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The official "Boy those PSL's were a good deal" thread


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As per Woody"Lucky Sperm Club" Johnson, a great investment. So good that he know spends at least the equal or more of PSL revenue on radio and TV ads to sell tickets, something he never had to do until the building of Metlife sh*tbox Stadium.

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if anyone was dumb enough to think a PSL was a good idea then they deserve what they got.

for those who just didnt care about the price, and are happy attending games 10x a year then it was well worth it.

Im just glad I moved on from being a season ticket holder. Save quite a bit of money by not going, but the downside is my fandom has decreased dramatically since then... I just dont get as pumped up or excited over games like i used to.

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if anyone was dumb enough to think a PSL was a good idea then they deserve what they got.

for those who just didnt care about the price, and are happy attending games 10x a year then it was well worth it.

Im just glad I moved on from being a season ticket holder. Save quite a bit of money by not going, but the downside is my fandom has decreased dramatically since then... I just dont get as pumped up or excited over games like i used to.

Bingo, it isn't about being an investment, it is an entertainment purchase. Some people buy expensive cars, expensive clothes, eat at expensive restaurants. Does it suck to have to pay for something that used to be free, sure. But, there used to be a 15 year wait for tix, now my family was able to double up on their club seats yesterday so the grand kids who are 3 and 5 can go to the games too. Oh, and my lower level seats are much better than the second from the last row seats in the uppers I had in the old place.

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Bingo, it isn't about being an investment, it is an entertainment purchase. Some people buy expensive cars, expensive clothes, eat at expensive restaurants. Does it suck to have to pay for something that used to be free, sure. But, there used to be a 15 year wait for tix, now my family was able to double up on their club seats yesterday so the grand kids who are 3 and 5 can go to the games too. Oh, and my lower level seats are much better than the second from the last row seats in the uppers I had in the old place.

They allowed me to pay a premium to get seats in would never have had a chance at... Well worth it.

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I have season tickets. I have two kids, six and eight, and going to Jet games on Sunday is a phenomenal experience for me (frankly, it's better when I take friends - don't tell my kids). I can afford the tickets and the PSL is a sunk cost. Having said that, a small part of me feels like a schmuck evey time I walk into the stadium. It's such an unbelievably bad deal. But at no point did I feel it was anything but a crappy deal. It has always been an entertainment cost, not an investment. But still ...

The feeling around this team, as evidenced in these forums (which are populated by the most intense and knowledgable Jet fans extant), is not good. I think the gouging of the most loyal fans - season ticket holders - is one of the root causes of the negative vibes. Plus, the fact of the dubiously financed stadium and team makes us question thd personnel decisions -- which ones are made for the good of the team and which are made for the shock value and short term sales of tickets.

I was born in Queens. I've been going to Jet games since the early seventies. I bleed green so they have me by the short curlies. It's no way to conduct a relationship.

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If you can afford them and enjoy going to every home game...more power to you.

It just seems like such a ripoff....especially when you can buy tix the day of and pretty much sit whereever you want.

Add on the Jets dont score many points

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