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what say you? 2012. Better..or worse?


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Offense is going to be worse, defense will definitely be better. I think the D is going to rebound back to what is was in '09. All signs point to us going big on LB's in this upcoming class, and all the impact players will be back and healthy, even if we do cut ties with Cro. Upgrades at safety are inevitable too.

But, Sparano + More Sanchez = Mas suckiness.

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I see this team as a 7-9 to 9-7 team until there are major changes in coaching/QBing. Maybe thats a bit too wide of a gap but until Sanchez gets better or gets dropped I don't see how we can be an elite team. Elite teams get consitantly good QB'ing, something Sanchez has been unable to accoplish in 3 years. I also have little faith in Tannenbaum identifying position weakness, in talent evaluation of both free agents and draft picks, and drafting itself (I think we all remember the "boar hunter" - when Tannenbaum and scouts sh*t the bed when their target pick was taken in the 3rd round and perhaps used a dart to select him).

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It'll only be better if:

--They find a legitimate safety and an impact OLB. But the OLB has to be Von Miller-style good.

--Rex responds to this offseason from hell by keeping his ego in check and NOT coming out guns blazing with his "This is who I am, yadda yadda" blather. He needs to be less Buddy and more Belichick.

--Santonio Holmes cannot be on the roster. Primarily because he's mean to Sanchez, but also because Rex plays favorites with him and that seemed to generate tons of resentment in the locker room. The biggest malcontent in the locker room was named a captain. We'll never know how good a coach Rex is and we'll never know how good a QB Mark is as long as Holmes is on the roster.

--They bring in a workhorse back. Sparano will run Greene into the ground by Week Three with his Run-Or-Die offense.

All in all, I think the 2012 Jets are in trouble. There's been so much roster attrition that it would be impossible for s great GM to fix, much less Tannenbaum, who has shown he needs to burn money and picks to find any talent at all. The Jets need a significant infusion of new blood in the locker room and they're not going to get it because the GM painted them into a corner with expensive FA signings and dubious all-or-nothing draft strategies.

And here's something else that's been overlooked because we were all so smitten with the early success--for a guy who loves his players so much and who you'd think players would really respond to, Rex doesn't seem to develop talent very well. Where are the low-round picks, UDFAs that turn into big contributors? Where are the Bart Scotts and Jim Leonhards that we thought Rex was going to be able to come in here, find, and coach up? Pouha and Dixon, maybe, but that's pretty much been it.

It's an 8-8, 9-7 team next year without significant philosophical changes from the top down.

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Offense is going to be worse, defense will definitely be better. I think the D is going to rebound back to what is was in '09. All signs point to us going big on LB's in this upcoming class, and all the impact players will be back and healthy, even if we do cut ties with Cro. Upgrades at safety are inevitable too.

But, Sparano + More Sanchez = Mas suckiness.

How do you equate our offense being worse? and on the same token, the D being better?

This train wreck needs to be fixed big time and it starts with Rex and Tanny.

Let's see after the FA signings and draft.

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arrgghh, what a question.. i really thought everything was overblown because we were still 8-8 and just missed the playoffs.. but reading what LT said really makes me nervous.. i dont wana think about professional football until the draft....

unfortunately.. thats imposssiblleee

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Better. I see them fixing the gaps on D (SAFETY and RUSH) and on O they have already took the dump (OF SCHITTY) and with Sparano, its just a matter of creating a run mentality. They need to address the OLine issues (Hunter and D'Brick gave up 18 sacks last year and Hunter had like 11 penaties). Get rid of Mulligan...the guy is a joke. Intergrate Cumberland and Keller two TE sets. Then hit the home run over the top when the safeties crowd the box. We need to dump Plax and get a legitimate home run threat as a #2 wr. Keep Kerley in the slot...(Welker esque)


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Better...Rex and Tanny have had an eye opener of a season. I believe Rex get to a real ground and pound, Sanchez gets to do what he does best play action and roll out. The O Line needs a good tackle and we need another pounding RB Powell???? Matt Forte???? We need speed on defense at OLB and someone to cover those TE's. I think we have most of the major parts we need a major tune - up. We need to see the draft,FA's and who is let go (Holmes).

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Seasons are very often about how you are playing the last 3 or 4 games. Look at the Giants. Their regular season was mostly disappointing. They showed up one week and disappeared the next. For all the press knew, they were the ones with a clubhouse problem, Now their season is great. Coming into their last three games the Jets were above average and in good shape for a playoff appearance. Clearly, their situation came to a head at the wrong time. But I do not think they are on any kind of downward slide. I think next year could very easily be better if they can protect Sanchez and get another big back. But I do not have any great faith in Sanchez. He must show considerable improvement. And unless they get a pass rusher and stop relying on scheming to get to the passer, until they get some safeties who can deal with the Gronkowskis of the world, they are not getting out of the first or second round.

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Beat Writer / Columnist

Woody Johnson says Santonio Holmes will definitely be on Jets in 2012. "He may be one of the best players we've ever had." #nfl

6 minutes ago

That's just weird. Woody Johnson seems like a pretty quiet guy, but I don't know what happens behind the scenes. He definitely was the one who ordered Tannenbaum to sign Favre in 2009 in time for the opening of the new stadium. He definitely was the one who refused to give Herm Edwards more money in 2006 after they went 4-12. He also was instrumental in re-signing Darrelle Revis. I'm not sure if these are good or bad things.

Regardign the subject of this thread, Rex did inheret a team of aging stars who were just at the end of their prime when he got here: Thomas Jones, Damien Woody, Shaun Ellis, Bryan Thomas, etc. LT most likely will retire and Plax won't be back, and Brandon Moore is just downright old. Some of the draft picks and trades the Jets have gotten under Rex/Tanny obviosuly haven't worked out. Cro is horribly inconsistent; the jury's still out on whether Shonn Greene can be the game changing HB that people thought he would be; Hunter and Slauson have proven that they're simply not starting-calibur OLs, and in my opinion, the jury's still out on Ducasse.I though Wilkinson had a decent rookie year and will get better. Trading for Santonio Holmes looks like it was a mistake, given that he's a crybaby and a cancer in the locker room.

Finally, and I know people will disagree with me, is that the jury's still out on Sanchez. He does show flashes of brilliance. However, he also made the same mistakes this past season that he made in his rookie year, with the main one being that he holds on to the ball waaaay too long when he's in the pocket. Seriosuly, that's what rookie QBs do, and he's not a rookie anymore. But I'm not sure how much of that is his fault and how much of that is the fault of Brian Schottenheimer, possibly one of the worst and most uncreative offensive coordinators I've ever seen. Also, part of that does fall on Rex. A guy like Sanchez shouldn't be pampered. Rex shouldn't be afraid to shout at him "You suck!" and "The draft scouts were dead wrong about you" whenever he throws an INT - much like Parcells would do with Phil Simms and Drew Bledsoe during the early years of their careers.

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