected the Jets to make it to the Championship Game last year, and this year they were the only final four team to make it back that far.

Have to feel better about Sanchez moving forward. Have to.

The Jets defense played better than the sum of it's parts all season. Placing blame on the defensive coaches in this one is ridiculous. It's amazing how well they played this year with the horses they fielded. Jets need youth, size, speed, and strength in the front seven.

It's extra frustrating because this team gave us hope. It hurts right now. It sucks, no doubt. Getting all the way back to the AFC Championship Game for a third year in a row will be a tall order. But I feel good about the QB, good about Rex, and good about Mike Tannenbaum coming up with clever ways to get/keep the talent they need to do it.

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Clearly the season was a failure based on the fact we didnt win the super bowl. However, we have a great inspiring and smart head coach, and a gutsy young qb who has proven he can play on the big stage in big spots. The future is bright, the two most important pieces to a successful football franchise are in place and we have a bright future ahead of us.

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What gets lost in all the "we gonna be back again next year" bravado is this year means absolutely nothing for next year. NOTHING.

One thing that always stays with me from Denver/1998 was a red-eyed exhausted Parcells making the point that getting back to this position is a long ahrd slog with lots of things going your way. This year doesn't promise you anything going forward. The Jets outplayed the Steelers over 60 minutes without barely playing 30 of them, and got screwed by a bullspit nonfumble call. It's the first time I've ever seen a fumble spiral. How does such a thing happen? If we have the Steelers or Pats rep with the NFL, that's an incomplete pass.

Yes, I'm pissed off today. But compared to the pvssyfest on various Pats' sites a week ago, this is nothing. You would think someone had killed a 6th grade girl based on some of that crap.

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The box score makes me want to throw up. Ben completed 10 passes yesterday.

If we tackle in the first half, we win the game.

Stat-wise even with Mendenhall's monster 1st half, this isn't close. When the Jets look at this film today theya re going to be freakin' furious.

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Nobody is allowed to be happy about this season. Doesnt matter the circumstance.

G.O.B. said so.

I was elated 13 times this year 1 time against the Bears I was disappointed but still damn proud of the gutsyness of our team (OC included) but then we made the playoffs during Rex's Post Game PC. 5 times I wanted to hang myself with a guitar string-I don't care what anybody says this has been a blast. Sure I wanted to see what 2 weeks of a Jets suck-up fest would be like, sure I'm going to miss listening to all of the attention but anybody who says this was a failure...I don't know maybe it's just the emotions at the time that it got posted.

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Yeah we did not win the ultimate prize but we have a team that is relevant in the hunt and I am more confident as a Jets fan we will be back in the hunt in the coming years. that is really all you can ask your team- Luck, breaks and skill have to all fall in place to win it all.

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I was elated 13 times this year 1 time against the Bears I was disappointed but still damn proud of the gutsyness of our team (OC included) but then we made the playoffs during Rex's Post Game PC. 5 times I wanted to hang myself with a guitar string-I don't care what anybody says this has been a blast. Sure I wanted to see what 2 weeks of a Jets suck-up fest would be like, sure I'm going to miss listening to all of the attention but anybody who says this was a failure...I don't know maybe it's just the emotions at the time that it got posted.

We are going in the right direction. I'm confident in that. With Rex as our HC, I finally feel we have someone that can keep us contenders as long as he's got a say in it.

Am I pissed about what happened yesterday? Absolutely. I'm heartbroken, but this is a new feeling for me...I'm confident we'll be back.

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If you gambled a lot of money on the Jets going to the SB, then yes, this season was an utter failure. If you are a football fan, and have been a fan of this franchise, and realize the reality that only one of 32 teams will win the SB, then you enjoyed the fact that this team gave us a lot of excitement and reasons to be proud of them. Disappointed? Hell yeah. Angry? Yes. But it is a game. Not life and death. Even in the sting of the morning after, I love this team.

Truth. We played pretty good football and got beat by a good football team. It's unfortunate, but it happened.

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We are going in the right direction. I'm confident in that. With Rex as our HC, I finally feel we have someone that can keep us contenders as long as he's got a say in it.

Am I pissed about what happened yesterday? Absolutely. I'm heartbroken, but this is a new feeling for me...I'm confident we'll be back.

Upset yes, surprised no, and now moving on. vote: GOB

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I don't think the Jets had an emotional letdown yesterday, I just think they ran out of gas. A bye fixes that.

Wow.. So the team is out of gas but got better as the game went on? Did they do speedballs at halftime?

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Tweet last night from a guy thats been there -

RealJoeNamath - Joe Namath

I'm disappointed the seasons over for us, but not disappointed in the team. Rex and the Jets will be back! GO JETS!!!

He took the keystrokes right out of my fingers

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Eric-please see my post in the This Is Not The SOJ thread about what you have been saying...

Saw it and appreciate it. People are upset, and understandably so. But at the end of the day, as Bart Scott said, 'We're a good football team'. And we are. This year we just weren't the best.

I'm actually surprised about how not upset I am. I think that's because I feel like unlike during the Pennington era, we're actually building a team that can stick around for a while. During the Pennington era, we could beat bad teams, but not good ones. I just feel like this team can be a contender for a few years. There's not much more you can ask for. Super Bowls require a great team and a lot of luck. Getting there is a difficult task in a single elimination tournament. What I think you can ask for as a fan, is to have a team that goes into the tournament with the ability to beat anyone else in it. That doesn't mean they will, but unlike the Pennington years, when you knew it was only a matter of time before some team beat the piss out of us, this year, and I feel, next year as well, we're a team who's good enough that we can beat anyone...

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What gets lost in all the "we gonna be back again next year" bravado is this year means absolutely nothing for next year. NOTHING.

One thing that always stays with me from Denver/1998 was a red-eyed exhausted Parcells making the point that getting back to this position is a long ahrd slog with lots of things going your way. This year doesn't promise you anything going forward. The Jets outplayed the Steelers over 60 minutes without barely playing 30 of them, and got screwed by a bullspit nonfumble call. It's the first time I've ever seen a fumble spiral. How does such a thing happen? If we have the Steelers or Pats rep with the NFL, that's an incomplete pass.

Yes, I'm pissed off today. But compared to the pvssyfest on various Pats' sites a week ago, this is nothing. You would think someone had killed a 6th grade girl based on some of that crap.

if it wasn't a fumble then wasn't it a backwards pass and live ball anyway?

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Saw it and appreciate it. People are upset, and understandably so. But at the end of the day, as Bart Scott said, 'We're a good football team'. And we are. This year we just weren't the best.

I'm actually surprised about how not upset I am. I think that's because I feel like unlike during the Pennington era, we're actually building a team that can stick around for a while. During the Pennington era, we could beat bad teams, but not good ones. I just feel like this team can be a contender for a few years. There's not much more you can ask for. Super Bowls require a great team and a lot of luck. Getting there is a difficult task in a single elimination tournament. What I think you can ask for as a fan, is to have a team that goes into the tournament with the ability to beat anyone else in it. That doesn't mean they will, but unlike the Pennington years, when you knew it was only a matter of time before some team beat the piss out of us, this year, and I feel, next year as well, we're a team who's good enough that we can beat anyone...

and you know what bro, say the Jets HAD won this game and gone to the SB. If Green Bay happened to beat us this thread would have been posted on Feb 6th-I guarantee you that...

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and you know what bro, say the Jets HAD won this game and gone to the SB. If Green Bay happened to beat us this thread would have been posted on Feb 6th-I guarantee you that...

Of course. The only surprise is that I'm surprised. After posting on Jets message boards for 5 years, I should have known better.

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