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Nice Sanchez takedown by George Willis in the Post.


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Oh and Tom Brady isnt elite. Hasn't won a SB without Seymour and couldn't win without the Pats D or Vinateri. Also got lucky with that whole tuck rule game.

Roethlisberger is not elite because of the Steelers' run game and D back when he started. He barely beat the Seahawks and Cardinals (how random are those two?) and needed ref help for both.

I'm going to try to come up with moments that makes it impossible to call a QB elite.

Peyton Manning didn't win a SB until a competent Colts D came out and he sucked in his winning SB.

1st quarter Eli is not elite, 4th quarter Eli is.

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Sanchez is a pussy, but this the writer's claim that Eli stood up to Tiki is total bullsh*t.

The biggest Eli haters on the Giants were Tiki and Shockey. Eli freed himself of one headache when Tiki retired, then another headache when Shockey was lost for the season, their SB year.

Eli won the support of the Giants' lockerroom when they played well the 2007 postseason and won the SB.

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Eli was also the QB of a 0-2 team the first year they won the SB.

The guy by in large was awful that season....56%, 3330, 23 td, 20 int, 13 fumbles.

How quickly people forget that him and Coughlin were almost run out of town before the magical run.


Almost run out of town...twice. Funny how this guy didn't mention Eli's pick-6 last week before the half.


It was even late in the season with a postseason birth on the line, and Eli throws THREE pick 6s. I've never seen that in my life before or since. Everyone was killing Eli after that, the fans, the media, even his teammates.

They had no clue what he was going to do in the postseason, but he ended up playing very well.

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In the same vein i was watching the press conference of another QB in this league. Here is an excerpt:

Q: How does the decision get made that 42 yards is close enough? You might have been able to get closer.

A: Yeah. It’s just a decision that Coach makes.

Conclusion: One of these days this QB will figure out it’s time to stand up for himself. He won’t become the quarterback his team needs him to be until he does.

Wait there is more......

Q: Are you on board with Julian Edelman playing in front of Wes Welker?

TB: Like I said, those three guys rotate a lot, so there are plays that Julian is in there for; there are a lot of plays that Wes is in there for. I love both those guys and they both work really hard. That's always Coach’s decision; who’s out there, that’s not really my decision.



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I'm not willing to kill Sanchez for this game. I mean there are days where he's terrible, but this game he put the ball in the right place most of the time and nobody held on, or turned around, or was in the right place.

And the idea that some schmuck at the Post thinks Sanchez isn't a leader because he didn't ignore his coach's call is just that: a schmuck.

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This to me is the classic "Monday Morning QB"

If the Jets go for the score and turn it over and the Steelers get a cheap score out of it then its "What the hell are the Jets doing ?"

I didn't have a huge issue with going into the locker room down 13-10 and getting the ball to start to the second half.

At some point though during the season I think Sanchez (Might be telling Holmes to STFU and catch the damn ball, could be Tebow relieving him on a day that Sanchez struggles) will have to make the stand and make this team HIS team.

It is going to be interesting to see how he and the Jets handle this entire season.

If Pitt wa getting the second half kickoff, I think the Jets go for something there.

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Lol @ T0m thinking this article is "nice."

George Willis wants Sanchez to bitch in public to help move the theme that bringing Tebow here is a complete disaster. He wants him to publicly complain about a coaching decision to put a little meat on the bone of the idea that Rex is losing the locker room (again). I could just imagine the headline, "Even Sanchez Questions Rex."

I hope that behind the scenes, Mark is telling his coach to trust him in those situations. But screw Willis.

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JetNation: Where Bill Parcells, Eli Manning, Wes Welker, and Bill Belichick suck, but Mark Sanchez, Shonn Greene, Tony Sparano and Santonio Holmes are awesome.

We should have a sister site called Strawman Jetnation.

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JetNation: Where Bill Parcells, Eli Manning, Wes Welker, and Bill Belichick suck, but Mark Sanchez, Shonn Greene, Tony Sparano and Santonio Holmes are awesome.

Unfortunately I have reached my quota for negative posts for today, so I couldn't add this one too. It's a shame there isn't a way to make giving neg rep to a T0mShane post not count against your rep cap for the day. It should just be assumed his posts/threads are going to suck and just count any others.

Your friend,

The Hammer

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Unfortunately I have reached my quota for negative posts for today, so I couldn't add this one too. It's a shame there isn't a way to make giving neg rep to a T0mShane post not count against your rep cap for the day. It should just be assumed his posts/threads are going to suck and just count any others.

Your friend,

The Hammer

Agreed. I'm bringing this up in the suggestions forum.

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Probably. I think his larger point is that Sanchez's Cali-chill surfer-boy shtick may have run its course.

I think his point is that Eli suffered much the same results as Sanchez until the Giants became his team no questions asked. The Tiki's, Shockey's etc were shutup and dismissed. The Jets missed their oppurtunity to do the same after the Holmes antics in the Miami game. Contract or no contract he should have went the way of Mason.

The Jets FO and CS do everything possible to prevent Eli's situation from happening for Sanchez whether it be the Tebow trade circus, the great cast of high character WR's they decided to sign last season, ignoring RT (and only resolving by accident) or simply not going for it at the end of the first half Sunday.

As you have said before, Sanchez may be better off anywhere but with the Jets.

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Sanchez is a pussy, but this the writer's claim that Eli stood up to Tiki is total bullsh*t.

The biggest Eli haters on the Giants were Tiki and Shockey. Eli freed himself of one headache when Tiki retired, then another headache when Shockey was lost for the season, their SB year.

Eli won the support of the Giants' lockerroom when they played well the 2007 postseason and won the SB.


Talk is BS. You go out an win and then you can talk.

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I cannot understand that people even attempt to argue anymore the fact of just how good he is.

The issue is actually quite the opposite. Eli went from a player who was once an admittedly underrated QB as you suggest, to having such an excessive change in how he is portrayed that he is now an overrated one. The guy simply is not in the league of the NFL's truly "elite" QBs, and won't be as long as he continues to show an inability to consistently show up for the entirety of a game. The issue becomes the amount of praise he receives for the number of comebacks he leads, while completely ignoring all of the outside factors that lead to that, with the biggest question being "why does he so often find himself in the situation of even needing to lead a comeback?", and the answer simply being because of his own remarkably inconsistent play.

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This to me is the classic "Monday Morning QB"

If the Jets go for the score and turn it over and the Steelers get a cheap score out of it then its "What the hell are the Jets doing ?"

I didn't have a huge issue with going into the locker room down 13-10 and getting the ball to start to the second half.

At some point though during the season I think Sanchez (Might be telling Holmes to STFU and catch the damn ball, could be Tebow relieving him on a day that Sanchez struggles) will have to make the stand and make this team HIS team.

It is going to be interesting to see how he and the Jets handle this entire season.

All true. But that decision underscores that Rex Ryan and Ton Sparano do not trust Mark Sanchez. If you expect to have a shot to beat the Steelers on the road you have to take that chance-unless you have no confidence in your QB and simply hope your defense can put your team in a position to take advantage of a Steeler mistake.
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I think his point is that Eli suffered much the same results as Sanchez until the Giants became his team no questions asked. The Tiki's, Shockey's etc were shutup and dismissed. The Jets missed their oppurtunity to do the same after the Holmes antics in the Miami game. Contract or no contract he should have went the way of Mason.

The Jets FO and CS do everything possible to prevent Eli's situation from happening for Sanchez whether it be the Tebow trade circus, the great cast of high character WR's they decided to sign last season, ignoring RT (and only resolving by accident) or simply not going for it at the end of the first half Sunday.

As you have said before, Sanchez may be better off anywhere but with the Jets.

All good points. Every Giant that gets asked always says that the turning point in Eli's career was the second Jeremy Shockey limped off the field and onto the injured list. It's still mind-boggling to me that Tannenbaum would put Plaxico, Mason and Holmes into the same huddle with his young, sensitive quarterback. Clearly the work of a GM who has no concept of locker room dynamics.

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