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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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So much for Paterno finishing up the year as HC.

Was never going to happen. There was no way they could allow it to happen.

Imagine the press conference after the game on Saturday, and the things that could come out. In no way were they ever going to allow it, nor should they.

No, it will be interesting when and how Joe speaks.

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As a Penn State alumnus, I am quite shocked to see what has gone on in my former school. I can't believe they cared more about the football program than the lives of little kids who were abused on the campus. The outcry of former students and the current ones who are turning over cars and rioting is disguisting. Was Joe Paterno a coaching legend? Yes he was, but people need to take off the blue colored glasses and realize the only thing to do was to get rid of Curly, Schulz, Spanier and Paterno. They could have done more and they should have. I commend the Board of Trustees for making the right decision, which unfortunately is not the popular one at the moment/

Definitely had to do it.

What about McCreary? Spelling.... Anyhow was he also let go?

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It is amazing that Paterno displayed arrogance and pomposity right until the bitter end. He was going to retire at the end of the year so that the board has one less thing to worry about??? Is he that out of touch? This statement alone should have gotten him fired.

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As of right now, he will be on the sidelines-as hard as that is to believe.

Looks like if you serve your legal duty, but act out of cowardice, no punishment.

That backlash is going to be unreal. Can't believe they will let him stay. I don't know enough to know if he deserves to be fired. I have read enough to know that there is a witch hunt for him though, I would think he would get fired just to quit down the masses.

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That backlash is going to be unreal. Can't believe they will let him stay. I don't know enough to know if he deserves to be fired. I have read enough to know that there is a witch hunt for him though, I would think he would get fired just to quit down the masses.

He went straight to Paterno (I believe he went to Paterno's house). The next morning Paterno told the AD. At first he followed the proper chain of command. It becomes a personnel issue out of his control at that point. I would like to think that he knew Paterno was going to go to the AD and assumed the school with contact the proper authorities. The last part being an assumption on my part.

His mistake is not stepping up again when he realized that nothing of any significance was being done about the situation.

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LOL, dude. The victims were 10 yr old boys from Sandusky's charity NOT college students. Sandusky used school propert to commit the rapes.

Sandusky was "helping" at risk children with his bullsh*t foundation. This was shopping at Costco for a manipulative predator molestor. Invariably these boys come from one parent broken homes, and their home lives are a mess. So when Coach Jerry came calling to take the boy to a football games, mommy was probably overjoyed. Overnights; great!

As of yesterday Paterno was still on 2nd Mile's board. Must've been some great baord meetings the last few decades. Hey, Jerry, you s till raping little boys?

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Witness felony ---> call the cops.

Nope. Doesn't seem that hard to me.

Absolutely. The grad student should have went straight to the police. I believe that he felt the proper action would ultimately be taken if he went to Paterno directly. Wasn't there also a facilities guy that witnessed something?

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Sandusky was "helping" at risk children with his bullsh*t foundation. This was shopping at Costco for a manipulative predator molestor. Invariably these boys come from one parent broken homes, and their home lives are a mess. So when Coach Jerry came calling to take the boy to a football games, mommy was probably overjoyed. Overnights; great!

As of yesterday Paterno was still on 2nd Mile's board. Must've been some great baord meetings the last few decades. Hey, Jerry, you s till raping little boys?

Paterno and Sandusky had a falling out in 1999 (wonder why?). Joe did not even attend his retirement party. Sandusky barely mentions him in the book.

Joe (and Company) thought in their warped minds that banning him from PSU was punishment enough. They never fathomed the right thing to do.

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This had to be done regardless of innocent until proven guilty, which by the way they will all get their day in court. Right now in the court of public appeal, they are all guilty.

The question with Paterno is after reporting to his superior, did he assume since no charges were ever filed that nothing was found? Did he maybe assume that the AD did his job with reporting to the authorities? These are just questions that have yet to be answered. We all assume that Joe knew everything and was part of the cover up, maybe he was, but maybe he was not.

At this point it seems that all involved should be hung out to dry. Even when Paterno greeted the fans late last night he was still in self preservation mode. Disturbing. Dont tell us to pray for the victims you idiot, you had your chance to help.

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CNN reports one of Sandusky's victims has a sister currently enrolled at PSU. When asked what she thought about last night's JP firing she told reporters Joe should have been allowed to finish out his season. That's some astounding brain wash.

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Paterno and Sandusky had a falling out in 1999 (wonder why?). Joe did not even attend his retirement party. Sandusky barely mentions him in the book.

So many questions. I know Jo told Pedo that he wouldnt be the PSU HC, but there must have been rumors about Sandusky. I've heard JoPa knew if one of his players got in a fight at a bar before sunrise the next day.

People talk. PSU is a small place from what I gather.

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He went straight to Paterno (I believe he went to Paterno's house). The next morning Paterno told the AD. At first he followed the proper chain of command. It becomes a personnel issue out of his control at that point. I would like to think that he knew Paterno was going to go to the AD and assumed the school with contact the proper authorities. The last part being an assumption on my part.

His mistake is not stepping up again when he realized that nothing of any significance was being done about the situation.

Paterno and McQueary are very much involved.

McQueary says that he told Jo about the rape in the shower. Jo says he told Curley and Curley says Jo told him that it was only "horsing around."

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That backlash is going to be unreal. Can't believe they will let him stay. I don't know enough to know if he deserves to be fired. I have read enough to know that there is a witch hunt for him though, I would think he would get fired just to quit down the masses.

I have a theory about this. With Joe Pa now off the books, he can pretty much talk to the press and say what he wants. McQueary can take the whole system down. If they fire McQueary and he speaks to the press and says that he clearly and directly relayed to Paterno that he witnessed a Sodomy and rape of a child, not just horsing around, then it all crumbles. It makes Paterno legally culpable, it makes the University legally culpable, and it opens the floodgates for civil suits. PSU is employing in return for his silence IMO.

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I have a theory about this. With Joe Pa now off the books, he can pretty much talk to the press and say what he wants. McQueary can take the whole system down. If they fire McQueary and he speaks to the press and says that he clearly and directly relayed to Paterno that he witnessed a Sodomy and rape of a child, not just horsing around, then it all crumbles. It makes Paterno legally culpable, it makes the University legally culpable, and it opens the floodgates for civil suits. PSU is employing in return for his silence IMO.

He is getting fired eventually. McQueary is not going to be around the program after this season.

That McQueary exhibited cowardice is not a crime. What the University covered up, means that the big fish are the ones that have to be dealt with first. That is Spanier and Paterno.

McQueary is a small fish, and is guilty of being a coward and some of his own moral complications. You can't fire him for that.

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I have a theory about this. With Joe Pa now off the books, he can pretty much talk to the press and say what he wants. McQueary can take the whole system down. If they fire McQueary and he speaks to the press and says that he clearly and directly relayed to Paterno that he witnessed a Sodomy and rape of a child, not just horsing around, then it all crumbles. It makes Paterno legally culpable, it makes the University legally culpable, and it opens the floodgates for civil suits. PSU is employing in return for his silence IMO.

He is getting fired eventually. McQueary is not going to be around the program after this season.

That McQueary exhibited cowardice is not a crime. What the University covered up, means that the big fish are the ones that have to be dealt with first. That is Spanier and Paterno.

McQueary is a small fish, and is guilty of being a coward and some of his own moral complications. You can't fire him for that.

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First and foremost... What's gone on here is sick, it's wrong, evil, and it's more than disgusting. And I'm not saying these kids never got raped (because they obviously did)... But what the hell? These aren't middle school or even high school kids... These are 18-22 year old college guys, who are mostly well built, full of strength, and strong as an OX being that they've played for a Penn State College Football program...

How could any of these kids/guys allow a puney, scronney, almost elderly man, in Jerry Sandusky, who was born in 1944, he's 67 almost 70 years old... How the hell did these kids allow a man like this to freaking RAPE THEM?!?!? That's my question! He's not exactly built like a prison inmate. I'm not sure how he could RAPE 20+ college football players, without first getting the living sh*t beat out of him, if not later murdered. There is NO way an old man like that, could ever rape me, without first killing me. I would have thrown him through a wall.

I just don't understand how this could have happened.

"Great" "post."

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it could get worse-way worse. cannot cut and paste this, but the link is BAD(in the sense that it's horrific; it works fine).

Becomes clearer that Paterno knew. So far he admits so far there were victims, and he didn't do enough to help them. And probably after 1998 he forced Sandusky out because of it, but choose not to call the cops or stop his access to PSU. And he served on Sandusky's baord. Makes no sense unless ....it's way BAD.


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it could get worse-way worse. cannot cut and paste this, but the link is BAD(in the sense that it's horrific; it works fine).

Becomes clearer that Paterno knew. So far he admits so far there were victims, and he didn't do enough to help them. And probably after 1998 he forced Sandusky out because of it, but choose not to call the cops or stop his access to PSU. And he served on Sandusky's baord. Makes no sense unless ....it's way BAD.


I find it very hard to believe that Paterno was an acting member on the Board, as he and Sandussky were at odds. They may have kept Paterno's name on the Board, without him even knowing.

Paterno and Sandusky split in an unfriendly manner (who knows for what reasons). This was well known at the time Sandusky retired, and even caused a rift in the school. Some felt Sandusky should be succeeding Paterno.

Paterno did not go to his retirement dinner. Sandusky barely mentioned Paterno in the book.

Joe still did not do enough

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I have nothing against Paterno personally as I have never met the guy but he is a big part of this story. The Penn State "family" along with the campus and local police kept this under wraps. Reminds me of the way the Catholic Church hid everything. Disgusting.

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I find it very hard to believe that Paterno was an acting member on the Board, as he and Sandussky were at odds. They may have kept Paterno's name on the Board, without him even knowing.

Paterno and Sandusky split in an unfriendly manner (who knows for what reasons). This was well known at the time Sandusky retired, and even caused a rift in the school. Some felt Sandusky should be succeeding Paterno.

Paterno did not go to his retirement dinner. Sandusky barely mentioned Paterno in the book.

Joe still did not do enough

Sandusky retired because he was an accused pedophile and PSU allowed him to have continued access in exchange for silence.

It's quite obvious what the source of the "riff" was.

Seriously. Look at what the Pittsburgh radio host wrote (it's linked in the linked article). Sandusky is accused of molesting a boy in 1998 and at the young age of 55 Sandusky retires from coaching in 1999, never to get an offer from anyone else. BUT, he continues to get free run of the PSU facilities.

PSU and Paterno KNEW about the allegations before Sandusky retired.

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Sandusky retired because he was an accused pedophile and PSU allowed him to have continued access in exchange for silence.

It's quite obvious what the source of the "riff" was.

Seriously. Look at what the Pittsburgh radio host wrote (it's linked in the linked article). Sandusky is accused of molesting a boy in 1998 and at the young age of 55 Sandusky retires from coaching in 1999, never to get an offer from anyone else. BUT, he continues to get free run of the PSU facilities.

PSU and Paterno KNEW about the allegations before Sandusky retired.

I thought everyone knew that days ago. This has been known.

As an adjunct to that situation, Sandusky basically told the mother of a child he "showered with" that he was ashamed and "wished he could die". He did this in the presence of police offers in hiding, as the DA requested. The DA, Gricar, never prosecuted.

This whole sordid mess could have been concluded there. Gricar, BTW, is missing and presumed dead.

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I thought everyone knew that days ago. This has been known.

As an adjunct to that situation, Sandusky basically told the mother of a child he "showered with" that he was ashamed and "wished he could die". He did this in the presence of police offers in hiding, as the DA requested. The DA, Gricar, never prosecuted.

This whole sordid mess could have been concluded there. Gricar, BTW, is missing and presumed dead.

Yeah, I knew that was long known. But you made it sound like the source of the rift was mysterious, when it was quite obvious.

The thing is, the 1998 allegation was the first "showering" incident. JoePa knew Sandusky was a pedophile at least 4 yrs before the incident which has now led to his dismissal.

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