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Ochocinco kicks and extra point


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Ochocinco takes on a new role

Posted by Mike Florio on August 20, 2009 9:14 PM ET

During Thursday night's preseason game between the Patriots and the Bengals, receiver Chad Ochocinco added a new skill to his repertoire.

He kicked an extra point.

Child. Please.

And, according to Tom Curran, who's at the game, Ochocinco kicked off to start the second half of the game. (Per NFL.com's play-by-play, the kick traveled 61 yards.)

In quotes distributed by the team at halftime (and posted by Mike Reiss of the Boston Globe), the player formerly known as Chad Johnson had this to say: "Esteban Ochocinco is back. The most interesting footballer in the world. Everyone has to remember, I've always said that soccer is my No. 1 sport. I think Ronaldinho would be proud of me right now."

Ochocinco has played soccer in the past, and since the preseason games don't count we like the fact that Bengals coach Marvin Lewis let him do it.

And Lewis realizes that handling Ochocinco involves indulging stuff like this.

Hey, he could be doing a lot worse than asking to kick.

Will he kick more? You can follow the action right here, at NBCSports.com.

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PTF mocked it, but it was a smart move by Lewis.

I recall a Jets game last year in which the kicker got injured and Managini wasn't sure who he could use to kick extra points and kick offs.

The Bengals back up kicker has had experince doing so in a pre-season game now.

Week 1 vs. Miami. I don't know why he didn't send out the punter to do an XP. We went for 2 and didn't convert and it was almost costly at the end of the game.

By the way; child please.

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That kind of stuff is cool for the fans, but if Chad blew out his groin on the kickoff and misses the season it's effectively the end of Marvin Lewis.

Meh, he's a football player. Playing football. If you're that concerned about his health then he shouldn't be playing in the game at all. Kicking a ball isn't hard to do.

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Meh, he's a football player. Playing football. If you're that concerned about his health then he shouldn't be playing in the game at all. Kicking a ball isn't hard to do.

Tooootally different muscle group, bro. Kicking a football for distance is alot like throwing a slider in baseball--if you don't practice it and prepare those tendons for that kind of stress on the joint, you can blow it out.

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Tooootally different muscle group, bro. Kicking a football for distance is alot like throwing a slider in baseball--if you don't practice it and prepare those tendons for that kind of stress on the joint, you can blow it out.

He obviously had been practicing before getting the call last night.

As inept as the Bengals are I highly doubt they would risk their best WRs health in a meaningless preseason game.

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Meh, he's a football player. Playing football. If you're that concerned about his health then he shouldn't be playing in the game at all. Kicking a ball isn't hard to do.


Talk about a bunch of pussies. Wah! Wah! He's a football player, he'll get hurt kicking!

Chad is a damn good player. But no way i'd want him on my team.

You'd prefer Plaxico?

Idiocracy aside, what he did last night was pretty impressive. Jet fans especially should know the value of someone else on the roster being able to do that considering what happened in Miami last season.

Oh yeah. I'm far from a Mangini hater, but for a guy that was supposed to leave no stone unturned (practicing last second plays, bringing wrestlers to camp) it was a disgrace not knowing who else could kick.

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Tooootally different muscle group, bro. Kicking a football for distance is alot like throwing a slider in baseball--if you don't practice it and prepare those tendons for that kind of stress on the joint, you can blow it out.

Kicking a ball is what it is. If you practice it even a little then you can do it without any issues at all. There's not much technique involved, just hack the ****ing thing.

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Kicking a ball is what it is. If you practice it even a little then you can do it without any issues at all. There's not much technique involved, just hack the ****ing thing.

Rugby players don't have an issue running, tackling and kicking the ball all day.

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Rugby players don't have an issue running, tackling and kicking the ball all day.

I'm not gonna argue rugby with an Aussie, but rugby players come up practicing kicking. It's different for a career NFL WR to step on a field and try to kick off. All Im saying is, if Im a Bengals fan or the owner signing his check, the last thing Id want to see is my star wideout screwing around in a preseason game kicking off.

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So because an athlete has never been in the trouble with the law, it's ok for him to be an annoying, attention whoring douchebag?

F^ck OchoCinco.

sorry baby we can still get married but i'm hanging a Chad Johnson/Ochocinco poster somewhere in our bedroom

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