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Paris Hilton Jail Drama Merged


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This is a disgrace.


LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Paris Hilton was let out of jail Thursday morning, days after she began serving what was to have been a 45-day sentence for violating probation, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.

Hilton must wear a monitoring bracelet and remain at her home for another 40 days, said sheriff's department spokesman Steve Whitmore.

Medical considerations "played a part" in the decision to offer Hilton home confinement for the remainder of her sentence, Whitmore said. (Watch Whitmore detail Hilton's deal )

He said privacy rules prohibited him from giving details about the medical issues, but celebrity Web site TMZ.com earlier quoted sources saying Hilton was refusing to eat much of the jail food served her.

Whitmore said that after "extensive consultation with medical personnel" it was decided to offer Hilton "reassignment" to home confinement, which she and her attorneys accepted. (Watch Hilton enter jail )

Part of the deal was that her original sentence of 45 days, which had been reduced to 23 days if she showed good behavior behind bars, would be restored to the full length. Although she reported to the jail just before midnight Sunday and departed in the early hours of Thursday, she was given credit for five days, he said.

Whitmore said the decision to send Hilton home was made by a panel of officials in the sheriff's department, although the judge who sentenced her was advised of the move.

Hilton was arrested on charges of drunken driving in September.

In January, she pleaded no contest to a charge of alcohol-related reckless driving. She was sentenced to three years' probation and had her license suspended.

In February, she was caught driving on a suspended license, which later was ruled a probation violation.

Hilton entered jail Sunday after attending the MTV Movie Awards, where she answered questions from the press and was the subject of host Sarah Silverman's jokes.

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This is a disgrace.


LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Paris Hilton was let out of jail Thursday morning, days after she began serving what was to have been a 45-day sentence for violating probation, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.

Hilton must wear a monitoring bracelet and remain at her home for another 40 days, said sheriff's department spokesman Steve Whitmore.

Medical considerations "played a part" in the decision to offer Hilton home confinement for the remainder of her sentence, Whitmore said. (Watch Whitmore detail Hilton's deal )

He said privacy rules prohibited him from giving details about the medical issues, but celebrity Web site TMZ.com earlier quoted sources saying Hilton was refusing to eat much of the jail food served her.

Whitmore said that after "extensive consultation with medical personnel" it was decided to offer Hilton "reassignment" to home confinement, which she and her attorneys accepted. (Watch Hilton enter jail )

Part of the deal was that her original sentence of 45 days, which had been reduced to 23 days if she showed good behavior behind bars, would be restored to the full length. Although she reported to the jail just before midnight Sunday and departed in the early hours of Thursday, she was given credit for five days, he said.

Whitmore said the decision to send Hilton home was made by a panel of officials in the sheriff's department, although the judge who sentenced her was advised of the move.

Hilton was arrested on charges of drunken driving in September.

In January, she pleaded no contest to a charge of alcohol-related reckless driving. She was sentenced to three years' probation and had her license suspended.

In February, she was caught driving on a suspended license, which later was ruled a probation violation.

Hilton entered jail Sunday after attending the MTV Movie Awards, where she answered questions from the press and was the subject of host Sarah Silverman's jokes.

Is "Medical Issue" a codeword for "Herpes outbreak"?

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Don't know about that, but i did hear that the jail she was at was dealing with a HUGE outbreak of staph, a pretty nasty strain too.

pretty common. it's called MRSA. working on a pro bono case now, our client is serving 15-20 and got booted from public housing and they threw away all his stuff, we're suing. his prison near harrisburg has a bad MRSA outbreak. needless to say when i met him there, i didn't touch chit. nasty stuff.

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This is one just one example why people are so cynical about the justice system nowadays.

JetNation rule 9,007.5634, as pointed out by Judge Jetcane in another thread, there will be no political discussions,faba. :-$;)

she should've done her time, pathetically it would've made her more popular with the brainless contingent amongst us.

I agree, she would have been reborn if she just sucked it up and did her time. this ''agreement'' on her release is just pathetic.

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By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent 13 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES - Hours after

Paris Hilton was sent home under house arrest Thursday, the judge who put her in jail for violating her reckless-driving probation ordered her into court to determine whether she should be put back behind bars.


Hilton must report to court at 9 a.m. Friday, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press.

"My understanding is she will be brought in in a sheriff's vehicle from her home," Parachini said.

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer issued his order after the city attorney filed a petition late Thursday afternoon questioning whether Sheriff Lee Baca should be held in contempt of court for releasing Hilton on Thursday morning.

The celebrity inmate was sent home from the Los Angeles County jail's Lynwood lockup shortly after 2 a.m. for an unspecified medical condition in a stunning reduction to her original 45-day sentence.

She was ordered to finish her sentence under house arrest, meaning she could not leave her four-bedroom, three-bath home in the Hollywood Hills until next month.

"What transpired here is outrageous," county Supervisor Don Knabe told The Associated Press, adding that he received more than 400 angry e-mails and hundreds more phone calls from around the country.

Hilton's return home gives the impression of "celebrity justice being handed out," he said.

City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo complained that he learned of her release the same way as almost everyone else

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Hold up folks... maybe she's going back...

Paris Hilton ordered to return to court

Hours after Paris Hilton was sent home under house arrest Thursday, the judge who put her in jail for violating her reckless-driving probation ordered her into court to determine whether she should be put back behind bars.

Hilton must report to court at 9 a.m. Friday, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press.

Keep reading if you can stand the drama..


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Hold up folks... maybe she's going back...

Paris Hilton ordered to return to court

Hours after Paris Hilton was sent home under house arrest Thursday, the judge who put her in jail for violating her reckless-driving probation ordered her into court to determine whether she should be put back behind bars.

Hilton must report to court at 9 a.m. Friday, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press.

Keep reading if you can stand the drama..


Id rather go serve her time in jail then hear one more ****ing word about the worlds most scandelous skank.

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Cranky :shutit:

Don't worry she'll get her beatin' in jail eventually.

The fact we are even discussing this girl who has done nothing but give head to be famous is utterly disgusting.

I can't stand Paris Hilton,Sorry.

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The fact we are even discussing this girl who has done nothing but give head to be famous is utterly disgusting.

I can't stand Paris Hilton,Sorry.

Did you just merge all the Paris Hilton drama threads?

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The fact we are even discussing this girl who has done nothing but give head to be famous is utterly disgusting.

I can't stand Paris Hilton,Sorry.

:confused0082: I don't think any of us here give a **** about her personally... I'm just laughing at how the courts have ****ed up yet another celebrity case.

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:confused0082: I don't think any of us here give a **** about her personally... I'm just laughing at how the courts have ****ed up yet another celebrity case.

Paris Hilton needs to be put on an Oxygen regulator...she should only be allowed to use HALF of what everyone else gets.

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L.A. County Sherriffs are on the way to her 'house" now-judge orders her to report to court IN PERSON not by phone-she's going back in-I hope anyway....every single one of us would be doing jail time NOT having a frigging PARTY TONIGHT which is what's going on right now-they're setting up a party for tonight

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Back to the slammer you tramp

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted from a courtroom and ordered back to jail Friday after a judge, overruling the county sheriff, said she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.

"It's not right!" shouted Hilton, who violated her probation in a reckless driving case. "Mom!" she called out to her mother in the audience.

Earlier Friday, the 26-year-old hotel heiress was handcuffed and taken from her home in a black-and-white police car, paparazzi sprinting in pursuit and helicopters broadcasting live from above. She entered the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, without makeup, wearing a fuzzy gray sweat shirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, dabbing her eyes, and her body shook constantly. Several times, she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you."

Despite being ordered to serve the remainder of her original 45-day sentence, Hilton could still be released early. Inmates are given a day off their terms for every four days of good behavior, and her days in home detention counted as time served. (Timeline: The Hilton case)

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer was calm but apparently irked by the decision by Sheriff Lee Baca -- who oversees the county jails -- to release Hilton three days into her sentence due to an unspecified "medical condition."

"I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions," Sauer said. "At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home."

Hilton's release, and the decision to allow her to serve the time at home, angered some local and state authorities and civil rights leaders who said it could interpreted as affording the socialite favors not available to other, less famous, inmates. (Watch the details of Hilton's release )

Fans show up at hearing

Many of Hilton's several dozen supporters outside the courthouse appeared devastated.

"No! No! No!" screamed Jake Byrd as a court spokesman delivered the news to reporters outside court.

The hearing was requested by the city attorney's office, which had prosecuted Hilton and wanted Baca held in contempt for releasing Hilton despite Sauer's express order that she must serve her time in jail. The judge took no action on the contempt request.

A member of the county counsel's staff said Baca was willing to come to court with medical personnel. The judge did not take him up on the offer.

Assistant City Attorney Dan F. Jeffries said Hilton's incarceration was purely up to the judge. "Her release after only three days erodes confidence in the judicial system," he said.

Hilton's attorney, Richard Hutton, implored the judge to order a hearing in his chambers to hear testimony about Hilton's medical condition before making a decision. The judge did not respond to that suggestion.

Another of her attorneys, Steve Levine, said, "The sheriff has determined that because of her medical situation, [jail] is a dangerous place for her."

"The court's role here is to let the Sheriff's Department run the jail," he said.

The judge interrupted several times to say that he had received a call last Wednesday from an undersheriff informing him that Hilton had a medical condition and that he would submit papers to the judge to consider. He said the papers never arrived.

Every few minutes, the judge would interrupt proceedings, state the time on the clock, and note that the papers still had not arrived.

He also noted that he had heard that a private psychiatrist visited Hilton in jail, and he wondered if that person played a role in deciding her medical needs.

The last attorney to speak was another deputy city attorney, David Bozanich, who declared, "This is a simple case. There was a court. The Sheriff's Department chose to violate that order. There is no ambiguity."

How she wound up in court

Hilton's twisted jailhouse saga began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test after police saw her weaving down a street in her Mercedes-Benz on what she said was a late-night hamburger run.

She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines. In the months that followed, she was stopped twice while driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed her in Sauer's courtroom. (Watch Hilton enter jail the first time )

Back before Sauer on Friday, Hilton's entire body trembled as the final pitch was made for her further incarceration. She clutched a ball of tissue, and tears ran down her face.

Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith."

Hilton screamed.

Eight deputies immediately ordered all spectators out of the courtroom. Hilton's mother, Kathy, threw her arms around her husband, Rick, and sobbed uncontrollably.

Deputies escorted Hilton out of the room, holding each of her arms as she looked back.

:rl: :rl: :rl: :rl:

This is so beautiful words can't describe it.

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