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Merged: The Wayne Hunter Thread


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Thats not necessarily true. Many top superstar QB's came into their own within their 4th-6th year in the league. Respectively, each year Sanhez had his WR core changed on him, the offenive line play poorer and so far no significant change in the offensive coordinating, though I will make my judgement on sparano by November.

What I dont understand is exactly imo what your statement supports. The Jets had a #1 running game along with a #1 defense, and during that time they had a aging offensive line (faneca, woody). What have they done in the draft to support their QB/rushing attack since then? Nothing. Vlad Ducasse? We should have been drafting Olinemen for the past 3 years and we didnt. Granted, I do like the pick up of Wilkerson and even Couples and Hill to an extent, but I think what our defense needed more than 2 very good football players on the d-line was the ability for the offense to put points on the board in order for us to play at our defensive strength which is our secondary. If the Jets would have been drafting sure talent 1st and 2nd round O-linemen our rushing game and passing game would be much better. We would still have Holmes and Keller, possibly even Braylon and we would have had a solid offense to compliment our top 5 defense.

The front office dropped the ball by drafting Sanchez, not because Sanchez is bad but because they did not develop a solid line for him for the future and every single year that he's been in the league he's had a different WR corp. Thats absolutely hilarious.

I think continuing to invest on the side of the ball that's going to suck anyways is stupid. We paid $50 million for Holmes and he did nothing because Sanchez is god-awful. We drafted Ducasse and gave Hunter an extension, which were poor decisions, but at least showed that we weren't neglecting the O completely. We also drafted Hill and brought in Schillens who will both do nothing because of Sanchez's suckitude.

I'd much rather give Rex some playmakers and put it all on the defense rather than waste our cap space on something that we know will NOT work.

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The front office dropped the ball by drafting Sanchez, not because Sanchez is bad but because they did not develop a solid line for him for the future and every single year that he's been in the league he's had a different WR corp. Thats absolutely hilarious.

Good QB's don't need pro bowlers at every position to succeed.

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Chad Clifton is taking a physical this week for the Patriots. If we lose out on Clifton, who the Pats want as a backup, then we are screwed. Clifton could be at least a serviceable starter for us. He is coming off a pretty serious neck injury, but if there were ever a time for a team to fudge a physical for a starting OL now is that time.

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I think continuing to invest on the side of the ball that's going to suck anyways is stupid. We paid $50 million for Holmes and he did nothing because Sanchez is god-awful. We drafted Ducasse and gave Hunter an extension, which were poor decisions, but at least showed that we weren't neglecting the O completely. We also drafted Hill and brought in Schillens who will both do nothing because of Sanchez's suckitude.

I'd much rather give Rex some playmakers and put it all on the defense rather than waste our cap space on something that we know will NOT work.

I cant agree with that until we get a decent Offensive Line. D'Brick hasnt looked like the D'Brick of old, Mangold was injured last year. Slauson, though decent can definitely be upgraded, and Hunter is the worst RT in the league by a mile. We had a #1 defense in the league with a bust in Gholston on that side of the ball. We should have been upgrading that Oline because we knew that Faneca and Woody were on their way out. Instead we got Skill players in Holmes, Hill etc but no one to protect the QB in order to utilize them.

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I cant agree with that until we get a decent Offensive Line. D'Brick hasnt looked like the D'Brick of old, Mangold was injured last year. Slauson, though decent can definitely be upgraded, and Hunter is the worst RT in the league by a mile. We had a #1 defense in the league with a bust in Gholston on that side of the ball. We should have been upgrading that Oline because we knew that Faneca and Woody were on their way out. Instead we got Skill players in Holmes, Hill etc but no one to protect the QB in order to utilize them.

Meh. You can't have a beastly O-line every year. Sanchez had it in '09 and they only took a slight downturn year 2 and we saw the results; it was ALL on the running game and defense to make up for all of Sanchez's turnovers.

Yes, we should have done better than Ducasse and Hunter. Can't do sh*t about that now. Sanchez hasn't done anything to warrant the philosophy that solid o-line = good QB play. He's sucked regardless of how much time he gets back there (which has actually been about middle-of-the-pack compared to the rest of the league, not near the bottom like many would lead you to believe).

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Meh. You can't have a beastly O-line every year. Sanchez had it in '09 and they only took a slight downturn year 2 and we saw the results; it was ALL on the running game and defense to make up for all of Sanchez's turnovers.

Yes, we should have done better than Ducasse and Hunter. Can't do sh*t about that now. Sanchez hasn't done anything to warrant the philosophy that solid o-line = good QB play. He's sucked regardless of how much time he gets back there (which has actually been about middle-of-the-pack compared to the rest of the league, not near the bottom like many would lead you to believe).

Meh? No one is asking for a beastly line every year, but this is possibly the worst right side of the line in the league. We certainly have the worst RT in the league. You're making excuses for the oline just to sh*t on Sanchez, which is cool, however, I dont expect Sanchez to do any better until our line gets better.

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When you start naming a few successful QB's with an oline similar to ours then I'll start listening to you.

Aaron Rodgers was sacked 50 times in 2009 and put up 64.7%, 4434 yards, 30 TD, 7 INT. That's not even getting into the number of would-be sacks that turn into completions because he (and Brady, and Brees, and Eli, et al.) can actually feel and avoid pressure. You're just completely, categorically wrong on this. The line is plenty good. Sanchez is terrible.

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Good QB's don't need pro bowlers at every position to succeed.

Bullsh*t because every so called Good QB has pro Bowlers around them. Phillip Rivers was lighting up the league, as his skill players began to drop, so did his production.

Kurt Warner had a pro bowler at every position while with the Rams after he moved from that team, he did sh*t until he went to the Cardinals who were loaded with WR talent which ressurected his career.

Tom Brady Was a good QB for the Pats never really putting up huge numbers until they added guys Like Randy Moss and Wes Welker and then he put up 50 TD's his defense won those 3 SB's in the early 2000's all brady did was lead a few clutch drives for winning field goals while his defense shut down offensive juggernauts like the Rams when no one else even came close.

Joe Theissmann was an ordinary QB until they built one of the greatest O-lines in the history of the game arond him and got him some great skill players to win his SB ....Same with Mark Rypein who was nothing special but the talent around him could have won a SB with Bubby Brister at QB.

Rich Gannon was a freakin Jag his entire career until he went to the Raiders who were loaded down with Skill position talent then he was the NFL MVP

Eli Manning was a god damn joke his first three seasons until the Giants began drafting WR's every year and surrounding him with talented players at every level of the offense.

Alex Smith was handled like a second class citizen in san fran now he will be going into his second year with the same coordinator for the first time in his career and what did they do ? They drafted WR's and a RB and added Randy Moss.

Jim Plunket was a disaster playing for a no talent team until he was dumped..... the Raiders pick him up and he becomes a 2 time SB winner playing with talent all around him. Nothing special here just surrounded by great talent

John Elway was a one man team who ALWAYS got destroyed by better teams in the SB. Then the Broncos decided to get him some real talent to work with in his later years namely one of the best RB's of the time and Rod Smith and Shannon Sharpe and the guy brings home 2 SB's

So dont tell me talent has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with it and the Jets talent is freakin second rate and its about time the ignorant fans of this team started to realize that.

Joe Montana My favorite QB of all time....Do we need to go over the talent he had over the years >

I can keep naming guys and the talent they had around them. You just dont win SB's with guys like Coles Cotchery Becht McCarreins Jones Greene and washed up Plaxicos over rated Holmes and inconsistent Keller if Jets fans think for a second that the Jets have an offense anywhere close to the teams mentioned above they are truly delusional and if you think its ONLY the QB that makes all those guys around them great you are fooling yourself even more.

if the Jets dont change the way they do Business in the draft and through free agancy and get rid of that moron of a GM you will see this team continue to spiral out of control . There was a reason Mangini came in here and built up the offensive line first. He had the right plan but just did not have the coaching background to lead a team. He built the current Jets core and its been squandered ever since by stupid move after stupid move. Go back to Parcells and see how he turned this team from a 1-15 Joke to a SB contender in 2 years. After he left we have NEVER had an offense to speak of unless you count the 10 games Pennington played in 02 that turned this team around. The Jets never added players for Pennington they subtracted them and it showed as Pennys numbers began to fall. Seems everyone knew that but the stupid ignorant Jets fans.

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Aaron Rodgers was sacked 50 times in 2009 and put up 64.7%, 4434 yards, 30 TD, 7 INT. That's not even getting into the number of would-be sacks that turn into completions because he (and Brady, and Brees, and Eli, et al.) can actually feel and avoid pressure. You're just completely, categorically wrong on this. The line is plenty good. Sanchez is terrible.

And Rodgers was also told he needed to make an adjustment and get rid of the football . Its not a knock on Rodgers as i think hes a fantastic QB he just wants to make plays so he held the ball a bit too long early in his career.

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Jets had the opportunity to draft David DeCastro and dominate the middle/left side, moving him from RG to LG, while possibly giving JAG Matt Slauson a chance to still start at RT, where he played well at Nebraska. That would have been a two for two with one pick giving yourself a chance to upgrade at two spots on the line. Not saying Slauson would have the skills but he'd a been a guy with experience and at least challenge the crap there now.

This was a HUGE oversight by Tanny, who I've been a supporter of up until this offseason.

I have some big expectations for Coples who will have to make the Defense that much better in the coming years.

Rex says Coples ceiling is JPP.

RT could have been addressed elsewhere in the off-season. I agree this is on Tanny, but Coples wasn't the guy to pass on for a RT. Honestly. Maybe Stephen Hill though.

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Oh man wayne sucks...you guys see what he said? he was like yeah you know I go out there and work and if the job isnt done they will find some one who will...This guys doesnt even care he's lettting our QB killed...hes like Im paid who cares.....

if he stats this year he makes the other guys bad, Sanchez wont make it to week 4, he will be on the IR

Did he really say that?? Really? Cause as much as I hate him I don't want to believe he would say something like that cause man... That's just dick...

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Bullsh*t because every so called Good QB has pro Bowlers around them. Phillip Rivers was lighting up the league, as his skill players began to drop, so did his production.

Kurt Warner had a pro bowler at every position while with the Rams after he moved from that team, he did sh*t until he went to the Cardinals who were loaded with WR talent which ressurected his career.

Tom Brady Was a good QB for the Pats never really putting up huge numbers until they added guys Like Randy Moss and Wes Welker and then he put up 50 TD's his defense won those 3 SB's in the early 2000's all brady did was lead a few clutch drives for winning field goals while his defense shut down offensive juggernauts like the Rams when no one else even came close.

Joe Theissmann was an ordinary QB until they built one of the greatest O-lines in the history of the game arond him and got him some great skill players to win his SB ....Same with Mark Rypein who was nothing special but the talent around him could have won a SB with Bubby Brister at QB.

Rich Gannon was a freakin Jag his entire career until he went to the Raiders who were loaded down with Skill position talent then he was the NFL MVP

Eli Manning was a god damn joke his first three seasons until the Giants began drafting WR's every year and surrounding him with talented players at every level of the offense.

Alex Smith was handled like a second class citizen in san fran now he will be going into his second year with the same coordinator for the first time in his career and what did they do ? They drafted WR's and a RB and added Randy Moss.

Jim Plunket was a disaster playing for a no talent team until he was dumped..... the Raiders pick him up and he becomes a 2 time SB winner playing with talent all around him. Nothing special here just surrounded by great talent

John Elway was a one man team who ALWAYS got destroyed by better teams in the SB. Then the Broncos decided to get him some real talent to work with in his later years namely one of the best RB's of the time and Rod Smith and Shannon Sharpe and the guy brings home 2 SB's

So dont tell me talent has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with it and the Jets talent is freakin second rate and its about time the ignorant fans of this team started to realize that.

Joe Montana My favorite QB of all time....Do we need to go over the talent he had over the years >

I can keep naming guys and the talent they had around them. You just dont win SB's with guys like Coles Cotchery Becht McCarreins Jones Greene and washed up Plaxicos over rated Holmes and inconsistent Keller if Jets fans think for a second that the Jets have an offense anywhere close to the teams mentioned above they are truly delusional and if you think its ONLY the QB that makes all those guys around them great you are fooling yourself even more.

if the Jets dont change the way they do Business in the draft and through free agancy and get rid of that moron of a GM you will see this team continue to spiral out of control . There was a reason Mangini came in here and built up the offensive line first. He had the right plan but just did not have the coaching background to lead a team. He built the current Jets core and its been squandered ever since by stupid move after stupid move. Go back to Parcells and see how he turned this team from a 1-15 Joke to a SB contender in 2 years. After he left we have NEVER had an offense to speak of unless you count the 10 games Pennington played in 02 that turned this team around. The Jets never added players for Pennington they subtracted them and it showed as Pennys numbers began to fall. Seems everyone knew that but the stupid ignorant Jets fans.

Post of the pre-season right there.

I could not agree more

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Semi-Serious question: Is Jason Smith really worse than Wayne Hunter? He seems to be a guy destined to be traded this season, before he is cut. Should we look to get him? He has been a monumental bust since being the second pick in the draft a few years ago, but at least we know he is physically talented...I think we need to make a deal this week and see him in two preseason games vs. Hunter.

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Semi-Serious question: Is Jason Smith really worse than Wayne Hunter? He seems to be a guy destined to be traded this season, before he is cut. Should we look to get him? He has been a monumental bust since being the second pick in the draft a few years ago, but at least we know he is physically talented...I think we need to make a deal this week and see him in two preseason games vs. Hunter.

I think we can put that torn down Joe Paterno statue at RT and it would be no different than having Hunter at the position/ Im still finding it hard to believe we did not sign Winston and solidify this O-Line for at the very least the next few years.

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Rex says Coples ceiling is JPP.

RT could have been addressed elsewhere in the off-season. I agree this is on Tanny, but Coples wasn't the guy to pass on for a RT. Honestly. Maybe Stephen Hill though.

...or free agency. Im with you. It didnt matter how frankly. We can all respectfully argue that point. What really...really bothers me and what's really inexcusable IMO, is that they ****ing sat back on their hands bragging that they didn't need help in the OL all offseason.

They decided Safety and back up QB was more important.

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Not only has Hunter exceeded my lower than low expectations, his stench has polluted the rest of the OL. It is going to be a very, very long season.

This. I think Hunter might be making the rest of the OL worse than it is. Not completely, of course, but I'm assuming that when the season starts they'll shift a bit to avoid Hunter being a huge blackhole on the line, but it's going to hurt Ferguson on the other side. It's what they did last year and Brick technically gave up more sacks last season than Hunter did (Brick's 9.5 to Hunter's 8.5) but they don't really have a choice.

Hunter with no help is getting Sanchez completely mown down, and Sanchez is going to get killed. Even if Sanchez was really good, he still wouldn't stand a chance when guys like Jason Pierre-Paul go around Hunter like he's roadkill. Once in a while that happens on any line, but it happens a little too frequently to the Jets these days.

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Bullsh*t because every so called Good QB has pro Bowlers around them. Phillip Rivers was lighting up the league, as his skill players began to drop, so did his production.

Kurt Warner had a pro bowler at every position while with the Rams after he moved from that team, he did sh*t until he went to the Cardinals who were loaded with WR talent which ressurected his career.

Tom Brady Was a good QB for the Pats never really putting up huge numbers until they added guys Like Randy Moss and Wes Welker and then he put up 50 TD's his defense won those 3 SB's in the early 2000's all brady did was lead a few clutch drives for winning field goals while his defense shut down offensive juggernauts like the Rams when no one else even came close.

Joe Theissmann was an ordinary QB until they built one of the greatest O-lines in the history of the game arond him and got him some great skill players to win his SB ....Same with Mark Rypein who was nothing special but the talent around him could have won a SB with Bubby Brister at QB.

Rich Gannon was a freakin Jag his entire career until he went to the Raiders who were loaded down with Skill position talent then he was the NFL MVP

Eli Manning was a god damn joke his first three seasons until the Giants began drafting WR's every year and surrounding him with talented players at every level of the offense.

Alex Smith was handled like a second class citizen in san fran now he will be going into his second year with the same coordinator for the first time in his career and what did they do ? They drafted WR's and a RB and added Randy Moss.

Jim Plunket was a disaster playing for a no talent team until he was dumped..... the Raiders pick him up and he becomes a 2 time SB winner playing with talent all around him. Nothing special here just surrounded by great talent

John Elway was a one man team who ALWAYS got destroyed by better teams in the SB. Then the Broncos decided to get him some real talent to work with in his later years namely one of the best RB's of the time and Rod Smith and Shannon Sharpe and the guy brings home 2 SB's

So dont tell me talent has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with it and the Jets talent is freakin second rate and its about time the ignorant fans of this team started to realize that.

Joe Montana My favorite QB of all time....Do we need to go over the talent he had over the years >

I can keep naming guys and the talent they had around them. You just dont win SB's with guys like Coles Cotchery Becht McCarreins Jones Greene and washed up Plaxicos over rated Holmes and inconsistent Keller if Jets fans think for a second that the Jets have an offense anywhere close to the teams mentioned above they are truly delusional and if you think its ONLY the QB that makes all those guys around them great you are fooling yourself even more.

if the Jets dont change the way they do Business in the draft and through free agancy and get rid of that moron of a GM you will see this team continue to spiral out of control . There was a reason Mangini came in here and built up the offensive line first. He had the right plan but just did not have the coaching background to lead a team. He built the current Jets core and its been squandered ever since by stupid move after stupid move. Go back to Parcells and see how he turned this team from a 1-15 Joke to a SB contender in 2 years. After he left we have NEVER had an offense to speak of unless you count the 10 games Pennington played in 02 that turned this team around. The Jets never added players for Pennington they subtracted them and it showed as Pennys numbers began to fall. Seems everyone knew that but the stupid ignorant Jets fans.

Smash and Villain. Excellent posts. Reality gets too complicated for some people and its easier to blame Sanchez than the clowns that are actually responsible for this team's decline. Rex doesn't get a pass here either. He still thinks he's a defensive coordinator and the drafts have reflected that the last two years. Unless Tannenbaum can learn football and Rex can do what's best for the team and not just the defense, the Jets will remain a lopsided mess.

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Hahahaha. I love this thread. JetsNation in a nutshell. Let's all overreact. It's been two preseason games and Hunter, who we knew isn't that good to begin with is coming off an injury. He hasn't been playing or practicing. Give it a chance. I'm not a fan of the Sparano move, but anybody would deserve more than 2 weeks for us to all blow a gasket.

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Aaron Rodgers was sacked 50 times in 2009 and put up 64.7%, 4434 yards, 30 TD, 7 INT. That's not even getting into the number of would-be sacks that turn into completions because he (and Brady, and Brees, and Eli, et al.) can actually feel and avoid pressure. You're just completely, categorically wrong on this. The line is plenty good. Sanchez is terrible.

Aaron Rogers (as well as the people you put in parentheses) didnt have a worse or as bad offensive line than what Sanchez currently has. The Pats O-line has consistently been one of the more solid lines in the league. The Saints have one of the best O-lines in the league are you kidding me? (Carl Nicks & Jahari Evans, 2 of the top Guards in the league along with Jermon Bushrod) On top of the fact that their Center or RT arent the "worst in the league", something that the Jets can certainly say about Wayne Hunter.

The Packers, Patriots and Saints all AT MINIMUM had solid to top offensive lines in the league last season. To say that im categorically wrong because Aaron Rogers got sacked 50 times in 2009 means nothing when back in 2009 we had Faneca and Woody and we had a stout rushing game, and ended up in the AFCCG because we were able to protect a rookie QB and open holes for our rushing attack. Secondly, Aaron Rogers was also in what, his 6th or 7th season by that time? Rogers came into his own in his 4th year, no one knew who the hell he was before his 4th year.

You're comparing the top gunners in the game to a kid with no help outside of a center and LT, and even D'brick is looking suspect.

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Semi-Serious question: Is Jason Smith really worse than Wayne Hunter? He seems to be a guy destined to be traded this season, before he is cut. Should we look to get him? He has been a monumental bust since being the second pick in the draft a few years ago, but at least we know he is physically talented...I think we need to make a deal this week and see him in two preseason games vs. Hunter.

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Bullsh*t because every so called Good QB has pro Bowlers around them. Phillip Rivers was lighting up the league, as his skill players began to drop, so did his production.

Kurt Warner had a pro bowler at every position while with the Rams after he moved from that team, he did sh*t until he went to the Cardinals who were loaded with WR talent which ressurected his career.

Tom Brady Was a good QB for the Pats never really putting up huge numbers until they added guys Like Randy Moss and Wes Welker and then he put up 50 TD's his defense won those 3 SB's in the early 2000's all brady did was lead a few clutch drives for winning field goals while his defense shut down offensive juggernauts like the Rams when no one else even came close.

Joe Theissmann was an ordinary QB until they built one of the greatest O-lines in the history of the game arond him and got him some great skill players to win his SB ....Same with Mark Rypein who was nothing special but the talent around him could have won a SB with Bubby Brister at QB.

Rich Gannon was a freakin Jag his entire career until he went to the Raiders who were loaded down with Skill position talent then he was the NFL MVP

Eli Manning was a god damn joke his first three seasons until the Giants began drafting WR's every year and surrounding him with talented players at every level of the offense.

Alex Smith was handled like a second class citizen in san fran now he will be going into his second year with the same coordinator for the first time in his career and what did they do ? They drafted WR's and a RB and added Randy Moss.

Jim Plunket was a disaster playing for a no talent team until he was dumped..... the Raiders pick him up and he becomes a 2 time SB winner playing with talent all around him. Nothing special here just surrounded by great talent

John Elway was a one man team who ALWAYS got destroyed by better teams in the SB. Then the Broncos decided to get him some real talent to work with in his later years namely one of the best RB's of the time and Rod Smith and Shannon Sharpe and the guy brings home 2 SB's

So dont tell me talent has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with it and the Jets talent is freakin second rate and its about time the ignorant fans of this team started to realize that.

Joe Montana My favorite QB of all time....Do we need to go over the talent he had over the years >

I can keep naming guys and the talent they had around them. You just dont win SB's with guys like Coles Cotchery Becht McCarreins Jones Greene and washed up Plaxicos over rated Holmes and inconsistent Keller if Jets fans think for a second that the Jets have an offense anywhere close to the teams mentioned above they are truly delusional and if you think its ONLY the QB that makes all those guys around them great you are fooling yourself even more.

if the Jets dont change the way they do Business in the draft and through free agancy and get rid of that moron of a GM you will see this team continue to spiral out of control . There was a reason Mangini came in here and built up the offensive line first. He had the right plan but just did not have the coaching background to lead a team. He built the current Jets core and its been squandered ever since by stupid move after stupid move. Go back to Parcells and see how he turned this team from a 1-15 Joke to a SB contender in 2 years. After he left we have NEVER had an offense to speak of unless you count the 10 games Pennington played in 02 that turned this team around. The Jets never added players for Pennington they subtracted them and it showed as Pennys numbers began to fall. Seems everyone knew that but the stupid ignorant Jets fans.

Thank you, however, someone is going to say that you're categorically wrong on this (not just wrong, but "categorically" wrong lol). Sanchez is just a terrible QB and he should be able to put up Aaron Roger numbers EVEN WITHOUT a RT and second rate left and right guards. lol.

I love jetnation.

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Aaron Rogers (as well as the people you put in parentheses) didnt have a worse or as bad offensive line than what Sanchez currently has. The Pats O-line has consistently been one of the more solid lines in the league. The Saints have one of the best O-lines in the league are you kidding me? (Carl Nicks & Jahari Evans, 2 of the top Guards in the league along with Jermon Bushrod) On top of the fact that their Center or RT arent the "worst in the league", something that the Jets can certainly say about Wayne Hunter.

The Packers, Patriots and Saints all AT MINIMUM had solid to top offensive lines in the league last season. To say that im categorically wrong because Aaron Rogers got sacked 50 times in 2009 means nothing when back in 2009 we had Faneca and Woody and we had a stout rushing game, and ended up in the AFCCG because we were able to protect a rookie QB and open holes for our rushing attack. Secondly, Aaron Rogers was also in what, his 6th or 7th season by that time? Rogers came into his own in his 4th year, no one knew who the hell he was before his 4th year.

You're comparing the top gunners in the game to a kid with no help outside of a center and LT, and even D'brick is looking suspect.

But see, you are wrong, partly. The saints have a great oline and the patsies have a good one, that i'll give you. But the packers were worse in just about every way. The only thing the giants were good in, was Pass-pro and that has a lot to do with eli.

If you go ahead and look at the actual numbers, Sanchez is not playing with anything close to a bottom-half of the league offensive line. We were easily a top 10 rush-offensive line last year, with the 7th best adjusted line yards. If you dive deeper into the numbers, our line was 4th best in the league as far as not allowing our running backs to get stuffed, yet we were 28th in second level yards, which just shows that our running backs cannot get anything more than our line gives them. The super bowl winning giants were 28th, green bay was 16th, san fran was 21st.

FO pass- protection just looks at sack rates per play, but even then we were only the 16th worst, whereas teams like GB, San fran, houston, carolina, chicago etc. were all well lower.

I'm not saying our line is a world beater, but it's far from being terrible and much better quarterbacks play with much worse and perform far better. What it does show is that our running backs are mediocre and our quarterback cannot play competitive football without anything but a top 5 offensive line.

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But see, you are wrong, partly. The saints have a great oline and the patsies have a good one, that i'll give you. But the packers were worse in just about every way. The only thing the giants were good in, was Pass-pro and that has a lot to do with eli.

Yeah they're actually not too far off. FO had the Jets better in almost every way, but PFF had Green Bay only slightly better in both the run and pass. Their end of year rankings the Jets were 12th and GB was 11th. Also, Hunter actually wasn't the worst RT last year to see at least 600 pass snaps. One guy actually beat him out in the efficiency category. McKenzie.

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I cant understand what some of you are thinking, I am going to quote stats here

the jets run game was 22nd in the league in '11 with just over 105 yards a game compared to '10 when we were 4th with just over 148 yards a game, in '09 the run game ranked #1 behind the best oline in the league with 178+ yards a game.The difference was the loss on the offensive line after '09 we cut a declining Fanaca and pushed Slauson into the role, last season we lost Woody to retirement and inserted that waste of space.

last season our offensive line allowed 40 sacks , of that 40 count them 13 were credited to Wayne "turnstile" Hunter. thats more than a 1/4 of the sacks were from the right side of the line. True some of you would say Sanchez should throw faster, I ask this question how do you expect a QB to hike the ball, get into the backfield , scan the field and get rid of the ball in under 2 seconds and not make mistakes? Thats the avg time Sanchez had on drop backs thanks to the flood gate on the right side.Need a reminder on what i am talking about? go to youtube and look up wayne hunter vs von miller and u will see Hunter thrown like a rag doll allowing Sanchez to get drilled. Hunter supposedly outweighs Miller and he was pushed aside like nothing.

Lets talk running game now. Running the ball last season was a problem. But would it surprise anyone that we ran better on the left side of the line than the right side? We were stopped for a loss on the right side 15 times compared to 9 on the left. Our run game hit an almost alltime low last season with 3.8 yards a carry ranking us #30 in yards per carry.

lets face the facts the oline has issues and needs to be addressed, you cant blame the QB because his issues stem from the issues in front of him. Its a cycle when a qb is being rushed to make decisions and is under constant bombardment from the defense he will get jumpy and make mistakes.

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