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Rex Ryan: Strike ONE


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The Pats defense is very stout up the middle. And when the Jets ran wide, they had some success. Yet instead on making those fat effs like Wilfork move left and right they ran right into the Dl's strength

Wilfork has also played alot of DE this year, including yesterday.

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Rex needs to worry more about preparing his football team for a game than his amusing press conferences.

I really don't think that is the issue. That is just Rex's personality, and has no bearing on how he prepares the team. Do you honestly think if he came out like Bellie and just quietly mumbled through a press conference that he'd have the team better prepared. I can guarantee Rex will have a different tone with the players when they come back for practice tmw, who cares how he acts to the media.

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I really don't think that is the issue. That is just Rex's personality, and has no bearing on how he prepares the team. Do you honestly think if he came out like Bellie and just quietly mumbled through a press conference that he'd have the team better prepared. I can guarantee Rex will have a different tone with the players when they come back for practice tmw, who cares how he acts to the media.

In 3 games with more than 1 week to prepare, the Jets have failed to record a TD. It's a problem.

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I am not sure Rex is as great as he thinks he is, but I don't like all the turn over of coaches these days. McDaniels just got fired does Denver really think that makes them better next year? Maybe maybe not. But like one has already said if you were to fire Cowher after his year when he went 6-10 he would have never won the Super Bowl the following year. I would like to see a coach get his chance to coach for at least 5 years then make up your mind.

But I get the post your not calling for his head you are just bringing attention to the fact that maybe he isn't as good as he thinks he is. Lets enjoy the rest of the season and see where we are at the end. Besides the Jets have a very young QB that makes mistakes from time to time lets just see how he bonces back.

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I love Rex ryan , but yep. No excuses getting waxed on national TV like that. Jets had a chance to prove they are the AFC East's elite, but they looked absolutely FLAT! Jets need a smack in the face and look at the mirror and ask these questions:

Is the media going to take us seriously? Will they say we are still Super Bowl contenders even after this type of loss?

How can we be better prepared so that we can beat Miami, and make sure there will be no major collapses?

Should we be quiet for the rest of the season?

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In 3 games with more than 1 week to prepare, the Jets have failed to record a TD. It's a problem.

This x1000000.

The buck stops with Rex. He made some awful decisions early that started the sh*t avalanche. He's got to figure out why the offense sucks with extra time.

Schotty did some typically weird things. I don't want to see Mark Sanchez with 5 wideouts when its 3rd and 8, nevermind 1st and 10. I'll cut him some slack because Nacho couldn't throw straight and the score was 17-0 before anyone knew what was happening.

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I could not agree more with the OP. I understand we are 9-3, but as a fan of a 9-3 team why do i get so angry every week watching this team and why am I scared for this upcoming week. We have talent and that cannot be denied, so it is time that this coaching staff step up and show that they know how to utilize this talent.

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In 3 games with more than 1 week to prepare, the Jets have failed to record a TD. It's a problem.

Looking at from the other side, with more than one week to prepare the opponents have easily managed to figure out how to stop the Jets offense. That speaks volumes.

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Rex had 10 days to prepare for the most important game for this franchise in 12 years and he FAILED completely. If he does get us to a SB one day (yes, I said IF!) what makes you think he'll win the THAT game.

Bet the house on this: we SUCK after bye weeks! :angry:

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i think Rex will always have some games like this every year or so. Maybe not so bad, but where he makes a$$-bad choices that affect the game. He's that kind of coach -- a little needy in the equanimity category. He makes IMPULSIVE gut-calls instead of making well-thought-out decisions.

So this is what will happen. He might learn, he might not.

It's one game, and there's only one Bill Billichik. Rex is Rex. Its tough to swallow, but the good AT THIS POINT FAAAAR outweighs the negative.

Rex got his clock cleaned by BB and Brady. Ok, nothing to see here. Next.

We'll see next time.

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Lets face it Rex is a great personality and yes a great defensive mind but hes a horrible game manager because he refuses to let go of the riegns and give Pettine control of the defense. Rex should really stop playing games and focus on becoming a better sideline head coach because sometimes stupid decisions can turn the momentum in a game just as easily as a fumble or a bad play. When a player fumbles or throws an Int it can get a team down but when the coach makes a really dumb decision that can have just as big an effect or maybe even bigger because the players look to that coach for leadership. When your leader falters and plays scared the effect is about as bad as it can get in sports.

I would like to see Rex stop talking up his players in press confrences every player that gets mentioned is followed by Rex saying hes onre of the best at his position in the NFL and its getting really old with me. We have a few players that can be mentioned with the best in the NFL but not the whole damn football team.

What boggles my mind is how much an effect becoming a head coach has on some of these coordinators. Its like something happens to their mind set that throws them for a loop and they suddenly forget how a game should be managed. Too much on their mind can contribute to this and cause them to lose focus. A head coaches job is to manage the game, have a big input on critical plays, and offer any suggestions to his coordinators as the game unfolds. Staring at a piece of paper calling a game causes you to lose focus of the big picture which Rex has done more than a few times. He did it vs Miami by not calling time outs to preserve time on the clock which should not have been chalked up to inexperience it was basicly common knowledge, I also blame the other coaches for not pounding that point home to Rex... Who knows maybe they did but sure didnt seem that way. Its also Rexs job to evaluate his staff and from what I can see Cavanaugh and Shottenheimer are total and complete failures. Sorry but no matter how bad they do the brunt of the blame has to go on Rex for not doing something.

All that being said I still like the guy but Im beginning to wonder if I like him more for his personality than his coaching. Im sure alot of us are wondering that. Its hard to dislike or get mad at a guy whos so loveable.

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Everything I heard sounded as though Rex acknowledged the running up of the score, but wasn't crying about it like most coaches do... his tone, and its been reiterated by guys like Cotchery, is that they did a bunch of talking, so they don't blame the Pats for getting their shots in on the scoreboard.

Who knows. This is the opening the media has been waiting for, for 2 years.

I heard the Rex call last night on 1050, and as far as I can tell, he did admit that they were racking up the point but did say what do you want them to do, the game is not over yet. In essence saying yeah they did but what the heck...The real game will be when we face these guys in the Playoffs, that will be the big game. I just hope we get them in the AFC championship game. You want to dethrone the king do it then....

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Jets have talked all year, and now... now they are quiet?

Is this team in denial? Shock? What gives?

Same Old Jets in true form:

Not firing Alosi after that bush league bullsh*t - or at least suspending him without pay. Ignoring stupid decisions is the same as encouraging them. Players can be their own worst enemies in an environment where sloppy, careless and selfish behavior is permitted.

Ignoring the problems on offense - and continuing to ruin your "franchise" :rolleyes: QB.


Inaction at this point is more offensive and damaging than this loss to Miami. Rex needs to emerge from this mess by making the right HEAD COACH decisions... otherwise its a huge Strike Two.

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at some point Jets fans will have to learn that firing the coach every 3-5 years is not a championship formula.

it took Bill Cowher 14 years to win a Super Bowl. how long would he have lasted as the Jets coach? 5 years? maybe?

I'm not saying to fire him. but if we could somehow sew his big mouth shut from time to time it might help. he sets a poor example for the players and it's an awful way to represent the organization. now if the Jets lose out and collapse espn might start picking on him like they did with Kotite 14 years ago.

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at some point Jets fans will have to learn that firing the coach every 3-5 years is not a championship formula.

it took Bill Cowher 14 years to win a Super Bowl. how long would he have lasted as the Jets coach? 5 years? maybe?

Let me just clarify... I am not advocating that we fire him.

The "strikes" are representative of the degree to which I am willing to make excuses for him, or be forgiving of his jackassery.

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I'm not saying to fire him. but if we could somehow sew his big mouth shut from time to time it might help. he sets a poor example for the players and it's an awful way to represent the organization. now if the Jets lose out and collapse espn might start picking on him like they did with Kotite 14 years ago.


Rex being Rex is great - for a coordinator, in the locker room. Being a sloppy jackass in front of the media makes him look like the "cool Dad" that the kids walk all over.

He is a head coach now. If he doesn't want to repeat his father's buffoonery mistakes, he needs to handle himself with discipline and tact, the way he would expect his players to act and play.

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It pains me to say it dude. I love the guy, but thinking the guy is great - doesn't make him great.

I am tired of the talk, tired of them ignoring the offensive problems that show up weekly, and frankly just tired of being kicked around by the Patriots.

I hope this game rattles them and they don't lose another game this year... but I am most certainly questioning my faith this morning.

I chose not to boast before last nights game, I never do. I simply told everyone I expected a good game - and that it could go either way. Now, the classless Pats fans that bitched about Rex talking too much trash 2 days ago... will come out firing their own trash talk. Hypocrites.

I think we're taking this too far. We're 9-4, though we should be 11-2 yes. However, we're still in the playoff run and we still have our sights on a SB. Hopefully Rex will relinquish offensive playcalling from shotty and give it to someone who wants the damn job. shotty should have went for the head coaching job in buffalo. P***y.

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I think we're taking this too far. We're 9-4, though we should be 11-2 yes. However, we're still in the playoff run and we still have our sights on a SB. Hopefully Rex will relinquish offensive playcalling from shotty and give it to someone who wants the damn job. shotty should have went for the head coaching job in buffalo. P***y.

Yeah, it might be a over-reaction... and I made sure to reserve the right to over-react in the OP.

Like I said, I hope to eat every word of it...

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at some point Jets fans will have to learn that firing the coach every 3-5 years is not a championship formula.

it took Bill Cowher 14 years to win a Super Bowl. how long would he have lasted as the Jets coach? 5 years? maybe?

That would be a pertinent argument if we had a Bill Cowher. But it's not so good of an argument when you've had the likes of Kotite, Coslet and Herm in your ranks of coaches. Would you prefer Herm was still the HC of this team? I'll give Herm one thing, he would have fired Schitty 2 years ago.

Is Rex the right guy? I don't know, right now he is nowhere near a Cowher however. I don't remember Cowher's teams ever being this undisciplined and unfocused. A big reason Cowher got that much time is because he kept winning games. He'd wash out in the playoffs a bunch but his teams would overachieve and get there at least. He'd get top seeds. When he did have the players, he wound up winning it all. A second year QB won it all for him actually. That same QB in his rookie year won something like 15 games. Yet for Sanchez we get excuses instead of results.

Well whatever, I had wanted Schitty fired 2 years ago, or at the latest last year, or mid-season. Rex should be fired for that reason alone, the clock is ticking. This isn't a problem that just came up overnight.

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