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Fatso unhappy being snubbed by Rex


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Jets coach Rex Ryan embarked on an extensive media campaign this week in support of his new book, Play Like You Mean It. But the effort didn’t include a visit with New York radio dean Mike Francesa of WFAN, and Francesa apparently wasn’t happy about that.

Via SportsGrid.com, Francesa pointed out that the book didn’t crack the top 100 on Amazon.com. “Go to the wrong places, you don’t get the right response,” Francesa said.

“I just wanted to mention that that book is a flop,” Francesa said later in the show.

At No. 111 on Amazon as of this posting, we’re not sure we’d call it a “flop.” Sales likely have been hampered by the fact that folks are less interested in the NFL right now, due to the lockout. And we suspect that the book was rushed to market the week after the draft given the possibility that the lockout will linger into August and possibly beyond.

That said, we would have strongly considered holding the book until early June, with the goal of targeting mothers and daughters looking for Father’s Day gifts. Of course, nothing prevents Ryan and his publisher from making a second big push in the 10 days or so before June 19.

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Probably, but considering the unreal media push that Rex has put on, opening at #111 is pretty awful.

Be that as it may, Francessa going out of his way to try to trash Ryan for it shows him as the childish, obnoxious a$$hole that he really is. Which, coincidentally enough, is the exact reason why he didn't get the interview to begin with. All he does is sh*t all over the Jets any chance he gets and then throws a hissy fit every few months that nobody involved with the team will ever give him an interview. Dipsh*t made his bed and now he has to lay it in, I for one am glad that the Jets actually have the balls to take a stand against an a$$hole like this.

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Be that as it may, Francessa going out of his way to try to trash Ryan for it shows him as the childish, obnoxious a$$hole that he really is. Which, coincidentally enough, is the exact reason why he didn't get the interview to begin with. All he does is sh*t all over the Jets any chance he gets and then throws a hissy fit every few months that nobody involved with the team will ever give him an interview. Dipsh*t made his bed and now he has to lay it in, I for one am glad that the Jets actually have the balls to take a stand against an a$$hole like this.

This is all true but, honestly, have you listened to the Jets interviews on 1050? a$$-kissing festivals and giant wastes of time. If the ratings are any indication, all that access hasn't helped Michael Kay get within pissing distance of Francesa. I don't think he's too broken up about it.

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This is all true but, honestly, have you listened to the Jets interviews on 1050? a$$-kissing festivals and giant wastes of time. If the ratings are any indication, all that access hasn't helped Michael Kay get within pissing distance of Francesa. I don't think he's too broken up about it.

It's too bad really. If Francessa promoted the book, it could have opened at 112.

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This is all true but, honestly, have you listened to the Jets interviews on 1050? a$$-kissing festivals and giant wastes of time. If the ratings are any indication, all that access hasn't helped Michael Kay get within pissing distance of Francesa. I don't think he's too broken up about it.

I don't disagree with you, and yet he still feels the need to whine insistently about it on a semi-regular basis. Fact is though there are enough idiots who will tune in to listen to someone who is intentionally pissing them off, because of that very reason, so ratings will never be a problem for him. Personally, I could not have any less interest in ever turning on his show. He is just beyond irritating to listen to, and that has nothing to even do with his opinions on the Jets.

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Guest Jpf4671

Fatsessa is the biggest hypocrite alive, destroyed Braylon and demanded he be cut for his dwi, but his boyfriend Phil Simms kid get busted for being high and driving with his pregnant wife in the passenger seat and not one word. And don't tell me about the not guilty verdict that was Ray Lewis light, His freind took the bullet for him

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If Rex had to publish it with his own money, it would have been well worth it to ignore that fat tub of sh!t. Like his endorsement was worth anything more than the other bile that comes out of his mouth.

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This is all true but, honestly, have you listened to the Jets interviews on 1050? a$$-kissing festivals and giant wastes of time. If the ratings are any indication, all that access hasn't helped Michael Kay get within pissing distance of Francesa. I don't think he's too broken up about it.

Yeah. The ESPN guys are the pits. I dont know why but for whatever reason they just cant find the mix of hosts that is appealing to the average sports talk listener. It either comes across as a pep rally or simply following whatever WFAN cooked up that morning or the day before and repeating it. And even with all of that the thing that annoys me the most with them is the fact that they make it company policy to do the cliffhanger comment designed to hold you to the next segment. Mike and Mike are notorious for that and I guess ESPN made it so that all the shows do it. Nothing is worse than Kay telling us he has a huge story to discuss that is really pissing him off. Its chewing him up so bad that he didnt need to mention it from 3-4:58, but at 4:59 it really got his blood boiling so much that he has decided to let us know that he is going to really lay it on us...at 5:05 after commercials and their sportscenter update. And what is it that got his blood boiling? The fact that Jeter is in a slump and people want to bench him. Hell let us know he hates that "what have you done for me lately" fan. Then he will ask his cohost about it who will admit that Jeter is in a slump but has to get the legends benefit. He will then tell us a story about cheering the Giants in the 1970s when they couldnt win a game and how fans have to learn it cant always be good. Kay then rips off a joke at the expense of his producer and hilarity ensues. That was some reason to stick around on 1050. The listener is not coming back for some time after being promised something and getting such a discussion.

BTW, not sure if you noticed but 1050 changed their lineup yet again. The big names that look to be gone in this go around are BT and Jody Mac.

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This is all true but, honestly, have you listened to the Jets interviews on 1050? a$$-kissing festivals and giant wastes of time. If the ratings are any indication, all that access hasn't helped Michael Kay get within pissing distance of Francesa. I don't think he's too broken up about it.

They have been to back to back AFC championship games beginning with a rookie QB and rookie coach. What do you want them to criticize? PSLs?

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They have been to back to back AFC championship games beginning with a rookie QB and rookie coach. What do you want them to criticize? PSLs?

Its not that you have to criticize. Its asking relevant questions and followups that get into the strategy and thinking of the game. Interviews are great for learning about the game and coaches and in some cases players. I firmly believe that part of the reason Bobby Valentine became so popular with the Mets was because of the incredible interviews he did with Francesa and Russo. They dug into him when needed and played ball when appropriate. Either way they got all kinds of info from him and he was a media hound so he played into it as well. Joe Torre was helped big time by doing great interviews with those guys. I dont like the Yankees but he really gave you an idea of why he was doing what he did and giving great examples of things in the past.

All coaches make crazy decisions that make you scratch your head. At times they cost them the game. Other times they make things tougher in a win. All you want is to get an idea of what is going through their head. Kay once did an interview with Rex after he made some wacky decision and said how he was going to go after him on it. He asked the question in a passive manner and Rex gave him an answer that was something along the lines of "Michael I make decisions that I think will win the game". All he has to ask is why that decision would win him the game and instead his follow up is "so you want to win?". Rex answers yes and his reply is then "makes sense to me". Thats just an awful job. You have a coach that loves to talk and loves to talk football. You question him about the call on defense that lost the game against the Falcons 2 years ago and he will explain the coverage, where everyone should be, and how the play should work and why you dont play contact at the line and these guys get him on the air and say "tough loss coach, that last play really has to sting, but the good news is you are still alive for the playoffs. Feels great doesnt it?"

Having the coaches and QBs locked into ESPN since the early 2000s has really locked us out from getting much better coverage of the team.

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It's too bad really. If Francessa promoted the book, it could have opened at 112.

If you want to sell a book to men in the NY market, you get Imus to promote it and then you get Francesa to promote it. The last book he really hawked was that Lombardi book, and that sh*t ended up on Broadway.

I don't disagree with you, and yet he still feels the need to whine insistently about it on a semi-regular basis. Fact is though there are enough idiots who will tune in to listen to someone who is intentionally pissing them off, because of that very reason, so ratings will never be a problem for him. Personally, I could not have any less interest in ever turning on his show. He is just beyond irritating to listen to, and that has nothing to even do with his opinions on the Jets.

Word. But, that's his appeal. People wouldn't tune in to listen to somebody tell them things they already know or believe. Contrarianism and anger are huge draws.

Yeah. The ESPN guys are the pits. I dont know why but for whatever reason they just cant find the mix of hosts that is appealing to the average sports talk listener. It either comes across as a pep rally or simply following whatever WFAN cooked up that morning or the day before and repeating it. And even with all of that the thing that annoys me the most with them is the fact that they make it company policy to do the cliffhanger comment designed to hold you to the next segment. Mike and Mike are notorious for that and I guess ESPN made it so that all the shows do it. Nothing is worse than Kay telling us he has a huge story to discuss that is really pissing him off. Its chewing him up so bad that he didnt need to mention it from 3-4:58, but at 4:59 it really got his blood boiling so much that he has decided to let us know that he is going to really lay it on us...at 5:05 after commercials and their sportscenter update. And what is it that got his blood boiling? The fact that Jeter is in a slump and people want to bench him. Hell let us know he hates that "what have you done for me lately" fan. Then he will ask his cohost about it who will admit that Jeter is in a slump but has to get the legends benefit. He will then tell us a story about cheering the Giants in the 1970s when they couldnt win a game and how fans have to learn it cant always be good. Kay then rips off a joke at the expense of his producer and hilarity ensues. That was some reason to stick around on 1050. The listener is not coming back for some time after being promised something and getting such a discussion.

BTW, not sure if you noticed but 1050 changed their lineup yet again. The big names that look to be gone in this go around are BT and Jody Mac.

That tease business is ridiculous, especially in an age where everybody has a cellphone with Google on it. What's the point waiting around to follow up on "You won't BELIEVE what Ozzie Guillen said..." if you can just Google it before the commercial even starts? It's condescending and absurd, and it doesn't play in the NY market. That's been ESPN's issue forever--they desperately try to appeal to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to wrangle in the super-casual sports fan. Your portrayal of a typical Kay bit is absolutely spot on...lol. My favorite part is how he;ll congratulate himself for a week afterward for asking "the hard questions," when everybody in the world who's ever listened to him knows that he will never--NEVER--ask the follow up question. They play for the sound bytes. Really tough to listen to.

Thanks for the tip on the new 1050 line-up. What a freaking mish-mosh of crap. They're really going to try another go-round with Lupica? And for an hour a day? Brutal. That only gives him twenty minutes to share overwrought stories about how point guards who come out of the projects are tough, twenty minutes to talk about what an under-appreciated genius Elmore Leonard is, and twenty minutes making out-dated Sarah Palin jokes. Add to that he has ridiculously thin skin and hasn't been a relevant NY sports voice for about 20 years and it should be a real ratings win there.

The only promising thing is that they're giving Ruocco and Lumberg more time. Those dudes have a future, imo. Very quick-witted younger guys who have a real feel for the common fan. If 1050 was smart, they'd put them on directly opposite Joe and Evan, where I think they'd steal a lot of listeners from the FAN. Unfortunately, they'd be burdened with the awful lead-in of the unlistenable Mike and Mike and their obsession with alienating NY listeners (Let's do four consecutive segments on the Oklahoma City Thunder followed by a guest spot with the reporter covering the Dodgers implosion!).

Great news about Tierney, btw. I never like to see a guy lose his job, but the fact that that dude has been allowed to stay at that station for a decade despite failing in absolutely every time slot they put him in is one of the great mysteries of modern media. I imagine it won't be too much longer until SNY cuts bait with him, too.

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honestly, I can't even stand the sight of Francesa anymore...

And I'm glad Rex snubbed him, and I'm glad Rex said what he said about the Giants too.

It's in my blood to hate the Giants, and I'm glad we finally have a coach who has that in his blood too

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Hard to ignore this boorish, bombastic blowhard

Help me out here. What would you do?

You're assigned to write your point of view about sports TV and radio for a New York daily.

The radio and TV guy in town who regards himself the biggest big shot, an expert on everything, is a self-smitten, dishonest, rude, name-dropping braggart who mistreats callers and co-workers while he authoritatively and pompously gets everything wrong.

Within seconds of tuning in, he'll be heard pretending, and in the most self-impressed terms and tones, to know something and/or someone you couldn't possibly know because he's the ultimate insider/big shot -- and you're only you.

So how would you handle this? Write it every time he shows himself to be full of it? But that's every day, 10 times per day! Write it once in a while, giving him a pass on most of his nonsense? Write it only when he goes way over the line?

But he's so full of it so often, where does one draw that line?

Or would you ignore him? But given your job description, could you, should you?

What would you have done with this?

Wednesday on Mike Francesa's WFAN/YES simulcast, a riff about Osama bin Laden's last home address -- remember, there's nothing Francesa doesn't know -- led to his claim that a 3,500 square-foot house is the average size of a local home.

When a caller, "Chris in Jersey," tried to tell him that he's way off -- that 3,500 square feet is far from average -- Francesa dismissed him as a know-nothing, angrily shouting over him. Naturally.

In Francesa's regal world, 3,500 square is a shed, but in the real one that's roughly four bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen with eating area and den.

The other time I heard Francesa this week, he was interrupting a caller -- never allowed him to make his point -- to lecture about Ponzi schemes as per the Madoff/Wilpon affair.

Francesa, however, again provided evidence that he has no clue about this case or Ponzi schemes.

He seems to think that Madoff paid the Mets' owners millions from investment-money profits, when it's far more likely that Madoff paid them with other clients' investment money. Until it ran out.

It all kinda made me miss Chris Russo, for years the "Gilligan" to Francesa's "Skipper." After the 9/11 attacks, Russo asserted, "It's gonna take one, maybe two years to get bin Laden."

Francesa, also a foreign-affairs expert, agreed.

Given my job, what am I supposed to do? Forget that? Or just ignore it?

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more_sports/no_horse_sense_9JaZeLNEd5LsBMrJ5wcW8M#ixzz1LhWaOXXv

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That tease business is ridiculous, especially in an age where everybody has a cellphone with Google on it. What's the point waiting around to follow up on "You won't BELIEVE what Ozzie Guillen said..." if you can just Google it before the commercial even starts? It's condescending and absurd, and it doesn't play in the NY market. That's been ESPN's issue forever--they desperately try to appeal to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to wrangle in the super-casual sports fan. Your portrayal of a typical Kay bit is absolutely spot on...lol. My favorite part is how he;ll congratulate himself for a week afterward for asking "the hard questions," when everybody in the world who's ever listened to him knows that he will never--NEVER--ask the follow up question. They play for the sound bytes. Really tough to listen to.

The funny thing is the NY local guys are so much better than the national guys. When I travel outside of the NY market and pick up an ESPN radio with minimal local programming its just so horrendous. I know there are plenty of folks that never liked Mike and Chris, but the type of sports talk that they helped grow in NY is so far superior to what other people around the country get to listen to. The first time I heard the national bradcast shows I was in shock. I could not believe that this is the crap that the people around the country listen to as good radio. One of the first times I listened to it they did some NFL show with something called 1st and 10 questions or something like that. Its was like 1 minute reading the question, 1 minute sound effects, and a 10 second answer. It would go something like this:

Sound Effect 1: 1st and 10 questions

Sound Effect 2: Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut

Question 1: Mike from Philly is curious?

Host: Lets see just what he is curious about

Question 2: Is Donovan McNabb capable of taking the Eagles to the playoffs?

Host: Good question Mike....Hmmm...hes done it before so Id say yes he is capable

Sound Effect 3: Tackling football noises (you know since the host just "tackled" the tough questions)

Sound Effect 1: 1st and 10 questions

Sound Effect 2: 2nd question

Sound Effect 3: hut hut hut hut hut hut hut....

Question 2: John from Motown wants to know are the Lions as bad as they look?....

Its like comparing Howard Stern when he was younger to the local "wacky and zany morning show". Its just horrible, but I guess it works for them in most markets where they never had decent sportstalk programming.

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Rex "snubbing" Francessa, and Francessa whining about it for the next few weeks, will have a greater impact on the sales of the book than if Rex had actually done an on air interview with that toxic heap of sh*t to promote the book.

Mission accomplished, imo.

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If you want to sell a book to men in the NY market, you get Imus to promote it and then you get Francesa to promote it. The last book he really hawked was that Lombardi book, and that sh*t ended up on Broadway.

Word. But, that's his appeal. People wouldn't tune in to listen to somebody tell them things they already know or believe. Contrarianism and anger are huge draws.

That tease business is ridiculous, especially in an age where everybody has a cellphone with Google on it. What's the point waiting around to follow up on "You won't BELIEVE what Ozzie Guillen said..." if you can just Google it before the commercial even starts? It's condescending and absurd, and it doesn't play in the NY market. That's been ESPN's issue forever--they desperately try to appeal to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to wrangle in the super-casual sports fan. Your portrayal of a typical Kay bit is absolutely spot on...lol. My favorite part is how he;ll congratulate himself for a week afterward for asking "the hard questions," when everybody in the world who's ever listened to him knows that he will never--NEVER--ask the follow up question. They play for the sound bytes. Really tough to listen to.

Thanks for the tip on the new 1050 line-up. What a freaking mish-mosh of crap. They're really going to try another go-round with Lupica? And for an hour a day? Brutal. That only gives him twenty minutes to share overwrought stories about how point guards who come out of the projects are tough, twenty minutes to talk about what an under-appreciated genius Elmore Leonard is, and twenty minutes making out-dated Sarah Palin jokes. Add to that he has ridiculously thin skin and hasn't been a relevant NY sports voice for about 20 years and it should be a real ratings win there.

The only promising thing is that they're giving Ruocco and Lumberg more time. Those dudes have a future, imo. Very quick-witted younger guys who have a real feel for the common fan. If 1050 was smart, they'd put them on directly opposite Joe and Evan, where I think they'd steal a lot of listeners from the FAN. Unfortunately, they'd be burdened with the awful lead-in of the unlistenable Mike and Mike and their obsession with alienating NY listeners (Let's do four consecutive segments on the Oklahoma City Thunder followed by a guest spot with the reporter covering the Dodgers implosion!).

Great news about Tierney, btw. I never like to see a guy lose his job, but the fact that that dude has been allowed to stay at that station for a decade despite failing in absolutely every time slot they put him in is one of the great mysteries of modern media. I imagine it won't be too much longer until SNY cuts bait with him, too.

Understand that I'm biased for Brandon because I've known him and his family forever. But to each his own.

At a loss how ESPn thinks anyone is going to listen to Colin Cowherd babble about college football and Lupica mail it in from his Connecticut mansion.So if you want to know how Oklahoma's spring practice went, or where to get the freshest bluberry muffins in the Hamptons, this lineup will be a huge plus. Apparently they are trying to nail down the blowhard/douchebag market who are not already listening to Francesa.

Lupica's Daily News articles do not allow comments. This is ESPN's idea of a good radio host. At least Francesa is rude to his callers before hanging up on, talking over or ignoring them. You

still have to take calls.

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Word. But, that's his appeal. People wouldn't tune in to listen to somebody tell them things they already know or believe. Contrarianism and anger are huge draws.

That is absolutely true.

The difference is I'd much rather come here and argue these points with you douchebags than listen to some obnoxious jackass who has no idea what the hell he's talking about ramble on about his ridiculously biased opinions and throw a temper tantrum every time someone dare disagree with him, and proceeds to hang up on or talk over every person who shows him to be the fraud that he is. It's not so much the concept of what he's doing that I disagree with, it's very much the individual who is doing it. That's the exact reason he doesn't get any Jets player or coach interviews and the team has essentially told him to go **** himself. And I say good riddance, the last thing I need is to have something that would give me even the slightest urge to listen to that dipsh*t.

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Yeah. The ESPN guys are the pits. I dont know why but for whatever reason they just cant find the mix of hosts that is appealing to the average sports talk listener. It either comes across as a pep rally or simply following whatever WFAN cooked up that morning or the day before and repeating it. And even with all of that the thing that annoys me the most with them is the fact that they make it company policy to do the cliffhanger comment designed to hold you to the next segment. Mike and Mike are notorious for that and I guess ESPN made it so that all the shows do it. Nothing is worse than Kay telling us he has a huge story to discuss that is really pissing him off. Its chewing him up so bad that he didnt need to mention it from 3-4:58, but at 4:59 it really got his blood boiling so much that he has decided to let us know that he is going to really lay it on us...at 5:05 after commercials and their sportscenter update. And what is it that got his blood boiling? The fact that Jeter is in a slump and people want to bench him. Hell let us know he hates that "what have you done for me lately" fan. Then he will ask his cohost about it who will admit that Jeter is in a slump but has to get the legends benefit. He will then tell us a story about cheering the Giants in the 1970s when they couldnt win a game and how fans have to learn it cant always be good. Kay then rips off a joke at the expense of his producer and hilarity ensues. That was some reason to stick around on 1050. The listener is not coming back for some time after being promised something and getting such a discussion.

BTW, not sure if you noticed but 1050 changed their lineup yet again. The big names that look to be gone in this go around are BT and Jody Mac.

God that cliff hanger crap really pisses me off. A lot of news stations, sports or not, pull that crap and I just turn them off now and look up my info on the internet if it Interests that much.

Yes Mike and Mike do that sh*t and what those idiots (producers) dont realize is that most people listening to them have limited time to actully listen because they are in their freakin cars going to work. What do they think people will sit in parking lots waiting for them to blurt out their crap that most of the time is a heap load of trash that has no value what so ever. Its just plain dumb

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