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Woody Johnson Opens up on Frustrations With Jets Struggles

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50 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
2 hours ago, Matt39 said:
Because mostly everyone here knew he couldn’t play. The only report we got last year was that it was Woody who wanted him back. Wentz could have been signed for nothing. 

I must have missed that report of Woody saying he wanted him to be back. It's the JetBlue connection, right? Oh, any chance you know what Zach had for breakfast or did he close his curtains on you?

Poor Zach 

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2 hours ago, bgivs21 said:

How do people just upvote blatantly false posts that are easily disprovable. This board is becoming insufferable during the off-season. 

Zach can't pull himself from the game and place himself in concussion protocol. Your post essentially hangs on the conspiracy that Zach, the NFL and the seperate doctors that are in charge of concussion protocol, were all in cahoots to keep Zach in concussion protocol for the remainder of the year all so Zach didn't have to start at QB. 

He was in the concussion protocol for a month. Right. Use your noggin.

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41 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
59 minutes ago, Biggs said:
Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  
Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.

This is called recency bias. Hess sucked as an owner. He didn't even have a GM for a number of years. Then he hired guys like Dick Steinberg and coaches like Bruce Coslet. He fired Pete Carroll after one year so he could rush to hire the recently run out of Philly Rich Kotite. He hired Parcells and we got to an AFC Championship game. Woody's teams made 2 back to back. Woody sucks but Hess was worse, regardless of how me made his fortune.

Hess invested in the Jets when the likelyhood of failure was insanely high.   He put Werblin in charge and the Jets won a SB.  They invested in Namath and challenged the NFL and forced a merger.  

His partners died, he neglected the team for years.  He ran a business.  In the end he set up the Jets to succeed.  They were on cruise control with a great football organization and a good roster.  Woody screwed it up day 1. 

Hess took over his families bankrupt fuel business during the depression.  He was everything Woody Johnson isn't. 

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And fired him after he failed and outmanuverd Kraft for Parcells and BB along with a great staff. 
You make it sound like they won the Super Bowl. The mighty Parcells and staff went to one AFCCG and lost. Thank God for this legend of a coach. He was a hell of a GM too!
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Hess invested in the Jets when the likelyhood of failure was insanely high.   He put Werblin in charge and the Jets won a SB.  They invested in Namath and challenged the NFL and forced a merger.  
His partners died, he neglected the team for years.  He ran a business.  In the end he set up the Jets to succeed.  They were on cruise control with a great football organization and a good roster.  Woody screwed it up day 1. 

What?? Cruise control? This is a joke, right?
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47 minutes ago, AFJF said:

They took up roster spots and cap space in exchange for nothing.  They were net negatives brought on board to make Rodgers happy.  And we all saw Rodgers yukking it up with Dalvin Cook when the Jets were wooing him.

Here's a guy who was a free agent for months and not a single whisper of interest from the Jets (as there shouldn't have been).  A gross overpay for the corpse of a former quality player to come in and be a backup isn't something we've ever seen out of JD.  Rodgers spent years watching Cook dominate in his own division and clearly wanted him on the team.  I cringed when I saw those fans chanting his name a 1JD and begging him to sign.  Ugh.

Still, you can see the rationale behind signing Cook.  It’s not like they signed him long term or a real ton of money like Bell.  But it does underscore how old running backs should be run away from.

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39 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

My objection to it is that I’d like to know exactly when Woody had the revelation that Zach Wilson was inviable because we know it wasn’t in preseason, where the ink wasn’t yet dried on Rodgers’ contract before the whole org mobilized to inform the world that Zach Wilson was still the future post-Rodgers, and it wasn’t by Week Two when they refused to add a QB2 when Rodgers went down, and it wasn’t at the trade deadline when they they were coming off the Eagles win at 4-3 despite Zach Wilson being statistically the QB28 in the league. Woody can’t pretend that he’s a casual hands-off observer who parachuted in at the end of the year to find out his QB sucked. 

It's because he read things online. It makes zero sense otherwise. 

I don't think Zach was some sort of catastrophic disappointment this year that played himself out of being Rodgers successor. In fact for a guy on a team like ours who shouldn't have even been playing, he impressed me more than he ever did the prior 2 seasons.

This comes down to media/fans smelling blood in the water and pr conscious Woody trying to give them an answer. He can't just admit that his team just isn't that good and the coaching staff is a mess. So blame it on the guy leaving town who has been an easy target so far.

Its pathetic but I'm no surprised. I actually believe it's Zach that wants a divorce. Which makes us look even more impoverished.

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2 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

At this point, after this just release him.

What team in their Right Mind is going to trade for him after these comments??? 

You don’t talk like this and expect a trade partner because no one believes you are going to keep Zach.  

You can keep him as a 3rd string

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2 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

At this point, after this just release him.

What team in their Right Mind is going to trade for him after these comments??? 

You don’t talk like this and expect a trade partner because no one believes you are going to keep Zach.  

Could Woody be any dumber?  It's hard to imagine!

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1 hour ago, Biggs said:

Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  

Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.

Hess was a man's man, a war hero, a gentleman, a captain of industry, and an overall bad ass. Unfortunately the team was mismanaged for quite some time but he almost had Eliot Wolf as GM and Mike Holmgren as the head coach locked up in the early 90s. That was an absolute shame that it fell through.

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3 hours ago, Adoni Beast said:

Love everything Woody said honestly. 

I do also.

The usual guys are going to parrot each other with the “Woody is a silver spoon idiot” nonsense, but I tune them out.

They’d be ripping him no matter what he said. I’m in the very lonely camp that thinks “he’s the owner. It’s his toy to play with how he wants.”

I chose this team over 50 years ago. I’ve gotten very little joy from them… so little that now I laugh at the ineptitude they show on the field and in the FO. I don’t let it bother me anymore. It’s on me for not walking away.

That’s a lot of words to simply say it makes me feel a little better about things when the owner is as unhappy with the results he’s seen as the fans. I’d have been disgusted if he tried to sell us the “be patient, we’re heading in the right direction with these guys” nonsense.

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9 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Could Woody be any dumber?  It's hard to imagine!

Most of these owners are football stupid honestly. Some just get lucky with the right GM, HC, of QB. I'd say the Steelers, Ravens, Chiefs, 49ers ownership has demonstrated longevity with various coaches, gms, qbs have earned their reputation as ownership that understands the game and lets the people they hire do their thing.

I'd include Mara too but it seem like the last decade he has let Tisch have way too much say and control which has destroyed that franchise.

Kraft is TBD. He really got lucky with Brady because Kraft ran off Parcells, fired Carroll, and Belichick was 5-11 and 0-2 before Brady took over (with a loaded roster btw) and came out of nowhere and post-Brady, Belichick sucked again. So I'm not entirely sure Kraft really did anything "smart" he just got lucky but let's see how Mayo does.

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2 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

I do also.

The usual guys are going to parrot each other with the “Woody is a silver spoon idiot” nonsense, but I tune them out.

They’d be ripping him no matter what he said. I’m in the very lonely camp that thinks “he’s the owner. It’s his toy to play with how he wants.”

I chose this team over 50 years ago. I’ve gotten very little joy from them… so little that now I laugh at the ineptitude they show on the field and in the FO. I don’t let it bother me anymore. It’s on me for not walking away.

That’s a lot of words to simply say it makes me feel a little better about things when the owner is as unhappy with the results he’s seen as the fans. I’d have been disgusted if he tried to sell us the “be patient, we’re heading in the right direction with these guys” nonsense.

I think Woody gets more hate than warranted to be honest. Most of these sports owners are dopes when it comes to sports.

  • People blame Tebow on Woody but that was Tanny
  • People blame Favre on Woody but if that guy doesn't get hurt in 2008 we are likely in the Super Bowl that year
  • The guy even got a draft pick for Herman Edwards!

There are really only two things I think Woody bitched out on:

  • Didn't close the deal on the Westside Stadium. That would have been his legacy and he didn't grease enough of the right people obviously
  • Should have fired Rex along with Danny after 2012. By not doing so cost us any good GM candidates which depleted a garbage roster even further and basically set this team back many years
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22 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Could Woody be any dumber?  It's hard to imagine!

Understood, no argument here as far as Woody's brain. 

But let's be real, there was never going to be much of a market anyway.

We talking the world of conditional 6ths and 7ths, and Joe Douglas hasn't exactly proved capable of a mining a diamond from the rough like Antonio Brown, Julian Edelman, etc. so what difference does it really make?

I'm glad he threw ZW under the bus. 

It lets me know the owner isn't completely blind and that he's put the conceited GM and HC on notice.

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3 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Very much not exculpating Douglas of blame in this situation, because he obviously bears the blame and will ultimately lose his job. But, even then, the next GM will have the same problem with Woody sweeping into the office every few days, fresh from tennis practice, wanting to push some buttons and pull a few levers. Woody isn’t going to hire any GM or coach that’ll look to exclude him from meeting rooms, from draft prep, from getting involved in free agency. Woody loves having these dudes having to come before him and bend the knee so they can get a few million to sign a player. We have 25 years of evidence with this. Woody was on the plane to recruit Nnamdi Asomugha. Woody was part of the Tebow trade. Woody was involved in the Peyton Manning pursuit. Woody was in the car in bum**** upstate New York making the two hour trek from Cortland to the Roscoe Diner. This is why his comments here are ludicrous—we didn’t have a backup QB? Oh really? If Woody Johnson wanted a backup QB on the roster at any point in the last three years, he would have had a backup QB on the roster. Do we think Saleh wouldn’t have liked a better option than Zach? Do we think Douglas was a-ok with Zach Wilson exposing literally every weakness on the roster for those three years? 

My simple response is, draft a good qb.  If douglas had drafted even justin fields it turns out different.  Don’t draft the worst qb with the 2nd pick of the draft.  If the next gm has the balls to tell woody look, we like this guy and then they take him and he turns out to be even chad Pennington, that gm stays. 

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28 minutes ago, Grandy said:

It's because he read things online. It makes zero sense otherwise. 

I don't think Zach was some sort of catastrophic disappointment this year that played himself out of being Rodgers successor. In fact for a guy on a team like ours who shouldn't have even been playing, he impressed me more than he ever did the prior 2 seasons.

This comes down to media/fans smelling blood in the water and pr conscious Woody trying to give them an answer. He can't just admit that his team just isn't that good and the coaching staff is a mess. So blame it on the guy leaving town who has been an easy target so far.

Its pathetic but I'm no surprised. I actually believe it's Zach that wants a divorce. Which makes us look even more impoverished.

Yeah, I believe it’s just spin by Woody, and he’s delivering some lines that were handed to him by Elhai or whomever. Disagree that Zach wasn’t a solid 75% of the problem, however. Highhhhh time to throw and bottom-of-the-league accuracy marks are enough to make everyone look worse, and that’s before you take into account the intangible costs of playing him. 

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47 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

He was in the concussion protocol for a month. Right. Use your noggin.

Ironic coming from someone who does everything but use their noggin. 

Again, you're spouting some conspiracy between Zach, the NFL and the seperate doctors that run the concussion protocol to keep Zach off the field and in concussion protocol. 

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13 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Do we think Saleh wouldn’t have liked a better option than Zach? Do we think Douglas was a-ok with Zach Wilson exposing literally every weakness on the roster for those three years? 

I agree with the general train of thought.

But I think this is mostly on Joe Douglas desperately trying to save face on his botched selection at #2 overall, as Penei Sewell, Jamar Chase, DeVonta Smith, etc. proceeded to fall into the laps of other teams. 

Saleh is neutered.  Has been since the "organizational reporting structure" changed to where the HC has to call the GM "boss".

The caveat here is:  if that random report on Woody refusing to spend any additional money at the QB position is accurate, then yes, this would be an embarrassing case of Woody being "penny wise, pound foolish".

Who knows....

Maybe TP or footballguy or someone else with inside sources can confirm for us 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

I love the balls out Woody!!....wow that sounded so bad....but it feels so riiiiiight

He seems genuinely pissed off the offense keeps sucking.  And that’s where I’m going with this qb talk.  Maybe if they address OL in FA, woody gets douglas and says look, i like you, i think we all really whiffed with this wilson pick, but there’s some nice qbs here and if rodgers has a year or so left, maybe we should think about taking one so we’re like Green Bay. 

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Just now, T0mShane said:

Regrettably, it makes no sense to draft that QB this year. One, that QB isn’t going to help the team this season and Two, if it goes bad this year and everyone gets swept out, you have to give the incoming administration the freedom to draft their own QB. 

I think the biggest flaw in any such argument is that a qb won’t help the team this year.  Rodgers may play 12 games if we’re lucky.  Maybe he plays 6-7.  He could rupture the same Achilles and retire.  Any scrub backup qb the jets are fortunate enough to grossly overpay doesn’t lift the team to the playoffs, nor does he answer the qb question for 2025.  So i think ANY qb they draft gets into action this year. 

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1 minute ago, bgivs21 said:

Ironic coming from someone who does everything but use their noggin. 

Again, you're spouting some conspiracy between Zach, the NFL and the seperate doctors that run the concussion protocol to keep Zach off the field and in concussion protocol. 

Do you have any details about Zach and his stay in the concussion protocol? When did he get out of the concussion protocol? Was he cleared to play in any of the remaining three games? 

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1 minute ago, Augustiniak said:

I think the biggest flaw in any such argument is that a qb won’t help the team this year.  Rodgers may play 12 games if we’re lucky.  Maybe he plays 6-7.  He could rupture the same Achilles and retire.  Any scrub backup qb the jets are fortunate enough to grossly overpay doesn’t lift the team to the playoffs, nor does he answer the qb question for 2025.  So i think ANY qb they draft gets into action this year. 

Who has a better chance of going 2-2 in the games Rodgers presumably misses this year: Jacoby Brissett or JJ McCarthy? Gardner Minshew or Michael Pratt? 

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1 minute ago, T0mShane said:

Who has a better chance of going 2-2 in the games Rodgers presumably misses this year: Jacoby Brissett or JJ McCarthy? Gardner Minshew or Michael Pratt? 

Minschew definitely.  But the jets aren’t getting minschew b/c the colts need him b/c Richardson sucks and is going to keep getting concussions.  And that’s going to be a theme across the nfl after a year where every qb was injured it seemed.  

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6 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Regrettably, it makes no sense to draft that QB this year. One, that QB isn’t going to help the team this season and Two, if it goes bad this year and everyone gets swept out, you have to give the incoming administration the freedom to draft their own QB. 

I agree they shouldn't take a QB early for the reasons you mention, but I'd be fine taking a shot at one in the middle rounds. 

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Just now, Augustiniak said:

Minschew definitely.  But the jets aren’t getting minschew b/c the colts need him b/c Richardson sucks and is going to keep getting concussions.  And that’s going to be a theme across the nfl after a year where every qb was injured it seemed.  

It sounds like backup QB is going to be their #1 priority in free agency, so they‘ll know what they have when they get to the draft, at least. We shall see

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