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What will Tim Tebow get from Jets West????


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Tempting - are you challenging me? I'll just have to post a better pic of #6. On a more serious note.... nah, no serious notes here never mind.

Challenging you on what? Either way I bet I win.


And, to make him more cuttable next year. And to say "Dude, totally sorry we chased Peyton, but not as sorry as we are that Peyton laughed at us."

We'll see who's laughing when Mark has a career year and is headed to the Pro Bowl.

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Old isn't an excuse for being a dumbass. I've never once said a positive thing about Sanchez in this thread, but you want to talk about wrong? You can try to pull off the smug holier than though sh*t as much as you like, but the truth is you're the only damn person in this entire thread who's actually been proven truly wrong about anything. That's not even a debate, it is indisputable that you are in fact absolutely, unarguably, incorrect. That would be because you have repeatedly completely fabricated statistics that have zero basis in reality and then when called out on it, proceed to tell people off because they don't buy your heaping piles of horse sh*t. You did again in this post, because in what world is 67 turnovers in 55 games "on average almost twice a game". There's no math in the world that brings you to that sort of conclusion, but you've proven you don't let things like facts and the truth get in your way. You don't like him as a player? That's fine and there's plenty of reasons not to, then if you want to make your point, how about trying to do so without a series of blatant lies, because all you're doing is making your point look like absolute nonsense, regardless of how much underlying merit there may or may not be to it beneath all of that garbage.

If you have a problem with that, the only person it's tough sh*t for is you. Maybe stop being an a$$ and try working with the truth for a change and then maybe people will think what you have to say is worth a damn.

Sorry; you're right. Sanchez is great. 16-0 here we come.

51 plus 29 is 80 over 47 regular season games, and I'm only talking about regular season, since spare the Pats game to some extent it's laughable to say Sanchez was anything but along for the ride and usually a negative in the playoffs.But as per you, fumbles-now no big deal.

Because someone wears Jets' green does not make them great or even adequate. If you wish to live here...

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Sorry; you're right. Sanchez is great. 16-0 here we come.

51 plus 29 is 80 over 47 regular season games, and I'm only talking about regular season, since spare the Pats game to some extent it's laughable to say Sanchez was anything but along for the ride and usually a negative in the playoffs.But as per you, fumbles-now no big deal.

Because someone wears Jets' green does not make them great or even adequate. If you wish to live here...

Your original response is the exact kind of crap that shows why nobody should waste their time even wondering if your nonsense should be taken even slightly seriously. It's made quite clear that it's an emphatic "NO!"

Then you follow it up with more numbers that are still completely wrong. Good work with that. The rest of it was complete nonsense that you are claiming I said that I never said anything close to, which once again proves you have absolutely no ability whatsoever to make a single logical argument. You're incapable of countering any of the arguments made against you, probably because they're based on these crazy little things called "facts". So instead you make up some more crap that never happened (I'm seeing a trend here) in order to have something you're capable of countering (even though it's an argument nobody ever made), and somehow in this strange little world you live in, that magically proves you right. Too bad nobody else lives there so the rest of us still know the sh*t you're making up is completely wrong.

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Your original response is the exact kind of crap that shows why nobody should waste their time even wondering if your nonsense should be taken even slightly seriously. It's made quite clear that it's an emphatic "NO!"

Then you follow it up with more numbers that are still completely wrong. Good work with that. The rest of it was complete nonsense that you are claiming I said that I never said anything close to, which once again proves you have absolutely no ability whatsoever to make a single logical argument. You're incapable of countering any of the arguments made against you, probably because they're based on these crazy little things called "facts". So instead you make up some more crap that never happened (I'm seeing a trend here) in order to have something you're capable of countering (even though it's an argument nobody ever made), and somehow in this strange little world you live in, that magically proves you right. Too bad nobody else lives there so the rest of us still know the sh*t you're making up is completely wrong.

The point ultimately is we are about to waste another season on a bad QB. The rest is details. If anyone wants to kid themselves, they're doing just that.

Again, I really wish it were otherwise. I went to the draft the day he was picked and had high hopes. It hasn't worked. There's no logical reason to think it will now and more than it already has. For all the covering for him, with a better defense or a running game or a better OL, is all smoke and mirrors. You cannot win with a bad QB. And that is all Sanchez will ever be.

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The point ultimately is we are about to waste another season on a bad QB.

What was the alternative? What was your master plan over the offseason to improve the Jets at the QB position? Who was available? Because without any other plan in place, this is just empty whining. We're they supposed to throw $100M at Peyton's broken neck? Bet the farm on Matt Flynn? What?

The rest is details. If anyone wants to kid themselves, they're doing just that.

Again, I really wish it were otherwise. I went to the draft the day he was picked and had high hopes. It hasn't worked. There's no logical reason to think it will now and more than it already has. For all the covering for him, with a better defense or a running game or a better OL, is all smoke and mirrors. You cannot win with a bad QB. And that is all Sanchez will ever be.

Only three times in Jets' history has a QB thrown for more than Sanchez' 3474 yards last year. No Jet QB has ever thrown more than the 26 TDs he threw last year. Way too many times Jet QBs have thrown more than the 18 picks he tossed last year.

In his first three years, he's improved comp%, yards, and TDs each season. And that's playing with musical chairs at receiver with a sh*tty OC and his overly complicated sh*tty offensive system. I know it's all the rage to be first in line declaring that Sanchez is a bust, but -personally- I think the guy deserves a shot under a new OC with a couple WRs capable of getting open downfield.

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Save yourself. Unless you're willing to get fake business cards made up and prey on chicks with low self esteem. Not that I'm speaking from experience.

Using subterfuge to prey on chicks with low self-esteem is pretty much my only talent. Grab your cape, bro. We're going.

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What was the alternative? What was your master plan over the offseason to improve the Jets at the QB position? Who was available? Because without any other plan in place, this is just empty whining. We're they supposed to throw $100M at Peyton's broken neck? Bet the farm on Matt Flynn? What?

Only three times in Jets' history has a QB thrown for more than Sanchez' 3474 yards last year. No Jet QB has ever thrown more than the 26 TDs he threw last year. Way too many times Jet QBs have thrown more than the 18 picks he tossed last year.

In his first three years, he's improved comp%, yards, and TDs each season. And that's playing with musical chairs at receiver with a sh*tty OC and his overly complicated sh*tty offensive system. I know it's all the rage to be first in line declaring that Sanchez is a bust, but -personally- I think the guy deserves a shot under a new OC with a couple WRs capable of getting open downfield.

This. Could not have said it better.

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