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This Season Was A Failure

The Gun Of Bavaria

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the goal is to win every year

relatively speaking, getting to the AFCCG is more succesful than missing the playoffs, being a .500 team or drafting in the top 5

We've been able to watch our team play more than any other team the past two years. That has to count for Something..... NO? Come on!!!! :drown:

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Sanchez was playing defense?

Your D was the reason you made last year and this year's AFC Championship games.

Weak. You can make the same argument against Brady. He had better D's really. In his first SB run, the D never gave up more than 17pts. in the 2nd, they didnt give up more then 14pts until the SB.

The kid has been very good in the playoffs.


While the "Goal" is always a SB, I am not sure too many of us who were being honest thought we were a SB team coming into this season or even heading into the play-offs for that matter.

We do appear to have two of the main ingredients needed to continue making runs however in our Head Coach and QB. Free Agency could put a damper on next years team but as long as Harris and one of Holmes/Edwards is resigned, we should be able to fill most of the other spots without taking too far a step back.

I think the most positive thing we can take from this is that Sanchez really looks like a clutch player in crunch time. I think most of us believe that if our defense would have got a stop last night on 3rd down Sanchez would have made the plays to win the game. There is a reason I feel this way....because he did it enough times this year to make me believe. The bigger the game the better he seems to play especially in the 4th qtr when the margin of error is very small

2 great posts and agree with them 100%.

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Here's a list of fan bases that would switch their situation with ours in a heartbeat:

1. Carolina Panthers

2. Buffalo Bills

3. Arizona Cardinals

4. Oakland Raiders

5. Detroit Lions

6. San Francisco 49ers

7. Miami Dolphins

8. Jacksonville Jaguars

9. Tennessee Titans

10. St. Louis Rams

11. Cincinnati Bengals

12. Denver Broncos

13. Cleveland Browns

14. Minnesota Vikings

15. Seattle Seahawks

16. Houston Texans

17. San Diego Chargers

18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

19. Washington Redskins

20. Dallas Cowboys

21. Kansas City Chiefs

22. New York Giants

23. Chicago Bears

24. Indianapolis Colts

And possibly a few more that I did not name.

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Really????? This list shows the fan bases that would switch their situation with ours in a heartbeat??????????:

1. Carolina Panthers [super Bowl Appearance 2003]

2. Buffalo Bills [4 Super Bowl Appearances [1990, 1991, 1992, 1993]

3. Arizona Cardinals [super Bowl Appearance 2008]

4. Oakland Raiders [super Bowl Appearance 1976, 1980, 1983, 2002, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

5. Detroit Lions

6. San Francisco 49ers [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1994, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

7. Miami Dolphins [super Bowl Appearance 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

8. Jacksonville Jaguars

9. Tennessee Titans [super Bowl Appearance 1999]

10. St. Louis Rams [super Bowl Appearance 1979, 1999, 2001, 1 Super Bowl Win]

11. Cincinnati Bengals [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1988]

12. Denver Broncos [super Bowl Appearance 1977, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1997, 1998, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

13. Cleveland Browns

14. Minnesota Vikings [super Bowl Appearance 1973, 1974, 1976]

15. Seattle Seahawks [super Bowl Appearance 2005]

16. Houston Texans

17. San Diego Chargers [super Bowl Appearance 1994]

18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers [super Bowl Appearance 2002, 1 Super Bowl Win]

19. Washington Redskins [super Bowl Appearance 1972, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

20. Dallas Cowboys [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 1971, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1992, 1993, 1995, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

21. Kansas City Chiefs [super Bowl Appearance 1969, 1 Super Bowl Win]

22. New York Giants [super Bowl Appearance 1986, 1990, 2000, 2007, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

23. Chicago Bears [super Bowl Appearance 1985, 2006, 1 Super Bowl Win]

24. Indianapolis Colts [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 2006, 2009, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

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The goal was a Super Bowl.

We didn't get there......again.

So sick of being happy with Wild Cards and title game appearances.

There is zero to be happy about. Nothing.

No Super Bowl Appearance! No AFC Championship. No AFC East Championship. Nada!

Enough of this "We've been inept so long I'm just happy to be there" and enough of the ra-ra crap already.

This season was an utter and complete failure an for any fan to be happy about this season is ludicrous.

Agreed, for anyone to be satisfied with this crap is just dumb. The good news is it looks like we get a year off from this misery. The lockout is coming and the Owners are digging in for the long haul.

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Really????? This list shows the fan bases that would switch their situation with ours in a heartbeat??????????:

1. Carolina Panthers [super Bowl Appearance 2003]

2. Buffalo Bills [4 Super Bowl Appearances [1990, 1991, 1992, 1993]

3. Arizona Cardinals [super Bowl Appearance 2008]

4. Oakland Raiders [super Bowl Appearance 1976, 1980, 1983, 2002, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

5. Detroit Lions

6. San Francisco 49ers [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1994, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

7. Miami Dolphins [super Bowl Appearance 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

8. Jacksonville Jaguars

9. Tennessee Titans [super Bowl Appearance 1999]

10. St. Louis Rams [super Bowl Appearance 1979, 1999, 2001, 1 Super Bowl Win]

11. Cincinnati Bengals [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1988]

12. Denver Broncos [super Bowl Appearance 1977, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1997, 1998, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

13. Cleveland Browns

14. Minnesota Vikings [super Bowl Appearance 1973, 1974, 1976]

15. Seattle Seahawks [super Bowl Appearance 2005]

16. Houston Texans

17. San Diego Chargers [super Bowl Appearance 1994]

18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers [super Bowl Appearance 2002, 1 Super Bowl Win]

19. Washington Redskins [super Bowl Appearance 1972, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

20. Dallas Cowboys [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 1971, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1992, 1993, 1995, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

21. Kansas City Chiefs [super Bowl Appearance 1969, 1 Super Bowl Win]

22. New York Giants [super Bowl Appearance 1986, 1990, 2000, 2007, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

23. Chicago Bears [super Bowl Appearance 1985, 2006, 1 Super Bowl Win]

24. Indianapolis Colts [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 2006, 2009, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

you have to add in future prospects of the team as well... I'll add the blue teams to the list.. couple others are debateable.. like the redskins.. team is a diseaster, sure they won some sb's 20 years ago, but how important is that now, really..

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Did you actually read the list?

They're been to the Super Bowl 4 times.....the Jets ....once when most of us weren't born.

they got their hearts ripped out in the first one and their anus's handed to them in the next 3

meanwhile what did the Bills win before and after? jack sh*t

atleast the JETS helped shape this now corrupt league.

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Really????? This list shows the fan bases that would switch their situation with ours in a heartbeat??????????:

1. Carolina Panthers [super Bowl Appearance 2003]

2. Buffalo Bills [4 Super Bowl Appearances [1990, 1991, 1992, 1993]

3. Arizona Cardinals [super Bowl Appearance 2008]

4. Oakland Raiders [super Bowl Appearance 1976, 1980, 1983, 2002, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

5. Detroit Lions

6. San Francisco 49ers [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1984, 1988, 1989, 1994, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

7. Miami Dolphins [super Bowl Appearance 1971, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1984, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

8. Jacksonville Jaguars

9. Tennessee Titans [super Bowl Appearance 1999]

10. St. Louis Rams [super Bowl Appearance 1979, 1999, 2001, 1 Super Bowl Win]

11. Cincinnati Bengals [super Bowl Appearance 1981, 1988]

12. Denver Broncos [super Bowl Appearance 1977, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1997, 1998, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

13. Cleveland Browns

14. Minnesota Vikings [super Bowl Appearance 1973, 1974, 1976]

15. Seattle Seahawks [super Bowl Appearance 2005]

16. Houston Texans

17. San Diego Chargers [super Bowl Appearance 1994]

18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers [super Bowl Appearance 2002, 1 Super Bowl Win]

19. Washington Redskins [super Bowl Appearance 1972, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1991, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

20. Dallas Cowboys [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 1971, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1992, 1993, 1995, 5 Super Bowl Wins]

21. Kansas City Chiefs [super Bowl Appearance 1969, 1 Super Bowl Win]

22. New York Giants [super Bowl Appearance 1986, 1990, 2000, 2007, 3 Super Bowl Wins]

23. Chicago Bears [super Bowl Appearance 1985, 2006, 1 Super Bowl Win]

24. Indianapolis Colts [super Bowl Appearance 1970, 2006, 2009, 2 Super Bowl Wins]

There are only 4 crappy teams on that list, and 3 of them are expansion teams. The other guy mentioning future prospects is even sillier, you can't count on anything in the salary cap, parity driven NFL. Who knows which teams will be good in 5 years.

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what makes this loss tough to swallow is to know that the Jets had all of the pieces in place to win a SB. Next year there is a chance that this team could look dramatically different and that is not necessarily a good thing. Is the season a failure? It may depend on how the Jets play next year and how far they get. My thinking is that we may look back in a year or two and dwell on this missed opportunity.

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You're comparing apples to oranges.

The fact is that the last time the Jets were in a Super Bowl was during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration.

I'm saying that any season that doesn't involve a a Super Bowl, which has been the case for 42+ years, is a failure.

This team was built to fix that and failed.

Ergo, the season was a failure.

Stroke yourselves all you want. If you're happy with near misses because "it's a lot closer than we've ever been" or "Well years ago we were really bad and look at us now", fine, be happy with that.

I and many others are not. No one watches their team from draft, to camp, to regular season into the playoffs to "watch their team get really close".

Yes the Jets showed marked improvement. Yes, many people at this current date in history would trade their spot to be in ours. But stop thinking short-term satisfaction and start thinking long-term reality. The Jets haven't won a thing in 42+ years.

I've been watching the Jets since about 1st grade. I actually have a 1st grade class photo in which I'm wearing a god damned Richard Todd jersey. Having grown up in Michigan & Wisconsin, I've put up with years upon years of crap-talking from people, because unlike some of you, I don't have fellow Jets fans to share my sorrows with short of this board.

I'm sick and tired of 'coming close", "almost getting there" and other excuses people use to placate their fractured psyche.

Every season is Super Bowl or bust. I want a F**king Super Bowl title and I want one F**king now. If you don't, I'm not sure why you follow them.

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There are only 4 crappy teams on that list, and 3 of them are expansion teams. The other guy mentioning future prospects is even sillier, you can't count on anything in the salary cap, parity driven NFL. Who knows which teams will be good in 5 years.

I do. the ones with the good younger QB's.. GB, San Diego, Pitts, Giants, maybe us, st louis, TB??

For a guy who already thinks Sanchez is elite.. this is a strange post

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Come on man, i agree he's flashed brliiance at times but he's not sniffing a pro bowl until he gets a whole lot more consistant. Schotty's not the one that goes through long bouts of inaccuracy..

I think the problem with Schottenheimer in this regard is that when he sees that his QB is playing terrible he has to either pull him in, if its Sanchez on his own doing those plays, or call something better suited to where his skillset is right now. Im certainly a big Sanchez fan, but his strength is not taking 5 and 7 step drops and waiting for plays to develop for the most part. He still doesnt have that sense of how to throw the ball before a receiver starts his break or the confidence to throw it before his receiver sees him to do some of that consistently. He also does still get a bit too dance happy in some of those spots too and he gets a ton of passes batted down when the pocket collapses. He isnt there on those sideline throws just yet. Hes good at the three step drop and fire plays inside the hashes, roll out passes, and the occasional deep sideline pass. I think the OC should have done a better job of using him in his "good" areas than playing him as if he is a veteran for most of the year.

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I do. the ones with the good younger QB's.. GB, San Diego, Pitts, Giants, maybe us, st louis, TB??

For a guy who already thinks Sanchez is elite.. this is a strange post

That is no guarantee. Marino was truly elite and he never made it back to the SB. Peyton Manning has been to only 2 his entire career.

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That is no guarantee. Marino was truly elite and he never made it back to the SB. Peyton Manning has been to only 2 his entire career.

yeah, had you said SB then maybe, but you said who would be the "good" teams..

dolphins made the playoffs 10 times in marino's career..

colts have made the playoffs 11 seasons, including 9 in a row

pars have made the playoffs 8 of 10 years with brady

chargers 4 of 5 with rivers


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yeah, had you said SB then maybe, but you said who would be the "good" teams..

dolphins made the playoffs 10 times in marino's career..

colts have made the playoffs 11 seasons, including 9 in a row

pars have made the playoffs 8 of 10 years with brady

chargers 4 of 5 with rivers


The Texans and Bengals have struggled to make the playoffs. Everyone thought the Titans would be good, although they have no QB, and they've struggled as well.

The Ravens have made it the past few years with Flacco. I think they might be tenuous too.

I hope we are good for a long time and I certainly think we can be, I just don't believe you can ever be sure or truly expect it. And we may never get to another AFCC game again, or it may be a long while. Let's hope not, let's hope next year we win the SB though.

The Pats are going to be tough, they have so many draft picks as well. It'd be nice to get a top seed and some home games...even better would have been to have our won stadium and dome that makes a ton of noise.

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The Texans and Bengals have struggled to make the playoffs. Everyone thought the Titans would be good, although they have no QB, and they've struggled as well.

The Ravens have made it the past few years with Flacco. I think they might be tenuous too.

I hope we are good for a long time and I certainly think we can be, I just don't believe you can ever be sure or truly expect it. And we may never get to another AFCC game again, or it may be a long while. Let's hope not, let's hope next year we win the SB though.

The Pats are going to be tough, they have so many draft picks as well. It'd be nice to get a top seed and some home games...even better would have been to have our won stadium and dome that makes a ton of noise.

imo, if sanchez is what you say he is and he stays healthy, we'll have plenty of more chances like this one. Maybe not always the championship game, but we'll get some byes.. some home field games.. sustained contention is all about the qb

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The Pats season was a failure as well.

What really sucks is that this labor fight could go on to the point where there wont be a 2011 season.

31 teams in the NFL will be failures. Dont invent ways to be happy. Instead, be miserable because your sports team who you have no control over lost.

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imo, if sanchez is what you say he is and he stays healthy, we'll have plenty of more chances like this one. Maybe not always the championship game, but we'll get some byes.. some home field games.. sustained contention is all about the qb

And also a top defense....which we should always have with Rex.

I think it might almost be safe to put the Jets in the same category as the Pats, Colts, Steelers, Ravens in terms of teams you expect to be there come January.

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And also a top defense....which we should always have with Rex.

I think it might almost be safe to put the Jets in the same category as the Pats, Colts, Steelers, Ravens in terms of teams you expect to be there come January.

Agreed, but inventing ways of being happy is a no no around here.

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Before the season, all I read was how the Jets were lucky to make it as far as they did in 2009. The Colts let them in the playoffs, the Bengals gave up, the Chargers screwed the pooch. Nothing positive about how good the Jets had gotten. Then I read that all Jet fans were crazy to think it could happen again and we would surely take a step backwords with our second year QB, our aging defense, our all talk no action coaching staff. I saw predictions from 10-6 to 8-8. Well we went out this year and surpassed all that and established ourselves as a legitimate powerhouse. It sucks to fail in another AFC championship game, but this year was far from a failure.

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They were in an excellent position going into that game. But boneheadedness worked against them. I honestly believe that they went into the Pitt game with the wrong game plan. They should have emulated NE and spread them out early, instead of starting a penis-measuring contest with the Pitt front seven. Yes, the tackling sucked; maybe Rex should not have given a love fest speech the night before, all that crap about playing for each other. Does that make you tackle better? He should have spit nails and fired these fools up. I think the D outperformed its talent level all season, on the whole; and I think our O underperformed its talent level, on the whole. I do not blame BS exclusively for the loss. Rex gets his share. And I know that Rex doesn't tackle, but if he gets points for motivation, then he loses points here because they came out flat. However, seeing what Rex can do with mediocre defensive talent leaves me thinking that they can compete next year. I just hope the coaches will leave their stubbornness on the cutting room floor when they devise a game plan.

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I think it can all be summed up with this fact:

Since our last Superbowl appearance, these are the only teams who have not appeared in a Super Bowl:






Kinda telling huh?

How many teams have not won a Super Bowl? That is all I really care about. Getting there and losing doesn't do much for me.

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How many teams have not won a Super Bowl? That is all I really care about. Getting there and losing doesn't do much for me.

Agreed, but you have to get in the game, to play the game - my point is that if you look at the list only the only 2 non-expansion teams that have not put together one good season and gotten to the Super Bowl are the Jets and Lions. That's a startling fact. Hopefully Ownership/management will change the culture and we'll be in one soon.

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The Pats season was a failure as well.

What really sucks is that this labor fight could go on to the point where there wont be a 2011 season.

A year off from Heartbreak sounds good. Its the only way to avoid it. Being a Jet fan is like being a drug addict. After a bad trip, you swear you are going to stop, but eventually you want that next fix.

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Thanks I needed this thread. That loss hurt bad. You guys crack me up.

If you think going to 2 consecutive AFC championships in a row is a failure, what about going to 4 superbowls in a row and still coming up short?

JETS! (Just Enjoy The Season)

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Thanks I needed this thread. That loss hurt bad. You guys crack me up.

If you think going to 2 consecutive AFC championships in a row is a failure, what about going to 4 superbowls in a row and still coming up short?

JETS! (Just Enjoy The Season)

Awesome....2 straight AFC Championship losses......just what I've always dreamed of.

A few get it but most don't. We had a chance to win the whole thing and we completely pissed it away. We didn't show up for an entire half. We could have finally made a Super Bowl after 42 years and flushed it down the toilet. How many of us in 1998 thought that 1999 would be the launching pad of misery which would last 10 years until our next game???

There is one goal in football, to win a Super Bowl. The Jets made it no secret that it was a Super Bowl or bust this season.

They busted, and did so in a pathetic manner.

A loss is a loss is a loss, and falling short of your goal, is failure.

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