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Brandon Marshall vows to get ejected in second quarter of monday night's game


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Honestly, I never heard that he had a BPD diagnosis. If that's legit, I'd bet he'd be protected under the American's with Disabilities Act. NFL probably couldn't do much if ADA wanted to make a point.

Almost definitely wrong. Even if it does meet the legal definition of a disability in this instance -- a lot of stuff is case-by-case under ADA -- he's only entitled to a reasonable accommodation, and letting him get away with shenanigans wouldn't qualify.

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I'm not sure it matters, they could've been playing 11 on 1 and Henne wasn't completing any passes that day (unfortunately, neither was Sanchez).

It doesnt. I was laughing the other day when I was listening to one of Rex's pressers and he was talking about how 2 of the losses from the Dolphags they had like a total of 120 yards combined. So ******* sad.

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Almost definitely wrong. Even if it does meet the legal definition of a disability in this instance -- a lot of stuff is case-by-case under ADA -- he's only entitled to a reasonable accommodation, and letting him get away with shenanigans wouldn't qualify.

I'll defer to you on the law. But honestly, what he's saying is classic BPD, and could easily be described as an externalization of the personality disorder. But again, how that plays out legally is your world, I'm just saying if you're willing to include Axis II in the ADA, then this would certainly be a strong example of it.

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I'll defer to you on the law. But honestly, what he's saying is classic BPD, and could easily be described as an externalization of the personality disorder. But again, how that plays out legally is your world, I'm just saying if you're willing to include Axis II in the ADA, then this would certainly be a strong example of it.

You're conflating the points. We can assume for the sake of argument that Marshall's BPD qualifies as a disability under ADA. He'd still need to demonstrate: (1) due to the BPD, he can't perform his job without the requested accommodation of making allowances for bad behavior, (2) he can perform the job with the accommodation, and (3) that the accommodation is reasonable. He'd have a hard time with both 1 and 3.

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You're conflating the points. We can assume for the sake of argument that Marshall's BPD qualifies as a disability under ADA. He'd still need to demonstrate: (1) due to the BPD, he can't perform his job without the requested accommodation of making allowances for bad behavior, (2) he can perform the job with the accommodation, and (3) that the accommodation is reasonable. He'd have a hard time with both 1 and 3.

I could demonstrate 1. 3 would be difficult due to the risk of harm to others.

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From Sparano's PC:

(On his reaction to Brandon Marshall’s comments)- “(laughing) I’m sure every one of you guys took that seriously. I got coached up. You think this is my first rodeo? (laughing) Obviously, first of all, Brandon is kidding…fifty percent kidding (laughing). I know one thing about that guy; he’s not going to do anything to hurt this football team. That’s what I know. I know the people in that locker room are important to him and this guy has worked really hard. But I’ve seen him when he, I don’t want to call it…sometimes he’s really on the field bigger than life sometimes out there when he gets the ball in his hands and he starts rolling. I mess around with him sometimes and call him a werewolf. He gets the ball in his hands and he starts running like that. But he can be that way. I think that’s the part Brandon’s talking about. He wants to be more passionate with the ball in his hands and he wants to be more passionate blocking and doing all the things that are necessary to help us win. And right now what we’ve tried to do is we took a good, long hard look at ourselves and there’s ways for everybody on this football team to help us and I’m sure that’s what Brandon was talking about.”

(On if he’s talked about the balancing line between Brandon Marshall’s emotions and the game)- “No, I really haven’t had to. To be honest with you, I really haven’t had to. This guy has been tremendous. And there’s been, shoot there’s days where I have highs and have minimal lows, but I have lows. Sometimes I think you end up just working through it yourself and Brandon (Marshall)’s worked through some of those things himself really well. I mean, he’s really handled himself well. I’ve been proud of what he’s done that way and how he’s done it.”

Well that answers the question that clearly the Dolphins have absolutely no plans of doing anything about this. Yeah, clearly he was joking although he went out of the way to make it very clear that he was not. I think there's a real possibility that Marshall doesn't end up doing anything, but if he does I can't imagine any way things don't get ugly very quickly. Frankly, just him saying it might be enough, because do you really doubt that if a guy like Bart Scott finds himself with a free shot on Marshall at some point in the game he's not going to try to take him out? Hell, for all we know Rex could pull a page out of his old man's book and put a price on Marshall's head.

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After five years of managing just fine without the requested license to keep it real? That would be pretty tough.

His prior history of keeping it real off the field in conjunction with his diagnosis paints a picture of someone who struggles with emotional swings and impulse control. Could there be some secondary gain involved in his current comments, of course. But, from what little any of us know about his personality structure, a fight on the field would be far from a surprise. Talking about it beforehand isn't out of the BPD spectrum of poor self control and emotional instability. That, and he's an idiot.

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So we're going to put the best cornerback in history on a receiver that's looking to get ejected one way or another. The concern is obvious..

He is the best cornerback in history....I do agree.

Im not concerned though, and neither should Revis. Dude just put his thoughts out there in the public and the league heard it. Why would I be concerned about Revis covering "the monster" when the fins shouldnt have him on the field in the first place given his very public statement?

If he's on the field then the Fins should be penalized in some way for not being competent enough to protect themselves and players from other teams. If James harrison cant touch a QB in the league anymore then "the monster" needs to be benched until he makes a public retraction and apology for his statement.

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I wonder if Commish Choir Boy will have any reaction to this since you KNOW the MNF guys and all the pre-game "experts" will be beating this one into the Meadowlands muck all night

I am surprised he doesn't see this as an opportunity for a pre-emptive suspension.

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He is the best cornerback in history....I do agree.

Im not concerned though, and neither should Revis. Dude just put his thoughts out there in the public and the league heard it. Why would I be concerned about Revis covering "the monster" when the fins shouldnt have him on the field in the first place given his very public statement?

If he's on the field then the Fins should be penalized in some way for not being competent enough to protect themselves and players from other teams. If James harrison cant touch a QB in the league anymore then "the monster" needs to be benched until he makes a public retraction and apology for his statement.

What if he hurts Revis?

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in that case put strickland on him and tell him to kick him in the nuts on the first play

after the fight, they both get ejected, and the jets make out in the deal

Actually, Smith would be the better choice. Strickland occasionally makes a play.

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Good,theJets need all the help they can get, this guy could be a problem ifs hes on his game. He killed them last year with 166 yrds in Miami. That being said, what a freeken retard! His team is 0-4 and its all about him, if I was his teamate id threaten him to stay in the game or face major sh*t. Just another example of God given talent wasted on a person with the mind of a 2yr old.

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he has 2 reasons to do this

get the MNF camera's on him ALL GAME LONG - he is an attention whore


to make sure the refs are watching - if cro is on him that's 4 flags right there

crazy like a fox he is

I'm not so sure about the latter one. The NFL officials have absolutely shown over the years they'll let outside factors affect the way they call the game, and Marshall may have very well given Jets defenders free reign on how they get to handle him with a chance the refs will be a lot more forgiving. I guess we'll see.

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