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Is it fair to judge Geno Smith on this one game?


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People who follow these things know where I stand on the Geno Smith question but, as sometimes happens, the mind plays tricks and you sometimes question your own first instincts.

On the one hand it was a hostile environment that he got thrown into where the entire team was playing badly. He did manage to move the ball for scores on several occasions. On the other hand we saw very poor decision masking on several occasions. Just plain old boneheaded Geno. The exact kind of thing that many of us have predicted would not change.

Obviously (to me anyway) if Fitz is not able to play Geno gets the rest of the year but is it fair to draw conclusions about what we have in Geno based on less than one whole game?

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The problem is that we're not judging him off of one game. We have had 2 seasons and one game this season of embarrassment to base our opinions on. The guy is the definition of a bad quarterback.

Understood.  But those who support him feel he improved at the end of the year and now he has a real OC and real weapons to throw to.  Kind of a reborn again thing.

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Understood.  But those who support him feel he improved at the end of the year and now he has a real OC and real weapons to throw to.  Kind of a reborn again thing.

I dont wanna know my man, I'm not seeing it. 

Geno has great arm talent but he just doesn't have what it takes upstairs. To put it bluntly he's plain dumb. Yesterday we learned that he still makes bad throwing decisions, still holds onto the ball forever, still rolls out right and takes completely unnecessary sacks when he could easily throw the football away, still lacks any resemblance of game or field awareness. 

It's a lost cause. If Fitz can't go Petty should play. At least there's hope for Petty.

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The problem is that we're not judging him off of one game. We have had 2 seasons and one game this season of embarrassment to base our opinions on. The guy is the definition of a bad quarterback.

Its not a problem if you judge him from what you saw yesterday and I think @EM31 is right. Geno made some bonehead decisions late in the game. He was also rusty to start throwing the ball twice into double coverage, however, when he settled in the kid did some damage. 

Geno began his day with the game halfway down the toilet bowl given the defense and on the offensive side of the ball we couldnt get the running game together. The only way the Jets was able to move the ball was by Geno Smith moving them down the field. 

With that said, he completed 65% of his passes for 265 yards, had a long of 30 yards and threw 2 TD's and an INT with 1 TD dropped that hit Marshall square in the stomach as well as another TD that though was contested Marshall should had pulled in. Those numbers are very "Fitzpatrick-esque" 

Where Geno went south was when he had to improvise. That 30 yard scramble was great, but he forgot to take the yards and get out of bounds and instead gets blown up by a defender for no f'ing reason. It wasnt like he was near the endzone. Then of course after getting hit like that he was second-guessing himself to scramble again and when flushed out of the pocket instead of throwing the ball away he takes two totally unnecessary sacks. 

Geno Smith showed that he could move the offense through the air and without a running game to support him. He unfortunately also showed that he's not too bright when improvising. We could also say the same thing for Fitz though. The reason why he tore ligaments in his hand is because he decided not to slide and take the yards but instead fought for more and put himself at risk. 

Perfect example imo of how Geno's stupidity is put under a magnifying glass and blown up to overshadow his production because we continue to hold on to prior years while Fitz stupidity is basically disregarded because his prior years didnt occur in a Jets jersey. 

If not for 3 or 4 bonehead decisions by Geno I have to say he had a good game. But with those I have to say that he was just "okay". 

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I accept that he can still make some real smart throws, and has the athleticism and arm to move the ball. But those stupid, stupid sacks show me he still doesn't get the real basics about not making a bust up play any worse by making dumb decisions. Twice at the end of the game he cost us yardage AND clock by refusing to accept the play was going nowhere and just throwing it away.


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Its not a problem if you judge him from what you saw yesterday and I think @EM31 is right. Geno made some bonehead decisions late in the game. He was also rusty to start throwing the ball twice into double coverage, however, when he settled in the kid did some damage. 

Geno began his day with the game halfway down the toilet bowl given the defense and on the offensive side of the ball we couldnt get the running game together. The only way the Jets was able to move the ball was by Geno Smith moving them down the field. 

With that said, he completed 65% of his passes for 265 yards, had a long of 30 yards and threw 2 TD's and an INT with 1 TD dropped that hit Marshall square in the stomach as well as another TD that though was contested Marshall should had pulled in. Those numbers are very "Fitzpatrick-esque" 

Where Geno went south was when he had to improvise. That 30 yard scramble was great, but he forgot to take the yards and get out of bounds and instead gets blown up by a defender for no f'ing reason. It wasnt like he was near the endzone. Then of course after getting hit like that he was second-guessing himself to scramble again and when flushed out of the pocket instead of throwing the ball away he takes two totally unnecessary sacks. 

Geno Smith showed that he could move the offense through the air and without a running game to support him. He unfortunately also showed that he's not too bright when improvising. We could also say the same thing for Fitz though. The reason why he tore ligaments in his hand is because he decided not to slide and take the yards but instead fought for more and put himself at risk. 

Perfect example imo of how Geno's stupidity is put under a magnifying glass and blown up to overshadow his production because we continue to hold on to prior years while Fitz stupidity is basically disregarded because his prior years didnt occur in a Jets jersey. 

If not for 3 or 4 bonehead decisions by Geno I have to say he had a good game. But with those I have to say that he was just "okay". 

I just can't look past his decision making and leadership. The team looked completely lost with him under center, that will probably be blamed on practice time but I think it's much more than that. Unfortunately it looks like Geno will get his shot next week.. and fortunately it's against the Jaguars and the Jets will beat them handily. So let's see what he's got.

Let's go get Mike Glennon and put all of this to bed.

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Here's the line I love....if not for those bonehead plays he would have had a good game.  Really? He always makes bonehead plays that's why he sucks.  I've seen enough in this clowns body of work to know without a doubt he is not the answer.. Stop holding onto a hope that just isn't there.  Petty has a chance, but not yet.  I'll cheer Geno on if it's him but we are done if it is.  That's my 2 cents ......I hope I'm wrong.

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I just can't look past his decision making and leadership. The team looked completely lost with him under center, that will probably be blamed on practice time but I think it's much more than that. Unfortunately it looks like Geno will get his shot next week.. and fortunately it's against the Jaguars and the Jets will beat them handily. So let's see what he's got.

Let's go get Mike Glennon and put all of this to bed.

The Jets didnt look completely lost with him under center yesterday. As stated, the only way the Jets moved the ball yesterday was through Geno Smith. The running game was non-existent. And its not that it "will probably be blamed on practice time", that is a legit case in point right there. Geno hasnt had the rapport with the starters that Fitz has had for the past 3 months. Remember, not only was Fitz building that relationship since the 1st week of the preseason, but Geno was hurt for the entire preseason and the first 3 weeks of the reg. season. So Geno may have been throwing the football as a fulltime back up for the past 5 weeks or so. 

You can most certainly hold on to what Geno has done in the past. Your perception is based on what you've seen from him, I cant say thats wrong. At the same time though you cant not make a legit reality "non legit" because of what you think of him. That level of reasoning is the exact thing that I've argued against. Be critical, but be fair in your criticism. 

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I just can't look past his decision making and leadership. The team looked completely lost with him under center, that will probably be blamed on practice time but I think it's much more than that. Unfortunately it looks like Geno will get his shot next week.. and fortunately it's against the Jaguars and the Jets will beat them handily. So let's see what he's got.

Let's go get Mike Glennon and put all of this to bed.

so he looked bad and the team looked lost?  Funny but they didn't run the ball well, Mangold was missed and I think Ivory still is under 100%, and they still managed to put up close to their usual number of points with a QB who sucks, hasn't taken a snap since last season and has only practiced with the 2nd unit.  They moved to he ball well in the 2nd half.  And if they do better next week they get no credit because they're playing a sub .500 team?



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Geno impressed me at times yesterday.  I'm not intending to make long-term judgments on whether he's taken strides off one game, but I'm willing to support him.  Because what other choice do we have?  If those first 3 drives he had were just "rust", well then that should be going away this week.  He'll be getting all the first team reps and needs to be ready to go against the Jaguars, followed by a short week against Buffalo.

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I think it's fair to judge him based on the end. The early throws, and early criticism accompanying it, were just dumb. He's cold off the bench and, as I mentioned a couple of times already, Geno may be the only QB in the NFL right now - starter or backup - who didn't get so much as one pass attempt in one preseason game (let alone any live action since the regular season started). 

The end of the game McGoo-isms are unchanged from last season and fair to judge harshly. Yes, it's overwhelmingly - some would say all, and it's a valid opinion - on Geno. Yes, it generally gets better with experience (at this stage in his career, Fitz was still being benched for the 2nd consecutive season), but he knows what he did himself to close out games badly in the past. 

It's also a huge indictment of Gailey IMO. My last post in the game thread was about this. Knowing what even casual posters here know about Geno, he has to repeat EVERY PLAY what his general game-situation awareness should be. Right into Geno's helmet after calling in the play. "OK remember it's 3rd down and time's a factor. If you don't see an open man, throw it away." Or, "Remember you cannot take a sack here. We can't stop the clock and there's no punting anymore." However he wants to abbreviate it to get the message out. But Geno clearly needs this reminder every play and, while it's possible he's getting it, I doubt it.

More likely, Gailey is assuming Geno knows it because he told him a few minutes ago. And he may know it if asked but it isn't second nature for him to remember it yet (if it ever will). Telling him 2 or 3 plays ago isn't often enough for a QB like Geno and it won't be enough should they put Petty in either. It's just not enough to tell him in a film session after the game, "C'mon you need to know what the situation is here." Same with calling for a deep pass on 3rd & short (which he maddeningly does with Fitz as well). He has to remind Geno if his guy isn't all alone to look for the higher-percentage shorter play, either a checkdown pass or with his feet. 

He has to be a QBC calling in advice/tips and an OC calling plays in these crucial situations, whether he likes it or not. The "bonus" with doing this is it will accelerate the path to this becoming more automatic, to the point where these reminders won't be as necessary. 

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Geno actually played fairly well aside from a couple dumb mistakes late in the game when it was already over

Yeah, he played fairly well once Oakland had a nice 3 score cushion. Suddenly he was Geno "Weapons" Smith - and then back to a spaz as time ran out. 

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so he looked bad and the team looked lost?  Funny but they didn't run the ball well, Mangold was missed and I think Ivory still is under 100%, and they still managed to put their usual number of points.  They moved to he ball well in the 2nd half.  And if they do better next week they get no credit because they're playing a sub .500 team?



Nope. This team should and will win 10 or more games. If Geno is quarterback it just becomes less likely.

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so he looked bad and the team looked lost?  Funny but they didn't run the ball well, Mangold was missed and I think Ivory still is under 100%, and they still managed to put their usual number of points.  They moved to he ball well in the 2nd half.  And if they do better next week they get no credit because they're playing a sub .500 team?



Come now.  The sub .500 argument was used endlessly when discussing/devaluing Fitzpatrick wins.  Are you saying that it has no such tempering value for Geno?

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I thought the guy looked fine, he finally got the Jets moving.  The defense couldn't hold anybody.  Yes, he made a couple of bad plays at the end but he definitely deserves the chance next week to show what he can do with a full week of practice with the starters.

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Come now.  The sub .500 argument was used endlessly when discussing/devaluing Fitzpatrick wins.  Are you saying that it has no such tempering value for Geno?

Not by me.  I never said one word about who he's beaten, Fitz doesn't make the schedule.  Not going to hedge my bets and throw out next week and others off of who we're playing when I didn't do it with Fitz

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of course not and if we did he came in and played pretty well considering the circumstances.  anyone who thinks he was why we lost shouldn't be watching football.  Our D is atrocious right now and has been most of the last 3 games outside of the 2nd half vs. wash and the 1st half vs. NE.

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Nope. This team should and will win 10 or more games. If Geno is quarterback it just becomes less likely.

The chances of this team winning more than 10 with Fitz were slim and nil. Nice to build in those goals for Geno today.

And for you to disable Fitz for the season.

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The chances of this team winning more than 10 with Fitz were slim and nil. Nice to build in those goals for Geno today.

And for you to disable Fitz for the season.

Jax, Buf, Hou, Mia

Those are the next 4 games. Which one of those will the Jets lose? They should win and will be favorites all 4.

If you look at the rest of the schedule and don't see 10 wins I don't know what to say.

Fingers crossed that Fitz comes back soon. He shouldn't be out for the year, its not his throwing hand so he should be fine. I wouldn't be shocked if he played next week but considering it's Jacksonville he might sit.

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Have no idea what game many of you watched.  No game action since last Dec and he was thrust into the worst game the defense has played in years.  He had a couple boneheaded decisions at the end of the game because he was trying to make something happen down by 14 with 3 minutes left..  a point that is seemingly lost on most of you.

I for one was pretty impressed with what I saw outside of 2 plays and even after those mistakes he came back and made the throws to complete drives.  I think a lot of you are magnifying every mistake to ridiculous levels to try and support your narrative.  265 65% and 2 TD's with zero snaps since August is pretty damn good.  I'm excited for next week..  you're all crazy.

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Geno impressed me at times yesterday.  I'm not intending to make long-term judgments on whether he's taken strides off one game, but I'm willing to support him.  Because what other choice do we have?  If those first 3 drives he had were just "rust", well then that should be going away this week.  He'll be getting all the first team reps and needs to be ready to go against the Jaguars, followed by a short week against Buffalo.

Thats fair. Geno has the potential physically, we seen it yesterday. We also seen what guys like you have been talking about regarding his awareness and decision making. 


The good news is this. You cant teach physical traits. Either you have it or you dont. However, mentally you can always learn. Some are slower than others, but with enough grind anyone can learn. 

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Have no idea what game many of you watched.  No game action since last Dec and he was thrust into the worst game the defense has played in years.  He had a couple boneheaded decisions at the end of the game because he was trying to make something happen down by 14 with 3 minutes left..  a point that is seemingly lost on most of you.

I for one was pretty impressed with what I saw outside of 2 plays and even after those mistakes he came back and made the throws to complete drives.  I think a lot of you are magnifying every mistake to ridiculous levels to try and support your narrative.  265 65% and 2 TD's with zero snaps since August is pretty damn good.  I'm excited for next week..  you're all crazy.

Pac agree with you on this one give Geno a week of practice with the starters and game plan designed for his strengths and weaknesses. 

This is the Jets though and I'm sure we will be trading for a QB by the deadline. 

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Jax, Buf, Hou, Mia

Those are the next 4 games. Which one of those will the Jets lose? They should win and will be favorites all 4.

If you look at the rest of the schedule and don't see 10 wins I don't know what to say.

Fingers crossed that Fitz comes back soon. He shouldn't be out for the year, its not his throwing hand so he should be fine. I wouldn't be shocked if he played next week but considering it's Jacksonville he might sit.

if you think this team is good enough to just beat every team you think they should win you haven't been watching football. Teams lose to teams they should le beat every week.  Only a few don't, maybe, and those are the very top teams.  I'd say yesterday proved it.  The 3-3 Raider team was a team we penciled in as a win. 

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if you think this team is good enough to just beat every team you think they should win you haven't been watching football. Teams lose to teams they should le beat every week.  Only a few don't, maybe, and those are the very top teams.  I'd say yesterday proved it.  The 3-3 Raider team was a team we penciled in as a win. 

I would say that most here knew the Raiders were a really tough team and were aware of the Jets terrible history traveling to Oakland. Nobody penciled in this game as a win.

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I don't like the way Geno throws the long ball - it's so darn high in the air, too much arc. I remember in his last game of the season against Miami where he had good stats, one poster (maybe Tom Shane) said yeah, but his throws had more hang time than our punter. Yesterday, too, on that interception, he threw a rainbow. Can't he throw a line drive type of bomb, where it looks like it's going to our guy, and not a free for all hail mary type of deal?

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Yeah, he played fairly well once Oakland had a nice 3 score cushion. Suddenly he was Geno "Weapons" Smith - and then back to a spaz as time ran out. 

Then maybe we should have had Cromartie quarterback since he was one of the prime suspects on why the Raiders had such a cushion. 

Geno couldnt control what happened on the defense and he couldnt control the fact that we had no running game. He couldnt control the dropped TD pass right in Marshall's stomach and another that Marshall could have snagged before halftime. 

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Then maybe we should have had Cromartie quarterback since he was one of the prime suspects on why the Raiders had such a cushion. 

Geno couldnt control what happened on the defense and he couldnt control the fact that we had no running game. 

cowboys beat seattle yesterday with Geno, posters complaining about QBS  look at Mama Cass and weeden lmao

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I don't like the way Geno throws the long ball - it's so darn high in the air, too much arc. I remember in his last game of the season against Miami where he had good stats, one poster (maybe Tom Shane) said yeah, but his throws had more hang time than our punter. Yesterday, too, on that interception, he threw a rainbow. Can't he throw a line drive type of bomb, where it looks like it's going to our guy, and not a free for all hail mary type of deal?

Funny how the deep ball was supposed to be his best trait, but where he seemed to do the best work was on the intermediary throws to Decker.  Granted, the Raiders were playing a soft zone by then, but you still have to be able to make the throws look good, and he did. 

I've been duped by Geno before (first half of the Packers game last year, for instance), however, and I once thought Sanchez had "turned the corner" based on one game.  So I won't be getting too excited about the prospects of a full Geno game.  I'll just be hoping for the best. 

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I would say that most here knew the Raiders were a really tough team and were aware of the Jets terrible history traveling to Oakland. Nobody penciled in this game as a win.

So the 3-3 Raider games a game to lose, the other .500 teams we play we should win.  So blame this one on Geno because it fits your starry and don't credit him if he beats another .500 team later.  So NDs fair to me. 

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People who follow these things know where I stand on the Geno Smith question but, as sometimes happens, the mind plays tricks and you sometimes question your own first instincts.

On the one hand it was a hostile environment that he got thrown into where the entire team was playing badly. He did manage to move the ball for scores on several occasions. On the other hand we saw very poor decision masking on several occasions. Just plain old boneheaded Geno. The exact kind of thing that many of us have predicted would not change.

Obviously (to me anyway) if Fitz is not able to play Geno gets the rest of the year but is it fair to draw conclusions about what we have in Geno based on less than one whole game?

You can not coach a brainless player.  Geno Smith has to be the dumbest QB I have ever seen in 50+ years. 

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Pac agree with you on this one give Geno a week of practice with the starters and game plan designed for his strengths and weaknesses. 

This is the Jets though and I'm sure we will be trading for a QB by the deadline. 

They'll get Flynn or Mallet to serve as a backup to Geno because they don't want to ruin Petty.  That's a smart move. 

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Geno showed once again exactly who he seems to be. You see the arm strength, some beautiful passes, and then you see things that make you wonder how long he has been playing football. I also don't think his teammates like him, and I don't think they believe in him. I am not pinning that awful defensive performance on him, but I just don't think he inspires any confidence in anyone and I don't get the sense he has any ability to rally his team.

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