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A message from The Gun of Bavaria


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To clear things up..

1. Yes, I am GOB's brother for those of you who don't know already know that. No, Stormshadow was not related to us. I've met him and let's just say not everything is working upstairs.

2. I've never been a mod here. Or anywhere. I don't post enough to be warranted a mod position and I didn't think two brothers should be mods on the same board at the same time.

3. I haven't gone anywhere. I've been here since the site started and I still check it everyday. Anyone who's been through the baseball, lounge, or Other sports forums would know that. I don't post too often in the Jets forum just because, well.. there isn't much to add to an already awful season that hasn't been said in 1,000,000 other posts. Just because I dont make 75 posts a day doesn't mean I'm not here.

4. Enough with the conspiracy theories regarding Pat. You would think this was the equivalent of Jimmy Hoffa disappearing from the Red Fox. He didn't stop posting because of any one person. He just doesn't post here anymore. That's his choice. I'm not going to sit here and make excuses for why he left, but whenever he decides to come back (if he does), then he'll post.

5. Finally, yes, I did get drunk with Brad Johnson :lol:

This post reinforces the conspiracy theory...whenever someone makes a decision to do something it's because of a reason...to all of a sudden stop posting has to be a reason and being busy just doesn't cut it and being a mod on top of that. We're all busy...especially this time of year...so, whatever.

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Frank, we all post here for news...whatever it is. It's not a question of being nosey, it's the feeling of someone pissing down your back and telling you it's raining.

That explains a lot. But why did it snow yesterday? I am so confused.

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OK the real reason is because of me- I forgot to lock the mod door and GOB saw something he could not believe.

let me guess...

there was a buffet set up. and it was all salads.

behind that he saw the other mods on elliptical machines and treadmills. He threatened to tell everyone what he saw in there. The mods were pissed they were going to be dimed out by the narc so they "took care of the problem." DWC saw Smizzy carrying out a meat grinder to his car and when he questioned Smiz why there was blood on his shirt, he claimed Max was having his period and he wiped it on Smizzy's shirt while he was still wearing it.

Later that day they were enjoying "GOB-er-wurst" for lunch and knew they werent going to be able to keep their new healthy lifestyle a secret. So they swore off salads and the new mod weight room for good.

The mods knew that DWC was a loose cannon ready to go off in an instant when provoked. They knew DWC would some day put the pieces together and realize the mods killed off GOB. They knew they needed to take out DWC. So Smizzy began the process by egging him on and having it lead to DWC losing control and getting banned.

Their plan worked to perfection. Except one thing.....

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This post reinforces the conspiracy theory...whenever someone makes a decision to do something it's because of a reason...to all of a sudden stop posting has to be a reason and being busy just doesn't cut it and being a mod on top of that. We're all busy...especially this time of year...so, whatever.

EXACTLY. good god. this is getting silly it seems that the smarter thing would be to just say it like it is :

Pat is mad over something here and doesnt want to associate with us (or some of us) anymore

It s OK . He is entitled to it. He owes nobody an explanation We will all survive! Good luck to ya Pat no hard feelings and maybe one day welll pour a brewskie together

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i'm sure if Max wanted him back...he could leave a donut trail right back to

jetnation.com... but maybe Gob takes a wrong turn during the jelly portion of thetrail and makes it to patsfansluvtobangdonuts.com instead...

or leave a trail of girlyman vehicles. start with a 4 cylinder mustang. then, a three cylinder motorcycle, then a two cylinder pink golf cart and then a riding lawn mower with a dildo glued to the seat

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its like the reason this goes on is because people are having their intelligences insulted. Its like they want to keep making believe that the reason is that he is "too busy" but give us a break

either way, i am done with this. Thor, you are a gay mod

Thor, you are a gay mod-well at least there is something we can all agree on DK.

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