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Mark sanchez = Kyle Boller


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I don't generally throw stones, cast aspersions or post in Tebowmanic threads nonetheless I will here. Sanchez did what he could with no pass protection, no games plan, no O line. Tebow is what he is an option halfback. The only aback who could have done anything last night was Fran Tarkenton (in his prime) who would have tired out the defenders trying to catch him.

It was a first preseason game proving nothing other than find out whether some borderline player might make the first cut.

I disagree. The times he was sacked the defense sent more than the OL could block. You need to have a plan as a QB for that. On the other passes that were horrible, Sanchez just held onto the ball way too long.

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Sanchez has an average line playing poorly. No running game and average inexperienced WRs. That said, I wonder if the coaching staff has ruined him from looking down the field to throw. It was just the first preseason game, but it doesn't look like anything has changed

Bingo. Not sure how anyone blames the QB for last nights offense. No QB would play well behind last nights line and invisible running game.

That offense last night was a mirror of the Chad Pennington post surgery teams. The Jets are a make a PR flash first - actual results second team right now.

All this BS about returning to ground and pound yet the OL and RB situation remain unchanged talent wise with little to no attempt having been made to improve either area.

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Ya I did see Roger Staubach play -Mr SMC-I wasn't born in 1972 and get all my football history from ESPN---I said 'young""raw" when Roger 1st came up in 69-70 even 71--he looked at one reciever and if he wasnt open he ran--Tebow might not ever be a great pocket passer like Roger Staubach--but they have the same will to win and their teammates follow that---Mr SMC---go to you-tube and watch "Joe Kapp"---Tim can at least pass as good as him and Kapp went to Superbowl 4---I seen that game too -live on tv-by the way

Your a tweeb --I seen Roger play and battle Morton for the starting QB job---go back to ur highlite films and stat-book. Brave internet A-H-chumps like you ruin this forum.

Yeah, ok.

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I got attacted by you zipheads last year for saying this---and your right I was wrong---he looks more like Joey Harrington---Simms is the best passer on this team. Tebow and a very young raw Roger Staubach have a lot in common--will to win---sanchez is garbage.

I've equated him to Harrington and Boller a zillion times. I think they are both perfect comparisons. That said I'm all in on him in a last ditch effort this year. I believe in Teh Sanchez! He can do it! Top 10 PR, just watch. Yaay!!!
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What I like most about the comparisons to Boller and Harrington, is the personality traits seem to be so similar, especially with Harrington. A sorta shy, boyish demeanor, always with the smile when confronted or a little uncomfortable with a question. Ultra talented but maybe just not enough iron will to control a NFL offense and be a leader. That's what I've seen so far at least. It's not his fault and you can't blame someone for character make up. Only a few guys have it and those are the very few stars of the league.

Now take a guy like Tebow and it is the complete opposite. The perfect character make up without the god given talent.

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And from someone who lived in Baltimore during those years, he had a better bizarre, blind, cultish following proclaiming he'd always eventually turn it around too. Nobody ever wanted to admit the guy was garbage. At least we have a small rebel alliance.

I remember this about Boller. That was a very large part of their fanbase. Boller was more of a ****up than Sanchez, and Sanchez can't throw the ball 50 yards through the end zone on a knee.

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Hey guys ... remember ... let's not get the "JoeWillies" confused.

JoeWillie2012 is the guy who thinks Tim Tebow plays like Roger Staubach.

I'm the "real" Joe Willie and I'm the guy who thinks he plays more like Bobby Douglas.

Haha! I had to look this Bobby Douglass up. Career 43% passer with over 2600 rushing yards. I think we may have a match!

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According to my Wikipedia research, he married a Playboy model and got arrested as recently as last year. As far as I'm concerned Tebow can't touch this guy's game.

When Tebow starts banging, the list of chicks he's going to savage will shame even the great Charles Sheen.

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And a better Tebow comparison would be Vince Young, not Roger Effing Staubach. The only difference is that Vince Young got credit whenever he was "willing" the '06 Titans to defensive victories, while Tebow got criticized as the worst QB of all-time. If Tim Tebow were black, he'd still be a Bronco and he'd be on the cover of Madden 13.

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Sanchez is a horrible QB.

Did you hear him throw his OL under the bus during his sideline interview?

He actually had the balls to say he was playing really great, throwing accurrately up until the pick six.


Sanchez sucks, but he's 100% right there. And, also, other QBs, namely Peyton Manning have made similar comments about poor pass blocking.

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Sanchez sucks, but he's 100% right there. And, also, other QBs, namely Peyton Manning have made similar comments about poor pass blocking.

Are you serious?

Manning can say anything he wants about his Oline. He earned that cred as being possibly the best QB ever.

Sanchez saying he was throwing accurately until the pick six is a joke. Did you watch?? Is there any decent QB or HC in the NFL that would be satisfied with that performance? I mean really. I think any of the DBs WRs that played QB in HS could be coachedup to do what that POS does.

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Are you serious?

Manning can say anything he wants about his Oline. He earned that cred as being possibly the best QB ever.

Sanchez saying he was throwing accurately until the pick six is a joke. Did you watch?? Is there any decent QB or HC in the NFL that would be satisfied with that performance? I mean really. I think any of the DBs WRs that played QB in HS could be coachedup to do what that POS does.

The Oline sucks, bro.

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Sanchez looked ok until that pick six, which he threw behind Turner. It wasn't his fault they couldn't get a first down on 3rd and 1, and 4th and 1/2. I think in that situation they could've picked up the first down with the wildcat if it were the regular season. Give Sanchez his better receivers, mix in the wildcat, and I think this offense can score points. The protection should get better too with some gameplanning. I know this is discouraging so far, but many teams look like crap in preseason and turn it around in the regular season, and vice versa so it's still too early to jump off the ledge. BTW Tebow actually looked good throwing the ball on his first drive, hitting guys with tight spirals in various spots on the field. That will make the wildcat productive. I still think this team will go 10-6 with the schedule they've got and will make the playoffs.

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They may not be the best line in the NFL but even when given time to throw Sanchez still stinks it up.

Stare stare stare stare stare stare dump off slant incomplete int.


You may be right, but criticizing Sanchez for criticizing a sucky Oline is dumb.

How about your boy Tim throwing Hill under the bus on the endzone skip pass?

With a wave of his hand the quarterback motioned to the rookie receiver that he should've come back to the ball, and when asked later if this pass was a mere underthrow or if he expected Hill to help him out, Tebow answered, "Probably both."
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Better receivers are not going to help Sanchez know where the pressure is coming from and what to do about it.

The guy is just terrible. A good to great defense and (for his first 2 years) a top OL masked how bad he was for a while. It would take 10 years of sticking with him - assuming it would ever happen - for him to see more than his first read. He doesn't see what's going on with his other options, he doesn't see defenders, he doesn't see or sense coverage before or after the snap, and his accuracy (not merely his completion percentage, but his passes' accuracy) is well below where it needs to be. The other team's defense isn't going to stop and wait for Sanchez to figure out what's going on in real-time. He's usually got 2-4 seconds like everyone else.

If he wasn't on the Jets every Sanchez fan who has blindly rationalized why he isn't awesome would be making cracks about: how awful he is, what a joke that [insert team name] was for drafting him that high, and then - in the face of him sucking - doubling down on this draft day stupidity by guaranteeing Sanchez's dollars for 2012 and 2013. Now our reward for waiting it out an extra season-plus is a nice $5M donut hole in our 2014 cap if he's even cut before that season starts.

I can forgive the team for drafting him and the pick not panning out as hoped because every team has made horrible draft picks worse than Sanchez. But guaranteeing him 2 more years of starter money in March, right after a lousy season, is unforgivable and borders on irretrievable stupidity. No matter what parallels Sanchez's endless-excuse-making fans choose to see between him and Eli or Brees or even Alex Smith, none of their teams were so blockheaded as to guarantee them 2 more years of starter money after a down season in quarterbacking and sulking all alone in the sun like a little girl during the last game of the season. Worse still, the only guys present to "challenge" him in 4 years are a draftee they gave up on after half a season of starts, a has-been year-who hadn't started a single meaningful game for 4-5 years, and one who (as much as I do like him) has more accuracy issues than probably any other NFL QB.

What a clusterf*ck mess.

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You may be right, but criticizing Sanchez for criticizing a sucky Oline is dumb.

How about your boy Tim throwing Hill under the bus on the endzone skip pass?

Ha! Tim does not become "my boy" just because Sanchez stinks.

If you are ref to my Tebow faux JN banner its just dark humor.

Tebow was signed for the contoversy and ticket sales. Any fool can see that.

The Jets needed to steal the back page headlines after another NYG superbowl and it worked.

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Better receivers are not going to help Sanchez know where the pressure is coming from and what to do about it.

The guy is just terrible. A good to great defense and (for his first 2 years) a top OL masked how bad he was for a while. It would take 10 years of sticking with him - assuming it would ever happen - for him to see more than his first read. He doesn't see what's going on with his other options, he doesn't see defenders, he doesn't see or sense coverage before or after the snap, and his accuracy (not merely his completion percentage, but his passes' accuracy) is well below where it needs to be. The other team's defense isn't going to stop and wait for Sanchez to figure out what's going on in real-time. He's usually got 2-4 seconds like everyone else.

If he wasn't on the Jets every Sanchez fan who has blindly rationalized why he isn't awesome would be making cracks about: how awful he is, what a joke that [insert team name] was for drafting him that high, and then - in the face of him sucking - doubling down on this draft day stupidity by guaranteeing Sanchez's dollars for 2012 and 2013. Now our reward for waiting it out an extra season-plus is a nice $5M donut hole in our 2014 cap if he's even cut before that season starts.

I can forgive the team for drafting him and the pick not panning out as hoped because every team has made horrible draft picks worse than Sanchez. But guaranteeing him 2 more years of starter money in March, right after a lousy season, is unforgivable and borders on irretrievable stupidity. No matter what parallels Sanchez's endless-excuse-making fans choose to see between him and Eli or Brees or even Alex Smith, none of their teams were so blockheaded as to guarantee them 2 more years of starter money after a down season in quarterbacking and sulking all alone in the sun like a little girl during the last game of the season. Worse still, the only guys present to "challenge" him in 4 years are a draftee they gave up on after half a season of starts, a has-been year-who hadn't started a single meaningful game for 4-5 years, and one who (as much as I do like him) has more accuracy issues than probably any other NFL QB.

What a clusterf*ck mess.

Mr T and the Jets pro personal department--signed Holmes to a 50 mill contract and Sanchez to 2 more years need to be fired after this season.

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