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Rex opening his mouth again


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Ummm...he does say that. And I'm more than confident that Rex wants to take the next step too.

Obviously. Sometimes the first step in fixing flaws, is acknowledging them. I think the point some of us are making is that, nobody wants to hear his big dumb boasts about being better than the Giants, and being "New York's team" 24 hours after they made us all embarrassed to be Jet fans. Come to the podium, tell us what your going to do to fix it... shut up, get back to the practice facility, and fix it.

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And anyone who really thinks Rex is oblivious to the team's shortcomings clearly hasn't watched this team play the last three years. The guy has forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know.

So Rex thinks Sanchez is the problem more than Schottenheimer. Because Schottenheimer got the extension right before the season. If he was convinced (or even leaning) Sanchez's development or success is being held back even a little bit by who the OC is then he tells Tannenbaum & then Schottenheimer gets no extension.

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So Rex thinks Sanchez is the problem more than Schottenheimer. Because Schottenheimer got the extension right before the season. If he was convinced (or even leaning) Sanchez's development or success is being held back even a little bit by who the OC is then he tells Tannenbaum & then Schottenheimer gets no extension.

That's gold Jerry.

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So Rex thinks Sanchez is the problem more than Schottenheimer. Because Schottenheimer got the extension right before the season. If he was convinced (or even leaning) Sanchez's development or success is being held back even a little bit by who the OC is then he tells Tannenbaum & then Schottenheimer gets no extension.

Sperm, that's why you are who you are and I am but a lowly poster. :love0030:

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at least I know its not me


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Ahhh, another county heard from.... wasn't I saying something earlier about people laying in wait for a loss so they could bitch? :winking0001:

That post was in reference (and proven by both of you post whoring in it) to you and JIF flocking to these threads like migrating wildebeests. I said nothing about Rex, did I?

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It's gets silly to talk like this day after day after day.

But Ryan is a good defensive coach. Head coach, or a head coach who knows how to run the offense; we'll see. His players love him. And the Giants will be no more or less motivated in Week 16 because of anything Rex Ryan says. He is obliged to talk to the press, I'm way past caring about most of what he says beyond the game results.

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Obviously. Sometimes the first step in fixing flaws, is acknowledging them. I think the point some of us are making is that, nobody wants to hear his big dumb boasts about being better than the Giants, and being "New York's team" 24 hours after they made us all embarrassed to be Jet fans. Come to the podium, tell us what your going to do to fix it... shut up, get back to the practice facility, and fix it.

Who gives a **** what he says to the media? I'm sure his tone and approach is different with the team. Its not like he's telling them they are great and did nothing wrong after getting blown out. I'm sure he's trying to fix it.

So he's not like you and doesnt say what you want to hear in his required press conferences. Oh noes. He's a good Football coach, the best the Jets have had in my life time and he's entertaining...which is why I watch Football.

That post was in reference (and proven by both of you post whoring in it) to you and JIF flocking to these threads like migrating wildebeests. I said nothing about Rex, did I?

So? Look at how many posts I have. There's probably 30 other threads that I'm the lead poster. And I <3 Rex Ryan and think people are retarded. These threads werent being made the last 3 games. If someone is talking about Rex, I'm listening. I <3 the guy and see no reason to be ashamed of it.

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Who gives a **** what he says to the media? I'm sure his tone and approach is different with the team. Its not like he's telling them they are great and did nothing wrong after getting blown out. I'm sure he's trying to fix it.

So he's not like you and doesnt say what you want to hear in his required press conferences. Oh noes. He's a good Football coach, the best the Jets have had in my life time and he's entertaining...which is why I watch Football.

So? Look at how many posts I have. There's probably 30 other threads that I'm the lead poster. And I <3 Rex Ryan and think people are retarded. These threads werent being made the last 3 games. If someone is talking about Rex, I'm listening. I <3 the guy and see no reason to be ashamed of it.

I know you <3 him, dude... I do too... but I have different standards for how I expect him to behave than you do. We are both entitled to our own opinions, I'm not telling you to change your mind... just stating what I expect from our coach after a complete debacle of a loss. I don't find a single redeeming quality about talking like a hot shot after being humiliated 24 hours earlier. That's all.

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Ape go back to your cage. Rex is not a CFO of a fortune 500 company. He's a coach of a sport dominated by alpha males. The only "nice guy" to win a Superbowl was Dungee and that was only because his QB is GOAT.

This notion that Rex has to pussify himself to appease the politically correct masses is enough to make me want to vomit.

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Guess what the great thing about Rex talking crap is? It doesn't ******* matter to anyone not on the Jets.

Barring saying something racially insensitive or doing something illegal I really couldn't give a rats a$$ what Rex says. Just win fatboy!

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I know you <3 him, dude... I do too... but I have different standards for how I expect him to behave than you do. We are both entitled to our own opinions, I'm not telling you to change your mind... just stating what I expect from our coach after a complete debacle of a loss. I don't find a single redeeming quality about talking like a hot shot after being humiliated 24 hours earlier. That's all.

Fair enough...but I hate to say it...I agree with Pac. He's a Football coach. Not a CIO.

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Who gives a **** what he says to the media? I'm sure his tone and approach is different with the team. Its not like he's telling them they are great and did nothing wrong after getting blown out. I'm sure he's trying to fix it.

So he's not like you and doesnt say what you want to hear in his required press conferences. Oh noes. He's a good Football coach, the best the Jets have had in my life time and he's entertaining...which is why I watch Football.

So? Look at how many posts I have. There's probably 30 other threads that I'm the lead poster. And I <3 Rex Ryan and think people are retarded. These threads werent being made the last 3 games. If someone is talking about Rex, I'm listening. I <3 the guy and see no reason to be ashamed of it.

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Bitch and Moan, Bitch and Moan. My God man! Some of you really need to go follow tennis or something.

I think Rex Ryan is the best coach that the Jets have ever had. I could care less what he says, but in all actuality I love it. I love the confidence he has. I love his boastful ways. I have been happier with Rex as a head coach of the Jets in comparison to any of the other coaches we have had, including Parcells.

And this crap some of you are doing with calling people dumb, dimwitted, and the like really is getting old. Keep it civilized please. IMHO, you really take away from the discussion with your name calling.

I was always taught that it takes a smart man to know what they don't know. Some of you self proclaimed "smart people" should try to comprehend that before you go spouting at the lip about someone's lack of intelligence.

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Bitch and Moan, Bitch and Moan. My God man! Some of you really need to go follow tennis or something.

I think Rex Ryan is the best coach that the Jets have ever had. I could care less what he says, but in all actuality I love it. I love the confidence he has. I love his boastful ways. I have been happier with Rex as a head coach of the Jets in comparison to any of the other coaches we have had, including Parcells.

And this crap some of you are doing with calling people dumb, dimwitted, and the like really is getting old. Keep it civilized please. IMHO, you really take away from the discussion with your name calling.

I was always taught that it takes a smart man to know what they don't know. Some of you self proclaimed "smart people" should try to comprehend that before you go spouting at the lip about someone's lack of intelligence.

Repped for the bolded (not that I don't agree with the rest)... I lol'ed.

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I agree with the Ape on this one.

I, too, have been on record as saying I don't like all the nonsense that spews from Rex's mouth. Maybe it's me, I'm older than most on this board, and long for the days when respect, consideration for others, and sportsmanship were more paramount than the selfish, celebratory, trash talking "look at me" attitude that permeates not only sports today, but society in general.

A matter of taste, I guess.

However, my real problem with Rex is not necessarily with his attitude itself, but more his inability to control his behavior. As the leader of a professional franchise, you sometimes have to curb your personality somewhat in order to portray a greater measure of leadership, respect, class, and professionalism. Otherwise, you become not only an embarassment to your self, but to the entire organization.

The fact that Rex does not seem to have the ability to "check his ego" at the door, and takes every opportunity to bring attention upon himself, shows me that he is undisciplined as both a leader and as an individual, and probably explains why he didn't get an opportunity to be a head coach sooner.

I've always maintained that every team is a reflection of its head coach and here in lies the problem. We have a selfish, undisciplined football team that turns the ball over, commits stupid penalties at the most critical times, and in general, appears to be too arrogant to learn from their mistakes. The team is extremely undisciplined just like their head coach, and a football team that is not disciplined is usually not one that wins championships.

Rex Ryan is a terrific defensive "X's and O'" coach, but his ego, his arrogant disposition and his undisciplined behavior costs the Jets games, and there in lies my problem with him.

I will continue to be a fan of this team because it's in my blood, has been for 45 years.

But the head coach's act is wearing very thin with me.

Just one man's opinion.

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Bitch and Moan, Bitch and Moan. My God man! Some of you really need to go follow tennis or something.

I think Rex Ryan is the best coach that the Jets have ever had. I could care less what he says, but in all actuality I love it. I love the confidence he has. I love his boastful ways. I have been happier with Rex as a head coach of the Jets in comparison to any of the other coaches we have had, including Parcells.

And this crap some of you are doing with calling people dumb, dimwitted, and the like really is getting old. Keep it civilized please. IMHO, you really take away from the discussion with your name calling.

I was always taught that it takes a smart man to know what they don't know. Some of you self proclaimed "smart people" should try to comprehend that before you go spouting at the lip about someone's lack of intelligence.

Hear, hear!

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I will go with what Tom Coughlin has said....nothing!!

Rex says he is "one of the best coaches in the history of the NFL". Wouldn't you want to be just like him?

I am a big believer in quietly going about your business. Rex, obviously, is not.

JohnnyB that is the way I am! In agreement with you

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