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We're not that bad off!!


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If you look at every game we played last year we didnt loose by a lot of points, except the chargers game.. But every other game was not that bad off.. Nd that was with geno smith, 2 bad corners, and 1 good wide receiver.. I think this year after the draft and free agency we should be a team to look out for this coming year! Especially with a whole new regime, and new players..

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vvvvv Worst fake Jets fan vvvvv

The Jets are the absolute worst team in the NFL. Literally every single team in the NFL is in a better situation than the Jets.

Worst roster in the league.

New Head Coach

New GM

Old sh*tty owner


No CB's

No WR's


No LB'ers

No RB's

No TE's

Pure sh*t.

Go Jets!

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Getting rid of Rex is worth at least 2 wins.


I think between much better coaching across the board, a good couple of FA's and a decent draft, plus some player development, this team should be an 8-8 team this year. And that is with GeNO, if we happen to get some half way decent QB in here, I think we could fight for a playoff spot. The roster is far better than the RexApologists will have you believe.

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Getting rid of Rex is worth at least 2 wins.


I think between much better coaching across the board, a good couple of FA's and a decent draft, plus some player development, this team should be an 8-8 team this year. And that is with GeNO, if we happen to get some half way decent QB in here, I think we could fight for a playoff spot. The roster is far better than the RexApologists will have you believe.


A 4-12 team with one of the worst 53-man rosters in the league, with a new GM, new HC, new OC and new DC will somehow double their win total and "fight for a playoff spot"?


Good luck with that.

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A 4-12 team with one of the worst 53-man rosters in the league, with a new GM, new HC, new OC and new DC will somehow double their win total and "fight for a playoff spot"?


Good luck with that.

We have alot of cap money as we speak once we cut loose the slugs will have more money to sign multiple free agents and at 6 we get an immediate impact player 

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We have alot of cap money as we speak once we cut loose the slugs will have more money to sign multiple free agents and at 6 we get an immediate impact player 



Not denying any of that at all.


Even if the Jets nail that stuff, do you seriously think the Jets will double their win total and compete for the playoffs next season?

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Not denying any of that at all.


Even if the Jets nail that stuff, do you seriously think the Jets will double their win total and compete for the playoffs next season?

Considering that they lost both Pats games by a total of 3 points on a blocked FG & a missed FG in the final seconds & the Pats are the 2015 Super Bowl champions I'd say it's not far fetched they could win 8 games.

I'll guarantee under Bowles the team will be more disciplined & detail oriented. We have enough free agent money to sign at least 5 guys. Guys like Reilly, Ik, Pryor, Amaro will be coming into camp knowing what to expect. The gap between wins & losses in this league are minute. If we get more speed at LB, our Dline will be even better. They will add a couple CBs somehow too.

Jets will have one of the best off seasons in the league. Best free agency group available since free agency started.

Just go look at the players available.

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we got a GM that is a personal guy a coach that other head coaches are talking about a boat load of cap room we are in good shape, great D line and some depth at guard all we need is some OT and a true #1 WR and a FA CB we will be good, Geno will have to play better but I think our new OC will get him right lets not go crazy here give this new guys a chance I think we got the right people in the right spots.if we have a good draft we will be ok.

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we got a GM that is a personal guy a coach that other head coaches are talking about a boat load of cap room we are in good shape, great D line and some depth at guard all we need is some OT and a true #1 WR and a FA CB we will be good, Geno will have to play better but I think our new OC will get him right lets not go crazy here give this new guys a chance I think we got the right people in the right spots.if we have a good draft we will be ok.[/


Jets can really shore up their defense & create quite a nasty group to deal with if they get the right CBs & LBs in free agency & the draft.

Pryor will get training from Bowles staff.

Bills defense will also be pretty Nasty with Rex there. Be nice to see the AFC east defenses start making Tom Brady think about retirement. He will get hit next year. He actually looked scared in that last Buffalo game.

Can't wait!

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Put some cornerbacks that can cover and find a quarterback that takes care of the football and this team doubles it's win total from this season. With high draft picks and 50+ million in free agency it's very conceivable that the Jets could get that plus much more.

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Put some cornerbacks that can cover and find a quarterback that takes care of the football and this team doubles it's win total from this season. With high draft picks and 50+ million in free agency it's very conceivable that the Jets could get that plus much more.


But doubling your wins only means a .500 season at 8-8.


Way to aspire to greatness.

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ame="Jetster" post="2688167" timestamp="1423622109"]

That's some real funny stuff right there.

BTW, which one of Brady's 4 drives against the Bills in a meaningless game did Brady look "scared"?

The Bills dominated that game! BB took Brady out to preserve him.

Rex is not a great coach but he knows you guys inside out. You better hope your Oline isn't injured next year. Between the Jets D line & the players they will add & the Bills defense that was right up there in sacks last year & a Miami team that has split with the Patriots the last 2 years next year will be the toughest they have had it in the division in years.

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A 4-12 team with one of the worst 53-man rosters in the league, with a new GM, new HC, new OC and new DC will somehow double their win total and "fight for a playoff spot"?


Good luck with that.


I think last year was a horrible coaching job across the board, from game planning, to preparation, to in game management. I watched several games where the Jets appeared to be the better team on the field, that they lost the game. In the NFL today, the line between winning and losing is a very, very fine line, and horrible coaching can easily make the difference in 3-4 losses in a season.


Going into last year, with what was regarded as a far better roster than in 13, coming off an 8-8 season, nobody in their right mind would have predicted 4-12. Pretty much everyone had the Jets in the 9-7 range.


My point is that prior year record is not the indicator of what a team will do in the next year, we see it all the time in the NFL.

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Rex was holding the 2014 Jets back from greatness. Of course. 


shrugs, I said the difference in 2 wins, I don't really define 6-10 as greatness, if you think 6-10 is greatness, you and I have very different opinions on greatness.


Its funny, when the team went 8-8 with an inferior roster from 14, it was basically rammed down everyones throats that the only reason was because of Rex's greatness as a coach.


Last year, with a clearly better roster, another year in the offensive system, and a QB with a year of experience under his belt, the team goes 4-12 and it is somehow not Rex's fault.


Again, shrugs.


So he gets credit for going 8-8 with Roster A, and gets no blame for going 4-12 with Roster B, which is better than Roster A?


How exactly does that work, cauz I just don't get it.


And for the record, the last thing I wanted to do was turn this into ANOTHER Rex thread, but I do feel the need to respond to your frustration in my original post.

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Dominated a game where 6 Pats starters didn't even play and the rest were on the bench in the 2 quarter?

Why do you even bother to post nonesense like this?


6 starters? Who were they? Belichick doesn't sit 6 starters, never has. He didn't sit anyone on the Oline who got their azzes handed to them. Stork? Big deal he's average anyway.

Your pretty cocky for slipping into the winners circle after the dumbest play in SB history. Beating a secondary that has everyone getting surgery after the game & losing their nickle CB after he picks off the prince.

But, you get to bask in the glory of another asterisked SB like all the rest.

Redemption my azz!

Being the most hated team in the NFL is probably a badge of honor.

Actually let me change hated to REVILED. The entire country LOATHES THIS PATS TEAM & THEIR COACH!

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I'm hopeful:


*Geno can't possible regress since he was/is awful.  He might improve on his own and/or under Gailey.

*Pryor and perhaps Coples will be playing in their natural position under our new HC.

*Amaro should improve in year two.

*Our injured CB's are coming back plus there is the draft/FA to shore up that position.

*Dead wood like CJ2K/Colon/Wilson will be off the roster.

*Our GM has already begun shoring up ST with player(s) like Brown, a 3yr mostly ST only player.  A man with a plan.


I'm concerned:


*Even if we get a QB at 6 he should REDSHIRT a year to sit and learn the game.  So barring some blockbuster move that leaves us with Geno competing with some FA jag which is not inspiring

*Almost totally new CS and possibly system will likely take time to gel.  

*Amaro is a keeper but our TE position still sux.

*The Harvin situation looks like a lose/lose to me.

*Pace/Harris/Babin are (of course) getting older.  C and LT are not far behind.  Lots of holes to fill; hope our new GM is up to the task.


So, all in all way to early to tell.  FA and the draft will be fun to watch but w/o a few preseason games under the belt I can't see how anyone can make predictions on next season.  

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But doubling your wins only means a .500 season at 8-8.


Way to aspire to greatness.

Coming off of 4-12 an 8-8 season is great. I also said that with all of the resources the Jets have this off-season that it's very conceivable that they could get that plus much more.

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