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Revis Here.


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Hello New York Jets fans this is Darrelle Revis. As a young player in the NFL who is "up with the times" I have created an account on your site to get closer to my fan base. I've been checking your site for the last couple of weeks and I've noticed several threads on my situation, I can't go into much detail on it but I can tell you that there has been much progress in the last couple of days. Some of you may be wondering why there is even a problem to begin with. Like all jobs there is a bussiness side. I've read several times on this site "If he really loves the sport he would have signed already." I do love this sport, most likely more then you, but thereis a difference, it's my job and I'm just securing my future because of the high risk of a career ending injury. Some of you still might not understand, but you soon won't have to worry, I'll be on the field sooner than you think ;) If anybody has any questions for me feel free the ask here or PM me. I'm a busy man so if I don't respond right away I'm not ignoring you.

~Darrelle Revis~

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Hello New York Jets fans this is Darrelle Revis. As a young player in the NFL who is "up with the times" I have created an account on your site to get closer to my fan base. I've been checking your site for the last couple of weeks and I've noticed several threads on my situation, I can't go into much detail on it but I can tell you that there has been much progress in the last couple of days. Some of you may be wondering why there is even a problem to begin with. Like all jobs there is a bussiness side. I've read several times on this site "If he really loves the sport he would have signed already." I do love this sport, most likely more then you, but thereis a difference, it's my job and I'm just securing my future because of the high risk of a career ending injury. Some of you still might not understand, but you soon won't have to worry, I'll be on the field sooner than you think ;) If anybody has any questions for me feel free the ask here or PM me. I'm a busy man so if I don't respond right away I'm not ignoring you.

~Darrelle Revis~

All I can is, you better be all that your cracked up to be...us moving up to get you better be a player with pro bowl type talent. So, get your butt in gear and win us some games on the defensive side of the ball or ST...:box:

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Hello New York Jets fans this is Darrelle Revis. As a young player in the NFL who is "up with the times" I have created an account on your site to get closer to my fan base. I've been checking your site for the last couple of weeks and I've noticed several threads on my situation, I can't go into much detail on it but I can tell you that there has been much progress in the last couple of days. Some of you may be wondering why there is even a problem to begin with. Like all jobs there is a bussiness side. I've read several times on this site "If he really loves the sport he would have signed already." I do love this sport, most likely more then you, but thereis a difference, it's my job and I'm just securing my future because of the high risk of a career ending injury. Some of you still might not understand, but you soon won't have to worry, I'll be on the field sooner than you think ;) If anybody has any questions for me feel free the ask here or PM me. I'm a busy man so if I don't respond right away I'm not ignoring you.

~Darrelle Revis~

um, in the highly unlikely chance that this is actually Darrelle, i just want to give you the advice to think twice about getting involved in a messageboard. Every word is scrutinized, and I just do not think any good can come to you from being here. Hey, if you want to participate and truly want to speak to your fans that is awesome and commendable, but I just envision it as going nowhere but bad. Maybe you might want to participate under a different name? Fans come on here to speak their mind and give an opinion. Sometimes we are not in possession of all the facts, such as in your contract negotiation, so things get said, and the last thing you or any player needs is to be caught up in a controversy over something you said on a messageboard that found it's way into the papers.

Like I said, this is a highly unlikely possibility, but if so, welcome to the jets!

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Um can we get confirmation on this or is this Alk being an A-hole.

(In case this is actually true)

Revis, want to succeed in NY and win back any doubters? All you need to do is absolutely OWN Tom Brady. If you do, all this contract nonsense will disappear.

Don't believe me ask Alex Rodriguez about how to win over New Yorkers.

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Um can we get confirmation on this or is this Alk being an A-hole.

(In case this is actually true)

Revis, want to succeed in NY and win back any doubters? All you need to do is absolutely OWN Tom Brady. If you do, all this contract nonsense will disappear.

Don't believe me ask Alex Rodriguez about how to win over New Yorkers.

isn't he in the building in hofstra right now?

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Hello New York Jets fans this is Darrelle Revis. As a young player in the NFL who is "up with the times" I have created an account on your site to get closer to my fan base. I've been checking your site for the last couple of weeks and I've noticed several threads on my situation, I can't go into much detail on it but I can tell you that there has been much progress in the last couple of days. Some of you may be wondering why there is even a problem to begin with. Like all jobs there is a bussiness side. I've read several times on this site "If he really loves the sport he would have signed already." I do love this sport, most likely more then you, but thereis a difference, it's my job and I'm just securing my future because of the high risk of a career ending injury. Some of you still might not understand, but you soon won't have to worry, I'll be on the field sooner than you think ;) If anybody has any questions for me feel free the ask here or PM me. I'm a busy man so if I don't respond right away I'm not ignoring you.

~Darrelle Revis~

You got some balls ma man if it's really you.& we need a good corner with some cahones.

welcome to the site in the unlikely event it's you & we're hoping for good things outta you for years to come.

can you please post the signed contract here for us as we're kind of a skeptical bunch. :P

thanks in advance darelle & go jets;)

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I agree that you are in a business that doesn't have a lengthy career path.

My problem is that we don't know just what the problem with the contract

is that caused you to hold out this long. Its been written that its the 5 or 6 year

deal is the hold up but we don't know.

Now I will say if its the guaranteed money and if the jets are offering for example

9 million and you want 10 then I ask how much does one really need for the future.

With smart investments you can double that. So if you realy want to get in and

play lets not nickel and dime over a figure that is more than the entire

Jetnation board members will make in a lifetime.

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I agree that you are in a business that doesn't have a lengthy career path.

My problem is that we don't know just what the problem with the contract

is that caused you to hold out this long. Its been written that its the 5 or 6 year

deal is the hold up but we don't know.

Now I will say if its the guaranteed money and if the jets are offering for example

9 million and you want 10 then I ask how much does one really need for the future.

With smart investments you can double that. So if you realy want to get in and

play lets not nickel and dime over a figure that is more than the entire

Jetnation board members will make in a lifetime.

Hey Senior remember before the '99 season when Vinny and Marcus Coleman came over the Rivals board to say hello?-welcome to the site DR-you have a lot of fans here-already

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Years ago on an old Jets rivals board, this poster is telling us he's a player in the NFL. After going round and round trying to figure who it is, one of the posters figures it out...it's Brian Finneran, WR for the Falcons.

He goes on to tell us that he is a Jets fan big time and even wears a Jets T shirt under his uniform...yeah, right. Needless to say, after a few posters doubted who he claimed to be he disappeared. Anyway, I think one of the posters he had believing it was actually him was SoFlaJets.

It's going to be a cold day in hell before I believe that this is actually Revis.

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Years ago on an old Jets rivals board, this poster is telling us he's a player in the NFL. After going round and round trying to figure who it is, one of the posters figures it out...it's Brian Finneran, WR for the Falcons.

He goes on to tell us that he is a Jets fan big time and even wears a Jets T shirt under his uniform...yeah, right. Needless to say, after a few posters doubted who he claimed to be he disappeared. Anyway, I think one of the posters he had believing it was actually him was SoFlaJets.

It's going to be a cold day in hell before I believe that this is actually Revis.

yea JimmyJet-if I did believe it was him what can I say NS-I'm a gullible guy who looks to the best in people I guess-not a bad character defect to possess

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um, in the highly unlikely chance that this is actually Darrelle, i just want to give you the advice to think twice about getting involved in a messageboard. Every word is scrutinized, and I just do not think any good can come to you from being here. Hey, if you want to participate and truly want to speak to your fans that is awesome and commendable, but I just envision it as going nowhere but bad. Maybe you might want to participate under a different name? Fans come on here to speak their mind and give an opinion. Sometimes we are not in possession of all the facts, such as in your contract negotiation, so things get said, and the last thing you or any player needs is to be caught up in a controversy over something you said on a messageboard that found it's way into the papers.

Like I said, this is a highly unlikely possibility, but if so, welcome to the jets!

I am who I say I am. Thank you for the advice Joebabyny but I am already aware of that. Thats why I choose and will continue to choose my words carefully. To everyone else; thank you for the warm welcome!

~Darrelle Revis~

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Not so fast my man. Just a few questions to see if it's really you.

Tell me is the stress in your first name on the 1st syllable or the 2nd?

What's Ty Law's middle name?

How many sisters does Sean Gilbert have?

Who was your high school football coach?

And what position did you play in 10th grade for your high school football team?

good luck. :yawn:

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yea JimmyJet-if I did believe it was him what can I say NS-I'm a gullible guy who looks to the best in people I guess-not a bad character defect to possess

Jimmy, I didn't mean for it to sound like it was a bad thing that you thought it was Finneran...I just have a difficult time believing this rookie (Revis) would take the time to come on a message board after all that he's been going through these past few weeks.

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Jimmy, I didn't mean for it to sound like it was a bad thing that you thought it was Finneran...I just have a difficult time believing this rookie (Revis) would take the time to come on a message board after all that he's been going through these past few weeks.

I actually believe this guy is really Darrelle...

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hey there! if it is really you, welcome! this is a nice place... for the most part ;)

just ignore those who say nasty things.. you will notice that it is never the women here who say the bad stuff :D

hope to see you on friday! i will be right behind the jets bench .. so just give me a thumbs up ;)

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Please refrain from all the negative talk until it can be confirmed.

and if it is really Revis, please extend a great JN welcome to him. Tell him how hungry we are for a SUPER BOWL win and wish him well from all of us. Tell him we are glad that he is one of us. GO JETS!

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Whoever really thinks this is Revis, please do society a favor & jump out of a window.

:confused::confused: :shock: that isn't nice spermy !.. and it is behavior unbecoming of a mod ( well with the exception of thor... )

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I actually believe this guy is really Darrelle...

i'm with ya sfj. not a 100% sure but i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

if we're wrong & some little douchebag feels better about himself for duping us so be it.


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If D. Revis really is reading and posting (big if), I have a couple of words of advice.

1) Stay away from message boards.

2) Any of your spare time should be in extremely short supply during the next little while, so spend it reading playbooks and playing catch up. Or at the very least, don't give people ammunition by showing up on message boards.

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If D. Revis really is reading and posting (big if), I have a couple of words of advice.

1) Stay away from message boards.

2) Any of your spare time should be in extremely short supply during the next little while, so spend it reading playbooks and playing catch up. Or at the very least, don't give people ammunition by showing up on message boards.

3)WHOOP SOME ASS!!!:box:

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i'm with ya sfj. not a 100% sure but i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

if we're wrong & some little douchebag feels better about himself for duping us so be it.


Then why did a 6:00pm post cite "much progress in the last couple of days" instead of "I just signed the contract"? Particularly since Tannenbaum started putting microphones out in preparation of a press conference at like 6:15.

I'm just glad he's finally signed. Not that he's going to see much action until November if there are other healthy bodies at this point.

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