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What Does it Tell You About Smith and the Jets....


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Or, it tells you that like most teams, they want 3 healthy QBs, not 2, and one who's actually got some experience.  Sure Quinn isn't a good player, but when the line-up was Smith, Simms, Harrell, the available QBs for the Jets had 4 passing attempts, combined.


The ONLY thing it tells us is that they want someone on the active roster who's played NFL football before.


Oh you mean like Greg McElroy ?

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The poor mechanic thing is what it is I was not comparing him "as" the worst ever just trying to state that its not easy to fix bad mechanics.


The Brady Quinn thing I dont get because we already had McElroy and Simms on the roster who are familiar with the offense so if we start Geno and he flops we could always bring in one of them because we've all seen Brady Quinn play, IMO you bring back McElroy (or never dump him in the first place) , Brady Quinn not only sucks he does not know the system so what are we accomplishing here exactly ?

How did the iq on this board drop 89 pts over the weekend ?

Quinn replaces harrell

No need to over think this guys

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Greg McElroy is also injured, and only has 31 (unimpressive) career attempts. He's also never been considered an NFL QB by anyone ***OTHER THEN A FEW POSTERS ON JN***. He's also injured. He's now on a practice squad.

So, your point is still a huge failure.


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That's right so why are you telling me Im pushing fact for some reason ?  Im just stating what I see and I have no issue at all with anyone disagreeing with that


You flat out said you back up your argument with fact, but you admit this thread is purely opinion. So, like I said, next time state your opinion and be done with it, stop over-explaining it and presenting opinions as though they are inarguable facts.


Holy sh*t dude... get back on the meds... if it makes you happy I'll take back my "good grief". I'm sorry incredibly sorry I said something so horrifically vindictive to you. I'm not sure what I was thinking.

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None of those guys are the supposed future of their respective franchises either.


Even then, lumping our situation in with the Raiders, Bills and Jags doesnt make me feel a whole lot better about the Jets.


How do you know they aren't supposed to be the future of their franchise, how do you know Geno is supposed to be that of ours? Maybe Geno was just a value pick in the draft brought in to compete. Only the fans anointed him the "future of the franchise", not the front office. I believe "future of the franchise" QBs only exist after the franchise realize they've hit the jackpot, until they, every QB in the league is a "hopeful".


Tom Brady wasn't plugged in to be the future, he just became it. Peyton Manning's are the selected to be the future, but more often than not don't pan out.


The point being, there are only 2 situations in the NFL regarding QB. Teams that have their "future of the franchise QB" in place already, and the teams that don't. Those teams I listed are in the same boat as us, like it or not.

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The poor mechanic thing is what it is I was not comparing him "as" the worst ever just trying to state that its not easy to fix bad mechanics.


The Brady Quinn thing I dont get because we already had McElroy and Simms on the roster who are familiar with the offense so if we start Geno and he flops we could always bring in one of them because we've all seen Brady Quinn play, IMO you bring back McElroy (or never dump him in the first place) , Brady Quinn not only sucks he does not know the system so what are we accomplishing here exactly ?


Meh, when I read your post I took it as, Geno sucks, his mechanics are poor and he'll never improve because its never happened before.  Thats how it read to me.  lol


I dont know what they are doing.  The whole back end roster shifting NFL teams have always confused me.

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This whole QB shuffle is just so the Jets have options. Maybe Geno goes down week 1, then what? Now we got either Simms or Quinn competing for the job at least.  If Quinn didn't come on board then it would just fall into Simms lap and clearly there was no faith in McElroy-Harrell whatsoever to back up Simms. 


And like Slats said, the Jets probably know Sanchez's injury is worse than what they're telling us and now need options behind Geno.  Or maybe Idzik just refuses to ever put Sanchez back in so now he wants his own 3 QBs(Geno, Simms, Quinn). Bringing in Quinn is just our last resort if Simms came in for Geno and failed.  I mean all it takes is for Geno to get whacked once and just like that were looking at Simms as our starting QB(YES!!).... or.... Quinn if they felt he was better which he aint but again...it gives them options....

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I agree on the Garrard part.  That was Idzik's plan.  A bad one, but the plan.


I disagree on the  bolded part.  .  Why should the fans go and spend a ton of money on Sunday to watch a team that the front office isn't trying to win games.  if they feel they could go 8-8, it's certainly not inconceivable to get a roll and win 1 or 2 more games, and make the playoffs. 


if I still lived up there, I wouldn't bother to go to any games.  An empty stadium isn't going to make Woody happy


I am sorry you disagree with the bolded part.  The rebuilding is going to take a few years.  Given the team is already wasting $10MM on a year contract to a lame duck coach, as much as $15MM for the worst QB in the NFL and another $8MM or so on a lazy cancer-causing Y receiver, they probably decided, you know, making a profit might be more important than anything else.  Plus, if you take a few moments and review the list of QBs that were available, say, even up to 2 weeks ago, there really are not any good choices to put fans in the seats.


They will have to get on a roll, as you put it, to even win 8 games.  I have 6 wins in the family pool and the general consensus is I am overly optimistic.

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Oh you mean like Greg McElroy ?




This is a LOWLIGHTS compilation of Smith from the Giants game (though not included here, Smith did manage to complete 16 passes, not counting a handful of drops, and throw for a couple hundred yards in 3 quarters).  On his BAD plays only 1 of them, the pick thrown to Spadola, the release looks less than very compact and quick, and even that wasn't a Leftwich-esque pitching windup.  The rest of it - and again, these are lowlights - looks like his release is plenty fast.  


He has plenty to work on, and is not totally ready to start (even if he has a good game vs. TB, though that would be nice to see).  But to say he innately has some horribly slow release is just nonsensical.  Your whole original post just comes across as you being irritable over having backed a truly horrible QB for years, and that your new demons are those who replaced Sanchez (be they coaches, front office people, or Smith).  As such, you're not only lashing out at those in the organization who bumped him, you're now setting your sights on those here who don't have a problem with those people yet.


You made a long-winded thread-starter that you knew perfectly well would get negative responses from many.  I have no problem with that at all, but when someone does, if your reply is going to be name-calling then I suggest you don't start any more "provocative" type threads.  Either that or learn how to make a cogent argument without "You're an idiot," being your opening reply to someone.  

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I am sorry you disagree with the bolded part.  The rebuilding is going to take a few years.  Given the team is already wasting $10MM on a year contract to a lame duck coach, as much as $15MM for the worst QB in the NFL and another $8MM or so on a lazy cancer-causing Y receiver, they probably decided, you know, making a profit might be more important than anything else.  Plus, if you take a few moments and review the list of QBs that were available, say, even up to 2 weeks ago, there really are not any good choices to put fans in the seats.


They will have to get on a roll, as you put it, to even win 8 games.  I have 6 wins in the family pool and the general consensus is I am overly optimistic.

There's no reason for the rebuild here to take any longer than it takes to fill the QB void. If Geno Smith can be merely average, they'll be well on their way to respectability. The defense is stacked with talent, the OL is in decent shape. If Idzik hasn't whiffed on the RBs, next year WR, TE, and LB could be the only priority positions in the offseason - and they'll have in excess of $40M to spend before they get to the draft to fill them.

If Holmes (injury) and Hill (ability) can play, they have the potential to surprise as soon as this year.

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Whether he has one or not, none of the interceptions were a result of this flaw.


The footwork is what's off. The interception down the middle of the field, he panicked at the slight feel of pressure and immediately threw off his back foot. It's all part of it.

The throw to Spadola was behind him as well.

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The footwork is what's off. The interception down the middle of the field, he panicked at the slight feel of pressure and immediately threw off his back foot. It's all part of it.

The throw to Spadola was behind him as well.


No argument here.


This may or may not be related, but if I remember correctly,  the most impressive things said about Sanchez, coming out of College, were regarding his footwork. Does anyone else remember this?

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No argument here.


This may or may not be related, but if I remember correctly,  the most impressive things said about Sanchez, coming out of College, were regarding his footwork. Does anyone else remember this?


You're right. He was in a pro style offense at USC. Footwork was never the issue with Sanchez, especially taking snaps under center. He just sucked under pressure, and with actually making the correct read.


Everything with Geno is correctable. I just think it's crazy to put him out there week 1 when we know his mechanics need a ton of work. Rodgers' mechanics were a mess coming out of Cal too. 

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This is a LOWLIGHTS compilation of Smith from the Giants game (though not included here, Smith did manage to complete 16 passes, not counting a handful of drops, and throw for a couple hundred yards in 3 quarters).  On his BAD plays only 1 of them, the pick thrown to Spadola, the release looks less than very compact and quick, and even that wasn't a Leftwich-esque pitching windup.  The rest of it - and again, these are lowlights - looks like his release is plenty fast.  


He has plenty to work on, and is not totally ready to start (even if he has a good game vs. TB, though that would be nice to see).  But to say he innately has some horribly slow release is just nonsensical.  Your whole original post just comes across as you being irritable over having backed a truly horrible QB for years, and that your new demons are those who replaced Sanchez (be they coaches, front office people, or Smith).  As such, you're not only lashing out at those in the organization who bumped him, you're now setting your sights on those here who don't have a problem with those people yet.


You made a long-winded thread-starter that you knew perfectly well would get negative responses from many.  I have no problem with that at all, but when someone does, if your reply is going to be name-calling then I suggest you don't start any more "provocative" type threads.  Either that or learn how to make a cogent argument without "You're an idiot," being your opening reply to someone.  


Ok sperm even though you know full well Integrity and I have known each other for quite some time now you felt the need to post this its cool....... so next time you start a thread or make a post I'll just make some silly comment basically inferring your an Idiot and that will be just fine and dandy as long as I don't use the word right ? Give me a break man . Integrity knows exactly why I used the word and it was not because I think he's an Idiot at all its because I knew he could have given a much better response than he did. If I truly bothered him with the statement then I apologize but we've always done this so I'm not sure why this is such an issue I need a warning from you, someone who has had some choice words for me yourself.


As for your opinion on why Im not so thrilled with Geno I'll just call that ridiculous utterly and totally ridiculous. And just for the record you may have come to your conclusions using the Giants game I happened to go just a little deeper and watched a bunch of college videos where it just so happens I saw the same tendencies and mechanics. So you know what you can do with your Giant link.

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This is a LOWLIGHTS compilation of Smith from the Giants game (though not included here, Smith did manage to complete 16 passes, not counting a handful of drops, and throw for a couple hundred yards in 3 quarters).  On his BAD plays only 1 of them, the pick thrown to Spadola, the release looks less than very compact and quick, and even that wasn't a Leftwich-esque pitching windup.  The rest of it - and again, these are lowlights - looks like his release is plenty fast.  


He has plenty to work on, and is not totally ready to start (even if he has a good game vs. TB, though that would be nice to see).  But to say he innately has some horribly slow release is just nonsensical.  Your whole original post just comes across as you being irritable over having backed a truly horrible QB for years, and that your new demons are those who replaced Sanchez (be they coaches, front office people, or Smith).  As such, you're not only lashing out at those in the organization who bumped him, you're now setting your sights on those here who don't have a problem with those people yet.


You made a long-winded thread-starter that you knew perfectly well would get negative responses from many.  I have no problem with that at all, but when someone does, if your reply is going to be name-calling then I suggest you don't start any more "provocative" type threads.  Either that or learn how to make a cogent argument without "You're an idiot," being your opening reply to someone.  


I'm with you bud.  I watched the whole game again the other night and didnt see this "wind up" or "elongated throwing motion".  Everything I saw was quick, crisp and compact.  He's got that classic behind the ear, over the top throw.  He had a couple that looked a little slower but no where near a Leftwich comparison.  The footwork was spotty.  Some good, some bad, which is to be expected.  Overall, he threw for a lot of yards even with some turnovers at the beginning of drives in only 3 quarters of play.  Clearly, even with the low points, something was working.  


I think we're all in agreement, he's not ready to start.  But people are being way too over critical of the guys first NFL action.  

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There's no reason for the rebuild here to take any longer than it takes to fill the QB void. If Geno Smith can be merely average, they'll be well on their way to respectability. The defense is stacked with talent, the OL is in decent shape. If Idzik hasn't whiffed on the RBs, next year WR, TE, and LB could be the only priority positions in the offseason - and they'll have in excess of $40M to spend before they get to the draft to fill them.

If Holmes (injury) and Hill (ability) can play, they have the potential to surprise as soon as this year.


The DL is stacked with talent, I agree.  The D backfield may prove to be an issue.  Other than AC, who cannot tackle worth a $%^& BTW, QBs will find a target rich environment to throw at.  Also, the right side of the OL is a problem.  Quite a bit has been done, no doubt.  However, I think your are very wrong about a QB solving the issues.

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The DL is stacked with talent, I agree.  The D backfield may prove to be an issue.  Other than AC, who cannot tackle worth a $%^& BTW, QBs will find a target rich environment to throw at.  Also, the right side of the OL is a problem.  Quite a bit has been done, no doubt.  However, I think your are very wrong about a QB solving the issues.

The Jets won 6 games last year with possibly the worst QB play in the league. Eight wins the year before with equally pitiful QB play. It may not solve everything, but even average QB play would solve a lot.

This team really isn't that far away.

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If the guy he was competing against could be out multiple weeks and the Jets still have not named him the starter, officially . Then bring in a lost cause like Brady Quinn.


That's right it tells you he sucks. Sucks bad.


I can't think of Many NFL QB's if any who have come into the league with such terrible fundamentals (you know like taking a snap and dropping back or throwing off the proper foot, with a horribly slow release)  that turned into anything decent at the position. Matter of fact I can't think of any at all.  


I've always been a Jets fan that had hope yes even in the mid 90's when I felt our only big issue was an Idiot for a coach but the last 2 years IMO have been the worst I have ever experienced as a Jets fan because you just knew this team sucked and simply could not compete on the offensive side of the ball. No matter what you feel was the biggest issue Lack of Talent, Lack of a QB, lack of a competent offensive coach, or the lack of a Head Coach who gave a damn about the offense enough to know WTF was going on when asked questions by reporters who seemed to know more than he did. with all these issues being discussed at one time or another it tells you quite simply we have a ton of issues across the board.


This team has been a hot Joke in just about every aspect and if you think the Defense is so great you better take another look because it all seems like smoke and mirrors as well. Teams have no reason to test this defense because they know we can't score so why let the defense beat you ? Play it conservative, they will eventually tire out and in the End the Jets vaunted defense will give it up they are not the Ravens of the past 14 years, they are NOT the 49er's of the present and even when we were ranked high and playing the Steelers in the AFCCG we were not the Steelers either. Our Defense was darn good in 09 and 10 but it was still not among those ranks I mentioned in the last sentence. 


I'm sure some of you will differ with various points I've made here and that's fine that's why we come to this message board to discuss the Jets but the biggest fall IMO this team has suffered is in the issue of character. Mangini, while a bad x's and O's guy certainly understood the importance of the team concept so when Rex came in and got creative with the defense ha still had a damn good locker room filled with leaders and smart football players now He's got a bunch of wannabes and Idiots. This is not a very smart football team over all nor is it run very smartly by the HC. The players he brought in here his third year destroyed any type of life this team had left in it after 2 AFCCG appearances and pushed aside character guys like Cotchery who gave their heart and soul for this team. It was just bad all the way around and it seems like it has the good chance of getting much much worse before it gets better. 


The Jets have been historically bad (as some joked on the Brady Quinn comment) but I have always been proud to be a Jets fan. This is the first year in 40 that I have been watching this team that I have absolutely no enthusiasm and no hope. Yep this even surpasses the Charlie Winner, Lou Holtz and Joe Walton days. I really do hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling I'm not and I also have a feeling this team will not turn things around until a guy like Rex Ryan is given his walking papers. Sure the guy is a talented DC but that's far from all it takes to run an organization and have a big say in the direction of the football team. This league has passed him by before he even knew WTF hit him.

So this kid is your starter now......are you gonna rally for the young man

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Ok sperm even though you know full well Integrity and I have known each other for quite some time now you felt the need to post this its cool....... so next time you start a thread or make a post I'll just make some silly comment basically inferring your an Idiot and that will be just fine and dandy as long as I don't use the word right ? Give me a break man . Integrity knows exactly why I used the word and it was not because I think he's an Idiot at all its because I knew he could have given a much better response than he did. If I truly bothered him with the statement then I apologize but we've always done this so I'm not sure why this is such an issue I need a warning from you, someone who has had some choice words for me yourself.


As for your opinion on why Im not so thrilled with Geno I'll just call that ridiculous utterly and totally ridiculous. And just for the record you may have come to your conclusions using the Giants game I happened to go just a little deeper and watched a bunch of college videos where it just so happens I saw the same tendencies and mechanics. So you know what you can go with your Giant link.


Despite being in on it, as you suggest, Ape didn't seem to take it that way.  Seems to me he didn't enjoy it, and that if anything he took issue with it.


I've taken issue with or debated what, hundreds of your posts? Have I once called you an idiot, a retard, stupid, a dumbass, or any of the other insults I can think of? No I have not.


You should try to emulate me more.



Beyond that, if you have endless things to show us with regards to Smith's inherently slow release, I would be interested.  I'm sure we all would.  But as a Jet, he has not displayed that.  He has shown a short, compact throwing motion.  So even if you find clips of him releasing it slower, it is not an inherent or genetic thing that he can't release the ball any faster.  He can do it.  If he doesn't do it consistently then he will learn to or he will be out of the league.  I'm sure a QB could even basically re-learn how to throw and basically alter his whole throwing motion if that's what was required (like if his release point wasn't high enough and too many passes were then getting batted down).  These things can be learned.

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I am sorry you disagree with the bolded part.  The rebuilding is going to take a few years.  Given the team is already wasting $10MM on a year contract to a lame duck coach, as much as $15MM for the worst QB in the NFL and another $8MM or so on a lazy cancer-causing Y receiver, they probably decided, you know, making a profit might be more important than anything else.  Plus, if you take a few moments and review the list of QBs that were available, say, even up to 2 weeks ago, there really are not any good choices to put fans in the seats.


They will have to get on a roll, as you put it, to even win 8 games.  I have 6 wins in the family pool and the general consensus is I am overly optimistic.

I know I am in a small minority here, but I think the Jets can field a decent team this year.  I'm probably going to regret this, and get killed, but here goes.


The Jets were 6-10 last season, not 2-14.  I think they have improved.


For what ever reason, the Jets had the worst QB play in the NFL last season.  That should improve.  Sanchez certainly isn't a good QB, but in all honest he is an average, to slightly below average QB.  He was the pits last year.  He won't be that bad this year.  Probably not real good but not epically  bad.  Smith I really don't know about, but am not very high on.  At any rate, the QB position will be improved. +


The OL, wasn't bad last year, but was below what we have come to expect of them.  Mangold was dinged up, second year in a row.  Hopefully he will be healthy.  Moore was injured also for his second year in a row, and in a steep decline.  His being out of football is testament to that..  They have added Colon, who if healthy will be an improvement to Moore's play last year. Vlad had a very good preseason, and will at least be a stand off to Slauson's play.  Depth is a concern.  All in all the OL has improved. + 


TE's....  Keller was hurt last year, Cumberland was fair, the Jets didn't get much from the rest.  Cumberland, is still O K.  The improvement has come with Winslow.  Great preseason.  If he stays healthy, will be a major threat.  TE's improved +


The WR's were horrible last year, and contributed to the poor QB play.  This year Holmes will be back.  Don't know what kind of shape he'll be in, but he's playing for a contract, and will give it his all once he decides to get on the field.  Hill is still dropping some balls, but looks like he has figured out what an NFL  WR is supposed to be doing out there.  He will be an improvement.  Kerley is Kerley.  Will be a good slot guy.  Gates had a nice camp, and should be OK.  Spadola is a major improvement and I think will be an exciting player.  WR's improved + 


The major factor is Marty.  Last year in preseason the Jets scored 1 TD, and 31 points.  This year, they scored 10 TD's and 105 points.  I think that will carry that into the regular season.  The offense last year was one of the worst I have ever seen.  It won't be that way this year.  Major + over last year for the offense.


The D didn't play badly last year.  The Jet's were 6-10 because the offense was historically bad.  The D will be improved this year.


As many have said on here, the D line has a chance to be very good.  Think Richardson is going to be an impact player as a rookie.  Big Mo All Pro.


The LB'er have also improved.  Bart as much as I liked him, was done.  Davis is very fast, and has Scott's attitude.  Coples will be a loss, but he'll be back for the second half of the season at least.  Barnes and  Sapp look like they can bring some heat at least. Should be improved +


The CB's played well last year, and  should be better with  Milliner.  At least they better be.  Improved + 


The Safety position is a bit of a concern.  I don't think the Jets are going to lose much with Landry, but the other side is a question mark.  I'm hoping if there is a much improved pass rush, this won't be a major concern.  The D was good last year, and better this year. +


Again All in all this is an improved team, and has a legitimate chance to make a playoff run.  The schedule is a little tougher, but I think the Division isn't that strong.  I really don't see a reason the Jets can't make a play off run. 


if the FO isn't going along with that , then Idzik is a fool.  Not saying he is, but the way to make money in the NFL  The way to fill your house up, and sell these beers and dogs, is to put a winner on the field.  I think the NYC media has the fans coned that the season is lost before it begins.  If the FO gives him a chance think Rex will prove them wrong.


10-6     OK pile on   :)

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I know I am in a small minority here, but I think the Jets can field a decent team this year.  I'm probably going to regret this, and get killed, but here goes.


The Jets were 6-10 last season, not 2-14.  I think they have improved.


For what ever reason, the Jets had the worst QB play in the NFL last season.  That should improve.  Sanchez certainly isn't a good QB, but in all honest he is an average, to slightly below average QB.  He was the pits last year.  He won't be that bad this year.  Probably not real good but not epically  bad.  Smith I really don't know about, but am not very high on.  At any rate, the QB position will be improved. +


The OL, wasn't bad last year, but was below what we have come to expect of them.  Mangold was dinged up, second year in a row.  Hopefully he will be healthy.  Moore was injured also for his second year in a row, and in a steep decline.  His being out of football is testament to that..  They have added Colon, who if healthy will be an improvement to Moore's play last year. Vlad had a very good preseason, and will at least be a stand off to Slauson's play.  Depth is a concern.  All in all the OL has improved. + 


TE's....  Keller was hurt last year, Cumberland was fair, the Jets didn't get much from the rest.  Cumberland, is still O K.  The improvement has come with Winslow.  Great preseason.  If he stays healthy, will be a major threat.  TE's improved +


The WR's were horrible last year, and contributed to the poor QB play.  This year Holmes will be back.  Don't know what kind of shape he'll be in, but he's playing for a contract, and will give it his all once he decides to get on the field.  Hill is still dropping some balls, but looks like he has figured out what an NFL  WR is supposed to be doing out there.  He will be an improvement.  Kerley is Kerley.  Will be a good slot guy.  Gates had a nice camp, and should be OK.  Spadola is a major improvement and I think will be an exciting player.  WR's improved + 


The major factor is Marty.  Last year in preseason the Jets scored 1 TD, and 31 points.  This year, they scored 10 TD's and 105 points.  I think that will carry that into the regular season.  The offense last year was one of the worst I have ever seen.  It won't be that way this year.  Major + over last year for the offense.


The D didn't play badly last year.  The Jet's were 6-10 because the offense was historically bad.  The D will be improved this year.


As many have said on here, the D line has a chance to be very good.  Think Richardson is going to be an impact player as a rookie.  Big Mo All Pro.


The LB'er have also improved.  Bart as much as I liked him, was done.  Davis is very fast, and has Scott's attitude.  Coples will be a loss, but he'll be back for the second half of the season at least.  Barnes and  Sapp look like they can bring some heat at least. Should be improved +


The CB's played well last year, and  should be better with  Milliner.  At least they better be.  Improved + 


The Safety position is a bit of a concern.  I don't think the Jets are going to lose much with Landry, but the other side is a question mark.  I'm hoping if there is a much improved pass rush, this won't be a major concern.  The D was good last year, and better this year. +


Again All in all this is an improved team, and has a legitimate chance to make a playoff run.  The schedule is a little tougher, but I think the Division isn't that strong.  I really don't see a reason the Jets can't make a play off run. 


if the FO isn't going along with that , then Idzik is a fool.  Not saying he is, but the way to make money in the NFL  The way to fill your house up, and sell these beers and dogs, is to put a winner on the field.  I think the NYC media has the fans coned that the season is lost before it begins.  If the FO gives him a chance think Rex will prove them wrong.


10-6     OK pile on   :)


This is why you should be Captain.


I dont think this team is nearly as bad as the national media and the doom and gloomers around here make them out to be.  Rex has stock piled some serious defensive talent that we should start seeing dividends for this season.  It all comes down to QB play and if the Jets can get back to being a dominate running team.  Decent QB play, solid running game, the Jets could easily be in playoff contention come Thanksgiving, once again, just like every single season under Rex Ryan.

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The elongated throwing motion is fairly apparent. If you dont want to see it because he isnt Sanchez...I guess be my guest...but his mechanics are atrocious. And they're bad right now because his footwork is off. 

This 100%. I was so happy to be moving on past the Sanchez debacle that I was fully on board the Geno train after the draft. After watching his two pre-season performances, I came away feeling exactly like this. That said, I still would rather see him out there than Sanchez, but I think the right thing to do for the Jets, and ecspecially for Geno would be to start Simms and let Geno solidify his mechanics for the first half of the season and let Geno start the second half of the year. I think anyone not seeing the really bad mechanics are not seeing past anything that is, Geno is not Sanchez.

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This 100%. I was so happy to be moving on past the Sanchez debacle that I was fully on board the Geno train after the draft. After watching his two pre-season performances, I came away feeling exactly like this. That said, I still would rather see him out there than Sanchez, but I think the right thing to do for the Jets, and ecspecially for Geno would be to start Simms and let Geno solidify his mechanics for the first half of the season and let Geno start the second half of the year. I think anyone not seeing the really bad mechanics are not seeing past anything that is, Geno is not Sanchez.


Maybe I'm seeing things....but the hop step, lean back, wind up then throw to a lineman...that doesnt look like a fluid QB there. It looks like he was making a throw to second base.


Leftwich always threw a pretty ball too when he was given time. Geno just needs more time to learn....its absolutely fixable. 




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I know I am in a small minority here, but I think the Jets can field a decent team this year.  I'm probably going to regret this, and get killed, but here goes.


The Jets were 6-10 last season, not 2-14.  I think they have improved.


For what ever reason, the Jets had the worst QB play in the NFL last season.  That should improve.  Sanchez certainly isn't a good QB, but in all honest he is an average, to slightly below average QB.  He was the pits last year.  He won't be that bad this year.  Probably not real good but not epically  bad.  Smith I really don't know about, but am not very high on.  At any rate, the QB position will be improved. +


The OL, wasn't bad last year, but was below what we have come to expect of them.  Mangold was dinged up, second year in a row.  Hopefully he will be healthy.  Moore was injured also for his second year in a row, and in a steep decline.  His being out of football is testament to that..  They have added Colon, who if healthy will be an improvement to Moore's play last year. Vlad had a very good preseason, and will at least be a stand off to Slauson's play.  Depth is a concern.  All in all the OL has improved. + 


TE's....  Keller was hurt last year, Cumberland was fair, the Jets didn't get much from the rest.  Cumberland, is still O K.  The improvement has come with Winslow.  Great preseason.  If he stays healthy, will be a major threat.  TE's improved +


The WR's were horrible last year, and contributed to the poor QB play.  This year Holmes will be back.  Don't know what kind of shape he'll be in, but he's playing for a contract, and will give it his all once he decides to get on the field.  Hill is still dropping some balls, but looks like he has figured out what an NFL  WR is supposed to be doing out there.  He will be an improvement.  Kerley is Kerley.  Will be a good slot guy.  Gates had a nice camp, and should be OK.  Spadola is a major improvement and I think will be an exciting player.  WR's improved + 


The major factor is Marty.  Last year in preseason the Jets scored 1 TD, and 31 points.  This year, they scored 10 TD's and 105 points.  I think that will carry that into the regular season.  The offense last year was one of the worst I have ever seen.  It won't be that way this year.  Major + over last year for the offense.


The D didn't play badly last year.  The Jet's were 6-10 because the offense was historically bad.  The D will be improved this year.


As many have said on here, the D line has a chance to be very good.  Think Richardson is going to be an impact player as a rookie.  Big Mo All Pro.


The LB'er have also improved.  Bart as much as I liked him, was done.  Davis is very fast, and has Scott's attitude.  Coples will be a loss, but he'll be back for the second half of the season at least.  Barnes and  Sapp look like they can bring some heat at least. Should be improved +


The CB's played well last year, and  should be better with  Milliner.  At least they better be.  Improved + 


The Safety position is a bit of a concern.  I don't think the Jets are going to lose much with Landry, but the other side is a question mark.  I'm hoping if there is a much improved pass rush, this won't be a major concern.  The D was good last year, and better this year. +


Again All in all this is an improved team, and has a legitimate chance to make a playoff run.  The schedule is a little tougher, but I think the Division isn't that strong.  I really don't see a reason the Jets can't make a play off run. 


if the FO isn't going along with that , then Idzik is a fool.  Not saying he is, but the way to make money in the NFL  The way to fill your house up, and sell these beers and dogs, is to put a winner on the field.  I think the NYC media has the fans coned that the season is lost before it begins.  If the FO gives him a chance think Rex will prove them wrong.


10-6     OK pile on   :)

Despite thinking Geno is not ready, I completely agree. From what I have seen in the preseason, MM is light years better than anything we have trotted out as an OC in a very, very long time. We have the same receivers as last year, and in every preseason game, the WR's were wide open on many plays. That is something I never saw with Schittenheimer or Sporano. I think MM being competent alone can make this a 9-7 or 10-6 team when paired with how good this defense should be. If MM is actually good, and Geno can be decent, I think we will compete for the division as I think the Pats are taking a very big step backwards, and I am not sold at all on the fish.

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Maybe I'm seeing things....but the hop step, lean back, wind up then throw to a lineman...that doesnt look like a fluid QB there. It looks like he was making a throw to second base.


Leftwich always threw a pretty ball too when he was given time. Geno just needs more time to learn....its absolutely fixable. 





Looks like he didn't have room to step into his throw, and with his center & guard getting pushed back into him, threw off his back foot to gain a higher release point.


This doesn't say to me that his instinctive mechanics are to always throw off his back foot.  I've seen plenty of QBs do that and I'm sure it's a drill they run because a QB doesn't always have the space or time to go through a full throwing motion (throwing off the back foot, throwing on the run, etc.).  It doesn't mean it is inherently his natural throwing motion.


I fully admit to not seeing much of his college footage, though.

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This is why you should be Captain.


I dont think this team is nearly as bad as the national media and the doom and gloomers around here make them out to be.  Rex has stock piled some serious defensive talent that we should start seeing dividends for this season.  It all comes down to QB play and if the Jets can get back to being a dominate running team.  Decent QB play, solid running game, the Jets could easily be in playoff contention come Thanksgiving, once again, just like every single season under Rex Ryan.


I'm afraid of being assassinated by BG   

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