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Rashard penisface Mendenhall: bin Laden defender and 9-11 truther.

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

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Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard?

He doesn't return my calls, but prefers to work through other mediums. However, having some feel for His likes and dislikes, I'm pretty certain He would support taking out any 1 person by any means that has already orchestrated the killing of tens of thousands of his people and left to do some additional killing, would. Pretty damn certain of that.

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

I'm sorry, I can't look that deep into this moron's diatribe in an attempt to give portions of his comments credence. He's a POS. If he would have bemoaned the death of a person and let it go at that, then you are correct to bring the theological discussion into this. But his comments in total - "we have only heard one side, etc." can only lead one to believe that Mendenhall is either A. A Muslim extremist sympathizer; B. An extremely gullible and ignorant conspiracy theorist; or C. Too stupid to put his pants on with the zipper in the front. I'm going with C!!!

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

I doubt Mendenhall knows how to read, let alone comprehend the Bible.

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

That's all well and good, but if that was all he said this wouldn't even be in the news. There are a number of people who have made that argument, which is fine. In reality, his comment on celebrating death is the least absurd thing that moron said in all of his verbal diarrhea.

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Who's worse, the Obama birthers or the 9/11 truthers?

The truthers by far! To believe in a conspiracy of that magnitude versus one guy refusing to go through the a$$ pain of recovering his origina long form birth certificate is a huge leap of crazy. Don't get me wrong, the birthers are nuts too, but I think they're more racist than anything - I'm sorry if I'm just gullible enough to believe the Honolulu Advertiser announcement of Barrack Obama's birth in Hawaii published on Aug. 13th, 1961, announcing his birth there on Aug. 4th seems pretty compelling. I'd love to be part of a 47 year old concpiracy that results in a man being elected President of the United States. But wait, this isn't the right forum for this discussion. :blink:

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

It is a good point. I have really refrained from saying that I am glad Bin Laden is dead kind of for that exact reason. It is a great day for this country. But whether he was captured dead or alive it really doesn't change the past.

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in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

Jesus would've sent gholston in to sack some sense into osama

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I assume he meant "what kind of person celebrates the death of another human being"?

When you murder 3,000 other human beings you cease being one. You are now an organism much like malaria or the HIV virus, except with a homosapien brain and the intent to kill actual human beings.

By the way, if Christians in this country followed Jesus' ol' "turn the other cheek" advice, they would have opened the borders, totally eliminated all security measures in place to prevent another attack and some of them would have even flown themselves to any terrorist hotbed of their choice and willingly sacrificed themselves. Because turn the other cheek means "hit me again, and just a little harder if that's what you want"

Any Christian that invokes the "turn the other cheek" rule in the Jesus handbook yet endorses national security is a hypocrite.

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What does this have to do with the Jets or football? Close this crap. Nobody cares about one man's silly opinion. Some 30% of people are skeptical of the 9/11 official story, so why is it such a big surprise when he plays football too? I swear people get so emotional over what one person believes. Let it be.

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What does this have to do with the Jets or football? Close this crap. Nobody cares about one man's silly opinion. Some 30% of people are skeptical of the 9/11 official story, so why is it such a big surprise when he plays football too?

Rashard Mendenhall rushed for 3.9 yards a carry in 2010 and is a complete idiot. The kind of idiot whose ignorance is way more dangerous than any terrorist groups plans for our demise.

If we don't close the thread, does this mean we dont get to see your 28th post on the board? So, approximately 4% of your posts have been orders to close threads you don't like. Pretty cool. Can't wait to see what other changes you have in mind.

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not all of his comments (9-11 truther) make sense but

his questioning the joy in death is a legitimate and ongoing dispute among Theologians.

The old testament says "an eye for eye" but it also says "Thou Shall Not Kill"

the new testament says "Turn the other cheek" and also "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" Romans 12:19

in other words WWJD?

Would Jesus order a strike team to osama's backyard? I'm not going to say one way or another and I dont want to make this into a political/religious debate but the guy asks a legitimate moral question... one that has been asked for centuries. He's not a dummy for asking it.

Sure, but he's not citing Matthew 7 as a call for forgiveness and harmony; he's mistaking it as a totalizing abrogation of human normative ethics--not to mention that one loses the moral and rhetorical high ground when employing it in direct service of judging people. The flag-waving frat boys and USA chants are weird and morbid and disturbing, but there's something deliciously ironic about a guy suddenly taking to Twitter to philosophize and defend himself from accusations of ignorance when his timeline is chockablock with such gems as "Going down on your man IS optional. It's either gonna be you, OR some other chick. #choosewisely."

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Any Christian that invokes the "turn the other cheek" rule in the Jesus handbook yet endorses national security is a hypocrite.

"Turn the other cheek" is the most overused verse in the New Testament, and its almost always interpreted incorrectly.

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Rashard Mendenhall rushed for 3.9 yards a carry in 2010 and is a complete idiot. The kind of idiot whose ignorance is way more dangerous than any terrorist groups plans for our demise.

Seems like we've gone to an awful lot of trouble and expense to whack a bunch of guys less dangerous than Rashard Mendenhall.

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That's actually a pretty good definition for 'revenge.'

Well, yeah. Either way it's nihilism masquerading as self-righteousness. I mean, if we can't judge bin Laden for 9/11, then we can't judge Crush for gluttony or JiF for sodomy or you for knowing math, in which case we may as well shutter up the Walmarts and move to the woods and wait for the Big Fella to sort this whole human civilization thing out.

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this is an age old debate concerning if you take a life do you deserve to be put to death. that just depends on your upbringing. should we celebrate that someone has died??? I wish we didn't feel the need to hold a celebration in the street like they did when the towers went down. as americans i feel we are better then they are.

personally speaking i do believe in the death penalty. so while i don't feel the need to celebrate in the streets giving high 5's. I'm glad they caught him and i'm glad he's dead. I am sorry it had to come to this. i dont' know why people can't just not worry what other people are doing. if it's not hurting you. ie... choosing to worship in whatever way you want.

religion is 99% of the worlds problems. always has always will.

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Well, yeah. Either way it's nihilism masquerading as self-righteousness. I mean, if we can't judge bin Laden for 9/11, then we can't judge Crush for gluttony or JiF for sodomy or you for knowing math, in which case we may as well shutter up the Walmarts and move to the woods and wait for the Big Fella to sort this whole human civilization thing out.

Well said, I'm wondering if he'd make any judgments on a man who raped a female in his family...or I guess he'd be totally fine with handing his child over to a well known molester to babysit for the night because hey, who is he to judge.

Just when I think I cant hate people anymore than I already do.

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The birthers are just racists who are too afraid to wear the sheet. The 9/11 people are anti-government conspiracy-heads.

Worse? Birthers.

so because they don't believe that the president was born in this country, which he hasn't proven yet, they are racist. i get tired of every black person playing the race card when someone disagrees with them.

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religion is 99% of the worlds problems. always has always will.

It amazes me how much angst and hostility has led to bloodshed all in the name of a mythical creature.

We live is a sad sad world. Sucks. I try not to think about it.

Side note, this article is exactly why Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are the dumbest creations ever.

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The flag-waving frat boys and USA chants are weird and morbid and disturbing, but there's something deliciously ironic about a guy suddenly taking to Twitter to philosophize and defend himself from accusations of ignorance when his timeline is chockablock with such gems as "Going down on your man IS optional. It's either gonna be you, OR some other chick. #choosewisely."

There's no ignorance in helping spread BJ awareness. God bless those who spread the word.

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religion is 99% of the worlds problems. always has always will.

Faith also inspires philanthropy. I had little to no desire to help my fellow man before I became a Christian. I figured, what was the point? We're all just ending up in holes anyways.

We bash religion constantly for the problems it causes while ignoring the fact that there are actually some people out there doing good in the name of religion, too.

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It amazes me how much angst and hostility has led to bloodshed all in the name of a mythical creature.

We live is a sad sad world. Sucks. I try not to think about it.

Side note, this article is exactly why Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are the dumbest creations ever.

i personally go that far, but see to me everyone is entitled to their opinion and guess what, i don't want to blow you up. i'm very spiritual. i just think that man's creation of religion was meant to keep the poor down. the reproduction of the bible has omitted and added many things.

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Faith also inspires philanthropy. I had little to no desire to help my fellow man before I became a Christian. I figured, what was the point? We're all just ending up in holes anyways.

We bash religion constantly for the problems it causes while ignoring the fact that there are actually some people out there doing good in the name of religion, too.

agreed, but for all the missionaries, how many of them just help out without drilling into whatever uneducated native's head about jesus? and i'm just asking questions, not trying to piss someone off. just having a conversation, which is a lost art.

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so because they don't believe that the president was born in this country


which he hasn't proven yet


they are racist


i get tired of every black person playing the race card when someone disagrees with them.


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