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and not Terrell Owens. lol

I guess I should say the wildcat. period. Although the "Tebow package" was exactly as inneffective as it has always been (I love when Gannon mentioned how "well" Tebow played against the Jets last year. lmao What? He was horrible until the last drive. smh) BUT with that said.....now that we seem to have killed the ridiculous Qb controversy that there never was, and we can simply evaluate the usage of tebow in the wildcat...... I've heard most of the 'experts' say that taking Sanchez out in the middle of a drive would be problematic, but IMO, in that second drive, where we marched down the field for a TD, Sanchez had just connected on a 3rd and 7 for like 20 yards and then Tebow came in and ran a play on first down.

He gained about 3 or 4 yards, but I felt that it was actually perfect timing. It was like a TO for Sanchez to run off to the sidelines and 'regroup'. But it's not a TO for the defense. lol So, it keeps them on their heels at the same time. IDk...anyone get that feeling?

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and not Terrell Owens. lol

I guess I should say the wildcat. period. Although the "Tebow package" was exactly as inneffective as it has always been (I love when Gannon mentioned how "well" Tebow played against the Jets last year. lmao What? He was horrible until the last drive. smh) BUT with that said.....now that we seem to have killed the ridiculous Qb controversy that there never was, and we can simply evaluate the usage of tebow in the wildcat...... I've heard most of the 'experts' say that taking Sanchez out in the middle of a drive would be problematic, but IMO, in that second drive, where we marched down the field for a TD, Sanchez had just connected on a 3rd and 7 for like 20 yards and then Tebow came in and ran a play on first down.

He gained about 3 or 4 yards, but I felt that it was actually perfect timing. It was like a TO for Sanchez to run off to the sidelines and 'regroup'. But it's not a TO for the defense. lol So, it keeps them on their heels at the same time. IDk...anyone get that feeling?

Sanchez played well. And we only saw a glimpse of what a real wild-cat offense can do. I just hope we don't have to use it and Sanchez can continue to improve each and every week.

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and not Terrell Owens. lol

I guess I should say the wildcat. period. Although the "Tebow package" was exactly as inneffective as it has always been (I love when Gannon mentioned how "well" Tebow played against the Jets last year. lmao What? He was horrible until the last drive. smh) BUT with that said.....now that we seem to have killed the ridiculous Qb controversy that there never was, and we can simply evaluate the usage of tebow in the wildcat...... I've heard most of the 'experts' say that taking Sanchez out in the middle of a drive would be problematic, but IMO, in that second drive, where we marched down the field for a TD, Sanchez had just connected on a 3rd and 7 for like 20 yards and then Tebow came in and ran a play on first down.

He gained about 3 or 4 yards, but I felt that it was actually perfect timing. It was like a TO for Sanchez to run off to the sidelines and 'regroup'. But it's not a TO for the defense. lol So, it keeps them on their heels at the same time. IDk...anyone get that feeling?

This is actually really interesting! Never thought about it like this. Gives Sparano or Rex a chance to talk to Sanchez on sideline.

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Sanchez certainly seemed to have more zip on his ball yesterday and seemed more decisive when throwing.

It is amazing what a little time from an offensive line can do also

he is also bigger and more experienced than last year. The time and comfort that the O-line gave him was needed. He didnt look worried in the pocket, just made his reads and delivered the ball. great game.

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and not Terrell Owens. lol

I guess I should say the wildcat. period. Although the "Tebow package" was exactly as inneffective as it has always been (I love when Gannon mentioned how "well" Tebow played against the Jets last year. lmao What? He was horrible until the last drive. smh) BUT with that said.....now that we seem to have killed the ridiculous Qb controversy that there never was, and we can simply evaluate the usage of tebow in the wildcat...... I've heard most of the 'experts' say that taking Sanchez out in the middle of a drive would be problematic, but IMO, in that second drive, where we marched down the field for a TD, Sanchez had just connected on a 3rd and 7 for like 20 yards and then Tebow came in and ran a play on first down.

He gained about 3 or 4 yards, but I felt that it was actually perfect timing. It was like a TO for Sanchez to run off to the sidelines and 'regroup'. But it's not a TO for the defense. lol So, it keeps them on their heels at the same time. IDk...anyone get that feeling?

Rich Gannon is a dick who spurts out sh*t because he just needs something to say so his color commentary is just a little less dreadfully boring. Even when Sanchez was on fire yesterday he was claiming the pass could have been a foot more in front of the receiver. How anal do you have to be ? This guy is the worst

Oh and very good point on using the WC for sanchez to discuss strategy with his OC in what probably would have been a running play anyhow.

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Rich Gannon is a dick who spurts out sh*t because he just needs something to say so his color commentary is just a little less dreadfully boring. Even when Sanchez was on fire yesterday he was claiming the pass could have been a foot more in front of the receiver. How anal do you have to be ? This guy is the worst

Gannon's career is the ceiling for Sanchez and he's worth listening to. The throws he made against Buffalo might not work against the Steelers or Niners.

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Gannon's career is the ceiling for Sanchez and he's worth listening to. The throws he made against Buffalo might not work against the Steelers or Niners.

Sorry but I cant stand Gannon he says a lot of pretty stupid sh*t. You want good QB analysis during a game Phil Simms does a good job

I think we are going to kill the Steelers, not so much with our offense but our defense. The Niners, however, is going to be our most difficult game of the season only thing in our favor there is they have to travel to us. Cross country games are a bitch.

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Rich Gannon is a dick who spurts out sh*t because he just needs something to say so his color commentary is just a little less dreadfully boring. Even when Sanchez was on fire yesterday he was claiming the pass could have been a foot more in front of the receiver. How anal do you have to be ? This guy is the worst

Oh and very good point on using the WC for sanchez to discuss strategy with his OC in what probably would have been a running play anyhow.

meh he did miss a wide open holmes

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sanchez handled it beautifully. I suspect they are doing it this way rather than having tebow come in and "rescue" mark after a failed drive is to avoid the clown car stuff distractions

this way he is just a part of the offense like keller or holmes

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You mean the play where the defender held Holmes for like 2 seconds ?

idk it was in the first quarter one of the first 5 drives. Holmes was wide open and sanchez didnt just overthrow him he threw it completely out of bounds musta come off his hand wrong or something. BUT other then that and the interception he played pretty well

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idk it was in the first quarter one of the first 5 drives. Holmes was wide open and sanchez didnt just overthrow him he threw it completely out of bounds musta come off his hand wrong or something. BUT other then that and the interception he played pretty well

The timing was interrupted on the play where Holmes was wide open, when Holmes got caught up with the defender. It is impossible to tell where Holmes broke free from the defender, and when Sanchez' arm was in motion.

It COULD have just been a timing issue

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This is not going to go away. The media won't allow it and some fans won't allow it.

Mark my words..The first time Sanchez and the offense struggles or has a bad game the calls will be out FULL FORCE to get Tebow in there as the starter.

Now if Sanchez plays like he did Sunday the entire year then the point is moot. Does anybody here honestly believe that Sanchez and the offense is going to play like this EVERY Sunday ?

What the Jets did Sunday was hold off the catcalls for Tebow for at least a week. If the Jets lose Sunday they will be out full force.

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This is not going to go away. The media won't allow it and some fans won't allow it.

Mark my words..The first time Sanchez and the offense struggles or has a bad game the calls will be out FULL FORCE to get Tebow in there as the starter.

Now if Sanchez plays like he did Sunday the entire year then the point is moot. Does anybody here honestly believe that Sanchez and the offense is going to play like this EVERY Sunday ?

What the Jets did Sunday was hold off the catcalls for Tebow for at least a week. If the Jets lose Sunday they will be out full force.

No team in the league is going to play that well EVERY Sunday, it's just not anywhere close to a reasonable expectation. That said, if Sanchez continues on showing that kind of vast improvement in his play throughout the season, I can't imagine anyone but the dipsh*t media (who'd be trying to create controversy) would be stupid enough to be looking for a switch based on one bad game. On the other hand, if Sanchez looks like the Sanchez of old from here on out, then it'll be sure to happen sooner or later.

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No team in the league is going to play that well EVERY Sunday, it's just not anywhere close to a reasonable expectation. That said, if Sanchez continues on showing that kind of vast improvement in his play throughout the season, I can't imagine anyone but the dipsh*t media (who'd be trying to create controversy) would be stupid enough to be looking for a switch based on one bad game. On the other hand, if Sanchez looks like the Sanchez of old from here on out, then it'll be sure to happen sooner or later.

You just hit it there.....

and be rest assured just as it was in 2007 with the whole Pennington/Clemens debacle there will be battles each week on here as well. Heck I was cringing when I saw some "Told you so" about Sanchez performance Sunday.

Just let the season play out and what happens will happen. I think most of us want to see Sanchez step up this year just so we don't have to go through the process of drafting and then nurturing another QB.

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