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Jenkins on Holmes: 'You got to let him go'


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Kris Jenkins gave a harsh critique of his former Jets team and teammates after they fell out of the playoffs with a three-game losing streak to end the season. There was not enough leadership in the locker room, Jenkins said, and self-doubting quarterback Mark Sancheznever stepped into the role tailor-made for him and doesn’t seem like he will.

As for wide receiver Santonio Holmes, who did not play in the last two minutes of a still-winnable Miami game?

Listen to the complete interview:


“You got to let him go,” Jenkins said. “... you don’t go and pout as a captain.”

Jenkins, who still has strong connections in the Jets locker room, retired last season after sustaining consecutive season-ending knee injuries. He is an analyst for SNY and made his comments on The Mike Lupica Show on ESPN New York 1050 on Thursday afternoon.

What has sparked the most recent conflagration surrounding the Jets was a short comment backup quarterback Greg McElroy made on an Alabama radio station, saying the Jets locker room was “corrupt” with selfish players.

Jenkins liked McElroy’s frankness, and wished that Sanchez had the same kind of willingness to stand up.

“(McElroy) loves his craft he loves what he does and he felt it was what needed to be said,” Jenkins said. “The No. 1 QB should have said that a long time ago. It would have been all a part of the process of him growing a pair and standing up and being a man. But the thing is he lost it, because he got caught up in the wash that is New York, in the spotlight and taking pictures in the magazine and doing all that stuff.”

Jenkins said that he didn’t see Sanchez as the Jets quarterback for another two years. He said that Sanchez had the raw materials to be a good quarterback, but the visible self-doubt in games undermines his talent. He also said Sanchez didn’t seem to have the temperament for what the true requirement of his position is, which is leadership in a locker room filled with strong personalities.

“He’s always trying to be the crowd pleaser,” Jenkins said. “He’s always trying to be nice, he wants the leadership but he’s not willing to take it and as a quarterback this is your league this is your game, you gotta take it.”

Jenkins said that he loved playing for coach Rex Ryan. That the less restrictive atmosphere was refreshing. Not every player is able to handle the freedom and go out and embarrass themselves, Jenkins said. He added that in Ryan’s first two season, leaders in the locker room -- Damien Woody, Shaun Ellis, Tony Richardson and himself -- would keep things in check.

With few stepping into the leadership void, it became a problem.

“It leaves a lot of opportunity for guys to do a lot of things that might be a hindrance to the team and to the locker room,” Jenkins said. “Guys can talk and say what they want to say, act certain ways and do that -- and the leash isn’t as tight. Everyone is given that same courtesy but not everybody knows how to handle it.”

Ryan named captains this year, most notably Holmes. The wide receiver was gotten for a fifth-round draft pick from Pittsburgh before the 2010 season. He had to serve a four-game suspension for violating the NFL’s substance abuse policy, but at the end of the year the Jets gave him a $45 million contract.

Yesterday, Jenkins said that Holmes had to go.

“Santonio is a captain, so guess what -- if anybody is supposed to be the guy to get things in order when things go a little bit shaky it’s supposed to be him,” Jenkins said. “He can’t be the cause of the problem. If you’re a captain you have to make sure that you’re encouraging somebody the right way. For the betterment of the team, not just for your own personal stats not just for your catches. That’s selfish.”

Jenkins praised McElroy for his candor, and former teammates TE Dustin Keller and RB Shonn Greene for their performance, but the overall picture he painted was one of discord and chaos. Jenkins still believes in Ryan, but this season should give the head coach pause as well.

“He’s going to have to learn some things himself.” Jenkins said.

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The fact that Jenkins only play a limited amount of games or is fat doesnt matter. This guy played in the Leauge for a decade and was in the Jets locker room for a couple of years with a lot of current Jets. I love his candor and he is fukin dead on.

Not only does Sanchez suck on the field (63 turnovers in 47 career games, 55% completion %) but he cant even do the right thing off the field. Stand up and take control of this team. Stop with the "politician type" sound bites.

Gotta love this stat (I suppose its all Shottys fault though): From the time Sanchez entered the league until the conclusion of this past season, 38 NFL quarterbacks have posted a higher completion percentage. Sam Bradford is one of those signal-callers, as are Chad Henne and Matt Cassel

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Jenkins liked McElroy’s frankness, and wished that Sanchez had the same kind of willingness to stand up.

“(McElroy) loves his craft he loves what he does and he felt it was what needed to be said,” Jenkins said. “The No. 1 QB should have said that a long time ago. It would have been all a part of the process of him growing a pair and standing up and being a man. But the thing is he lost it, because he got caught up in the wash that is New York, in the spotlight and taking pictures in the magazine and doing all that stuff.”

Jenkins is an f'ing moron. The team is dealing with a s*** load of problems with stuff being aired out and all this other nonsense, yet you applaud A SCRUB 3rd string QB who will never amount to anything in his entire NFL for ripping his entire team?! Can anyone imagine what would happen if Sanchez actually said something about this to the media earlier in the season???

Like someone, who's still in that locker-room, said when the whole rex crying thing got leaked: "STOP AIRING IT OUT". Kris Jenkins and McElroy can both go fcuk themselves. Hope they cut McElroy ASAP.

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why is this panther talking about the jets ? why does he have a job on SNY ? I swear he played what, 12 games for this team ?

**** him

The only thing growing Kris is you, no one in the fanbase or team cares about you, your ******* annoying.Your a sh*tty commentator and you talk about the Jets because its the only thing that makes you relevant. I think Ill tell him this on twitter.

Every time that cookie eating fatso opens his gullet its to say that the Jets let go all the "leaders" and he never fails to mention himself. Someone is bitter.

Are you 3 serious ? Jenks just came forward and let this fan base know that their are serious issues in this locker room and hes the idiot ? Let me tell you guys something this is the only place your going to get real inside info on this team Jenks has friends in that locker room so you can bet hes getting it straight from the horses mouth. And Im damn Glad McElroy spoke up.

As for Sanchez, this is my biggest gripe with him. He needs to either get tough or find another profession. I think he has all the talent in the world but if he does not get control of HIS team on offense and lay down the law he will lose respct fast. As much as I hate to say this I think next year has the chance to be a total melt down if we dont make the right moves in the offseason. While Bart Scott may be gone next year we will be losing another loud voice in the locker room.

When we come down to the character debate I think this is the time we need to inject some real leaders and character into this team or its going to be real ugly really fast/

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Are you 3 serious ? Jenks just came forward and let this fan base know that their are serious issues in this locker room and hes the idiot ? Let me tell you guys something this is the only place your going to get real inside info on this team Jenks has friends in that locker room so you can bet hes getting it straight from the horses mouth. And Im damn Glad McElroy spoke up.

As for Sanchez, this is my biggest gripe with him. He needs to either get tough or find another profession. I think he has all the talent in the world but if he does not get control of HIS team on offense and lay down the law he will lose respct fast. As much as I hate to say this I think next year has the chance to be a total melt down if we dont make the right moves in the offseason. While Bart Scott may be gone next year we will be losing another loud voice in the locker room.

When we come down to the character debate I think this is the time we need to inject some real leaders and character into this team or its going to be real ugly really fast/

Smash...completely agree.....

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I appreciate his candor as well....

I disagree that a 4th string QB with no playing time shoud be talking. Jenkins comments were dead on as far as Sanchez is concerned. You want to be the captain, you want to lead------play like a man.

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Jenkins talks too much for a guy that never really played here, but he's good buds with Pouha so he's definitely a credible source.

he was on the team for 3 years and had a lot of respect from his teammates Im not sure how that has anything to do with playing time because he was rehabbing in the same facility as the other players. Jenkins and Woody have now come out and ripped the idiot WR and the OC which proves there are isssues that need to be addressed. That and the fact this team paid no attention to the O-Line issues this past offseason creates a very sh*tty atmosphere for a young QB trying to break out.

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I disagree that a 4th string QB with no playing time shoud be talking. Jenkins comments were dead on as far as Sanchez is concerned. You want to be the captain, you want to lead------play like a man.

Fresh air and sunlight kill many poisons...I appreciate the candor of both McElroy and Jenkins...forces the isssue out in the open...would be a shame if McElroy lost his job and frankly I came away impressed with his preseason performance and thought he had potential in this league. The facts are Sanchez should have spoke out on this and who knows maybe he did quietly but from most accounts he has not. Look forward to watching how Rex and Mark both react to this challenge to their leadership.

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