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Browner to visit Pats

Gastineau Lives

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FOX Boston reports free agent CB Brandon Browner will visit the Patriots on Thursday.

Suspended for the first four games of 2014, Browner would be a press-specialist luxury for Darrelle Revis and the Pats. The Jets have also expressed interest, but the Pats appear to be his first visit. Browner turns 30 in August.



Can these guys go right out and **** themselves? How much money do they have left?
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 I don't know how these teams do it, but the Broncos have signed a boatload of players without space, the Saints signed the best S for a boatload of money and no cap space,  and the Pats have very little space and just signed Revis and are talking to Browner.  Somehow these other teams don't seem to care about the cap and find ways to bring in players.

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How do they have any more money to spend? How much room do they have under the cap?


And aren't they basically just as desperate as us at WR and TE? (Besides the fact that they have Brady, who makes all WR's and TE's a little better, they're still very weak at those positions)

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How do they have any more money to spend? How much room do they have under the cap?


And aren't they basically just as desperate as us at WR and TE? (Besides the fact that they have Brady, who makes all WR's and TE's a little better, they're still very weak at those positions)


Really. Who do they have? Kenbrell Thompkins, Dobson, Amendola (when he's healthy), Gronk coming off a bad injury, Vereen.

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Teams making deals and reworking cap space, we sitting on 30 mil + looking for deals in the dollar store.


Preaching to the choir man, I don't get it. People keep worrying about how we're going to pay for our draft picks, as if there aren't teams that are already at or near the cap as we speak.

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Teams making deals and reworking cap space, we sitting on 30 mil + looking for deals in the dollar store.


We just signed the top-rated WR. Our top need? WR.


You may be the most irrelevant poster on here today.

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Draft picks come on the cheap compared to FA. NFL raised cap by 10 mil this year so it's expected players are going to ask for more money. Jets seemed interested in players that aren't getting alot of attention to get a better "Deal" and settling for sub par talent. I like the decker signing, but lets be real. Go look at his numbers and how he graded before Manning arrived. We did not just sign the next Jerry Rice folks.. A productive player sure, but not a #1 WR

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I say good, let them pick up another CB who will be out weeks 1-4 with their last 3 mil. Did they recently hire Tanny in the front office there?


Exactly.  If they were to sign Browner, we'd probably only have to face him once during the season anyway.  I'm sure that with Revis now on the Pats the NFL will be looking to have a Jets/Pats game early in the season, possibly even as a Week 1 game.  If they want to eat up the remainder, or most of what's left, of their cap space on him, go ahead. 

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Idzik doesnt do bidding wars. He signs players what they're worth. 


There's no price sheet for what players are worth. They're worth is determined by needs of the team. If a team is already set at a position, any player no matter how good will have less value for that team compared to a team that has a real need for the player.

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 I don't know how these teams do it, but the Broncos have signed a boatload of players without space, the Saints signed the best S for a boatload of money and no cap space,  and the Pats have very little space and just signed Revis and are talking to Browner.  Somehow these other teams don't seem to care about the cap and find ways to bring in players.


Because you don't need a ton of money to sign your draft picks.. Idzik is blowing smoke up peoples as***...

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Idzik doesnt do bidding wars. He signs players what they're worth. 


A healthy Browner is prob worth $3-4M per.  


Not really a bidding war per se, but informing his agent that we'd be willing to go that high before he gets off his plane in Foxborough would be competitive negotiating. 

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Draft picks come on the cheap compared to FA. NFL raised cap by 10 mil this year so it's expected players are going to ask for more money. Jets seemed interested in players that aren't getting alot of attention to get a better "Deal" and settling for sub par talent. I like the decker signing, but lets be real. Go look at his numbers and how he graded before Manning arrived. We did not just sign the next Jerry Rice folks.. A productive player sure, but not a #1 WR

Sub par talent,....really? Okay lets look at his numbers. Better yet, we'll also look at Demaryius Thomas numbers as well. They both were drafted by the Broncos the same year so everything that you pertain to Decker it goes just the same for Thomas. 


Career Stats: 

Decker- 222 rec, 3,070 yds, 33 TD's

Thomas- 240 rec, 3,696 yds, 30 TD's


Before Peyton's Arrival (2010-2011): Keep in mind, this is their rookie and sophomore season combined stats

Decker- 50 rec, 718 yds, 9 TD's

Thomas- 54 rec, 834 yds, 6 TD's


Peyton's Arrival (2012-2013):

Decker- 172 rec, 2352 yds, 24 TD's

Thomas- 186 rec, 2,864 yds, 24 TD's


What these stats show is that what you're saying is bullsh*t and that its only being said because you've heard it reiterated throughout the weeks leading up to the draft. Thomas numbers are better but very similar The two things that set them apart is that Thomas has missed 11 games in his career putting up those numbers while decker only missed 2 which was in his rookie year. 


To say that that we have to "keep it real" means not to tote the media party line that we've been hearing for the past weeks when Demaryius Thomas never had a 1,000 yard season before Peyton Manning. Eric Decker scored more TD's than Thomas in the Tebow era and has more TD's overall. Im not hear trying to call Decker a #1. I really dont care about that. What I care about is that he's the best weapon on this team right now offensively which is a major upgrade than what we had which was pretty much nothing. Top that with Idzik getting him for fair value. You however making it seem like its certain that he isnt a number one is quite funny because his numbers are almost identical to Thomas. Decker is a #1 right now because he's the best receiver on the team. 

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Preaching to the choir man, I don't get it. People keep worrying about how we're going to pay for our draft picks, as if there aren't teams that are already at or near the cap as we speak.


Are you still pitching a fit over here man?  It's clear that besides stop-gaps Idzik wants to sign young, talented players who will be with the franchise for an extended period of time, giving him a long window of opportunity to build a contender.  The patriots are in a win-now mode for as long as Brady still is on the field. Our teams are going to operate differently, that's just a fact.

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There's no price sheet for what players are worth. They're worth is determined by needs of the team. If a team is already set at a position, any player no matter how good will have less value for that team compared to a team that has a real need for the player.

Let me slow down for you. There is no price sheet, but there is something called demand. 

Idzik could have easily jumped on Decker the first day of FA when analyst was expecting him to get about 10 million a year. What happened? You didnt hear a word from the Jets or any team for that matter regarding Decker. That put things in perspective and gave Idzik some leverage to work with. That one day of silence was able to bring the market to the Jets in order to solidify a deal worth a bit over 7 million a year. Thats a 3 million cut from what was expected by the "experts".


In otherwords, like what he did with Austin Howard, Idzik doesnt get into bidding wars. He pays what he see as fair market value. If you believe you can get more money somewhere else Idzik surely wont step in your way. He let Howard get his money right?....but just not from the Jets because he wasnt worth the 30 million the Raiders gave him. Instead Idzik added 6 million more and gave that money to the best WR free agent which was an excellent price given the circumstance. 


Idzik is ballin' right now. And the same people who were whining will be loving this guy when its said and done.

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A healthy Browner is prob worth $3-4M per.  


Not really a bidding war per se, but informing his agent that we'd be willing to go that high before he gets off his plane in Foxborough would be competitive negotiating. 

He's 30, missed a year of ball, will miss another quarter year. Na, im not saying he isnt worth it, but we need guys on the field now who can play. We went through that last year. 

Think of this. We went 8-8 last year. Imagine if Goodson would have been able to play from week 1 and he didnt get hurt. Mind you, if we would have won any one of those games we lost we would have made the playoffs knocking out the Chargers. Those 4 games are going to be crucial especially having a young Milliner here. I'd prefer to have a guy on the field for 16 games. Let the Pats have'em. We may not be able to get a CB as good as him, but if we can at some serious stability at the FS position it wont even matter. 


EDIT: Speaking of FS, im starting to re-evalutate things now that I have a sense of the direction that Idzik is going and I think that we may pick up one of the top Safeties in the draft, either Pryor or Dix in the first round and pick up that WR in that deep class in the 2nd. 

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Villain your last 3 posts were spot on. Especially the detailed comparison between Decker and Thomas. I've checked in on this site for while now but finally I decided to join the forums and start contributing after that lol. There seems to be many knowledgeable and amusing Jets fans on this site. I'm a diehard Jets fan through thick and thin. I can dig it.

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How do they have any more money to spend? How much room do they have under the cap?


And aren't they basically just as desperate as us at WR and TE? (Besides the fact that they have Brady, who makes all WR's and TE's a little better, they're still very weak at those positions)

Pats along with the Jets and Raider have the less money committed as far as cash spending in the league. However, the teams differ in cap space. So it's not like the Pats don't have money to invest.

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Decker was a great signing imo and I've been critical of Idzik to say the least.


There are still other good corners left. DRC, Nolan, etc. So if Browner goes off first that is fine.


On another note, who is going to play WR for the Pats this season? Dobson and that other idiot? They also will not be signing Spikes back. Not sure how they plan on replacing him, he was a great run defender and Wilfork is getting up there in age.

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There's no price sheet for what players are worth. They're worth is determined by needs of the team. If a team is already set at a position, any player no matter how good will have less value for that team compared to a team that has a real need for the player.

right.  Tampa "needed" Darrelle Revis last year so they agreed to give him 16 million.  They gave up 2 draft picks.  The indomitable Darrelle Revis turned their whole season around, as 16 million dollar per year players should.  Oh, wait....I'm sorry.  They sucked.  They cut Revis.  They lost 2 good draft picks. Absolutely, pay whatever it takes to get what you need.  

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 I don't know how these teams do it, but the Broncos have signed a boatload of players without space, the Saints signed the best S for a boatload of money and no cap space,  and the Pats have very little space and just signed Revis and are talking to Browner.  Somehow these other teams don't seem to care about the cap and find ways to bring in players.


They're trying to win now, while they still have their QBs.  It'll hurt them in a couple of years (in Denver's case, it'll be really bad), but they won't care about that if they win a Super Bowl now.

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They're trying to win now, while they still have their QBs.  It'll hurt them in a couple of years (in Denver's case, it'll be really bad), but they won't care about that if they win a Super Bowl now.

Sure.  The minute Brady goes, BB will soon follow.  He knows the pats will drop to the bottom of the conference with their talent.

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He's 30, missed a year of ball, will miss another quarter year. Na, im not saying he isnt worth it, but we need guys on the field now who can play. We went through that last year. 

Think of this. We went 8-8 last year. Imagine if Goodson would have been able to play from week 1 and he didnt get hurt. Mind you, if we would have won any one of those games we lost we would have made the playoffs knocking out the Chargers. Those 4 games are going to be crucial especially having a young Milliner here. I'd prefer to have a guy on the field for 16 games. Let the Pats have'em. We may not be able to get a CB as good as him, but if we can at some serious stability at the FS position it wont even matter. 


EDIT: Speaking of FS, im starting to re-evalutate things now that I have a sense of the direction that Idzik is going and I think that we may pick up one of the top Safeties in the draft, either Pryor or Dix in the first round and pick up that WR in that deep class in the 2nd. 


I agree with almost everything you have said in this thread, but IMO you will not get any sense of the direction that Idzik is going in the draft from the FA signings.  I sure hope not.  He is going to use FA fill holes. They will have enough to go with at S and he will go BAP in the draft.  The D was pretty top notch with Leonhard and Rhodes, they do not need HOF safeties, though an upgrade would sure be nice.  You never know how the draft will shake out. 


DRC is the softest CB in the league. I can't see him playing for Rex. 


Yes, but that is what everybody said about Antonio Cromartie too. 

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DRC is the softest CB in the league. I can't see him playing for Rex. 


Cromartie went from being a total pu$$y (See:  Greene, Shonn) to making hits like the ones you see here (See 1:11 mark) under Rex:




I'm sure Rex can inject some toughness into the other Cromartie too, if we want him.

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