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Exactly What I Thought ...


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Here's the breakdown of the media's agenda during the early stages of

our GM/HC searches.  So when you read their "reports" keep this in mind,







“Food fight” is too polite to describe the recent war of words between sports reporters who write about pro football for New York’s tabloid newspapers.


The main combatants—but not the only ones—are Mark Cannizzaro of the New York Post and Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News. If it’s figurative food they’ve been throwing, it’s the foul byproduct of pre-digested meals.

The issue was who would replace Rex Ryan as head coach of the New York Football Jets. Owner Woody Johnson settled that this week by hiring Todd Bowles to replace Ryan and Mike Maccagnan as his general manager to replace John Idzik.

It looked a lot different two weeks ago when Cannizzaro touted a head-coaching candidate, Doug Marrone, who left Buffalo right after the regular season and is known to be a long-time friend of Cannizzaro’s.

On Dec. 31 Cannizzaro began a drumbeat of Tweets with “I can see #Jets hiring Marrone pretty quickly and allowing him to have input in GM search.”


Next day, Cannizzaro added “Marrone has jumped to the top of the Jets’ list . . . “

Not so fast, said the Daily News. Mehta in particular suggested it was “sleazy” for Jets’ consultants Charley Casserly and Ron Wolf to push a favored friend on Johnson so quickly after Marrone opted out of the final two years of his Bills deal.

Mehta implied premature Jets’ discussions with Marrone’s agent, Jimmy Sexton, while Marrone still coached the Bills. Mehta also skated on thin journalistic ice when he quoted several anonymous sources saying negative things about a man unable to counter them.

“He’s never won anywhere,” Mehta quoted an anonymous executive. (Marrone was 25-25 at Syracuse and 15-17 with the Bills.)

Mehta found “one league source” who said Marrone “wasn’t the most-liked guy by the players.”




Next, Mehta wrote that Marrone was a “control freak” according to “one person.” And “a source’ told Mehta that Marrone was all “about power and control. That is why he is a very dangerous person to have in the building.”

By then, it turned into a hockey fight. Third man in was columnist Mike Lupica of the Daily News on Jan. 2 suggesting:

“Woody would have been better off staying with Rex Ryan who has had much better results in pro football than Marrone has.” Then he ended with his characteristic Big-Town patter. Johnson, Lupica wrote “Looks like a sucker. Or maybe a mark.”

According to a Seth Walder piece in the News on Jan 5, a former assistant to Marrone at Syracuse, Bob Casullo, told ESPN radio in Syracuse that Marrone is “Self-centered, selfish, greedy. You’re re-shuffling an egomaniac, less than .500 coach.”

Next involved was Michael Kay on ESPN Radio in New York who told Mehta, his guest, that Mehta aggressively sought out people with axes to grind in Buffalo and that Mehta was naïve about how coaches play out their leverage.


Post teammate Brian Costello came to the aide of Cannizzaro in a Jan. 9 post: “Two sources said that Marrone did not bomb the interview as has been reported” by the Daily News and others.

Cannizzaro turned what was ostensibly a Boomer Esiason column into an attack on the unnamed Mehta. Esiason is the former Jets’ quarterback and broadcasting gadfly.

Cannizzaro wrote: “Esiason cited the ‘agenda-driven’ smear campaign against Marrone by one New York newspaper as an example of how bad it can get here saying he ‘doesn’t take anything the paper” (the Daily News) “writes about the Jets seriously at all because it’s 100-percent agenda-drive and it’s so painfully obvious.’”

Agenda? Hmmmm. Certainly it would be difficult for Mehta, from a competitive standpoint, to work against Cannizzaro if one of Cannizzaro’s friends became the head coach. Mehta, and his fellow writers at the Daily News, seemed to be reading the same playbook.


Cannizzaro was out-manned by Daily News snipers, but stuck to his guns.

“There have been rampant erroneous reports that Marrone’s interview with the Jets went poorly,” Cannizzaro wrote. “To the contrary, according to sources familiar with the proceedings. Marrone’s interview with the Jets went well.”



But Marrone’s name soon dropped out of media speculation. Seattle defensive coordinator Dan Quinn seemed to be a front runner until Bowles was hired Tuesday from the Arizona Cardinals, where he was defensive coordinator.

Cannizzaro resorted to firing Twitter rockets, the current rage among overworked sports reporters who must serve that platform along with constant internet reporting and also full stories for the printed page.

While Mehta was on Kay’s radio show, Cannizzaro tweeted: “MichaelKay1 embarrassing agenda-laced (begin air quotes here) journalism (end air quotes) here.”


On Jan. 9, Cannizzaro tweeted: “Word in NFL circulating that former Bills HC Doug Marrone was high on @Woodyjohnson4 list until smear campaign by one writer ‘spooked him.’”

On the same day, he also wrote: “For an owner to be influenced that much by one writer is shameful as astonishing. Can you imagine Giants John Mara that rabbit-eared?”

Finally, he added: “Woody Johnson4 shid allow his fb peers hire HC most qualified for the job. If he doesn’t do that it remains #amateurhour at Flo Park.”


Curiously, for such a verbose profession, the journalists kept silent when asked about the current fracas.

Cannizzaro, in an email exchange, told the Observer: “As a colleague I would be happy to help, but my sports editor has advised that I not participate in the story. Apologies.”

From The Daily News, sports editor Teri Thompson wrote in a message to the Observer: “Our stories speak for themselves. We’ll respectfully decline to comment, as will Manish.”

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It is all agenda based instead of reporting the actual news- entertainment industry to sensationalize to get hits and counts

Agreed , they have zero interest in the team doing well ..the circus is what sells, I remember Francessa doing an interview a few years back where he said as far as the media goes on a scale of 1-10 the Giants beating the undefeated Pats was a 5 and the mets collapse ( 7 up 17 to play ) was a 10.
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The writers are so bad I find myself actually defending Woody Johnson here.


Had Woody hired Marrone, he's a moron.


Since Woody didn't hire Marrone, it's somehow proof that he's influenced by the media.



While Woody is indeed both a moron and gets influenced in the media, neither of those characteristics seemed to come into play with his decision to hire Bowles.  The writers are just egotistical jackasses.

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Good piece. People's hatred for Mehta blinded them to the fact that Cannizzaro is equally full of crap. 


I remember when we weren't allowed to criticize Cannizzaro on JI. I thought it was because Sooth was kissing his ass. I had no idea it was because Cannizzaro was reading it and whining to Sooth. 

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All these clowns should be reassigned to the gossip columns. There are some very good, lesser known Jets beat writers. I hope they can get a gig at the NY Post or DN to talk REAL Jets football.


You know what the sad part is about that? Manish Metha used to be one of them. When he was working for the Star Ledger he covered the Jets in an objective, professional manner. 

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Agreed , they have zero interest in the team doing well ..the circus is what sells, I remember Francessa doing an interview a few years back where he said as far as the media goes on a scale of 1-10 the Giants beating the undefeated Pats was a 5 and the mets collapse ( 7 up 17 to play ) was a 10.

That says it all, controversy and drama sells more than winning.

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Agreed , they have zero interest in the team doing well ..the circus is what sells, I remember Francessa doing an interview a few years back where he said as far as the media goes on a scale of 1-10 the Giants beating the undefeated Pats was a 5 and the mets collapse ( 7 up 17 to play ) was a 10.

Look at this poster bringing fatcessa as a judge, to discuss the interests driven agenda by the media.   :character41: 


Poor dude, he really has no clue about the hatred driven agenda by Fatcessa against the team he root for.  :Banane43: 

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I remember when we weren't allowed to criticize Cannizzaro on JI. I thought it was because Sooth was kissing his ass. I had no idea it was because Cannizzaro was reading it and whining to Sooth.

Wow are you serious? I thought it was Sooth kissing his ass for contributing to the site.

I was banned for a few months once for calling Cannizzaro a fat f*ck. If I'd have known it was because Cannizzaro had thin skin, I would have done all I could to be permabanned.

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Look at this poster bringing fatcessa as a judge, to discuss the interests driven agenda by the media. :character41:


Poor dude, he really has no clue about the hatred driven agenda by Fatcessa against the team he root for. :Banane43:

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Wow are you serious? I thought it was Sooth kissing his ass for contributing to the site.

I was banned for a few months once for calling Cannizzaro a fat f*ck. If I'd have known it was because Cannizzaro had thin skin, I would have done all I could to be permabanned.


I don't know it for sure but seeing how he got all butthurt by what Mehta was doing.....

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Look at this poster bringing fatcessa as a judge, to discuss the interests driven agenda by the media.   :character41: 


Poor dude, he really has no clue about the hatred driven agenda by Fatcessa against the team he root for.  :Banane43: 


Thank goodness for emoticons, otherwise I wouldn't have realized this was in English.

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As long as they got it right with Bowles, this is now all trivia.


Except, of course, Manish Mehta has been, is and will always be a douchebag of epic proportions. Marrone hires an unhireable guy(probably out of kindness or as a favor) and winds up canning him when it becomes obvious why this guy wears out his welcome.The guy's work history makes it clear he empties his office every year or 2 like clockwork; nobody stops to ask why it is he gets asked to box up his belongings so often.  Mehta meets angry unemployable guy in his van down by the river, probably buys him a 12 pack of some cheap crappy beer and puts his recorder on to take Marrone down a whole bunch of pegs. It's total crap. Mehta should be treated like herpes at Florham Park. 

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who cares.  the end justifies the means.  Marrone would have been about as inspiring as a wait in line at the DMV.

Would he wins football games?  That's all I care about and all anyone should care about that has anything to do with the Jets.  Lazy writers of course hate that kind of coach or gm because they don't get witty Rex like sound bites they can make into instant stories.

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Would he wins football games?  That's all I care about and all anyone should care about that has anything to do with the Jets.  Lazy writers of course hate that kind of coach or gm because they don't get witty Rex like sound bites they can make into instant stories.


The Jets are entertainment to me..  part of that entertainment involves hearing coaches and players that have an actual opinion and don't just spew platitudes. 


Sure I'd rather have a SB win than cool press conferences but if we're only going to win 8 games at least make something about the team interesting.

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All the local writers in New York are Giants fans and ESPN are a bunch of chowds from Bristol, Connecticut.  I barely listen to WFAN anymore and stopped watching ESPN except for when they broadcast NFL or NBA games.


MLB Network and NFL Network >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ESPN

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As long as they got it right with Bowles, this is now all trivia.

Except, of course, Manish Mehta has been, is and will always be a douchebag of epic proportions. Marrone hires an unhireable guy(probably out of kindness or as a favor) and winds up canning him when it becomes obvious why this guy wears out his welcome.The guy's wrok history makes it cealr he empties his office every year or 2 liek cloockwork; nobody stops to ask why it is he gets asked to box up his belongings so often. Mehta meets angry unemployable guy in his van down by the river, probably buys him a 12 pack of some cheap crappy beer and puts his record on to take Marroen down a whole bunch of pegs. It's total crap. Mehta should be treated like herpes at Florham Park.

Classic lol
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The Jets are entertainment to me..  part of that entertainment involves hearing coaches and players that have an actual opinion and don't just spew platitudes. 


Sure I'd rather have a SB win than cool press conferences but if we're only going to win 8 games at least make something about the team interesting.

Rex over Belichick in the microphone bowl.

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The Jets are entertainment to me..  part of that entertainment involves hearing coaches and players that have an actual opinion and don't just spew platitudes. 


Sure I'd rather have a SB win than cool press conferences but if we're only going to win 8 games at least make something about the team interesting.

The BS gets old. Winning is better. If you can recall the feeling you had the  before any AFC title game, or hallftime in Denver in 1998 or Indy in 2009, that is a great feeling(Pitt, not so much; that was exasperating, infuriating, crappy). And we haven't had it nearly enough. We're the kids with our noses pressed up against the glass while the Jints or Pats party their asses off in plain view. 

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