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Excuses for bringing Rex back...


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Without question the topic of bringing Rex back is a complicated one.  I've been sitting back listening and reading both sides of the argument.


And what jumps off the page to me is how many people are making excuses for keeping Rex.  As if it's not possible for a Jets head coach to exceed expectations and do a good job.  And as if there are no possible replacements out there.  Isn't that what we should be striving for...a great coach?  In my opinion the facts say move on.  The opinions say keep him.  We know what we have in him and the results have been mediocre.


  • We haven't won two games in a row in ages (think about that).
  • We gave Rex a top 5 QB to start his tenure with.  That didn't work out.
  • We gave Rex a ton of first round defensive talent and the unit has continued to decline over the course of his tenure.
  • Offensively we have been one of the worst units in football for 2+ seasons now.
  • We haven't been to the playoffs in 3 consecutive years.
  • His record against the AFC East is terrible.  The only team he's beaten is the Bills.  The Fish and Pats have owned him.


Before it became a QB driven league it was a coaches league.  In no other professional sport does the head coach have as much of an impact on team performance then in football.  And when I look at Rex and his overall body of work what stands out most to me is that he has not evolved at all as a coach.


Belichick was a defensive genius that lucked into a QB and has been lighting it up ever since.  He changed and evolved as a head coach.

Parcells was a smash mouth coach that evolved into a 5-wide guy with Bledsoe and Vinny.  He changed.

Look at the Ravens.  They have changed their identity.


My point is that after five years I haven't seen an evolution in Rex other than he doesn't run his mouth nearly as much as he used to.


The facts say Rex has done OK.  They also say he hasn't changed a bit in a league where the rules changes have completely altered the path to winning.


I'm not afraid of bringing someone new in.  I get it that he's a likeable guy, etc.


But the league is based on parity.  I want someone who will win big.  Rex hasn't won that much.  Period.  He's been average.


I want great.  Rex has never been great.  





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Without question the topic of bringing Rex back is a complicated one.  I've been sitting back listening and reading both sides of the argument.


And what jumps off the page to me is how many people are making excuses for keeping Rex.  As if it's not possible for a Jets head coach to exceed expectations and do a good job.  And as if there are no possible replacements out there.  Isn't that what we should be striving for...a great coach?  In my opinion the facts say move on.  The opinions say keep him.  We know what we have in him and the results have been mediocre.


  • We haven't won two games in a row in ages (think about that).
  • We gave Rex a top 5 QB to start his tenure with.  That didn't work out.
  • We gave Rex a ton of first round defensive talent and the unit has continued to decline over the course of his tenure.
  • Offensively we have been one of the worst units in football for 2+ seasons now.
  • We haven't been to the playoffs in 3 consecutive years.
  • His record against the AFC East is terrible.  The only team he's beaten is the Bills.  The Fish and Pats have owned him.


Before it became a QB driven league it was a coaches league.  In no other professional sport does the head coach have as much of an impact on team performance then in football.  And when I look at Rex and his overall body of work what stands out most to me is that he has not evolved at all as a coach.


Belichick was a defensive genius that lucked into a QB and has been lighting it up ever since.  He changed and evolved as a head coach.

Parcells was a smash mouth coach that evolved into a 5-wide guy with Bledsoe and Vinny.  He changed.

Look at the Ravens.  They have changed their identity.


My point is that after five years I haven't seen an evolution in Rex other than he doesn't run his mouth nearly as much as he used to.


The facts say Rex has done OK.  They also say he hasn't changed a bit in a league where the rules changes have completely altered the path to winning.


I'm not afraid of bringing someone new in.  I get it that he's a likeable guy, etc.


But the league is based on parity.  I want someone who will win big.  Rex hasn't won that much.  Period.  He's been average.


I want great.  Rex has never been great.  

Do you think IDZIK has the same thoughts? We shall see.

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Without question the topic of bringing Rex back is a complicated one.  I've been sitting back listening and reading both sides of the argument.


And what jumps off the page to me is how many people are making excuses for keeping Rex.  As if it's not possible for a Jets head coach to exceed expectations and do a good job.  And as if there are no possible replacements out there.  Isn't that what we should be striving for...a great coach?  In my opinion the facts say move on.  The opinions say keep him.  We know what we have in him and the results have been mediocre.


  • We haven't won two games in a row in ages (think about that).
  • We gave Rex a top 5 QB to start his tenure with.  That didn't work out.
  • We gave Rex a ton of first round defensive talent and the unit has continued to decline over the course of his tenure.
  • Offensively we have been one of the worst units in football for 2+ seasons now.
  • We haven't been to the playoffs in 3 consecutive years.
  • His record against the AFC East is terrible.  The only team he's beaten is the Bills.  The Fish and Pats have owned him.


Before it became a QB driven league it was a coaches league.  In no other professional sport does the head coach have as much of an impact on team performance then in football.  And when I look at Rex and his overall body of work what stands out most to me is that he has not evolved at all as a coach.


Belichick was a defensive genius that lucked into a QB and has been lighting it up ever since.  He changed and evolved as a head coach.

Parcells was a smash mouth coach that evolved into a 5-wide guy with Bledsoe and Vinny.  He changed.

Look at the Ravens.  They have changed their identity.


My point is that after five years I haven't seen an evolution in Rex other than he doesn't run his mouth nearly as much as he used to.


The facts say Rex has done OK.  They also say he hasn't changed a bit in a league where the rules changes have completely altered the path to winning.


I'm not afraid of bringing someone new in.  I get it that he's a likeable guy, etc.


But the league is based on parity.  I want someone who will win big.  Rex hasn't won that much.  Period.  He's been average.


I want great.  Rex has never been great.  

Very nicely said. I also, do not believe that Rex has what it takes to take the team to the next level and win a SB. He is simply NOT a great HC at all. The media, who has suddenly fallen in love with this guy, likes him simply because he gives them an easy interview and they know that he is likely as hell to do something really stupid that they can lambaste him about, Coming from known Jet haters like Steve Serby and Rich Cimini saying Rex SHOULD be back gives me pause, because I know they don't give a sh*t about what's best for the Jets, but what is best for them as haters. If Idzik keeps Rex, I will lose a lot of faith in HIS ability to see talent and his tenure will end as badly as Tanny's did.

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Very nicely said. I also, do not believe that Rex has what it takes to take the team to the next level and win a SB. He is simply NOT a great HC at all. The media, who has suddenly fallen in love with this guy, likes him simply because he gives them an easy interview and they know that he is likely as hell to do something really stupid that they can lambaste him about, Coming from known Jet haters like Steve Serby and Rich Cimini saying Rex SHOULD be back gives me pause, because I know they don't give a sh*t about what's best for the Jets, but what is best for them as haters. If Idzik keeps Rex, I will lose a lot of faith in HIS ability to see talent and his tenure will end as badly as Tanny's did.

The media loves this because it's an easy story. This blundering buffoon will blunder on, making their jobs very easy.The columns and blogs write themselves.

Santonio Holmes basically told the entire franchise to go eff themselves 2 seasons ago in Miami. he is still cashing gameday checks here. That's some kind of leadership.

To echo Blake-the Jets have not won consecutive games since the 2011 season. Thier offense is awful. This guy who has been here for 5 seasons of this is a great coach?

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Very well said There's one wild card right now with the jets and it's idzik . He came here after being the last bunch of interviewers and was told he had to keep Rex and trade revis . Then he basicly gave Rex 2 more d players so he hasn't put his stamp on this team yet and if he wants to survive he needs to and I'm not sure anyone knows what his concept of building a team is cause he's never done it and doesn't really talk to anyone . So if he's makeing the decision then we all don't know what he wants !

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They gave Rex a top 5 qb? Really?

1 manning

2 brady

3 Brees

4 Rodgers

5 sanchez


C'mon now.  Let's try to keep this real.  They gave Rex a top 5 pick at QB.  


Do I have to remind you how ridiculous the development of Sanchez was?  In a word is was pathetic.


Remember the color coded system?  Geez.  


The guy was a rookie head coach and they drafted him a QB in the first 5 picks of the draft.  That QB washed out...for many reasons (let's not go backwards).


They also drafted him a ton of defensive talent in the first round.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is in Rex that people are so in love with?


Let's see, on his watch we've had:


  • a team mutiny that he was unaware of (Holmes in Miami);
  • a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 3 consecutive years;
  • a team that has gone 6-17 on the road the last 3 seasons;
  • a team that has won the game following a victory 6 times in 3 seasons;
  • a team that has been blown out (losing by 17 or more points) 13 times in three years...that's 27% of the games played the last three years, an average of 4.5 games a year.

I understand it will be nearly impossible to replace that...but I'm willing to give it a try.


Put another way what level of ineptitude do we need to reach as a franchise to warrant a change since what Rex has been doing the last three years qualifies as good enough...or even to some exceeding expectations?  What exactly does he have to do to go?


Truthfully...there are a lot of people out there that can deliver the type of results he's delivered over the past three years.  We deserve better.


Anyone on this board believe John Harbaugh was going to do as well as he did when he was hired after being the special teams coordinator in Philly?  Or how about Tomlin?


We can do better...or we can put our head in the sand.

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Most of the fans love Rex, too. Look at any poll. Here, Jets Blog, wherever. You all are the minority here! :tongue:

Like the fans who have stopped showing up. Because one giveaway fishwrap paper poll says a few hundred fans like the guy, therefore, fans LOVE him.

The guy doesn't give a ____ about the offense. His dad never did and neither does he. The Jets will win nothing except being #2 against the run, which Wrecks pretends gets you a Lombardi. Other than that other imbecile Herman Edwards I have bever seen any decent coach brag about that kind of nonsense.


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You know what he means a top 5 draft pick. And he signed on 100% to the biggest mistake in franchise history.

"Mark can make all the throws. He gives us the best chance to win". Which means either Wrecks is blind or an idiot.
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I don't get why he's a fan favorite he's an average coach

I attribute it to 4 things:

1) he came in and was the anti Mangini, instead of a process it was heads are gonna roll, we are the Jets, better watch out, blah blah blah, which all turns out to be a load of crap.

2) he had early success, which was aided by a lot if luck. He had a solid team and was a welcome change to the players from Mangini . He got them believing they could do more than they could do. Played the underdog card well. This was his one and only trick, once it was over he had no more tricks.

3) jet fans relate to him. You could imagine him sitting in the stands with you half in the bag on $15 beers.

4) because Sanchez was so hated, it has somehow given Rex a free pass. Even though he stood by and let Sanchez act like a frat boy and named him captain rather than kicking his ass.

All of these things have led to Jets fans convincing themselves he is a much better coach than he really is, which is a very flawed, mediocre at best HC.

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C'mon now.  Let's try to keep this real.  They gave Rex a top 5 pick at QB.  


Do I have to remind you how ridiculous the development of Sanchez was?  In a word is was pathetic.


Remember the color coded system?  Geez.  


The guy was a rookie head coach and they drafted him a QB in the first 5 picks of the draft.  That QB washed out...for many reasons (let's not go backwards).


They also drafted him a ton of defensive talent in the first round.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it is in Rex that people are so in love with?


Let's see, on his watch we've had:


  • a team mutiny that he was unaware of (Holmes in Miami);
  • a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 3 consecutive years;
  • a team that has gone 6-17 on the road the last 3 seasons;
  • a team that has won the game following a victory 6 times in 3 seasons;
  • a team that has been blown out (losing by 17 or more points) 13 times in three years...that's 27% of the games played the last three years, an average of 4.5 games a year.

I understand it will be nearly impossible to replace that...but I'm willing to give it a try.


Put another way what level of ineptitude do we need to reach as a franchise to warrant a change since what Rex has been doing the last three years qualifies as good enough...or even to some exceeding expectations?  What exactly does he have to do to go?


Truthfully...there are a lot of people out there that can deliver the type of results he's delivered over the past three years.  We deserve better.


Anyone on this board believe John Harbaugh was going to do as well as he did when he was hired after being the special teams coordinator in Philly?  Or how about Tomlin?


We can do better...or we can put our head in the sand.

Good Posts Blake ...pretty much right on the money

Don't forget to "Play like a Jet"

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Like the fans who have stopped showing up. Because one giveaway fishwrap paper poll says a few hundred fans like the guy, therefore, fans LOVE him.The guy doesn't give a ____ about the offense. His dad never did and neither does he. The Jets will win nothing except being #2 against the run, which Wrecks pretends gets you a Lombardi. Other than that other imbecile Herman Edwards I have bever seen any decent coach brag about that kind of nonsense.WRECKS SUCKS BALLS.

Boyitellya.... That Wrecks thing never gets old. Comic genius! Thank god Rex is coming back, so we get at least one more year of one of the greatest running gags in internet history. Holy mackerel, let me catch my breath. Whew!

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Very nicely said. I also, do not believe that Rex has what it takes to take the team to the next level and win a SB. He is simply NOT a great HC at all. The media, who has suddenly fallen in love with this guy, likes him simply because he gives them an easy interview and they know that he is likely as hell to do something really stupid that they can lambaste him about, Coming from known Jet haters like Steve Serby and Rich Cimini saying Rex SHOULD be back gives me pause, because I know they don't give a sh*t about what's best for the Jets, but what is best for them as haters. If Idzik keeps Rex, I will lose a lot of faith in HIS ability to see talent and his tenure will end as badly as Tanny's did.

well get ready to loose faith body Rex will be back next year, this team needs lots of talent on the O side, nor rex or new coach will win with this  lack of talent

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Boyitellya.... That Wrecks thing never gets old. Comic genius! Thank god Rex is coming back, so we get at least one more year of one of the greatest running gags in internet history. Holy mackerel, let me catch my breath. Whew!

Oh come on, the "wrecks" thing is actually quite clever. Dont be so completely against everything the Anti-Rex faction comes up with.


And shouldnt it be spelled "Wrex"? Just asking?

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Same people that hated Mangini now claiming Mangini gave Rex a great team to take over. Grass is always greener syndrome, I guess. LOL.

It works both ways.

I hear Rex lovers screening Rex would have won a SB with even decent QB play because the 09 team was so great.

Rex brought in like two or three players on that team, it was all in place when he came in.

The talent level has dropped significantly since Rex took over.

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It works both ways.

I hear Rex lovers screening Rex would have won a SB with even decent QB play because the 09 team was so great.

Rex brought in like two or three players on that team, it was all in place when he came in.

The talent level has dropped significantly since Rex took over.


...and therein lies the rub...is that on Rex or Tanny?  

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Boyitellya.... That Wrecks thing never gets old. Comic genius! Thank god Rex is coming back, so we get at least one more year of one of the greatest running gags in internet history. Holy mackerel, let me catch my breath. Whew!

So you're okay with this putrid offense, but have a problem with a play on words mocking the HC. Got it.
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...and therein lies the rub...is that on Rex or Tanny?  


I'm sure that Rex has made personnel mistakes, but its primarily on Tannenbaum. You're the GM, that's your job.


FWIW, Tannenbaum was fine for the most part, it's really just the Sanchez extension that kills you. But the roster collapse was always going to happen with Tannenbaum. He was overly aggressive and that's a fine thing to be because as you can see, we made 2 deep playoff runs that way. But you're always going to have to pay for that with lean years.


Well, Tanny was the one who put the talent there in the first place with Mangini as HC no?

Same GM, different coach.

Seems pretty friggin obvious to me.


Really, you're putting that on the coaches? You don't see how Tannenbaum's strategy inevitably leads to down years? You don't see how it trades sustainability for immediate impact?

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I'm sure that Rex has made personnel mistakes, but its primarily on Tannenbaum. You're the GM, that's your job.


FWIW, Tannenbaum was fine for the most part, it's really just the Sanchez extension that kills you. But the roster collapse was always going to happen with Tannenbaum. He was overly aggressive and that's a fine thing to be because as you can see, we made 2 deep playoff runs that way. But you're always going to have to pay for that with lean years.

We could agree the Sanchez extension was a franchise setback decision in so many ways.
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Well, Tanny was the one who put the talent there in the first place with Mangini as HC no?

Same GM, different coach.

Seems pretty friggin obvious to me.


GM looks at the long-term picture...HC wants to win today...you saying the Tanny got worse at securing talent with Rex as HC?  Is that on Rex or was Mangini the brains behind the curtain?  


IMO...the scouts and the staff who have led the NFL drafts have sukked donkey balls for the last decade...at least since Bradway arrived...decent pro player department led to picking up some decent spare pieces...but eventually the squandering of picks led to the team's demise...only built for short term = narrow window = hole we are in.


I'm not a Rex-apologist but it's obvious to me that talent drop off falls on Tanny.

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