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I am sick of all this Tebow starting crud, What do you guys think?


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Sure do and the moment he is put in as the starter you can put an end to the Sanchez era and an end to the 2012 Jets Season..

Heck the Sanchez era may have ended with the loss to the Giants, Right now despite saying all the right things Sanchez IMHO is playing with zero confidence and it shows on the field.

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I don't really understand why people WANT Tebow to end up starting. When Tim Tebow starts games for the Jets, you can mark that Sunday as the day the Jets season ends.

I just don't drink the "he's a winner because he's Tim Tebow" kool-aid. Sorry. Yes, he's a dynamic runner (who the Jets are brutally wasting on special teams). But he cannot throw the ball. We saw that Saturday. He was under pressure too, of course, but he's worse than Sanchez, hard as that is to believe.

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Starting to think Tebow over Sanchez myself.

lol. Remember when we were predicting pro bowl for Sanchez? That was fun.

Honestly, Tebow might be our best option. The OL is so ****ing bad. At least Tebow can make plays and improvise when it all breaks down. Something Mark cant do.

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Sanchez is more talented as a QB, but if Tebow continues to move the offense slightly better than Sanchez (no matter HOW he does it), then I would rather have Tebow in there.


Both suck. But play the sucky one who can move the offense at least a little bit and put more points on the board for us than our opponent. I care not which one it is. Either way we should address the QB position after the season's over.

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lol. Remember when we were predicting pro bowl for Sanchez? That was fun.

Honestly, Tebow might be our best option. The OL is so ****ing bad. At least Tebow can make plays and improvise when it all breaks down. Something Mark cant do.

You're a despicable flip-flopper.

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Guess a good question would be.. If one QB looks really friggin good.. I mean you watch the guy and

you just get this feeling like you're watching greatness, but for whatever reason, the points just don't come..

then you have the other guy, jogs out, trips over the sideline, falls into an official, gets a penalty for that..

Then lines up behind Hunter for the snap, recovers and runs it in for the game winner.. I mean, would it be ok

if the guy looked like Rainman when he was playing but scored anyway ? hmmm

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Both suck. But play the sucky one who can move the offense at least a little bit and put more points on the board for us than our opponent. I care not which one it is. Either way we should address the QB position after the season's over.

You would think that all this Tebow talk would motivate this USC kid to try much harder, yet he's folding like a house of cards with his lackluster performances. At least Tebow looks like he's trying and yells at his recievers when they don't come back to his underthrown balls..

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I see so many QBs who at least get the ball off even against really devastating blitzes. And then there is Sanchez. Sanchez is thinking about where he is going to fall back there. I know our line has sucked in protection but he just shuts it down at the first sign of a breakdown in the protection. At least Tebow will fight. I honestly cannot say I was thrilled when we drafted Sanchez. But I remember saying last year that I thought I would wait one more year. And a new OC. This is the year and I find that I do do not want to wait. I can't watch a guy who is not competing 100%. And I do not feel that he is giving that kind of competitive effort. He is a make believe QB.

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Mark Sanchez, and the $20.5M in guaranteed money he's getting over 2012 & 2013, will be the starter this year.

If he sucks again, the front office will take on the daunting challenge of bringing in a QB better than both he and Tebow in the offseason.

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Mark Sanchez, and the $20.5M in guaranteed money he's getting over 2012 & 2013, will be the starter this year.

If he sucks again, the front office will take on the daunting challenge of bringing in a QB better than both he and Tebow in the offseason.


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Quite frankly sick of the constant bashing. one guy is a quarterback who has had more success (excluding the one year Joe Willie had) than any other QB in Jet history the other is a halfback who throws the ball and there is constant whining and complaining that the HB should be starting (maybe true if we were plaing a single wing offense). NO QB throws a decent pass when prone on the ground.

I look where we have been with Sanchez for three years and cannot complain.His numbers the first three years are comparable to virtually every other qb who has had long term success-whether he will be good, great, abysmal-I dont know but at least when he throws the ball it looks like a qb is throwing-at least the ball is in the general area of the intended receiver.

Have nothing against Tebow-seems to be a nice kid but he is not a pro qb.Should be playing a Paul Hornung/ Frank Gifford role-the circus about him playing qb is a joke.

Alos think avery post about the qb position should be combined and that every thread seems to get back to this same nonsense.

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Yeah Tebow can't QB in this league, I guess all the come backs he had last year and bringing the slap dick Bronco team to the playoffs wasn't on him!

Come on people lets all relax and wait and see games 1, 2, 3 and 4. By that time we will have a good indication what we have.

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Yeah Tebow can't QB in this league, I guess all the come backs he had last year and bringing the slap dick Bronco team to the playoffs wasn't on him!

Not for nothing, but "the rise of Tebow" directly corresponds with "Denver's defense becoming beastly." With two exceptions, after Tebow became starter, the offense scored 23 points or less.

It was very Jets-like. Yet in the media, Tebow is a miracle worker, and Sanchez is a huge loser.

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