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What will u watch ? Jets-Houston OR Yankees-Orioles


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I have a thing where I don't watch Yankees games because every time I do, they lose. I just keep up with the score on my phone. But the Jets whether I watch or don't watch it's always a flip of a coin with them.

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Yankees-Orioles at 8:07 ET

Jet-Houston at 8:30 ET

So if you are a Yankees and JETS fan which game are you watching ?

P.S: This thread posted with due sympathies to Mets fans!

As much as I love my Yankees The Jets always trump them . However in this case when the jets are down by 75 points midway through the second quarter i can switch over and not feel too guilty.

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I have a thing where I don't watch Yankees games because every time I do, they lose. I just keep up with the score on my phone. But the Jets whether I watch or don't watch it's always a flip of a coin with them.

LOL. Tough choice. It's called remote control. Start watching Yanks, then flip to Jets game during commercials.

I have the same thing happen on some nights. Whenever i switch to a Yankees game the opposition has that big hit or inning. So i stay away for that evening and only check in the scores quickly. On other nights my switching to a Yankees game makes them play better. So i am all in.

Otherwise I will do the same. Use the remote control to good effect. Make sure the batteries are all charged up!

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I'll start out watching the Jets, then I'll flip to the Yanks once they're down a couple of TDs. Then my eternal Jets-fan optimism will kick in and I'll think, Maybe the Jets just scored three touchdowns...I'm totally missing it!!! and I'll flip back. I will see the score and realize that nothing has changed, watch for a minute or so and flip back to the Yankees. I will continue this cycle until I get dizzy and fall asleep.

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lol That was the debate at my house until we figured out a workaround for Verizon Fios' horrendous lack of picture-in-picture (2 cable boxes) I wonder how long before the Jets game is off completely. lol

btw- my argument was that the Yankees is The Sopranos--a series you could miss an episode an catch up and the Jets is Goodfellas-- a movie, must pay attention the whole thing. Plus, NFL beats MLB everytime. lol

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