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Sanchez Now Written Off


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I have not written off Sanchez...

The problem as I see it...the kid has not faced adversity like this nor any real competition for his QB job since he got so he comes across as a self-entitled prick.

Add to that...he has not progressed quickly enough/prolly regressed is the better term and has not shown the cajones to right his own performance. Leads many to question his own manhood and is a good reason why he has not shown the courage to call out his underperforming teammates.

He's stuck with a head coach who more concerned with blowing smoke up his players a$$ rather than holding them accountable.

He's also stuck with an OC who has not shown any ability to develop an NFL QB and consistently underperforms the league in that all important category of points scored. To go one step further...the offensive unit is most predictable, unwatchable crap I've seen in watching the NFL in the past 40 years and this year was not the first time we've seen it.

To summarize...originally...thought the kid had a chance at special...now...hope the man can manage to improve enough to stop digging his own hole...yet as much as I'm saying that about Sanchez, I'm also thinking that about Rex and the entire Jets organization.

We are on the same page....its not to late to fix, but it has got to be fixed in 2012. If not, then Rex, Shotty and Sanchez are toast.....

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This is a little unfair. Regardless of your feelings on Sanchez, I think we can all agree he had a solid rookie year.

I thought he was OK through day 1 through about week 4 of last season all things considered. But this entire season was such an epic meltdown from start to finish that progressively got worse. It became blatantly obvious that the book was out on Sanchez and the team couldn't mask him anymore. I don't see how any of this sh*t gets fixed in a reasonable amount of time. It's going to be at least 4-5 seasons before he can bring himself to a JAG who doesn't lose his teams games.

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The bolded is the thing that really baffles me so much with so many people around here lately. It seems the vast majority are so obsessed with this need to blame everything all on one person, and as nice and easy as that would be, it's nowhere close to the truth. The fact that Schotty is still employed absolutely baffles me beyond belief, as I think he's in unbelievably horrible at his job, but that doesn't suddenly excuse the garbage performance of the players, just as those performances don't excuse 6 years of complete and utter ineptitude from the OC. There's everything from people who absolutely need to be unemployed as soon as humanly possible (Schotty, Hunter, Mulligan), others who you have to figure out WTF you're doing with (Sanchez, Holmes) and even some of the Jets better players who need to get their sh*t together (Brick). And that's just the offense.

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I thought he was OK through day 1 through about week 4 of last season all things considered. But this entire season was such an epic meltdown from start to finish that progressively got worse. It became blatantly obvious that the book was out on Sanchez and the team couldn't mask him anymore. I don't see how any of this sh*t gets fixed in a reasonable amount of time. It's going to be at least 4-5 seasons before he can bring himself to a JAG who doesn't lose his teams games.

I'm of this opinion, as well. The absolute worst part of this whole thing is that it looked like he just gave up over the last three games. Not that he ever led the team, but from all appearances it looks like he cowered in the corner and let Holmes, Burress, etc absolutely steamroll the huddle and the locker room. The Miami game, where he kicked back while the season was circling the drain, should be the death knell for him. You could almost accept his lack of production if he at least pretended to give a sh*t, but it looks like he's gutless as well as bad at his job.

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Reading through this site I would have thought we were 0-16. Some of you are in such a panic mode it is laughable. We were 8-8...we need to calm down. Been through much much worse times with this damn team with much worse QB'S and Coaches.

I just want to see if everyone here has really written Sanchez off completely. I know some of you have a strong hatred towards this third year guy who has more road playoffs win than any QB who's been here, taken us to 2 AFCC games, and is in his 3rd year but are you really ready to quit on him?

No, not at all. He's our franchise QB and hopefully he will be here 10 years from now.

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He's stuck with a head coach who more concerned with blowing smoke up his players a$$ rather than holding them accountable.

1st off I agree with the majority of you post but do you honestly believe that behind closed door he just lets this stuff slide? If you do I will have to disagree with you. I think hard knocks gave a better you sense of what coach Ryan is like and if you have not read Play like you mean it, you should. This guy is a fiery, emotional, coach and I am confident that he lets his players have when they are out of line. He just does not see the value in publicly trashing his player. Do you really think things would be better if he came out and started point fingers in pressers? Really?

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I thought he was OK through day 1 through about week 4 of last season all things considered. But this entire season was such an epic meltdown from start to finish that progressively got worse. It became blatantly obvious that the book was out on Sanchez and the team couldn't mask him anymore. I don't see how any of this sh*t gets fixed in a reasonable amount of time. It's going to be at least 4-5 seasons before he can bring himself to a JAG who doesn't lose his teams games.

Ah, sorry. That was a mangled Muhammad Jihad/Wilkerson joke.

Sanchez is ******* terrible and I don't want anyone getting the impression that I feel differently.

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I'm of this opinion, as well. The absolute worst part of this whole thing is that it looked like he just gave up over the last three games. Not that he ever led the team, but from all appearances it looks like he cowered in the corner and let Holmes, Burress, etc absolutely steamroll the huddle and the locker room. The Miami game, where he kicked back while the season was circling the drain, should be the death knell for him. You could almost accept his lack of production if he at least pretended to give a sh*t, but it looks like he's gutless as well as bad at his job.

I thought he was officially toast after the first NE game. Belichick had the line stacked all game and wasn't doing anything special. He took away the short routes and was daring Sanchez to beat him deep all game. Once a defense goes that route with a QB and they're too scared to take it you know it's over. No defenses respect him and Sanchez spent the rest of the year pouting after every fumble and INT. What does Sanchez do better now than his first few games as a rookie? Anything? Even the decline in INT's came at the cost of turning the offense into one of the worst in the league.

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1st off I agree with the majority of you post but do you honestly believe that behind closed door he just lets this stuff slide? If you do I will have to disagree with you. I think hard knocks gave a better you sense of what coach Ryan is like and if you have not read Play like you mean it, you should. This guy is a fiery, emotional, coach and I am confident that he lets his players have when they are out of line. He just does not see the value in publicly trashing his player. Do you really think things would be better if he came out and started point fingers in pressers? Really?

The proof is in the pudding as they say...could care less what Rex says to press...I don't need him to publicy trash a player...he's obviously setting high expectations and also putting a bulls eye on his team's back through the press...needed after Mangini in my mind...the problem I have...from watching his team this year...was the lack of discipline...in any unit...military, sports teams, family, the lack of discipline is a sign of bad leadership. Bad leadership is corrosive. Teammates who lose trust in another soldier have difficulty regaining that trust. That's why many are saying that heads will have to roll. Difficult with the nature of NFL contracts. I'm not saying Rex has completely loss this team BUT, he as ackowledged he lost the pulse and in my mind they looked like they quit. That makes next year a make or break year for Rex and the entire organization. Doesn't necessarily have to lead to a Super Bowl but the they better be ready to fight cause the vultures are circling.

I applauded the candor of McElroy and Jenkins because they spoke out. I've been in some units where the problems don't surface to the right person soon enough to save the unit or the guy in charge. I'd rather have Rex and the whole world know the issues. We now know there were problems like many suspected and we know Rex needs to demand accountability. If not, I'm sure Jets fans will not hesitate to call for accountability with Rex's firing.

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I don't know how you look at these past 3 games and say they are anything but an unmitigated disaster. Gone should be any label of big game QB, and all but the most blindly optimistic should not be positive about him

My preference is to bring in Manning if healthy, at all costs

Outside of that, you need to bring in a guy like Campbell and make him win the job this TC, I don't think he should be de facto starter anymore... that isn't to say an official QB competition, just make it clear behind close doors he needs to step it up

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I don't know how you look at these past 3 games and say they are anything but an unmitigated disaster. Gone should be any label of big game QB, and all most the most blindly optimistic should be positive about him

My preference is to bring in Manning if healthy, at all costs

Outside of that, you need to bring in a guy like Campbell and make him win the job this TC, I don't think he should be de facto starter anymore... that isn't to say an official QB competition, just make it clear behind close doors he needs to step it up

Agree with this, with the one catch being if the Saints are stupid enough to let Brees even just hit franchise tag point, you do everything in your power to make it impossible for him to say no. I think the chances of anything happening there are infinitesimally small, but if by some miracle the opportunity presents itself, that's the one instance where you literally do absolutely everything necessary to make it happen, regardless of the cost.

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Agree with this, with the one catch being if the Saints are stupid enough to let Brees even just hit franchise tag point, you do everything in your power to make it impossible for him to say no. I think the chances of anything happening there are infinitesimally small, but if by some miracle the opportunity presents itself, that's the one instance where you literally do absolutely everything necessary to make it happen, regardless of the cost.

Oh yeah. Lets give the whole franchise away!

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Oh yeah. Lets give the whole franchise away!

What are you talking about? The cost in question would be monetary (although I don't know why anyone could care less about dealing away 75% of this roster). If the Saints franchise Brees, the only thing the Jets give up is 2 first rounders period, which I don't know how anyone could possibly argue that's not well worth it. The real key would be coming up with a contract good enough to convince Brees to leave the Saints and structured in a manner that they wouldn't be able to match it. Like I said, the chances of this happening are pretty much zero, but if somehow the opportunity is there, there's no way you don't do everything you can to make it happen.

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I thought he was officially toast after the first NE game. Belichick had the line stacked all game and wasn't doing anything special. He took away the short routes and was daring Sanchez to beat him deep all game. Once a defense goes that route with a QB and they're too scared to take it you know it's over. No defenses respect him and Sanchez spent the rest of the year pouting after every fumble and INT. What does Sanchez do better now than his first few games as a rookie? Anything? Even the decline in INT's came at the cost of turning the offense into one of the worst in the league.

Jesus, that's true, isn't it? The entire offense was designed to score fewer points, but boost Sanchez's stats in a trade-off.

God, I hate this team.

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I thought he was officially toast after the first NE game. Belichick had the line stacked all game and wasn't doing anything special. He took away the short routes and was daring Sanchez to beat him deep all game. Once a defense goes that route with a QB and they're too scared to take it you know it's over. No defenses respect him and Sanchez spent the rest of the year pouting after every fumble and INT. What does Sanchez do better now than his first few games as a rookie? Anything? Even the decline in INT's came at the cost of turning the offense into one of the worst in the league.

Agree and its obvious the rest of the league has the book on Snachez. I mean really, who throws the ball 60 times in one game and barely breaks 200yds.

He was much better as a rookie because he didnt realize how far in over his head he was in the NFL and the league hadnt learned his limitations yet. When the simple game plans couldn't hide him anymore and he was exposed, it was over and I think he knows it.

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I'm of this opinion, as well. The absolute worst part of this whole thing is that it looked like he just gave up over the last three games. Not that he ever led the team, but from all appearances it looks like he cowered in the corner and let Holmes, Burress, etc absolutely steamroll the huddle and the locker room. The Miami game, where he kicked back while the season was circling the drain, should be the death knell for him. You could almost accept his lack of production if he at least pretended to give a sh*t, but it looks like he's gutless as well as bad at his job.

Clear out the cancers and see how Mark performs when it is truly his team. He has work to do but the having the players you named will just retard or completely kill any chance Sanchez has of figuring things out. He sure did not look this bad last season.

Eli had to go through the same thing. Maybe it works out the same for Sanchez.

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Clear out the cancers and see how Mark performs when it is truly his team. He has work to do but the having the players you named will just retard or completely kill any chance Sanchez has of figuring things out. He sure did not look this bad last season.

Eli had to go through the same thing. Maybe it works out the same for Sanchez.

Agreed. I think that's the only way, even in a last-ditch effort, to resurrect Sanchez. I stated before the year that adding Holmes, Mason and Plaxico to a huddle would be hell on any quarterback, much less a young one. That said, it was despicable how Sanchez responded, going into a shell like he did. You have to hate seeing that from your quarterback. In a perfect world, Sanchez would have broken his hand on Holmes' face in Week Six.

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What are you talking about? The cost in question would be monetary (although I don't know why anyone could care less about dealing away 75% of this roster). If the Saints franchise Brees, the only thing the Jets give up is 2 first rounders period, which I don't know how anyone could possibly argue that's not well worth it. The real key would be coming up with a contract good enough to convince Brees to leave the Saints and structured in a manner that they wouldn't be able to match it. Like I said, the chances of this happening are pretty much zero, but if somehow the opportunity is there, there's no way you don't do everything you can to make it happen.

My point being when franchises start to have the "get players at any cost" mentality they usually go down the gutter faster than they could ever imagine.

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My point being when franchises start to have the "get players at any cost" mentality they usually go down the gutter faster than they could ever imagine.

I go after Luck, he is the next manning,, Revis Harris and 2 #1's, I made offer to Irsay. He will be special and guess what he can call his own plays. Ship Sanchez to Seattle for a 5th and a year supply of java

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Agreed. I think that's the only way, even in a last-ditch effort, to resurrect Sanchez. I stated before the year that adding Holmes, Mason and Plaxico to a huddle would be hell on any quarterback, much less a young one. That said, it was despicable how Sanchez responded, going into a shell like he did. You have to hate seeing that from your quarterback. In a perfect world, Sanchez would have broken his hand on Holmes' face in Week Six.

True and whie his INT's in big spots directly cost us a play-off birth, he deserves 1/2 to 3/4 of next season to see if he is worth hanging our hopes on. Preferably with a new set of WR's and OC staff.

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Does anybody here remember listening too Kyle Boller or Joey Harrington when they first entered the league. Same exact demeanor, same attitude, same glossy smile...like boys trying hard to be men. Nothing wrong with that it's not their fault but I think what all 3 lack(ed) most was not skill but all three had/have zero leadership skills along with a lack of self-confidence and discipline. 3 guys who's talent got them where they needed to be until the NFL. 3 guys a little too starstruck trying a little too hard to play it cool.

Although I know I am I'm not trying to play armchair psychiatrist but it's just an observation. B/c that's who Sanchez reminds me of up to this point.

Now you look at a kid like David Carr, I think he had the right make up and just got screwed starting with the Boselli injury.

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Jesus, that's true, isn't it? The entire offense was designed to score fewer points, but boost Sanchez's stats in a trade-off.

God, I hate this team.

No, it was designed for Sanchez to not be handing the other team more points. The thing is it probably wouldn't have been such a priority if so many of those picks his first two seasons hadn't gone for 6. The guy handed Baltimore 3 scores for ****'s sake. We could have punted on every 1st down and won that game.

And that's how useless he's become; they can't figure out a way for him not to lose games. Dial it down and he still finds a way to blow it every week. If the defense has a bad day he can't compensate for it. A mediocre game he becomes the back breaker every time. And God forbid they have a good game, he'll still find a way to serve the other team points on a platter. ST's play well and he'll still find a way to give the other offense good field position. Useless. If he can't even be coached up to be so much as an average game manager within the next season, I don't see what the point is of wasting the roster space. And he showed nothing this season to give hope that he's capable of that.

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He doesn't just throw interceptions, his interceptions continue to lose games as was the case his rookie year. He looked totally overwhelmed against the Ravens&Eagles, like a lost little boy. I was embarassed to go to work the next day, I caught so much sh*t. Thats how the 5th overall pick in the draft looks like? After 3 yrs? The guy doesn't breed confidence. I hope the lights go on next year, but lets face it he's never gonna scare anybody. This is a QB driven league just look at this years playoffs, besides Tebow some pretty good QBs.

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My point being when franchises start to have the "get players at any cost" mentality they usually go down the gutter faster than they could ever imagine.

While I would normally agree with that, when you're talking about an elite level QB with plenty of years still left to go, that is most certainly the exception to the rule.

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My point being when franchises start to have the "get players at any cost" mentality they usually go down the gutter faster than they could ever imagine.

It worked for the Broncos and Elway.

It worked for the Giants and Eli.

If it's a franchise QB-and Brees is and still young-it makes sense. 2 top picks with the way Tanny flushes them anyway is a goof. And Sanchez can go to Seattle and suck with Pete Carroll.

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NYPOST reporting Sanchez was injured in the Denver game and played hurt for the final month and a half.

If true it at least explains some of his issues as well as the lack of a downfield play calls by Schotty.

LOL, The Coverup.

Almost as gay as Brady's injuries surfacing AFTER he got his a$$ beat and his season was over. Or just as, I should say

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No, it was designed for Sanchez to not be handing the other team more points. The thing is it probably wouldn't have been such a priority if so many of those picks his first two seasons hadn't gone for 6. The guy handed Baltimore 3 scores for ****'s sake. We could have punted on every 1st down and won that game.

And that's how useless he's become; they can't figure out a way for him not to lose games. Dial it down and he still finds a way to blow it every week. If the defense has a bad day he can't compensate for it. A mediocre game he becomes the back breaker every time. And God forbid they have a good game, he'll still find a way to serve the other team points on a platter. ST's play well and he'll still find a way to give the other offense good field position. Useless. If he can't even be coached up to be so much as an average game manager within the next season, I don't see what the point is of wasting the roster space. And he showed nothing this season to give hope that he's capable of that.

I heard an interview with him where he says he's going to watch the video of all eighteen picks so he can "fix it." So there.

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He has not made the progress we expect from him- regressed this year with his mechnaics and decision making. That is what a lot of Jet fans are upset about- that and not making the playoffs!

plus throwing interceptions to a DT twice in one game is unheard of. He was laughable as long as you weren't a Jets fan.

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