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Santonio Holmes being Santonio Holmes: "Two QB systems can't work."


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I was amongst Holmes' biggest detractors after the sh*t he pulled last year and wanted his ass off the team, but I really don't see anything all that horrible about what he said this time. The comments he said seem to be more directed at the media's fabrication of what the Jets offense will be as opposed to what it actually is. Consider from his perspective, he's been spending the offseason practicing with Sanchez, while Tebow has been limited to working with the second team.

That said, JiF's comments are equally ridiculous in the other direction, as one decent interview doesn't magically change a season full of being a major locker room problem. The guy is still an ass, and a number of his comments this offseason have confirmed that as, just like he has repeatedly throughout his career, he's refused to actually acknowledge the issues with how he's acted or a need to change his behavior. The truth is what the Jets are hoping for is he doesn't start any trouble in public and the lack of support of his antics that he'll have in the locker room this season (without guys like Mason and Plax around) will keep anything from last season happening again. The bottom line is while last seasons crap doesn't automatically make everything he say purely cancerous, it also doesn't mean the moment he doesn't act like that he's suddenly a different person.

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Great way for a team to troll the Jets this season:

Open the game defensively in radioactive suits. When Sanchez inevitably throws an incomplete to Holmes, everyone on the D falls to the ground and doesn't move for as long as it needs.

Jumbotron shot of Holmes: One drop of this guy and you've got cancer.

D'you think Vince McMah-sorry, Roger Goodell would approve of this?

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I just watched the interview and thought Holmes did very well. They played the LT Clip saying Holmes would complain if he had only 22 catches at the bye this year. Holmes said he kept his mouth shut until week 17 last year.

Holmes will not be a problem for the Jets this year.

It seems more like the rest of the offense stayed quite till week 17. The only highlight Hunter had all year was finally kicking him out of the huddle

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THought that comes to mind is..."of course a receiver doesn't want to run a Wildcat offense..." I wouldn't expect him to be happy either...but take it for what it's worth, I grew up on the principle that you don't ever speak out at, or back to, your coach...at least publically.

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i was holding out on Santonio cause i love him as a player but after this im done. i dont care if they trade him or keep him at this point. i just want everyone on the team to stfu and play. Jets need to put a media blackout in place till the season starts...

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i was holding out on Santonio cause i love him as a player but after this im done. i dont care if they trade him or keep him at this point. i just want everyone on the team to stfu and play. Jets need to put a media blackout in place till the season starts...

T0mGayne fapped to this post

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Short version for he short bus slow readers: SH is a good WR, but this opinion of his is full of SH-it.

As far as Mark being the starter, I'm just fine with that.

Just like the vast majority of fans were fine with Leak as the Gator starter in 2006.


Longer version for anyone interested. If not, just go with the above line and skip the rest of my post.

Of course Holmes has a right to his 'opinions' as an NFL player, however;

a little actual History for S.Holmes to chew on:

~ Urban Meyer goes 11-0 at Utah, gets the first non-BCS conference team to a BCS Bowl game,

then beats Big East Champ Pittsburgh to go undefeated (12-0) on the season.

~ He then takes his Spread/Option offense to the SEC/UF.

* It can't work in the BIG-FAST SEC (or bigger/faster NFL), they will eat that 'gimmick' offense alive if Urban tries to run that crap.

* Also, the 2 QB System WILL NOT WORK, if you have 2 QB's it means that you really have none.

So the VAST MAJORITY of the Idiot-Sports-Commentators and Print-Media-Morons Claimed!

(so how did that work out for them?)

2006 Urban Meyer's UF results with the Spread/Option offense AND with a 2 QB System:

A DOUBLE (won't work) WAMMY

Results: BCS-NC beating the Undefeated and #1 Ranked Ohio State Buckeyes and their Heisman QB by;

The #3 LARGEST Scoring Margin against a #1 Ranked team in NCAA Bowl History,

>>>>> UF 41 - 14 tOSU, (+27pts).


#1 QB Chris Leak

Passing - 232 of 365, 63.3% for 2,942 yds, 23 TD's to 13 Ints, PER 144.94

Rushing - 77 for 30 yds, .4 ypc, 3 TD's, long 45 yds.

Total Offense - 442 for 2,972 yds, 6.7 yds/play, 26 TD. (442 plays, 26 TD's)

#2 QB Tim Tebow

Passing - 22 of 33, 66.7% for 358 yds, 5 TD's to 1 Int, PER 201.73

Rushing - 89 for 469 yds, 5.3 ypc, 8 TD's, long 55 yds.

Total Offense - 122 for 827 yds, 6.8 yds/play, 13 TD's. (122 plays, 13 TD's)

Leak - MVP of the 2007 Tostitos BCS-NC game.

Passing - 25 of 36 for 213 yds, 1 TD, 0 Ints

Rushing 3 for 7 yds.

Total Offense 28 plays for 220 yds, 7.8 yds/play, 1 TD

Tebow - A true Freshman in the BCS-NC game:

Passing - 1 of 1, 100% for 1 yard and a TD (roll out - crossing route).

Rushing - 10 for 39 yds, 3.9 ypc 1 TD, long 10 yards.

Total Offense - 11 for 40 yds, 3.6 yds/play, 2 TD's

Without the excellent play of BOTH QB'S during the season, UF doesn't win the Natl. Championship.

Tebow had a passing TD to end the 1st half, and a 4th quarter rushing TD in the BCS-NC game.

Dual-Threat Schmuckeye Heisman QB Troy Smith had ZERO TD's in the game while producing less than 100 yards of total offense.

If Heisman Troy Smith had been at UF, he'd have been the 3rd string QB, or 4th string behind Cam Newton.

Tebow the 2007 Heisman and 2008 BCS-NC

Newton the 2010 Heisman and BCS-NC

A 2 QB system can be successful,,,, but ONLY IF you have the right coaches to run it and the right players to implement it,,, and that's the same for ANY SYSTEM at ANY LEVEL.

And in other breaking news, the sun comes up in the East.....

Sorry Santonio, but you're certainly NO EXPERT on what works in the NFL....

Furthermore, in a TEAM game, it's important to WIN the game, while nobody gives a chit how many touches that any individual player gets in that winning process.


" If the Jets wanted a 6'4", 250 lb. slow, white HB,"

Reality, for those who never seem to tire of being WRONG!

Total Career Rushing - 180 for 950 yds, 5.3 ypc 13 TD's, 6 LPF's (near the top for NFL RB's)

(better results than All Pro FB Mike 'A-Train' Alstot's first 180 NFL carries)

Note all of the receivers that UF put into the NFL off of the Spread/Option (wildcat) type offense.

It can really open things up for all of the receivers IF it is used properly. (ask P.Harvin)

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Short version for he short bus slow readers: SH is a good WR, but this opinion of his is full of SH-it.

As far as Mark being the starter, I'm just fine with that.

Just like the vast majority of fans were fine with Leak as the Gator starter in 2006.


Longer version for anyone interested. If not, just go with the above line and skip the rest of my post.

Of course Holmes has a right to his 'opinions' as an NFL player, however;

a little actual History for S.Holmes to chew on:

~ Urban Meyer goes 11-0 at Utah, gets the first non-BCS conference team to a BCS Bowl game,

then beats Big East Champ Pittsburgh to go undefeated (12-0) on the season.

~ He then takes his Spread/Option offense to the SEC/UF.

* It can't work in the BIG-FAST SEC (or bigger/faster NFL), they will eat that 'gimmick' offense alive if Urban tries to run that crap.

* Also, the 2 QB System WILL NOT WORK, if you have 2 QB's it means that you really have none.

So the VAST MAJORITY of the Idiot-Sports-Commentators and Print-Media-Morons Claimed!

(so how did that work out for them?)

2006 Urban Meyer's UF results with the Spread/Option offense AND with a 2 QB System:

A DOUBLE (won't work) WAMMY

Results: BCS-NC beating the Undefeated and #1 Ranked Ohio State Buckeyes and their Heisman QB by;

The #3 LARGEST Scoring Margin against a #1 Ranked team in NCAA Bowl History,

>>>>> UF 41 - 14 tOSU, (+27pts).


#1 QB Chris Leak

Passing - 232 of 365, 63.3% for 2,942 yds, 23 TD's to 13 Ints, PER 144.94

Rushing - 77 for 30 yds, .4 ypc, 3 TD's, long 45 yds.

Total Offense - 442 for 2,972 yds, 6.7 yds/play, 26 TD. (442 plays, 26 TD's)

#2 QB Tim Tebow

Passing - 22 of 33, 66.7% for 358 yds, 5 TD's to 1 Int, PER 201.73

Rushing - 89 for 469 yds, 5.3 ypc, 8 TD's, long 55 yds.

Total Offense - 122 for 827 yds, 6.8 yds/play, 13 TD's. (122 plays, 13 TD's)

Leak - MVP of the 2007 Tostitos BCS-NC game.

Passing - 25 of 36 for 213 yds, 1 TD, 0 Ints

Rushing 3 for 7 yds.

Total Offense 28 plays for 220 yds, 7.8 yds/play, 1 TD

Tebow - A true Freshman in the BCS-NC game:

Passing - 1 of 1, 100% for 1 yard and a TD (roll out - crossing route).

Rushing - 10 for 39 yds, 3.9 ypc 1 TD, long 10 yards.

Total Offense - 11 for 40 yds, 3.6 yds/play, 2 TD's

Without the excellent play of BOTH QB'S during the season, UF doesn't win the Natl. Championship.

Tebow had a passing TD to end the 1st half, and a 4th quarter rushing TD in the BCS-NC game.

Dual-Threat Schmuckeye Heisman QB Troy Smith had ZERO TD's in the game while producing less than 100 yards of total offense.

If Heisman Troy Smith had been at UF, he'd have been the 3rd string QB, or 4th string behind Cam Newton.

Tebow the 2007 Heisman and 2008 BCS-NC

Newton the 2010 Heisman and BCS-NC

A 2 QB system can be successful,,,, but ONLY IF you have the right coaches to run it and the right players to implement it,,, and that's the same for ANY SYSTEM at ANY LEVEL.

And in other breaking news, the sun comes up in the East.....

Sorry Santonio, but you're certainly NO EXPERT on what works in the NFL....

Furthermore, in a TEAM game, it's important to WIN the game, while nobody gives a chit how many touches that any individual player gets in that winning process.


" If the Jets wanted a 6'4", 250 lb. slow, white HB,"

Reality, for those who never seem to tire of being WRONG!

Total Career Rushing - 180 for 950 yds, 5.3 ypc 13 TD's, 6 LPF's (near the top for NFL RB's)

(better results than All Pro FB Mike 'A-Train' Alstot's first 180 NFL carries)

Note all of the receivers that UF put into the NFL off of the Spread/Option (wildcat) type offense.

It can really open things up for all of the receivers IF it is used properly. (ask P.Harvin)

So are you saying we should try and pry Chris Leak away from the Orlando Predators and win a BCS title? cause otherwise I'm not finding any of this relevent

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So are you saying we should try and pry Chris Leak away from the Orlando Predators and win a BCS title? cause otherwise I'm not finding any of this relevent

As to that drivel, I'm saying that the NFL should avoid all of the irrelvant college players in the future

and insterad draft for their fan base from the MMA circut.

Reading Comp classes are probably available at your local CC, you probably would benefit from it.

But you should probably have just stopped with the first line of my post with the other short bus riders, as directed.

(can't even follow simple short bus directions)

SH, much like others, is full of SH-it.

A 2 QB system can be successful,,,,

but ONLY IF you have the right coaches to run it and the right players to implement it,,,

and that's the same for ANY SYSTEM at ANY LEVEL.

And in other breaking news, the sun comes up in the East.....

Sorry Santonio, but you're certainly NO EXPERT on what works in the NFL....

Furthermore, in a TEAM game, it's important to WIN the game, while

nobody gives a chit how many touches that any individual player gets in that winning process.

It's actually a bit of fun toying with the ignorant, and others will be exposed to 'correct' infomation,

despite what the ignorant do along the way... :wild:

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Holmes should not get hell for stating his opinion. He's not bashing the team or an individual player- he's simply speaking from a player's point of view. And yea, of course he wants to catch the ball. Consistancy is important for the Jets to succeed. You can't take a QB out of the game if he's not injured. Once the QB gets in the "groove" it's easier for him to read the defense.

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A 2 QB system can be successful,,,,

but ONLY IF you have the right coaches to run it and the right players to implement it,,,

and that's the same for ANY SYSTEM at ANY LEVEL.

And in other breaking news, the sun comes up in the East.....

Please cite examples of 2 QB systems that worked on the NFL level. Thanks.

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Blizzards of awesome goodness afoot.

Jets reportedly plan to use Tim Tebow as red zone quarterback

Posted by Josh Alper on July 19, 2012, 10:18 AM EDT

Getty Images

We’ve heard a lot about Tim Tebow this offseason, but we still don’t know exactly how the Jets will use him on offense this season.

The Jets always say that he’s a backup quarterback, although that’s mitigated by talk about about playing him 20 snaps a game and Wildcat/read-option formations that could grow into something more. The latest suggestion is that the Jets are going to use Tebow as their quarterback in the red zone.

Rich Cimini of ESPNNewYork.com reports that team insiders have told him that the Jets will replace Mark Sanchez with Tebow in the red zone in order to bolster the running game. Tebow’s presence would give the team an extra blocker — be it a back or Tebow himself — in the run game and, presumably, make it easier for the team to get into the end zone.

The funny thing about this plan is that the red zone was the one area in the field where the Jets offense thrived last season. Only the Lions scored more touchdowns on their trips into the red zone last season and the problem with the Jets was their inability to move the ball inside the opponents’ 20-yard-line often enough to avoid an 8-8 season.

Plaxico Burress helped in that department last season, so there’s definitely an opening for a player who can keep things efficient in that part of the field. Unless they do a better job on offense in the middle of the field, though, it won’t wind up making too big a difference.

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Plaxico Burress helped in that department last season, so there’s definitely an opening for a player who can keep things efficient in that part of the field. Unless they do a better job on offense in the middle of the field, though, it won’t wind up making too big a difference.

I feel like every Cimini article should end with this:

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Was listening to Doug Gottleib on ESPN radio on the way home last night and he had Herm Edwards on and they were talking about the Holmes comments. Edwards' reply was that while he agreed in principle, he felt like Rex is going to use Tebow as a football player, and not as a 2 QB system. I agree, but that leaves me wondering if Sanchez gets hurt, who would we like to see come in from our bench?

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Holmes should not get hell for stating his opinion. He's not bashing the team or an individual player- he's simply speaking from a player's point of view. And yea, of course he wants to catch the ball. Consistancy is important for the Jets to succeed. You can't take a QB out of the game if he's not injured. Once the QB gets in the "groove" it's easier for him to read the defense.

Just like SH, that's just your own opinion, which in some selected cases can be correct.

Just like it other selected cases (as I've already shown) makes you/it incorrect.

BTW, QB's get taken out of games all the time,,,,, whenever a 'change of possession' occurs.

If what you claim were true, they could never come back on the field and get going again. (think about it will-ya)

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Please cite examples of 2 QB systems that worked on the NFL level. Thanks.

Systems and coaches vary to much to make a 1 to 1 correlation with the current day Jet's roster, as you should well know.

The forward pass wouldn't work on the NFL level either, until it did....

"A 2 QB system can be successful,,,,

but ONLY IF you have the right coaches to run it and the right players to implement it,,,

and that's the same for ANY SYSTEM at ANY LEVEL.

And in other breaking news, the sun comes up in the East....."

Now read that over and over again until it finally sinks in for ya. :winking0001:

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Okay, I'm finally convinced and converted. :animal0029:

Mark Sanchez is a new & improved Joe Namath.

Mark will lead the Jet's to many future SB wins, starting as early as 2012.

Tebow was a really bad mistake / dumb decision on the part of the stupid Jets Coaches and FO.

They should dump this QB cancer before he totally ruins all of the incredible progress that Mark and SH have

made in their cozy locker room, not to mention their Pro Bowl progress as the top NFL QB/WR combo.

My new bandwagon sideboards read: TRADE or just CUT TEBOW NOW,

he's a bum and nothing but a drain on the Jet's bank account.

And Farve or even Burnell might still be available for Mark's backup....


You might want to also fire everybody involved in the hiring and/or initiation of their 2 QB FUBAR.... :wild:

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