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kick over the monopoly board!


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When the going gets tough, jet fans cry to fire everybody. What I said from day one was that one guy, Mike Tannenbaum ruined this season. It didnt take a genius to see that three guys: 2 true-green hard working jets and one straggler with loads of talent who found a home, all doing the plane gelling, replaced with two 35+ guys looking for a last paycheck who could care less about the jets was an asinine move by fatboy who only looks at numbers.

and here we are....Rex crying and the offense pouting talking about what? team chemistry! 'Boo Hoo! We dont have the same chemistry as last year!'

YEAH NO sh*t!!! Well, obviously the best thing to do is blow it up and start all over. According to calculations we might be relevant again in about 20 years. lmao foh

**** Peyton Manning. He's a loser. One and done 7 times!!!!! Take away the year they handed him and he's won as many playoff games as our QB with 6 times as many loses. He didnt win a playoff game until his 5th year! No thank you. More of the same LOSING formula.

What they need to do is get a GM who knows football and get a couple guys who can catch. We had it, but Tanny didnt think we needed so many weapons! ******* retard.

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It's funny to me how quickly everyone wants to fire everyone. We had a bad year yes. I also hated a lot of the offseason acquisitions and some of the guys we let go, but let's not get nuts here. Rex has done more here than all of our other coaches outside of Parcells and Weeb (who won the bowl before I was even born ) in his first two years here. Does he have some learning to do? Yep. But the base for him to be an effective coach is there. Let him get a full offseason that's not strike shortened and get back up to Cortland and build his team. He thought he could take a team of punks and make them play as a team. It failed.

Let's give a guy who finally gave us something to be proud of more than one season of failure. I can remember years where 8-8 was just about as good as we were gonna get.

Does anyone remember Kotite? Coslet? Carrol? Walton? Mangini? Let's take a breath here.

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Did you guys see Mike Tannenbaum throw those 2 INT's to Randy Starks?

That guy sucks!!!

No, that was the quarterback he drafted, let Wayne Hunter protect all year and backed up with Mark Brunell. Jeremy Kerley was arguably the 2nd best QB on our roster, unfortunetly he can't throw to himself and Santonio took his ball and went home

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Isn't he like missing a hand or a finger of something? Whatever happen to the cokehead kid. Thought he had potential.

Do the Jets have any sort of protection if Santonio violates the Substance program a 3rd time? If so I vote we bring Ainge back in for a look and hold camp in Columbia. Cortland obviously hasn't done much for team chemistry anyway

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What they need to do is get a GM who knows football and get a couple guys who can catch. We had it, but Tanny didnt think we needed so many weapons! ******* retard.

I agree 100%. Tannenbaum is NOT a football guy, never was. He was brought in by Parcells as a "cap expert". The Jets have an accountant making personnel decisions and leading this team. Time for a real football guy to take control. Polian would be at the top of my list if I were Woody Johnson.

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/kicks over the monopoly board and snakes the $500 you had hiding under free parking

Please rewind to the lifting of the lockout where we were in "cap hell" and had all of those free agents with no room to negotiate due to going "all in" the prior 2 years trying to win a SB. Do you remember that brown eyes???? I do, I remember thinking that we would have NOONE to throw to and NOONE to play CB across from Revis. T has gotten Rex the ingredients he has asked for so dont make it sound like T is some JAG who overspends. He is a shrewd GM if you ask me. He has gotten plenty of talent here. He has a good coach here. The playoffs are not a gimme every year. We were fortunate to get in and do some damage the last 2 years. I look for us to be hungry next year, no matter who T brings in or cuts. The tough year was this year imo. next year we will have more time and money to manuver. Santonio was the #1 WR on the market last year, no? Remember the debates on this forum? who do we keep? Santonio by a landslide. I couldnt see it but even teammates said it wasnt close who was the better WR between BE and HOLMES...

/sign real jets fan

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I agree 100%. Tannenbaum is NOT a football guy, never was. He was brought in by Parcells as a "cap expert". The Jets have an accountant making personnel decisions and leading this team. Time for a real football guy to take control. Polian would be at the top of my list if I were Woody Johnson.

That was said many a year ago.......

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It's funny to me how quickly everyone wants to fire everyone. We had a bad year yes. I also hated a lot of the offseason acquisitions and some of the guys we let go, but let's not get nuts here. Rex has done more here than all of our other coaches outside of Parcells and Weeb (who won the bowl before I was even born ) in his first two years here. Does he have some learning to do? Yep. But the base for him to be an effective coach is there. Let him get a full offseason that's not strike shortened and get back up to Cortland and build his team. He thought he could take a team of punks and make them play as a team. It failed.

Let's give a guy who finally gave us something to be proud of more than one season of failure. I can remember years where 8-8 was just about as good as we were gonna get.

Does anyone remember Kotite? Coslet? Carrol? Walton? Mangini? Let's take a breath here.

wait a minute!!! Hold on guys. I'm not sure, but I think it sounds like he agrees with me!! Holy sh*t! Or at least, I agree with him! Nice Job, GB. Next Year will be a different story. Darkness before dawn....They might have needed this, but I'm not ready to roll the infamous Jet's coaching dice. Yes, I DO remember all of those guys. I also remember Brooks Bolinger, Pennington, the Favre Experiment, Clemens, Testeverde (like INTS?), Brister, Foley, ODonnell, Lucas, Esiason, Reich and Nagle in the last 25 years.

The Jets, sadly, are not a franchise of excellence.

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/kicks over the monopoly board and snakes the $500 you had hiding under free parking

Please rewind to the lifting of the lockout where we were in "cap hell" and had all of those free agents with no room to negotiate due to going "all in" the prior 2 years trying to win a SB. Do you remember that brown eyes???? I do, I remember thinking that we would have NOONE to throw to and NOONE to play CB across from Revis. T has gotten Rex the ingredients he has asked for so dont make it sound like T is some JAG who overspends. He is a shrewd GM if you ask me. He has gotten plenty of talent here. He has a good coach here. The playoffs are not a gimme every year. We were fortunate to get in and do some damage the last 2 years. I look for us to be hungry next year, no matter who T brings in or cuts. The tough year was this year imo. next year we will have more time and money to manuver. Santonio was the #1 WR on the market last year, no? Remember the debates on this forum? who do we keep? Santonio by a landslide. I couldnt see it but even teammates said it wasnt close who was the better WR between BE and HOLMES...

/sign real jets fan

brown eyes? Just argue like an adult, huh? So, Mike T and Santonio are your guys. I got Rex and Sanchez. OK.

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I agree 100%. Tannenbaum is NOT a football guy, never was. He was brought in by Parcells as a "cap expert". The Jets have an accountant making personnel decisions and leading this team. Time for a real football guy to take control. Polian would be at the top of my list if I were Woody Johnson.

Absolutely agree with Polian.

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This guy is like the barometer of ridiculousness for this site. I love it.

lol Its ridiculous that Tannebaum sucked this offseason? Come on, I know paraplegic waiters that bring more to the table, bro. Do you disagree with the assessment of Mike T from 'this guy' or what is it exactly that is the barometer of ridiculousness.....................or is it just 'cool' to bash 'this guy'? smh

Peyton Manning is probably putting in extra therapy just to play for the Jets. lol

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lol Its ridiculous that Tannebaum sucked this offseason? Come on, I know paraplegic waiters that bring more to the table, bro. Do you disagree with the assessment of Mike T from 'this guy' or what is it exactly that is the barometer of ridiculousness.....................or is it just 'cool' to bash 'this guy'? smh

Peyton Manning is probably putting in extra therapy just to play for the Jets. lol

You are a lunatic. Carry on...

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When the going gets tough, jet fans cry to fire everybody. What I said from day one was that one guy, Mike Tannenbaum ruined this season. It didnt take a genius to see that three guys: 2 true-green hard working jets and one straggler with loads of talent who found a home, all doing the plane gelling, replaced with two 35+ guys looking for a last paycheck who could care less about the jets was an asinine move by fatboy who only looks at numbers.

and here we are....Rex crying and the offense pouting talking about what? team chemistry! 'Boo Hoo! We dont have the same chemistry as last year!'

YEAH NO sh*t!!! Well, obviously the best thing to do is blow it up and start all over. According to calculations we might be relevant again in about 20 years. lmao foh

**** Peyton Manning. He's a loser. One and done 7 times!!!!! Take away the year they handed him and he's won as many playoff games as our QB with 6 times as many loses. He didnt win a playoff game until his 5th year! No thank you. More of the same LOSING formula.

What they need to do is get a GM who knows football and get a couple guys who can catch. We had it, but Tanny didnt think we needed so many weapons! ******* retard.

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No JiF, and he did get shut down by the dolphin secondary either, that was the guy he dismantled the O to keep around. He didnt drop balls, have them bounce of his facemask helmet. He didnt miss tackles at the 10 yard line or snap the ball off his thigh or miss chip shots. He didnt go no huddle shotgun on first and goal, throw 60 times in a game. He didnt let DEs walk by him all year. He just made sure they had the personnel to do so. I think Rex sai a million times 'my darling Sanchez' was his pick. I guess he an schotty took a liking to him. WHat can I say? I hate the draft pick. He just won me over by bringing me football all throughout January twice. Unlike my baseball team, who I expect nothing less than a championship every year, the Jets have lowered my expectations. I was holding on to ONE January campaign 15 years ago that consisted of one win and then one loss. So, in essence, I was given that X 4. and that is why I am pat to give 'my darling' another crack at it..........with a full squad, not one prima donna and one ex-prima donna.....and who knows who else.

I can see Peyton getting psyched to come already. lol

Hey, look, it's on you what you do next year, but #6 WILL be the QB.

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Creepy and a lunatic for dissing Mike T. Good commentary, guys. That's why I come here..for the cutting edge analysis. Of course, doesn't the name calling pretty much prove my point? That's exactly what to expect from fans that boo their team at the introduction (of a meaningful game at that.) Actually, in real life, I'm a cool MF.....not creepy at all. You might even say I'm handsome. It's pretty funny, actually, that a guy like Jerry Sandusky exists but I'm creepy because I blame our GM more than our QB for losing. Right.


Let's say #6 has a pro bowl year for the next five years with us. How will you handle that? Or worse, what if during that success an influx of new #6 fans find their way to the board? Get out the straight-jackets.

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didnt mean to get your panties in a ruffle with the whole brown eyes reference lol. Heard it from Jack Black on a Tenacious D short from the HBO days. not too sure why you get to keep Rex and Sanchize and you stick me with Holmes and T. I mean, I like T and Rex and I am willing to give the Sanchize another year so we gunna have to fight for Rex and Sanchize. I said that this board and "anonomys" players said it was no contest between BE and Holmes. Not going to say that "i told you so" but it seemed like it was a forgone conclusion that Holmes was the must have between the 2. I was never so sure.

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/kicks over the monopoly board and snakes the $500 you had hiding under free parking

Please rewind to the lifting of the lockout where we were in "cap hell" and had all of those free agents with no room to negotiate due to going "all in" the prior 2 years trying to win a SB. Do you remember that brown eyes???? I do, I remember thinking that we would have NOONE to throw to and NOONE to play CB across from Revis. T has gotten Rex the ingredients he has asked for so dont make it sound like T is some JAG who overspends. He is a shrewd GM if you ask me. He has gotten plenty of talent here. He has a good coach here. The playoffs are not a gimme every year. We were fortunate to get in and do some damage the last 2 years. I look for us to be hungry next year, no matter who T brings in or cuts. The tough year was this year imo. next year we will have more time and money to manuver. Santonio was the #1 WR on the market last year, no? Remember the debates on this forum? who do we keep? Santonio by a landslide. I couldnt see it but even teammates said it wasnt close who was the better WR between BE and HOLMES...

/sign real jets fan

ahhh not even close, I did the poll and most posters here wanted BE.

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didnt mean to get your panties in a ruffle with the whole brown eyes reference lol. Heard it from Jack Black on a Tenacious D short from the HBO days. not too sure why you get to keep Rex and Sanchize and you stick me with Holmes and T. I mean, I like T and Rex and I am willing to give the Sanchize another year so we gunna have to fight for Rex and Sanchize. I said that this board and "anonomys" players said it was no contest between BE and Holmes. Not going to say that "i told you so" but it seemed like it was a forgone conclusion that Holmes was the must have between the 2. I was never so sure.

My panties are fine. It's just so much of a social forum these days. It's actually interesting over the last 10+ years to see the younger myspace generation flood the boards. Used to be about football, not about other posters.......sometimes I shoot a bystander. cool. Anyway, I did miss your point before, I think. I am saying we could've kept SOMEBODY from the receiving core. We gave up yards, TDs, big third downs, a dimension, special teams, and a backup QB, I think they conbined (Smith, BE, Cotch) for like 25 TDS and 3500 yards last two years. We replace that with what? Plaxico? You just don't get older and younger on offense AND as we see, continuity and cohesiveness and all those words do matter.

As far as Santonio for holmes here. I dont think it was a landslide, but more Holmes. I haven't liked Holmes since his comments on HardKnocks and his smiling after dropping that TD last year, but I didnt think it would be this bad. Yet another indictment on Mike T. That's what you get for shopping in the discount bin!

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